The Dollar Is Dying - By Daymond Duck -
There are times when I don’t know what to tell people about something in the news. No born-again Christian wants to be a false teacher, but lies, fake news, censorship, war, and unexpected events make it difficult to know what to believe. More than 30 years ago, I was teaching that the rider on the black horse in Rev. 6:5-6 represents food shortages, famine, and economic disaster. It wasn’t long until I decided that it was accurate to say that the rider on the black horse represents hyperinflation and a global economic collapse after the Rapture. I added “after the Rapture” because people were asking me when I thought the global economy would collapse. (Not all agree, but I believe the first six seal judgments take place after the Rapture and early in the Tribulation Period.) To be clear, I emphasized that I was talking about a “global” economic collapse, not the collapse of one or two individual nations. I am not qualified to give financial advice or to say much about global financial matters, It would be easy for me to misunderstand something. Anyway, I believe the economy of individual nations that don’t have a strong economy (Sri Lanka, Venezuela, Afghanistan, for example) could collapse without triggering a global economic collapse. But the U.S. economy is so big, if it collapsed, it could cause a global economic collapse. I am sharing this with you because some so-called experts are saying the U.S. and the world are on the brink of a global economic disaster, and I am wondering if I should ignore what they are saying or pass it on. With the World Economic Forum saying we will own nothing, and some leaders seemingly trying to deliberately cause an economic collapse, I decided to say something. So, here are two opinions that I have about what I think is happening:
Here are some recent reports that seem to relate to this and other Bible prophecies. One, concerning hyperinflation and a global economic collapse: on Nov. 3, 2022, Market Watch reported that Hedge Fund giant Elliott Management notified investors that:
This financial crisis could be setting the stage for a new currency (CBDC). Here is a link to the article. . Two, concerning inflation and an economic collapse of the U.S.: on Nov. 3, 2022, Mike Adams (Natural News) expressed his opinion:
Adams did not say when he thinks the dollar will collapse, but here is a link to the article. (My opinion: Saudi Arabia’s shift away from the U.S. and toward China may ultimately lead to a weakening of the U.S. and the strengthening of other groups of nations (Russia, China, Middle East, etc.) Three, concerning energy shortages: on Oct. 28, 2022, it was reported that companies in New York and New England have started rationing home heating oil. Four, concerning the deliberate destruction of America’s energy independence and the effort to weaken America: in early Nov. 2022, Pres. Biden said, “We’re going to be shutting these (coal) plants down all across America and having wind and solar power” (Note: Biden said this but without explanation. Biden’s Press Sec. said his words were being “twisted” by the media.) On Nov. 6, 2022, Biden went to New York to campaign for Kathy Hochul, and he said, “No more drilling. There is no more drilling. I haven’t formed any new drilling.” These are Biden’s own words, and it is a major reason why the dollar is dying (and the price of gasoline, diesel fuel, utilities, and food will keep going up). Five, concerning the decline of America: on Nov. 7, 2022, the U.S. Navy raised the enlistment age from 39 to 41 because they can’t attract enough recruits to serve. Six, concerning persecution: on Nov. 2, 2022, Gary Bauer wrote this in his Campaign for Working Families: End of Day Report:
In my words, Bauer said if you believe there are only two genders for religious reasons, you should know that Democrats believe trans ideology is more important than religious freedom, and they will not hesitate to use the power of the government against you. Seven, concerning the significance of the Israeli election: as of Nov. 2, 2022, former Israeli Prime Min. Benjamin Netanyahu appears to have the support of 62 or more seats (enough to give him a majority in the 120-seat Knesset). On Nov. 8, 2022, Pres. Herzog will probably designate him to form a government. Netanyahu will have 4 weeks to do that, and he can request 2 more weeks that Herzog might grant if Netanyahu needs them. Some estimates indicate that Netanyahu may have won enough support to form a strong, conservative government. He is more religious and less secular than his predecessors. With a stronger, more conservative government than he has had in the past (and more religious Jews in his new government), some commentators believe he is likely to expand Jewish freedoms (allow an altar, more prayer, etc.) on the Temple Mount. Eight, concerning a one-world religion (or global ethic): two weeks ago, I mentioned that representatives from almost 200 nations, the World Economic Forum (WEF), big business, and others were planning to attend the 27th Conference of the Parties (COP27) in Egypt. COP27 is scheduled to run from Nov. 6-18, 2022, at Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, which is about 130 miles from Mt. Sinai where God gave the Ten Commandments. This week, a reader sent me a link to an incredible message by Pastor Brandon Holthaus (Rock Harbor Church; Nov. 4, 2022). “The Whore of Babylon Visits Mt. Sinai” link is that I highly recommend to anyone who has the time (almost 60 min. long). The message is too long for me to share here, but here are a few points from the message as I understood it.
