The Fourth Reich: Part II – Pete Garcia -
The arrival of the totalitarian state is not coming, it is already here. It’s been here for decades now since at least the JFK assassination in 1963. What we are seeing and experiencing now (since the Clinton era), is the layering of it. To this point, the silent coup didn’t happen on November 2, 2020, with a stolen election. That was simply the culmination of it. No, the silent coup began on January 20, 2017, and didn’t stop until Biden was placed into office. This is a rare thing too, as the deep/shadow state does not like to reveal itself to the public. However, it was forced too with the surprise election of Donald Trump in 2016. His election forced this shadowy underbelly of the D.C. deep-state apparatus to rise up to push back against the swamp draining Trump had threatened. As bad as it seemed at the time, what was done against Trump was really just a microcosm of what is happening around the world. This present form of the mystery of lawlessness is currently represented by this ‘spirit of antichrist’ that is sweeping the world. It is even now, working overtime to ready the world’s kingdoms and peoples to embrace the coming Beast kingdom; the revived Unholy Roman Empire. At some point soon, and shortly after the Rapture of the Church, this mystery of lawlessness will no longer remain a mystery, but will manifest itself into a person known as the lawless one, or the man of sin. As for the revived Roman Empire, I call it unholy not for the sake of sounding hyperbolic, but as a statement of fact. This final iteration of its geopolitical manifestation will become the epicenter of blasphemy, demonic activity, and wickedness unseen on earth since the days of Noah. And at the head of this final kingdom, will be a political leader, the lawless one, aided by his false prophet, who will deceive the whole world. Now, according to Luke 4:5-7, Satan was at one point in the ancient past, given authority over the kingdoms of this earth, and he can legally give it to whomever he wants. Whether Satan acquired this authority when Adam lost his dominion at the fall, or Satan got it at the tower of Babel, I cannot say for certain. Either way, his authority over the nations was not something Jesus contested when being tested in the wilderness. Jesus simply rebuked Satan with Scripture tempting him. Side note: Due to the wording in Genesis 11:1-9, many people underestimate the severity of the judgment at Babel. Not only did the judgment consist of the physical dispersion by genetics and the confusion of languages, but also that the angels (e.g., divine council- bene ‘elohim) were given authority over the nations as well. Look here at what Deuteronomy 32 states. I am using the Septuagint (LXX) translation here as it gives a more accurate and consistent interpretation of the passage. Remember the days of old, consider the years for past ages: ask thy father, and he shall relate to thee, thine elders, and they shall tell thee. When the Most High divided the nations, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the nations according to the number of the angels of God. And his people Jacob became the portion of the Lord, Israel was the line of his inheritance. Deut. 32:7-9 (emphasis mine) Centuries later, we see Gabriel telling Daniel (Dan. 10) about a prince of Persia and a prince of Grecia who withstood another angelic messenger for many days, and we can correctly deduce that these ‘princes’ were not human. Humans are far weaker than angels and we certainly couldn’t hold back an angel for 21 days. Thus, these princes are fallen angels are who are executing some kind of territorial control over specific regions under Satan’s authority. But it stands to reason that if there are princes of Persia and Grecia, there would also be these fallen princes over Britannia, Germania, America, etc. This is why most of the world cultures worship demigods and other mythological pagan entities. Somewhere along the lines, most assuredly before Moses day, this divine council failed. Also note that the Lord Himself reserved one nation unto Himself, that being Israel. Through Israel would come the Messiah, who by His life, death, and Resurrection, would inherit all the nations when He returns a second time to establish His forever kingdom. However, back to the topic at hand. Whatever final configuration this Beast-Kingdom will manifest into (Daniel 7:23-25, 8:23-25, Revelation 13:1-5, 17:7-18), a logical assumption would be that it is centered on the Mediterranean. This is why for many years, the European Union (EU), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) has been so intriguing to me. At present, it is like a digital picture that has not quite pixelated enough to make out what exactly it is, but it is increasingly coming into focus. I know for a long time, many assumed (myself included) that the ten kings (Dan 2, 7, 8, Rev. 12, 13, 17) who rise up, would be ten leaders that came from within Europe itself. But since the days of the European Common Market (Treaty of Rome-1957), the EU has developed into 27 nations, so it’s difficult to say if this final