The Jewish Calendar in Daniel’s Seventieth Week – Randy Nettles -
There are just two calendars that can be used to determine the passage of time, and both of them are celestial. The first one is the solar calendar which is determined by the sun’s positioning. The summer solstice is the longest day of the year (from the point of view of the northern hemisphere). It is also the day when the sun is at its highest point in the sky. When the sun gets to the highest point again, it’s been one year. In ancient times it could be measured by erecting monuments (such as Stonehenge) or other rock structures for making such observations. It is the same for the winter solstice, the year’s shortest day. There are approximately 365.2422 days in a solar calendar because that’s how long it takes for the earth to orbit the sun. The other celestial calendar is the lunar calendar. A moon calendar, more commonly called a lunar calendar, follows the monthly cycles of the moon's phases. It’s one of the oldest calendars in the world that creates lunar months, also known as synodic months. A lunar month is simply one that occurs between two successive syzygies, such as new moons and full moons. The word month is derived from the word moon. On average, there are approximately 29.53 days between each phase of the moon. A lunar year is only about 354 days, so you would lose 11 days annually compared to our modern-day solar calendar's Gregorian calendar. Ancient civilizations used the moon’s phases to help identify the seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter). Since each season has at least three full moons, this instructed them in knowing when to schedule necessary activities like harvesting and hunting. The moon calendar was used for ritual and religious purposes and still is today. Easter, Rosh Hashanah, Ramadan, and the Chinese New Year are just a few holidays or feast days that rely on the (moon) lunar calendar. The Jewish religious calendar is a combination lunar and solar calendar called a lunisolar calendar. A new month is determined by the new moon, which will be the first day of the new month on the calendar. The middle of the month (the 15th day) will occur on a full moon. A month will have between 28-30 days, and a year will have 353-355 days. An intercalary month is added every 2-3 years to keep the harvests and religious activities (Feasts of the Lord) in their proper seasons. Over time, the lunisolar calendar will have the same number of days as the solar calendar. I suppose you could add another type of solar calendar to the mix. With this calendar, you would count days (sun-rise to sun-rise) and determine how many days you wanted in a month and how many months you wanted in a year. The 360-day calendar is one such calendar. With this 360-day calendar, you would have 30 days in a month and 12 months in a year for 360 days in a year. This is 5-6 days shy of an actual solar calendar, so without an intercalary month added periodically, the months would eventually drift into different seasons from which the calendar first started. This calendar is strictly for counting days and years (not solar years). I don’t know why anyone would use such a calendar if it couldn’t be reconciled to the solar calendar. Yet, this is the (prophetic) calendar the Jews were supposed to use to determine Daniel’s prophecy of 70 Weeks (Daniel 9:24-27)? The Jews should have known when their Messiah was to come as it was prophesied in Daniel’s prophecy (Daniel 9:25-26) of the 69 sevens, for Jesus said upon his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, “If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. For days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment around you, surround you and close you in on every side, and level you, and your children with you, to the ground; and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not know the time of your visitation” (Luke 19-42-44). If the Jews should have known when their Messiah was to come, how would they have known to use a calendar that they had never used before? Even if they knew they were to use a “prophetic” calendar of 360 days, that means they would have to count 173,880 days (483 years of 360 days per year), or they would have to count 30 days per month for 5769 months. Of course, this would be in addition to keeping up with their standard lunisolar calendar. I find all this highly unlikely and believe the accurate calendar used in Daniel’s prophecy is the one the Jews had always used, which is the lunisolar calendar. The children of Israel already had a calendar in place for keeping up with large swaths of time, the Shemitah or Shmita year (every seven years) and the