(My opinion: It is obvious that the globalist plan to Build Back Better is a plan to use Covid, climate change, or whatever to tear down all the societies on earth and replace them with an anti-Jehovah, anti-Christ, anti-Bible government run by atheists and gays. These “reprobate minds” are “without natural affection,” trying to create a god and people in their image. They are “casting truth to the ground,” trying to kill multitudes to reduce the population of the earth, trying to reset the economy to gain control of everyone, etc. God will remove the “Restrainer,” give them 7 years to accomplish their goals, and it will be the worst failure in history.) (More: I am not a prophet, but since these globalists are going to Mt. Sinai to replace the Ten Commandments, it wouldn’t surprise me if they decided to build a headquarters for their global religion and global economic system at Babylon. They don’t need a lot of time to do it, and it might not happen before the Rapture, but time will tell.) Nine, concerning world government and religion: the move to get rid of the Ten Commandments is also a move to get rid of the entire Bible, Jehovah, and Jesus. On Nov. 4, 2022, it was reported that a cross depicting the crucifixion of Jesus in a room in Germany where Foreign Ministers of the G7 nations (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the U.K., and the U. S.) holds regular meetings has been removed for all of their meetings. According to the article, the Foreign Minister of Germany removed the cross “because Western elites no longer want to be reminded of their Christian faith or history.” Finally, are you Rapture Ready? If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this. [email protected] Lights, Camera, Judgment! – Pete Garcia - "Who are you going to believe, me, or your lying eyes?" Flip Wilson Are you as confused as I am by the flood of prophetic signs we are seeing today? It seems like the sheer volume of the signs of the times is not only overwhelming but all over the place. Even the best of us, are struggling to keep up and make sense of what's happening. For example:
Seriously, world events are all over the place these days, and were it not for Bible prophecy, we would be struggling like everyone else to make sense of where this is all leading. The problem we are currently having isn't seeing the forest for the trees (Bible prophecy helps in this regard), but being overwhelmed by the size and spread of this rapidly growing forest. IOW, things are happening at such a pace and intensity, that it's simply impossible to keep up with everything. No one ministry (no matter how well staffed) can keep up with the size and scope of all that is transpiring. This is why it's imperative to routinely pull back and look at the major muscle movements from a more macro perspective, before drilling into the micro. Allow me to paraphrase Dr. Andy Woods's sentiments regarding this new (since 9/11) phenomenon in that regardless of what is happening "world events are always trending toward biblical fulfillment, never away from it." If we try and follow the logic of current events only through the media and other secular sources, it would be like the proverbial fear-inducing roller coaster, with its twists and turns causing your stomach to start doing summersaults. This uncomfortableness is by design. When things begin to get so chaotic that nothing makes sense, understand this is by design. It is a form of distraction to overwhelm you with information so that you grow apathetic and unplug. Satan needs you watching believers, unengaged because he is attempting to mask something from the world and is hiding it in a flurry of other seemingly unrelated events. So what is Satan hiding? At its core, it is the establishment of his final kingdom on earth. Green Screens & Pipe Dreams Greenscreen definition: In modern video and photographic backdrops, a green screen is used as a 'placeholder' that can be later edited to change the background to whatever you (the editor) want it to be. This has become incredibly popular in movies and news media in order to hide/change/alter the background of what is being filmed/photographed. In other words, it is used to create fake backgrounds. Similarly, green suits are used by actors to alter the visual effects of how they appear on the screen. Underneath and behind all of the drama and spectacles of the last few years, the kingdom of the Beast is coalescing. This kingdom, with its ten kings, antichrist, and false prophet as the main antagonists, is in the process of coming together. If you remember just one thing from this article, remember that despite everything else you see and hear, remember the general direction everything keeps moving. This kingdom is coming together in three distinct and yet, connected, arenas: a unified global economy, a unified global political system, and the formation of a global religion. As for all the news and events surrounding climate change, the sodomite agenda, woke politics, various peace plans, climate repentance, economic turbulence, social media drama, artificial intelligence, et. al. news of our day, it's all smoke and mirrors from Satan's vantage point. It's very much like the nations of this world who are currently treading water in the choppy waves, unaware of the undertow pulling them further away from the shore so he (Satan) can drown them. He has to drown them so he can resurrect them into the future chimeric monstrosity of a global government and then bring them back to the shore to conquer. Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name. Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast. So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?” Revelation 13:1-4 Although steeped in symbolism, the symbolism in the passage above is not arbitrary or unknowable. Its attributes and definitions can be found in Daniel 2, 7-8 and Revelation 17. This global government is coming, and its formation is almost complete. But before it can fully coalesce, the old world order, with its nationalism, fiat currencies, diverse religions, and fractured economies, MUST be broken. The old world order has to be broken before it can be welded back together through regional imperialism (via the Great Reset), into its monstrous final form. Although the globalists are currently using "woke politics" and progressive ideology to help break the current system, it (the beast kingdom) will not actually allow these things to be part of their new world order. They know these progressive policies don't actually work and they know how destructive they are, however, at present, it is simply a tool being used today to create an army of useful idiots (ex. see Covid jab and mask propagandists) to help speed the destruction along. For the record, if these jabby stormtroopers weren't complicit in this illegal and unethical social intimidation to force an untested and ineffective on an unwilling population, why are they now asking for amnesty? Conclusion Now, with regard to God's overarching prophetic plans for the human race, we need not ever worry. His strategic vision will always outmaneuver Satan's schemes, no matter how devious. To this end, take comfort in the fact that Satan has been both duped and thwarted at each key turning point of our storied history here on planet earth. His most notable setbacks were:
As I mentioned in my "Building Back Babel" article, Satan's growing desperation is forcing him to abandon smaller skirmishes like Roe v. Wade in favor of his wider agenda. In his mind, he will no longer risk losing the war at the expense of winning a few battles. Making an assumption here, but he must understand (at some level) that the deck is stacked impossibly against him, yet, he knows his fate is beyond horror and he is doing everything he can to avoid that. This is why, whatever he does, and whatever he has his demonic minions doing, is only ever to keep advancing the ball forward. Sometimes, it's a battle of inches (the slow and methodical march of corruption over time), and sometimes, it's the Hail Mary throw that gets him close to the goal line (ex. the Holocaust). His problem, at least for the past two thousand years, is that there has been a Holy Spirit-infused body of believers known as the Church, which is being used as a mighty weapon against his devilish machinations. And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 16:18-19 Just like a corrupt government does not want an educated and informed public, neither does Satan want a prophetically astute and alert Church. That is why he spent this same two thousand years attempting to confuse and divide the Church, especially with regard to biblical eschatology. Back in the second and third centuries, Satan even used well-intentioned Christians like Origen and Augustine to promulgate unbiblical hermeneutics and eschatologies. At the time, it didn't seem like a big deal. However, those little seeds of error inculcated centuries-long periods of church dormancy which has allowed Satan to kingdom-build in a rather unimpeded fashion. All that preparatory work is finally paying off in this final generation. At a time when the Church should have been most effective in warning the world of the signs of the times, rather, she is largely asleep at the wheel. From Satan's perspective, it's much easier to label and cancel a small group of believers as "conspiracy theorists" for believing in something like "the Rapture," than it is to cancel one billion Christians. Regardless of all of Satan's smoke and mirror operations, and his gratuitous use of green screens to alter people's perceptions, God is neither confused nor distracted. Despite the Church's predicted failings with regard to being watchmen, God's got it all under control. He gave Israel (via the Old Testament) and the Church (via the Old and New) Bible prophecy to forewarn us of things to come. Furthermore, He gave us Bible prophecy not to tantalize our imaginations but to let us share in His glory in preparing the world to come. However, precious few have taken up this mantle. Nevertheless, time is running out for our adversary as the clock continues to wind down. Satan, his demonic legions, and the wicked of this world are heading for defeat and ruin, but we have a glorious victory up ahead. Our fifth quarter activities will include a celebration unlike any has ever seen. Don't let Satan's current political theatrics deceive you into believing that they are winning; they aren't. Wickedness might be rising, but its fate is already sealed, and judgment is coming. They will not escape the hour of testing that is coming upon the world. In the meantime, continue to warn your friends, family, and neighbors about what is coming. They may not listen, but the seeds will be planted nonetheless. Stay alert, stay engaged, and lean into the storm. We are near the finish line, and our future is exceedingly bright and unbelievably glorious. Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown. He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more. I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God. And I will write on him My new name. “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” ’ Rev. 3:11-13 Maranatha! Prophecy Update Videos