kingdom is purely Euro-centric. My theory is that this final kingdom will be a mixture of regional powers, with the EU, UfM, and a repurposed NATO to form the outline/ framework for their new European Defense Force. But here is why I think the Mediterranean is critical to this idea. If Satan is currently managing the worldly kingdoms (he is), then he has spent an overwhelming amount of time focused on one particular area of the world- the Mediterranean. In particular, he has spent an enormous amount of time on one particular kingdom…Rome (3, 345 years to be exact). So if we think back to the stages of the Roman Empire, we can see its evolution over three millennia. Satan is not going to abandon this structure/system he already has in place. Stages of Roman Power - Time Period The Regal Period - 753- 509 BC (244 years) The Republican Rome - 509- 49 BC (465 years) Imperial Rome - 49BC- 476 AD (525 years) Byzantine Empire - 330- 1453 AD (1,123 years) Holy Roman Empire - 800-1806 (1,006 years) German Second Reich - 1871- 1918 (47 years) German Third Reich - 1933- 1945 (12 years) EEC, EU, UfM, NATO - 1949- Present (72 years) The Beast Kingdom - ??? (7 years) Furthermore, if you read part one of this series, you will see the correlation between the Third Reich’s historical claims to the Holy Roman Empire (i.e., the First Reich) and where we are today. I think in a way, the Third Reich may have been Satan’s test run for this final kingdom. We also know according to Scripture (Daniel 9:26) that the Antichrist will come from somewhere within the boundaries of the Imperial Roman Empire (since that is the time period when Jerusalem was sieged and the temple destroyed), and he will subdue three of the ten kings, and then claim authority over the entire earth. The New Legion Although I have been writing about this for years, I have to credit the folks at Rapture Forums for finding and posting this Gatestone piece regarding the call to arms regarding the desire to create a new European Defense Force. This is from EU observer Dave Keating noted: “The Brussels buzzword is now ‘strategic autonomy,’ an effort to wrestle the word ‘sovereignty’ away from nationalists and make the case that only a strong EU can make Europeans truly sovereign in relation to Russia, China, and the United States.” European federalists increasingly have called for building an autonomous EU military force: – March 8, 2015. In an interview with the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag, Jean-Claude Juncker, then the president of the European Commission, the EU’s administrative arm, declared that the European Union needed its own army because it was not “taken entirely seriously” on the international stage. The proposal was flatly rejected by the British government, which at the time was still an EU member: “Our position is crystal clear that defense is a national — not an EU — responsibility and that there is no prospect of that position changing and no prospect of a European army.” – September 26, 2017. President Macron, in a major speech at Sorbonne University, called for a joint EU defense force as part of his vision for the future of the bloc: “Europe needs to establish a common intervention force, a common defense budget and a common doctrine for action.” – November 6, 2018. Macron, marking the centenary of the armistice that ended World War 1, warned that Europe cannot be protected without a “true, European army.” He added: “We have to protect ourselves with respect to China, Russia and even the United States of America.” – November 13, 2018. German Chancellor Angela Merkel echoed Macron’s calls for a European army: “The times when we could rely on others are over. This means nothing less than for us Europeans to take our destiny in our own hands if we want to survive as a Union…. We have to create a European intervention unit with which Europe can act on the ground where necessary. We have taken major steps in the field of military cooperation; this is good and largely supported in this house. But I also have to say, seeing the developments of the recent years, that we have to work on a vision to establish a real European army one day.” – September 10, 2019. During her first press conference as the new president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, who has long called for a “United States of Europe,” said that she will lead a “geopolitical Commission” aimed at boosting the EU’s role on the world stage. She did not offer many details other than a vaguely worded pledge that the European Union would “be the guardian of multilateralism.” – November 7, 2019. President Macron, in an interview with the London-based magazine, The Economist, declared that NATO was “brain dead” and warned that European countries can no longer rely on the United States for defense. Europe, he said, stands on “the edge of a precipice” and needs to start thinking of itself strategically as a geopolitical power and regain “military sovereignty” or otherwise “we will no longer be in control of our destiny.” Macron criticized U.S. President Donald J. Trump because he “doesn’t share our idea of the European