Jubilee year (every 50 years). Of course, the Jews would have to know what years were Shemitah and Jubilee years. Did they recognize that the start of Daniel’s prophecy occurred in 444 BC when Artaxerxes issued his decree and that this was an actual Shemitah year (a seven)? Did they realize that they were to count (inclusively) 69 Shemitah years until their Messiah was to come? I don’t know if they did or not, but according to Jesus’ own words, they should have. If God had wanted his people to know when their Messiah was to come, He couldn’t have given them a better clue than telling them it would occur after “69 sevens” instead of saying “483 years.” The word “seven” was a direct reference to the Shemitah year. Another so-called “solar calendar” has recently received much attention. It is the 364-day calendar that the Essenes of Qumran supposedly used. The Essenes were a mystic Jewish sect living during the Second Temple period that flourished from the 2nd century BC to the 1st century AD. “The Jewish historian Josephus records that Essenes existed in large numbers (thousands) and lived throughout Roman Judaea. They were fewer in number than the Pharisees and the Sadducees, the other two major sects at the time. The Essenes lived in various cities but congregated in communal life dedicated to voluntary poverty, daily immersion, and asceticism (their priestly class practiced celibacy). The Essenes have gained fame in modern times due to a discovery of an extensive group of religious documents known as the Dead Sea Scrolls, which are commonly believed to be the Essenes’ library. These documents preserve multiple copies of the Hebrew Bible untouched from possibly as early as 300 BC until their discovery in 1967.” Essenes - Wikipedia The Dead Sea Scrolls consist of about 800 texts. Among the texts discovered were over 200 copies of all the different books of the Hebrew Bible, except Esther. While most manuscripts were fragmentary, a few, such as Isaiah, were complete. Also found among the Dead Sea Scrolls are portions of the Old Testament Apocrypha – the Book of Tobit, the Letter of Jeremiah, and Sirach. Other non-canonical books were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls – The Book of Jubilees and the Book of Enoch. Many of the Dead Sea Scrolls have references to a unique calendar used by the people who lived around the Dead Sea area, who are often considered Essenes. This calendar is based on an ideal calendar of twelve 30-day months thought to have existed in ancient Mesopotamia (but more likely had an intercalary month added periodically), to which were added four cardinal days at the equinoxes (spring, fall) and solstices (summer, winter), making a total of 364 days. Each season would have three months of 30, 30, and 31 days with the cardinal day being the extra day at the end of the season for a total of 91 days. A 364-day calendar year divides into 52 weeks exactly (7 x 52 = 364). Each season starts on the 4th day of the week (Wednesday). Every Feast of the Lord is on the same day of the week in the same month. Passover is always on a Tuesday, Nisan 14. The week of Unleavened Bread occurs from Wednesday Nisan 15 to Tuesday Nisan 21. Firstfruits is on Sunday, Nisan 26. The next day begins the “counting of the Omer” for 50 days until Pentecost. The 50th day, Pentecost occurs on Sunday, Sivan 15. The summer solstice occurs the day after Sivan 30, the day before Tammuz 1. The day after Elul 30 is the calculated fall equinox. The next day is Wednesday, Tishri 1, which is Trumpets. On Friday, Tishri 10 is the Day of Atonement. Wednesday, Tishri 15 through Tuesday, Tishri 21 is the Feast of Tabernacles. The next day, Wednesday, Tishri 22, is the day for reading and meditating on the Law of God. The winter solstice is included after Kislev 3 on a Tuesday. The last day of the month is Monday, Adar 30. The cycle then repeats. Wednesday, Nisan 1, or New Year’s Day, is the following day. If you don’t count the cardinal days as one of the 30 days of the month, then this calendar could be called a 360-day calendar. Still, you have to count them in the weekly cycles (all four are figured as Tuesdays) and, therefore, the yearly calendar, so it is actually a 364-day calendar. This calendar was primarily used by the Essenes (but not the ruling group of Pharisees and Sadducees) as an ideal calendar for keeping the Feasts of the Lord on the same day of the week and month every year and for rotating the priests in the Holy Temple. During the time of David, the priests were divided into 24 groups. Each group would work approximately two weeks per year. With 24 groups and 52 evenly divided weeks (if the Essenes calendar had been