‘Tainted With Hatred For The State Of Israel’: United Nations Begins Biased ‘Commission Of Inquiry’ – By TV7 - The so-called independent Commission of Inquiry (COI) was established by the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC). Despite claims that it would be “impartial” and examine allegations from both Israelis and Palestinians, the COI opened its five days of hearings with an inflammatory statement from the Al-Haq group. Al-Haq is among 6 organizations Israel deemed as terrorist last year. The group’s General Director, Shawan Jabarin, denied the terrorism charge and called the closure an “arbitrary decision,” while accusing Israeli security forces of using “mafia methods” against it in a years-long harassment campaign. “They used all means, I can say. They used financial means; they used a smear campaign; they used threats,” he said, saying his office was sealed with a metal door on 18 August. Israel has dismissed the process overseen by the panel as a sham, and has declined comment on the specific allegations. “This (COI) and the convening of these sham trials shame and undermine the Human Rights Council,” the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) declared in an earlier statement, saying the commission had an “anti-Israel” agenda. The MFA rejected an 18-page UNHRC report released last June, entitled: “Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem and Israel,” as the first of what it said will be an annual report to the UN’s Human Rights Council in Geneva. “It is a biased and one-sided report tainted with hatred for the State of Israel and based on a long series of previous one-sided and biased reports,” said the Israeli ministry, stressing that, “the report disregards years of murderous terrorism by Palestinian terrorist organizations against Israeli citizens, as well as the Palestinians’ long-standing obstinacy and the vicious and antisemitic incitement carried out by the Palestinian Authority and its networks.” Insisting that it “ignored the real reasons that led Israel to defend its citizens against the murderous terrorist organizations that are committing a double war crime: firing at Israeli civilians from within civilian areas in the Gaza Strip,” the MFA condemned both the COI and its brief as “the result of the Human Rights Council’s extreme anti-Israel bias.” Moreover, “the Commission members, who claim to be objective, were only appointed to their roles because of their public and well-known anti-Israel stances, in direct opposition to the rules set out by the United Nations,” stated the MFA, while emphasizing that, “The State of Israel will continue to protect its citizens in accordance with the highest international values and standards.” The three-member COI was commissioned after the 2021 Operation Guardian of the Walls war between Israel and terror groups in Gaza. It maintained that Israel must do more than end “the occupation” of land Palestinians want for a state. The Islamist Hamas, which is sworn to Israel’s destruction, opened the 11-day war with rocket attacks over claims of “Israeli violations” of the al-Aqsa Mosque, Islam’s third holiest site, built atop the ruins of both Biblical Temples in Jerusalem’s Old City. The report accused Israel of having “no intention” of ending its presence in what it referred to as “the Occupied Palestinian Territory” -including the eastern side of Jerusalem, which was captured by the Jewish State in the 1967 Six Day War. Israel boycotted the inquiry and barred entry to its investigators, based on longstanding accusations of deep bias demonstrated by the UNHRC. The United States also condemned the report. “As we have stated repeatedly, we firmly oppose the open-ended and vaguely defined nature of the UN Human Rights Council’s Commission of Inquiry on the situation in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza, which represents a one-sided, biased approach that does nothing to advance the prospects for peace,” said US State Department Spokesperson Ned Price, adding that the report “does nothing to alleviate our concerns.” He went on to point out that, “Israel is the only country subject to a standing agenda item at the HRC and has received disproportionate focus at the HRC compared to human rights situations elsewhere in the world. While no country is above scrutiny, the existence of this COI in its current form is a continuation of a longstanding pattern of unfairly singling out Israel. We reengaged with and later re-joined the HRC in part to be in a better position to address its flaws, including this one, and we will continue to seek reforms.” The administration of former US President Donald Trump resigned from the organization in 2018 after repeated warnings against its anti-Israel bias. Then-US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley observed that, “You know something is seriously wrong when the Council passes more than 70 resolutions against Israel – which has a strong human rights record – and just 7 resolutions against Iran, whose history is abysmal.” Haley further cautioned that if the UNHRC failed to alter its platform, it would risk becoming “a showcase for dictatorships” as well as a “cover for some of the worst atrocities being carried out” worldwide. The administration of US President Joe Biden only fully re-joined the UNHRC earlier this year, after pledging it would seek to eliminate a “disproportionate focus” on ally Israel. Hamas predictably welcomed the report and urged the prosecution of Israeli leaders in what it described as crimes against the Palestinian people. The