project.” Chancellor Merkel said Macron “used drastic words — that is not my view of co-operation in NATO.” – November 26, 2019. France and Germany announced the “Conference on the Future of Europe,” a two-year post-Brexit soul-searching exercise aimed at reforming the EU to make it “more united and sovereign.” – June 17, 2020. The European Council tasked the EU’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, with drafting a written “Strategic Compass.” The document should have three main purposes: 1) to formulate the EU’s first common threat analysis; 2) to strengthen the EU’s security and defense role; and 3) to offer political guidance for future military planning processes. The Strategic Compass, aimed at harmonizing the perception of threats and risks within the EU, is to be presented in November 2021, debated by EU leaders in December 2021, and approved in March 2022. – December 3, 2020. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, in blog post, “Why European Strategic Autonomy Matters,” wrote: “It is difficult to claim to be a ‘political union’ able to act as a ‘global player’ and as a ‘geopolitical Commission’ without being ‘autonomous.'” He described “strategic autonomy” as a long-term process intended to ensure that Europeans “increasingly take charge of themselves.” – May 5, 2021. Fourteen EU countries — Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain — called for the creation of a so-called EU First Entry Force consisting of 5,000 troops with air, land and sea capabilities. – August 29, 2021. In an interview with the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, Borrell, the EU’s foreign policy chief, said that the moment had come to establish an EU expeditionary force — a “First Entry Force” — to compensate for U.S. “disengagement” from international affairs. A senior EU diplomat, speaking to the Guardian newspaper, asked: “We have been here before — which leader is going to allow their nationals to be killed in the name of the EU? What problem is this reaction force meant to solve? Does Borrell seriously entertain the idea the EU would be able to step into the void the US left?” – September 15, 2021. In her annual State of the Union speech delivered to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, von der Leyen urged greater military independence from the United States. “Europe can — and clearly should — be able and willing to do more on its own,” she said. She called for a “European Defense Union” but admitted the “lack of political will” to “build the foundation for collective decision-making.” – October 2, 2021. European Council President Charles Michel, speaking at an award ceremony of the International Charlemagne Prize, declared that “2022 will be the year of European defense.” – October 5-6, 2021. At an EU Summit in Slovenia, EU member states were so divided on the issue of strategic autonomy that the topic was not even included in the summit’s final declaration. To create the illusion of consensus, Michel issued an “oral conclusion” of the summit: “To become more effective and assertive on the international stage, the European Union needs to increase its capacity to act autonomously.” Conclusion Where I part ways with the so-called EU experts at Gatestone and elsewhere, is they’re convinced the EU cannot put a cohesive, multinational army together serving under the banner of the European Union. I would agree that a German, Dutch, Italian, French, the Polish army, would not fight effectively under the banner of bureaucracy, which is what the EU represents. However, they would fight to the death, were the EU to rebrand and call itself the new Roman Empire, the Fourth Reich, or some other name reminiscent of Europe’s glory days. Seeing as how most of human history has had Europe at the center stage of world power, they have a lot of options to choose from. The problem with most of today’s so-called international affairs experts and think tanks is that they refuse to accept the prophetic narrative for where the Bible says the world will end up. And because they don’t, all they can do instead is offer up these utterly unrealistic and naïve futuristic visions of a socialist utopia where people are content to own nothing, eat less meat, and have every inch of their lives micromanaged by some “benign” authoritarian government. Conversely, the other half of these so-called experts are stuck in neutral and can’t seem to stop wanting to fight the last war. The same reason the US military and political leaders are just now starting to panic regarding China’s military potential is the same reason they won’t see the truly terrifying potential the EU represents. These experts keep thinking of the EU twenty years ago who back then, was just a bureaucratic paper tiger, perpetually gridlocked by infighting and incompetence. However, given the utterly chaotic Afghanistan departure, I’m fairly certain EU and NATO leaders no longer trust us to defend them against a Russian invasion. And under this administration and senior military leadership, I don’t blame them. If they weren’t convinced before, they are absolutely convinced that now is the