used), the service would rotate around the calendar ideally. John the Baptist’s father, Zachariah, was included in these priestly groups. With only 364 days, the calendar would be very noticeably different from the actual seasons after several years, but there is nothing to indicate what was done about this problem. Scholars have made various suggestions. One is that nothing was done, and the calendar was allowed to change concerning the seasons. This would mean the Feasts of the Lord would not occur in their proper seasons. Another suggestion is that changes were made irregularly, only when the seasonal anomaly was too significant to be ignored. The writings often discuss the moon, but the calendar was not based on the movement of the moon (observed) any more than indications of the moon’s phases on a modern western calendar indicate that it is a lunar calendar. A recent analysis of one of the last scrolls remaining to be deciphered has revealed that the sect used the word tekufah to identify each of the four special days marking the transitions between the seasons. Otherwise, the observance of the moon did not appear to influence the monthly calendar of the Essenes in direct contrast to what the Tanakh had stipulated. “Blow the trumpet at the time of the New Moon, At the full moon, on our solemn feast day” (Psalm 81:3). We know the first four Feasts of the Lord were fulfilled historically by the Israelites (and the last three as well) and prophetically by Lord Jesus. This means God would not have allowed these Feasts of the Lord to occur on any day other than their appointed day (days of the week and month). For example, we know Jesus died on Passover, Nisan 14 on a Thursday. If we are to believe the Essene calendar, Jesus would have died on a Tuesday, which is not Biblically correct. If Jesus died on a full moon, we need to observe His death on a full moon. We know Jesus rose from the grave three days later on Firstfruits, Nisan 17, and not on Nisan 26 as the Essene calendar would have it. Firstfruits occurs on the first day after the Sabbath, which follows Passover, not the second one. If you get the date of Firstfruits wrong, then you will get the date of Pentecost (50 days later) wrong as well. The 364-day calendar looks good on paper but is not Biblically sound. The Jewish lunisolar calendar is the actual calendar used by Moses, the judges, priests, and kings of Israel and not some mysterious 360-364 day calendar observed for several centuries by a small sect in Israel. No record of any kind says this calendar was used by the ancients from the time of Creation to the 2nd century BC and was replaced with a lunar calendar by corrupt Jewish priests, as some writers have claimed. I also believe the Jewish calendar, with its Shemitah and Jubilee years, is the correct one to decipher Daniel’s prophecy of 70 Sevens (Daniel 9:24-27). As I mentioned in my previous article, In The Midst of Daniel’s Seventy Weeks Prophecy (, the 69 sevens prophecy was from 444 BC to AD 33. It’s interesting that for this 476-year timeframe, there are 173,847 days in a Jewish calendar (Nisan to Nisan), and there are 173,856 days in a Julian calendar (January to January)…only nine days difference. The end date for this prophecy occurred when Jesus was “cut off” or crucified on Passover, Nisan 14, or April 2, AD 33 on the Julian calendar. If you subtract 173,847 days from this date, you come to Nisan 14 or April 14, 444 BC on the Julian calendar, which is most likely the start of Daniel’s prophecy. Even though this timeline was from Nisan to Nisan, it still contained 69 sevens or Shemitah years that start on Tishri 1 (the Feast of Trumpets) and end on Elul 29. Tishri 1 is the start of the new year on the Jewish civil calendar, where the year count changes. So, there are 69 sevens (Sabbath years) within the 476 years (444 BC to AD 33) timeline of Daniel’s prophecy. The last seven or 70th seven of Daniel’s prophecy will be the” year of the Lord,” which will start on a Feast of Trumpets day, and 353-355 days later Jesus will return on the next Feast of Trumpets day. Remember, I am not talking about the last seven years (Shemitah cycle or week). I am talking about the last actual Shemitah year itself. The last seven years of Daniel’s prophecy (otherwise known as the Tribulation, Jacob’s Trouble, Day of the Lord, Daniel’s 70th week) will not start and end on a Feast of Trumpets day, however. Just as the first 69 sevens of Daniel’s prophecy didn’t begin and end on a Feast of Trumpets (Tishri 1) day, neither will the last seven (the 70th). In my last article, I gave two examples (using the Jewish calendar) with the scenario of 2022-2029 and 2023-2030 being Daniel’s