Palestinian Authority (PA) also praised the report and demanded accountability “in a manner that puts an end to Israel’s impunity.” One of the first items on the agenda during the current COI hearings will be the death of Al-Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh in May. The UNHRC predictably said its own findings suggest that she was killed by Israeli forces, while an IDF investigation concluded she was likely to have been shot unintentionally by an Israeli soldier during a fierce firefight with Palestinian terrorists in the flashpoint West Bank city of Jenin. Neither the hearings nor the UNHRC have any legal powers, but its probes are sometimes used as evidence before national or international courts. HD Editor’s Note: Why Is This News Biblically Relevant? The Bible has a great deal to say about supporting and blessing Israel. In Genesis, we read that those who despise and work against Israel place themselves at enmity with God. Genesis 12:3 KJV – “I will bless them that bless [Israel], and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” This warning also, if not especially, applies to nations. In the Book of Numbers, a man named Balaam was hired to curse the people of Israel. However, despite his best efforts, God insisted Balaam bless the Jews instead. When explaining to the king why he could only bless Isreal, he told him that God shall “eat up” nations who make themselves enemies of the Jews (Num. 24:8). He then echoed Genesis 12:3, saying, “Who shall stir [God] up? Blessed is he that blesseth [Israel], and cursed is he that curseth thee” (Num. 24:9). Digital ID Will Merge Your Identity & Reputation into Trust Scores - "Trust Scores" or reputational scores are aspects of having a digital identity that haven't been discussed much. By default, everyone who accepts a digital identity, whether decentralized or not, will receive a Trust Score. With the introduction of trusted digital identities, social credit systems are reaching the West. The tagline of many digital identity advertisements is "At the heart of all digital identity is trust." But what does that even mean? One current definition of trust is that it is "a confident relationship with the unknown." According to Mastercard: "Digital identity is a collage of up-to-date digital data that defines an individual, dynamic, multipurpose, and reusable, a system for verifying information to establish eligibility to access a service, perform a task, or receive a benefit, resulting from a dynamic network of distributed, data sources (such as financial institutions, mobile network providers, governments) that verifies identity in real time." Digital identity solutions are being rolled out under the title "Trusted Digital Identity", which enables people, businesses, and governments to have confidence in digital interactions. At both ends of the interaction, digital identity is about establishing confidence and trust. Both parties must be confident that the other party is who they claim to be. Both require trust in the system that mediates the interaction. WHAT IS A TRUST SCORE? When a new customer registers for a digital identity (officially called onboarding) such as mobile identity provider Prove, they enter their mobile number. Using mobile networks, Prove's mobile authentication checks if the activity is coming from the expected device using the mobile number. By checking the following: Mobile Network, Device Status, Prepaid Sim, Sim Velocity, Device and Sim Tenure and finally Port Date, Prove's Trust Score determines the dynamic contextual and behavioral risk level of the mobile number. Trust Scores range from 0-1000, with a higher number indicating a higher Trust Score. Scores over 630 are considered 'high', and scores below 300 are considered 'low'. A Trust Score risk model examines phone intelligence signals such as phone tenure (SIM tenure, device tenure), line attributes (active number, number porting, mobile status, available network status, and line type), account activity (change event occurrence velocity), and device activity (device ownership tenure) to determine risk level. A new customer's identity is also verified by verifying their mobile number with parameters such as their name, address, date of birth, and email address. At the end, the process compares against data sources such as phone intelligence signals and Consumer Reporting Agencies like Credit Reporting Agencies, Banks, Utilities, Telcos, and Mobile Network Operators. In summary, there are three steps: Mobile Auth, Trust Score, and Identity Verification. Identity validation has traditionally been a yes or no decision, whereas new digital identity systems use Trust Scores, which act as identity quotients. When one needs to fly across the globe during a trip, you most likely share identity with several organizations, leaving you vulnerable to identity theft. Furthermore, not all organizations have systems to validate the authenticity of the documents provided, so Earth ID allows you to share specific information securely. The level of a Trust Score allows organizations to make better decisions whether at the airport check-in, security, car rental, or even at the hotel. The score goes up if other people have had a positive experience with a given user. The opposite is true if prior partners have not enjoyed their interactions. "By 2030, we'll see, for example, credit scoring expanding into 'life scoring'. Identity and reputation will be digitized & analyzed in minute detail, shaping a future where a personal 'trust score' will be the norm. The WEF calls it a 'life score': They wrote in "Trust in 2030 - from