right time to build their own army and take charge of their own defense. So to summarize and perhaps clarify my theory thus far is that the EU/UfM/NATO will become one of the ten regions the world realigns into after the Rapture. We know at some level, the demonic forces (those territorial princes) are anticipating this and are feverishly pushing world leaders into laying the groundwork for this totalitarian state to arise (courtesy Agenda 2030). These demonic princes know that the moment the Rapture happens, it will decimate the US politically, economically, militarily, and societally. They also know when the US goes down, it will quickly drag the global economy down with it and it will be that much hard to regain order. After the Rapture, the EU would be able to fairly easily take control of the vast US military arsenal that we’ve been posturing in Europe for decades during the Cold War. To be continued. China's Military Modernization - by Judith Bergman - "Since 2010, I have been pounding the drum about how serious a threat the People's Republic of China's military modernization program is to the ability of the United States to project power into the Indo Pacific, and more broadly our ability to protect our interests and values around the world.... While America is still the dominant military power on the planet, we are being more effectively challenged militarily today than at any...any other time in our history." These were the words of US Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall at the Air Force Association's Air, Space & Cyber Convention on September 20. China has been modernizing its military for several decades to become a "world class military" -- equal to, or in some cases superior to, the U.S. military -- by mid-century. China aims to "complete national defense and military modernization by 2035". In this year's Annual Worldwide Threat Assessment, the U.S. intelligence community called China an increasingly "near-peer competitor, challenging the United States in multiple arenas—especially economically, militarily, and technologically" that has "demonstrated the capability and intent to advance their interests at the expense of the United States and its allies." "Chinese leaders characterize China's long-term military modernization program as essential to achieving great-power status," Lieutenant General Scott Berrier, Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, told the Senate Armed Services Committee in April. "The PLA [People's Liberation Army] modernization agenda focuses on developing and fielding advanced military capabilities in all warfighting domains...The PLA seeks a force capable of winning a number of high-end regional conflicts, including the forcible unification of Taiwan, while dissuading, deterring, or defeating third-party military intervention. At the same time, we expect the PLA to expand its capability to carry out smaller operations globally to support China's interests." According to Kendall, China's modernization of its military is taking place on all levels: "Simultaneously, China is increasing inventory levels and the sophistication of their weapons and modernizing centers and command and control networks throughout the kill chains that support their weapons. Hypersonic weapons, a full range of anti-satellite systems, plus cyber, electronic warfare, and challenging air to air missiles are all part of the growing inventory of Chinese capabilities." As an essential part of its modernization, China is focused on technological innovation, especially the operationalization of emerging technologies for military purposes. China pursues a strategy of civil and military fusion, a whole-of-society effort whereby China's science and technology innovations, its civilian technology and industrial bases are leveraged and fused across military and civilian sectors. According to the Pentagon, the fusion happens, among other things, by "blending military and civilian expertise and knowledge, building military requirements into civilian infrastructure and leveraging civilian construction for military purposes". Artificial intelligence (AI), which Beijing specifically views as "critical to its future military and industrial power" is a case in point because of its dual-use nature, meaning it can be used for both civilian and military purposes: "China is making strategic investments worldwide in AI to reap national security and economic benefits..." wrote the Pentagon in its 2020 report to Congress on China's military power. "The PRC is pursuing a whole-of-society effort to become a global leader in AI, which includes designating select private AI companies in China as 'AI champions' to emphasize R&D in specific dual-use technologies. Many of these 'AI champions,' including Huawei and Hikvision, are major suppliers of AI surveillance technology worldwide. In 2019, the private PRC-based company Ziyan UAV exhibited armed swarming drones that it claimed use AI to perform autonomous guidance, target acquisition, and attack execution. During the past five years, China has made achievements in AI-enabled unmanned surface vessels, which China