last week (seven years). I want to revise 2023-2030 by one day and give you a few more examples. These four examples will cover the years 2023 – 2033. In 2033, it will have been 2000 years since Jesus was last on the earth. All four examples have the starting and end dates as Heshvan 1 on the Jewish calendar. All four have 1260 days between Nisan 10, the “in the midst” mid-point (Abomination of Desolation), and Tishri 1, the Feast of Trumpets, when Jesus returns. All four have 1290 days between the A.O.D. and the end of the Tribulation (or 30 days from Tishri 1). To find the start (for all four examples), you must deduct 1290 days from the total amount of days in the seven years. In all four models, it will be on Heshvan 1. One: 2023-2030 –Exactly 2569 days on the Jewish calendar Jewish Calendar Gregorian Calendar Start – Heshvan 1, 5784 10/14/2023 Mid - Nisan 10, 5787 4/16/2027 2nd Advent – Tishri 1, 5791 9/27/2030 End – Heshvan 1, 5791 10/27/2030 Two: 2024-2031 – Exactly 2541 days on the Jewish calendar Jewish Calendar Gregorian Calendar Start – Heshvan 1, 5785 11/02/2024 Mid – Nisan 10, 5788 4/05/2028 2nd Advent – Tishri 1, 5792 9/17/2031 End – Heshvan 1, 5792 10/17/2031 Three: 2025-2032 – Exactly 2540 days on the Jewish calendar Jewish Calendar Gregorian Calendar Start – Heshvan 1, 5786 10/22/2025 Mid – Nisan 10, 5789 3/25/2029 2nd Advent – Tishri 1, 5793 9/05/2032 End – Heshvan 1, 5793 10/05/2032 Four: 2026-2033 – Exactly 2569 days on the Jewish calendar Jewish Calendar Gregorian Calendar Start – Heshvan 1, 5787 10/11/2026 Mid – Nisan 10, 5790 4/12/2030 2nd Advent – Tishri 1, 5794 9/23/2033 End – Heshvan 1, 5794 10/23/2033 Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! Randy Nettles [email protected] Climate Change Police - Coming to A City Near You? – Keean Bexte - As reported by Breitbart, French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin is hiring 3,000 "green police" officers to go after those who violate "green-related criminal issues" to safeguard the country from disasters supposedly caused by human-related climate change. In an interview with Le Journal du Dimanche, "Faced with this, we must improve the work of judicial investigation," Darmanin said. "We have therefore decided to massively reinforce the resources of the Central Office for the Fight against Damage to the Environment and to launch 3,000 'green police' posts." He continued, saying that the climate change police force "will be a revolution." The announcement comes after the EU crisis management tsar Janez Lenarcic called for the rapid creation of a Europe-wide "Civil Protection Force" to enforce climate laws across the EU. What such a force would mean for the sovereignty of member states hardly needs to be mentioned, and the call for an international police force was heavily criticized. "Handing these irresponsible and unaccountable bureaucrats even more power would just simply be irresponsible," said MEP Cristian Terhes. "What Europe needs is a rebirth of national and sovereign democracy, with creativity and power for local people rather than one-size-fits-all bureaucratic control from the centre of Brussels." Of course, Europe isn't the only place planning to create a police force that specifically handles offences related to climate change. Canada is getting in on the action, too. As reported by The Counter Signal, it appears that the Ministry of Environment & Climate Change Canada (ECCC) is currently working on a building to house such officers. And if that wasn't enough evidence, ECCC has posted an ad on for an "Enforcement Officer - Environmental (pollution) enforcement." According to the ad, "Environment and Climate Change Canada's Enforcement Branch ensures that organizations and individuals respect laws administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada that protect the natural environment, its biodiversity and the health of Canadians." Duties include "conducting inspections to ensure compliance with federal environmental laws," as well as "conducting investigations into alleged violations of federal environmental laws, including taking statements from witnesses or accused persons, preparing and executing search warrants, reviewing and assessing evidence, and preparing court briefs." Officers will further be required to wear uniforms and carry safety equipment, including body armor, handcuffs, batons, and even prohibited weapons. France's climate change officers will likely be similarly equipped. 