institutions to individuals": "By 2030, we'll see, for example, credit scoring expanding into 'life scoring'. Identity and reputation will be digitized and analyzed in minute detail, shaping a future where a personal 'trust score' will be the norm, with all the benefits and drawbacks that might bring." The WEF say that: "It's already underway in China, where, in a pilot scheme, citizens are being given a Social Citizen Score based on individual actions. Their simple everyday choices - from their shopping selections or patterns of bill payment to their choice of friend - all go towards influencing that score, whether the person is aware of it or not." "Fair or unfair, the results will be on permanent record." Adding: "It's easy to imagine a similar system becoming universal." Fujitsu is also developing a blockchain-based Decentralized Identity (DID) platform to boost trust in digital transactions. Fujitsu say they will convert those Trust scores into a simple graph, making it easy for people to assess the trustworthiness of another party before performing an exchange. Each digital identity and transaction comes with a Trust Score by default. As part of these digital identity systems, citizens are given an individual score based on their behaviors and actions, with non-state approved behavior potentially preventing citizens from doing basic tasks like buying a ticket if their trust score is too low. Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework is what it is called. Framework for trust. The framework paves the way for a digital identity trust framework. Matt Warman MP, Minister for Digital Infrastructure said: "It has become increasingly important in this digital age to be able to establish trust, particularly online. This is the foundation thriving markets are built on. Having an agreed digital identity that you can use easily and universally will be the cornerstone of future economies." "I want the trust framework to help facilitate a clear understanding between people using identity products, the organizations relying on the service and the service providers, letting each party know data is being used appropriately and kept safe." - he added. According to Mastercard its about: "A world where trust can be easily established, and people can be easily recognized in order to gain access to the services or experiences they desire." With Onfido, another digital identity provider, again they run identity record checks, watch-list checks, and automated ongoing monitoring using a library of trusted sources of data. Watchlist Checks? Yes Onfido's solution is "constantly drawing from multiple sanctions, politically exposed persons (PEPs), and other data sources." The trust scores will be checked and recorded using AI and machine learning and permanently recorded on the blockchain. No recourse or complaint procedure is available. We have heard the word Trust associated with digital identity and vaccine passports, but where else? Remember the Trust Stamp program which was launched in late 2018? As part of the GAVI-Mastercard initiative "Wellness Pass", Trust Stamp's advanced digital identification technology was integrated. The Trust Stamp was funded by Bill Gates and implemented by Mastercard and GAVI to link your biometric digital identity to your vaccination records. People who do not wish to be vaccinated may be locked out of the system based on their trust score. MOVING FORWARD: The Government of India's DigiYatra program will facilitate paperless travel and eliminate multiple identity checks at the airport, enabling seamless and hassle-free travel. It is a Biometric Enabled Seamless Travel Experience (BEST) based on Facial Recognition Technology. Since the DigiYatra Biometric Boarding System is integrated with the identity document, passengers will no longer need to show their tickets / boarding passes and their physical Identity cards at the checkpoints of the Airport. Each passenger will need less than three seconds at each touchpoint, which will make the boarding process significantly faster and more seamless. "Their face would act as their documents, like ID proof, Vaccine proof and act as boarding pass. At each checkpoint your trust score is examined by biometric face scans." There is a lot of talk about reducing identity fraud, but what happens if you have a low trust score, what happens when you are refused services based on your trusted digital identity score? What happens if you become the victim of identity fraud and are no longer able to access so-called vital trusted services? The default configuration of digital identity networks creates a threat like Matrix ID that brings together data such as risk associated with the identity, what is normal behavior and what is unusual behavior, and aims to create a trust score. Trust ratings will most likely be a reincarnation or a revamped version of the Chinese Social Credit System. There will be a merger between digital identity and new social credit systems. We are on the road to Beijing, and we should all be apprehensive. Daily Jot: Reform or tyranny - Bill Wilson – Politically, he must be the greatest president ever. Here is a guy who has run the country amuck with an energy crisis, inflation crisis, foreign policy crisis, crime crisis, border security crisis-you name it and it’s going wrong. Three-quarters of Americans exiting the polls said they were angry about the direction of the country. Yet, the Joe Biden-led Democratic Party defied history by losing the fewest mid-term elections in recent memory. Former Democrat boss, Barack Obama faired far worse in his mid-terms. In fact, most every president in modern history lost more seats than Biden’s party, even when the country was headed in the right direction. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) told ABC’s “This Week,” “President Biden has been a great president for our country. He has accomplished so much.” Yes, he has. He has continued the trend of his party toward ruining everything the Constitution means, the way of life of our nation, the moral fabric of our country, the safety of our children from sexual predators, the labeling as terrorists of parents trying to protect their children, a commitment to kill babies in the womb, open borders, wealth redistribution. This country is becoming exactly what Pelosi, Biden and their party want—a remake of America, continuing the Obama mantra. Isn’t it interesting how all this happened among predictions of a turnaround from the status quo? Yet, here we are a week after the election and it looks like there is little change. The tyrannical party in control is crowing about its victories. It is vindicated because the American people chose them. Well, if you look at the map on the House of Representatives there are only small blotches of blue (democrat strongholds), the rest of the country voted republican. And those strongholds are like principalities. Dead people vote. People who probably don’t know they are registered to vote, vote. Mail in ballots are like the cavalry in the old western movies, they come in at the very last second and tilt the battle. Unless there is true voter reform, the cities under Democratic Party control will ALWAYS control the nation’s balance of power. Reform must start with only qualified voters on the rolls. That means the voter rolls must be purged of all the dead people and those who are ineligible to vote. Problem is, that’s what the Democrats organize to prevent. They claim it disenfranchises minorities. The voter rolls are the most protected and ferociously defended tool of the Democratic Party, particularly in the cities where the political machine is the strongest. Voter rolls are what make early voting, vote by mail, and last-minute bags of uncounted ballots showing up to save the day for Democrat candidates in trouble. How many times do we have to see this in action before something is done about it? Voting should be done on election day by paper ballot and no votes accepted after the polls closed–mail-in, absentee or otherwise. Simple? Yes. Harder to do. As is written in Isaiah 59:14, “for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.” Only those knowing the truth can insist, demand and institute this kind of reform otherwise tyranny prevails. Daily Devotion: Afraid of Change - by Greg Laurie – This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! —2 Corinthians 5:17 When God changes a life, it’s so dramatic, so significant, that you usually can’t even tell what the person was once like. That’s what God can do. And that’s what the Savior did when He met two demon-possessed men after crossing the Sea of Galilee. There was a herd of pigs nearby, and the demons begged Him, “If you cast us out, send us into that herd of pigs” (Matthew 8:31 nlt). So the demons went into the pigs, who then went over the side of a cliff and committed mass suicide. This shows us that the men’s demon possession was real. Otherwise, someone could have claimed they were just putting on a show, that it was all phony. How did the people in the community react? Matthew tells us, “The herdsmen fled to the nearby town, telling everyone what happened to the demon-possessed men. Then the entire town came out to meet Jesus, but they begged him to go away and leave them alone” (8:33–34 NLT). The terrifying men who lived in a graveyard were transformed. The community couldn’t believe they were the same people as before. You would think the community would rejoice and want Jesus to stay and perform more miracles. But they were afraid. That’s because Jesus was bad for business. They were making good money off those pigs (which, by the way, were unkosher), and their livelihood had just gone over a cliff. In their minds, Jesus had ruined everything, so they begged Him to go away. Jesus might have wanted to change their lives, but they didn’t want that change. Instead, they wanted Him to leave. What would you have done if you had been living in that community at that time? Would you have said, “Lord, come into my life” or “Away with You, Lord!”? When it comes to Jesus, those are really the only two choices we have. FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! 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Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks! Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13 If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to: DONATE NOW Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516 We are very pleased to offer all our readers this FREE download on Bible Prophecy from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia - Just download and enjoy and be blessed! Feel free to share it with all your friends and family members. Click below to download! "AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING" If You Died Today, Would You Go To Heaven? Find out, visit: How to know God DID YOU KNOW? You can submit an article, leave a comment or praise report at email: [email protected] Maranatha! (Lord Come Quickly) "On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other ground is sinking sand." "Let Us make the short time we have left count for all eternity!" YBIC-Randy
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