plans to use to patrol and bolster its territorial claims in the South China Sea. China has also tested unmanned tanks as part of research efforts to integrate AI into ground forces' equipment." China aims to become a global leader in AI by 2030. China's current Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development (2021-2025) focuses on accelerating China's research on AI to harness its commercial technology sector to accomplish the People's Liberation Army's goal of so-called "intelligentized" warfare, which broadly speaking can be explained as the use of emerging technologies in war. According to the Pentagon's 2020 report on China's military power: "The People's Liberation Army (PLA) sees emerging technologies as driving a shift to 'intelligentized' warfare from today's 'informatized' way of war. PLA strategists broadly describe intelligentized warfare as the operationalization of artificial intelligence (AI) and its enabling technologies, such as cloud computing, big data analytics, quantum information, and unmanned systems, for military applications. These technologies, according to PRC leaders—including Chairman Xi Jinping— represent a 'Revolution in Military Affairs' for which China must undertake a whole-of-government approach to secure critical economic and military advantages against advanced militaries. "China seeks to lead the shift to "intelligentized warfare" through its Military-Civil Fusion (MCF) Development Strategy and by reforming both its research and development (R&D) as well as strategy and doctrine organizations." Some of the advanced and disruptive military capabilities that China is developing based on emerging technologies include "hypersonic weapons, electromagnetic railguns, directed energy weapons, and counterspace capabilities." The technology race between the US and China, therefore, has extremely tangible consequences for national security. Last year, Michael Brown, director of the Pentagon's Defense Innovation Unit, said there are already technological areas where Beijing is ahead, including facial recognition software, small drones and quantum communications, while China is challenging the US lead in areas such as artificial intelligence, rocket launches, quantum computing, quantum sensing and supercomputing. "We're a year or two ahead of China [in AI]," Eric Schmidt, former executive chairman and CEO of Google and the chairman of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence, said last year. "We're not a decade ahead. Nearing Midnight: God Is Frustrating the Democratic Agenda – Todd Strandberg - When Barack Obama was elected president in 2008, there was a massive surge of traffic to RR. People were wondering if the Antichrist had just been elected to office, and many Christians thought they were in big trouble. Because the nation was in the middle of a recession, the American people blamed the Republicans for the economic downturn and voted for the party that was not in control. The Democratic Party gained a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, so they could pass any law they wanted. Despite all the concern on the part of conservatives, the Democrats could hardly get anything done. During the first term, the only major bill that Congress passed was Obama Care. Angered voters gave control of Congress back to the Republicans in the 2010 mid-term election. Near the end of Obama’s second term, he was able to do tremendous damage to the nation, even though both houses were controlled by the Republicans. Obama made things worse by packing the federal government with radical leftists and issuing a flood of executive orders. When Biden was elected to office, I had great concern that the Democrats would quickly pass a series of laws that would turn the nation to the left. Biden’s first months in office are starting to look much like Obama’s first term. They have the potential votes, but they can’t get organized to pass the bills. I had thought that the $1.2 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework packages had been passed in August when the Senate passed it. Since we’ve already spent trillions on stimulus checks, I was all for a bill to fix roads and bridges. The nation’s infrastructure system recently earned a C- score from the American Society of Civil Engineers earlier this year. About a month after the Senate vote, I discovered that the House Progressive Caucus was holding the Infrastructure hostage until the House voted on a bill they were promoting. Build Back Better Act is a pork bill that gives welfare for kids, money for green energy projects, and adds to our national problem with soaring drug costs by telling drug companies to just send the bill to Uncle Sam. This bill also would raise taxes on large corporations and the wealthiest Americans. Things were looking bad for Nancy Pelosi, where she couldn’t even get her party members to vote for an Infrastructure bill. The Republicans could have remained united and let the Democrats crash and burn. Just as they’ve done many times in the past, 13 members broke ranks to allow the bill to pass. Build Back Better Act may pass in the House, but it is unlikely to pass in the Senate because of one key vote. Since the Senate is tied 50-50, any bill needs all senators plus the Vice President’s tiebreaker vote to pass. Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia has balked at the idea of him voting for the bill. President Biden has promised that the $3.7 trillion price tag will be paid with tax increases, but Manchin knows that will never take place. The rich will always find ways to hide their wealth. It seems clear to me that God is frustrating the Democratic Agenda by creating legislative log jams. There is still harm taking place that Biden is inflicting on America. Oddly enough, Obama did the same thing that Biden is doing. He apologizes to the world for the Trump years. When Biden went to the UN climate summit in Glasgow, he apologized to the summit participants for Trump previously pulling out of the Paris Accord. When Biden called out China’s President Xi for skipping the summit, Beijing mocked Biden for being “powerless” and weak. State-run English language Global Times mockingly called out the “noble” apology as, in reality, exposing the deep disunity of American politics, leading to a permanent state of gridlock as well as constant flip-flopping on the world stage. The report said the Chinese public “cannot wait until 2024 when the Republican Party, or even Donald Trump himself, apologizes for Biden’s apology.” Global Times included the following commentary focused on the constant “discord” in the US: Most people believe this was hardly an apology but a slap in the face of his predecessor, a move to pin all the blame on Trump. This is not about how sorry Biden is. He was making a show and bringing US political infighting to the global arena. America has become so hollowed out by years of reckless spending and political leaders that have no vision, our nation could implode at any moment. It is my hope that we make it to the rapture before the collapse takes place. “Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth” (Rev 3:10). It Has Begun – Get Ready to Pay Much Higher Prices for Meat From Now On - by Michael Snyder – The era of cheap meat is over. For those that are carnivores, that is really bad news. For decades, Americans have been able to count on the fact that there would always be mountains of very inexpensive meat at the local grocery store, but now those days are gone and they aren’t coming back. As I was writing this introductory paragraph, it struck me that what is happening to meat prices actually parallels what I wrote about yesterday. Just as the left doesn’t want us to use traditional forms of energy because they believe that doing so is “bad” for the climate, so they also detest that a lot of us like to eat a lot of meat because the production of meat causes levels of certain greenhouse gases to rise. Sometimes we joke about the methane that comes from “cow farts”, but radicals on the left take this stuff deadly seriously. And at the same time that gasoline prices are soaring into the stratosphere, the exact same thing is happening to meat prices. In fact, we just learned that the price of beef in the U.S. has risen more than 20 percent since last October… Behind unleaded gasoline, beef prices have risen the most on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) since October 2020, rising 20.1% in the past year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. An increase of over 20 percent in one year is deeply alarming. Unfortunately, it isn’t just the price of beef that is soaring. Tyson Foods just released some new numbers which show that beef, pork and chicken prices are all rising dramatically… The biggest meat company by sales in the United States has announced significant price rises for the fourth quarter, as the impact of the highest inflation for 30 years continues to be felt. Tyson Foods, based in Springdale, Arkansas, announced on Monday that chicken prices rose 19 percent during its fiscal fourth quarter, while beef and pork prices jumped 33 percent and 38 percent, respectively. During the early portion of this crisis, Tyson Foods was reluctant to pass increasing costs along to consumers, but now we are being informed that they don’t intend to make the same mistake again… Stewart Glendinning, the chief financial officer of Tyson Foods, said that they have been slow to increase their prices, in line with inflation, but are now making up for the delay. ‘We expect to take continued pricing actions to ensure that any inflationary cost increases that our business incurs are passed along,’ he said, on the company’s quarterly earnings call. Sadly, this is just the beginning. The price of meat is only going to go higher from here, and eventually it will get to a point where meat prices become exceedingly painful. Of course there are many that would argue that we are already there. As food prices continue to climb, those that help the needy are going to have a much more difficult time trying to do so. For example, the Salvation Army is projecting that it will need 50 percent more funding than last year as it feeds more Americans than ever before… The Salvation