3 Climate Myths Spread by the Globalists – Jonathan Brentner - The recent destruction of the Georgia Guidestones made headlines across America. Some cheered while others expressed a desire to rebuild them. A mysterious New World Order group built them in 1980 in Elbert County, Georgia. One of the ten inscriptions on this granite monument set the sustainable level of the human population at five hundred million. That’s a small fraction of the earth’s current population of 7.8 billion. Despite the demise of the Georgia Guidestones, the population-reduction goal of the globalists remains cemented in their plans for the future of the earth. Yuval Noah Harari, who has the ear of Klaus Schwab as well as many of the most powerful people in the world, often speaks of technology replacing the need for most people. The promotion of draconian measures to reduce our dependency on fuel and natural gas is just one way that the globalists hope to achieve the power they crave. In the end, it furthers their agenda of gaining control over a reduced population of the world. Below, I list three popular climate myths that the globalists use to further their deadly agenda. These myths lie behind the green measures in the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. (Note: I have taken some of the material below from the chapter that I wrote for the book, Lawless -- The End-Times War Against the Spirit of the Antichrist.[i]) MYTH 1: RISING CO2 LEVELS WILL LEAD TO ENVIRONMENTAL CATASTROPHE The climate alarmists claim that rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere will lead to environmental catastrophe in the near future. Is this assertion true? No, no it’s not. In late September of 2019, more than five hundred scientists and professionals in climatology and related fields signed a letter to the United Nations, saying, “There is no climate emergency.” Here is an excerpt from their letter: There is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and suchlike natural disasters, or making them more frequent. However, CO2-mitigation measures are as damaging as they are costly. For instance, wind turbines kill birds and bats, and palm-oil plantations destroy the biodiversity of the rainforests.[ii] These five hundred scientists further stated that since the “climate models on which virtually all the apocalyptic predictions are based are utterly flawed…. It is cruel as well as imprudent to advocate the squandering of trillions on the basis of results from such immature models. Current climate policies pointlessly, grievously undermine the economic system, putting lives at risk in countries denied access to affordable, continuous electrical power.”[iii] Climatologist and late research professor of environmental sciences at the University of Virginia, Dr. Pat Michaels, agrees with those of us who deny that global warming will lead to disastrous consequences: It’s warmed up around 1 degree Celsius since 1900, and life expectancy doubled in the industrialized democracies! Yet that temperature ticks up another half a degree and the entire system crashes? That’s the most absurd belief![iv] In response to the signing of the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act that recently passed in the U.S., a group of over 1,100 scientists and scholars “signed a document declaring climate science is based more on personal beliefs and political agendas than sound, rigorous science.”[v] They call their paper the World Climate Declaration (WCD). The World Climate Declaration points out that since emerging from the Little Ice Age in the mid-19th century, the world has warmed significantly less than predicted by the U.N.’s International Panel on Climate Change Nonsense’s models “The gap between the real world and the modeled world tells us that we are far from understanding climate change,” the WCD states. The declaration argues Earth’s climate has varied, with cold and warm periods, for as long as the planet has existed, and it is “no surprise that we are experiencing a period of warming.” The climate models “are not remotely plausible as global policy tools,” ignoring, for one, the benefits of carbon dioxide, which is “not a pollutant.” “It is essential to all life on Earth,” the declaration says. “Photosynthesis is a blessing. More CO2 is beneficial for nature, greening the Earth; additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also good for agriculture, increasing the yield of crops worldwide.” [vi] MYTH 2: RISING CO2 LEVELS WILL CAUSE OCEAN LEVELS TO RISE For a long time, climate alarmists have made startling predictions that in the end have proven entirely wrong. Consider this quote from an Associated Press report published in the Washington Post: The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer, and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot. Reports from fishermen, seal hunters, and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone. Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes. Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coastal cities uninhabitable.[vii] Although this sounds very much like it could have been a story written in 2022, the above quote appeared in the Washington Post on November 2, 1922! These warnings are one hundred years old, and they sound exactly the same as what we hear today. Predictions of disaster because of climate change continue unabated. The Earth Day predictions of 1970 included the end of human civilization in thirty years with deaths due to starvation to reach one hundred million–two hundred million per year by 1980. This didn’t happen. Al Gore received a Nobel Prize in 2007 for his prognostications of doom due to global warming. He told us that, by 2014, the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets would completely vanish, which would cause sea levels to rise twenty feet. He also predicted the total extinction of polar bears due to the disappearance of the Arctic ice cap. Gore became quite wealthy as a result of his activism, but what about his forecasts that catapulted him to fame and fortune? The South Pole still exists with the sea ice around Antarctica at record levels, as recorded at the beginning of 2020. According to those who monitor temperatures for Antarctica, it rarely gets above 0 degrees Fahrenheit during the summer months. The Weather Channel forecast highs for March 10 to 14, 2020, ranged from -45 to -54 degrees Fahrenheit, and it was still summer in Antarctica at the time! How can this polar cap disappear with such frigid temperatures at the end of its warmest season? It’s not possible! Does some melting occur in the Antarctica sea region? Yes, but global warming is not the culprit. The thawing happens in areas near where thousands of underwater volcanoes/hydrothermal vents exist. As for the demise of the Arctic Circle by 2014, Gore could not have been more wrong. In 2015, the Arctic Circle saw it largest refreezing in over a decade. Official data from the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) reveals that Arctic Sea ice is once again expanding, with current 2020 levels exceeding those in eight out of the previous ten years. We constantly see fluctuations in the coverage of the Artic Sea ice, but it will not disappear as Gore claimed it would. By the way, not long after making his prediction that sea levels would rise twenty feet, Gore purchased a multimillion-dollar mansion in Malibu, California, that rests near the ocean a little bit above sea level. Hmmm. MYTH 3: 97% OF SCIENTISTS BELIEVE THAT A CLIMATE EMERGENCY EXISTS One statistic we constantly hear is that 97 percent of scientists believe that man-made global warming will lead to catastrophic results. Is this accurate? No, it’s not. Mike Hulme, PhD, professor of Climate Change at the University of East Anglia (UEA) in England, said this about it: The ‘97% consensus’ article is poorly conceived, poorly designed and poorly executed. It obscures the complexities of the climate issue and it is a sign of the desperately poor level of public and policy debate in this country [UK] that the energy minister should cite it.[viii] Highly acclaimed Israeli astrophysicist and chairman of Jerusalem’s Hebrew University’s physics department, Dr. Nir Shaviv said this about the matter: Only people who don’t understand science take the 97% statistic seriously. Survey results depend on who you ask, who answers and how the questions are worded. In any case, science is not a democracy. Even if 100% of scientists believe something, one person with good evidence can still be right.[ix] Scientists do not agree that global warming will lead to disastrous consequences. Those who warn us do NOT have “settled science” on their side. Many scientists believe the cosmic rays from the sun cause the fluctuations in global temperatures and provide solid evidence to back up their claim. As noted earlier, the group of 1,100 scientists and scholars led by Nobel Laureate Professor Ivar Giaever of Norway, recently issued their World Climate Declaration (WCD). The size of this group alone disputes the claim that almost all scientists view global warming as an emergency demanding urgent action. The signees to the WCD consist of prominent scientists and scholars from forty different countries all over the world. Here is more verbiage from the WCD: Climate models have many shortcomings and are not remotely plausible as global policy tools. They blow up the effect of greenhouse gases such as CO2. In addition, they ignore the fact that enriching the atmosphere with CO2 is beneficial. CO2 is not a pollutant. It is essential to all life on Earth. Photosynthesis is a blessing. More CO2 is beneficial for nature, greening the Earth: additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also good for agriculture, increasing the yields of crops worldwide.