Army is planning to serve more meals than in 2020’s record year, and will need around 50% more funding to meet the buoyed demand, Hodder said. He expects rental and utilities assistance to lead the pack of requested aid. “We’re fearful of what we’re calling ‘pandemic poverty,’” Hodder said. The price of gasoline continues to shoot up as well. On Tuesday, the average price of gasoline in California set a new record high for the third day in a row… Gas prices in California have broken a new record with an average price tag of $4.687 for a regular gallon as of Tuesday morning, according to the American Automobile Association. It was the third day in a row the state has recorded record breaking prices as Monday’s average gas price was $4.682 and Sunday’s was $4.676 which broke the previous state record of $4.671 in October 2012. Needless to say, the price of gasoline is quite a bit higher than that in certain urban areas. In downtown Los Angeles, one unfortunate motorist ended up paying more than six dollars a gallon on Monday… Brian Sproule squinted against the sun on Monday as he examined the price board at a Chevron station in downtown Los Angeles, where a regular gallon of gas was $6.05. Sproule, 37, is a mobile notary who spends much of his time in his car. He said he’s used to spending about $40 to fill his tank, but by the time he capped off his Hyundai Elantra, the meter displayed a whopping $71.59. Can you imagine paying that much for gasoline? Don’t think that it can’t happen where you live. Eventually, everyone in the entire country will be seeing such prices. As “Bidenflation” makes headlines day after day, U.S. consumers are becoming increasingly pessimistic. Just check out the latest consumer confidence number released by the University of Michigan… The University of Michigan’s consumer sentiment index fell to 66.8 in November – down sharply from the October reading of 71.7 and well below economists’ forecast for a reading of 72.4. “Consumer sentiment fell in early November to its lowest level in a decade due to an escalating inflation rate and the growing belief among consumers that no effective policies have yet been developed to reduce the damage from surging inflation,” Richard Curtin, the survey’s chief economist, said in a statement. Americans haven’t been this negative about the economy in a really long time. And it is becoming increasingly clear that things are going to get even worse in the months ahead. Our leaders continue to promise that they will make progress on the problems that we are facing, but those problems just keep on escalating. In fact, the number of giant container ships waiting off the coast of southern California just hit another new record high… On Friday and Monday, yet another record was set for the number of container ships stuck at anchor or in holding patterns off the ports: 83. The average wait time at anchor for ships arriving in Los Angeles hit yet another fresh peak on Tuesday: 16.9 days. That really surprises me. Despite all of the national attention, and despite the fact that the Biden administration has gotten directly involved, the nightmare at the ports in southern California just continues to intensify. If we can’t even figure out how to get stuff unloaded and moved across the country in a timely manner, what hope do we have of properly addressing our more complex economic problems? As our economy is shaken by crisis after crisis, millions upon millions of families all over the nation are deeply suffering. But of course not everyone is doing badly these days. It turns out that the vaccine manufacturers are laughing all the way to the bank… The People’s Vaccine Alliance (PVA), an international non-profit working to close the global vaccine disparity, analyzed the earnings reports of Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna and found that the companies will make a combined $34 billion in profit this year. When broken down, that is $93.5 million a day, $65,000 a minute and more than $1,000 every second of profit. When I look at those numbers, they literally make me want to vomit. The greed that we are witnessing has reached a level that is absolutely breathtaking. But this is what happens when the moral foundation of a society completely collapses. In about a month and a half, 2021 will be over and 2022 will be here. 2021 has been bad, but I believe that 2022 will be even worse. So I would encourage you to make preparations for a very rough year, because the days ahead are not going to be pretty. Daily Jot: Stupidocrisy: Parents as terrorists – Bill Wilson – When was the last time you saw a group of parents bomb a building? Or, burn down businesses? Or, roll police cars? You know, the kind of stuff Antifa does as routine. Yet, it’s parents, such as those in Loudoun County, Va., protesting the Marxist actions of school boards, who get the terrorist treatment from the Biden Administration. A parent outraged that his daughter was raped in the girls’ restroom by a boy wearing a dress was arrested, and no doubt put on some government list. I guess Biden and his gang don’t think parents have a say in their local schools, certainly when it comes to a transgender rights policy that results in boys hanging out in girls’ restrooms. But if you don’t like that, you’re a terrorist. So here’s what is going on: The National School Boards Association (NSBA) was working in cahoots with White House Marxists to carefully draft a letter to get the FBI to look into parents disagreeing with Marxist school boards. It seems the NSBA was particularly upset that parents were pushing back against enlightened policies such as allowing LGBTQ+ organizations to groom young students for sexual deviancy and the teaching of the Marxist Critical Race Theory—which everyone denies is happening in our public schools, but everywhere parents are looking into these claims, they are confirming that it is happening. The NSBA finally finishes their collaboration with the White House and sends the letter requesting investigation into protesting parents as “a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.” US Attorney General Merrick Garland wasted no time in demanding the FBI discourage, identify and prosecute threatening and dissenting parents. Outrage ensued. Merrick then publicly denied that parents would be treated as domestic terrorists and testified before Congress that no such action was being taken. The NSBA issued an apology. Now, an FBI whistleblower has come forward saying that the FBI is actually using counterterrorism measures to identify and investigate parents who voice their concerns at school board meetings. This has gotten the attention of Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH), ranking minority member of the House Judiciary Committee, who is asking Garland ‘what’s going on, here?’ Well, I’ll tell you what’s going on. Every American citizen’s freedom is under attack by this group of Marxists that are holding the White House and both houses of Congress. You are being told that you must have a COVID shot or you will lose your job. In many places, you can’t even go out to eat without a COVID passport. They are demanding you “vaccinate” our young children, even though there is no evidence that they need it. If you so much as question the outrageous agendas of these people, they scurry about like little rats to bully you and use their power to silence you. Ephesians 6:20 asks the Lord that “I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.” Parents are not terrorists. You have autonomy over your body. If you don’t believe it, I have some oceanfront property I would like to sell you just outside of Pikes Peak. Say it with me…Stupidocrisy. Daily Devotion: The Worst Possible Time - by Greg Laurie – If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall. —1 Corinthians 10:12 - Listen During World War II, Hitler had an interesting strategy of attacking his enemies on a weekend. He knew the various parliaments wouldn’t be in session, making it more difficult to react swiftly to an invasion. In the same way, the Devil waits for the opportune moment to attack us. It may come when our guard is down or when we think we’re the strongest. But it’s usually at the worst possible time. For example, you can be taking part in a worship service when suddenly a wicked thought comes knocking on the door of your imagination. You’re very embarrassed, and you can’t even believe you’re thinking such a thing. Then the Devil, as cunning as he is, will condemn you for being tempted: “How could you think such a thought? What are you even doing in church?” Remember, it isn’t a sin to be tempted. Even Jesus was tempted. The sin takes place only when we give in to the temptation, when we open the door and entertain it. That is why we should flee temptation and never leave a forwarding address. When we think we’re doing well spiritually and everything is going great, that is when the Devil will choose to hit hard. It’s why the Bible tells us, “If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall” (1 Corinthians 10:12 NLT). Often temptation will come after a great blessing. So don’t be surprised if you are tempted right after you get out of church. And don’t be surprised if you are tempted right after God has done a wonderful work in your life. Perhaps you have experienced a great blessing in your life recently. That blessing may involve your family, your career, your ministry, or your personal walk with God. The Enemy wants to rob you of that blessing. So be careful and keep your guard up. FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY, TRULY, THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT? One of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed, and if that information inspires you, and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers, and open the eyes of non-believers, and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy, then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides, and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks! Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13 If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to: DONATE NOW Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516
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