[x] Click here to see the complete document as well as the names of all the scientist and scholars who signed it. Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry emphasized these three points in her testimony before Congress. She said much uncertainty exists as to . . . Whether or not the warming has resulted from human causes or natural factors such as the sun and volcanoes. How much earth will warm in this century. Whether or not the warming will have a harmful impact on the earth.[xi] There’s no agreement in the science community on these matters; there is not climate emergency. OUR REASON FOR HOPE However, what’s more important is what Scripture tells us about creation and the future of this world. Our reason for hope rests in Jesus’ appearing to take us home. The climate emergency is just one of many deceptions that the globalists are using to gain more control in this world. Even though we do not like it, the Bible tells us that in the last days just such a world order would come into existence with the antichrist at the helm. As we look at the hype, it’s important to remember three things: The Lord is sovereign over His creation; He hold things together. Those holding the signs that say “Save the Planet” are powerless to interfere with His plans for the earth. The judgments recorded in Revelation 6-18 will devastate the environment. I believe this could very well be God’s way of letting the radicals of our day know that their worship of nature is in vain. During the Millennium, the Lord will restore nature to its original pristine condition. In the eternal state, we will have forever to enjoy a glorious recreated new earth. Regardless of the uproar from our many enemies, we rest secure in our blessed hope of Jesus’ imminent return to take us to the place that He’s preparing for us. My book, The Triumph of the Redeemed-An eternal Perspective that Calms Our Fears in Perilous Times, is available on Amazon. Note: Please consider signing up for my newsletter on the home page of my website at . It will greatly help me in reaching more people. Thanks! [i] Jonathan C. Brentner, “Who Are the Real Deniers?” in Lawless -- The End-Times War Against the Spirit of the Antichrist (Crane, MO, Defender, 2020) pp. 230-235. [ii] David Kupelian, “The Democratic Party's ultimate coup d'etat”, December 1, 2019 on the WND website, [iii] Ibid. [iv] John Stossal, “Climate Myths” from November 20, 2019 on the Stossal TV Website @ [v] Art Moore, 1,200 scientists, scholars: ‘There is no climate emergency’ At [vi] Ibid. [vii] Jack Hellner, “Global warming, global cooling, climate change, climate emergency, climate catastrophe, climate collapse, or existential threat?” December 4, 2019, American Thinker Website [viii] Ibid. [ix] Cap Alolon, “Acclaimed Israeli Astrophysicist Suggests The Sun Drives Earth’s Climate, Not CO2,” [x] The International Chronicles website, World Climate Declaration: There Is No Climate Emergency., August 8, 2022 at [xi] What Are the Odds? The U.S., Europe, Africa And China Are All Simultaneously Experiencing Droughts Of Epic Proportions - by Michael Snyder - Do you believe in “coincidences”? There have always been droughts all throughout human history. So if there were a couple of isolated droughts in 2022, it wouldn’t be a big deal. But that isn’t what we are facing. Instead, right now the United States, Europe, Africa and China are all experiencing droughts of epic proportions. As a result, crops are failing in key agricultural areas all over the globe. Of course if just one country or one region was experiencing a “historic drought”, agricultural production from the rest of the world could make up for that. Unfortunately, what we are currently witnessing is truly unprecedented. For the very first time in modern history, virtually all of the largest economies on the entire planet have been hit by extreme drought conditions simultaneously, and that means that global agricultural production is going to be way below expectations in 2022. In this article, I would like to start my discussion by taking a look at what is going on in China right now. Thanks to the endless drought that has gripped the nation, the mighty Yangtze River has fallen to “the lowest for this time of year since records began in 1865”… Wan Jinjun, a 62-year-old retiree who has swum the Yangtze River almost every day for the past decade in Wuhan, said he’s never seen a drought like this before. An extreme summer has taken a toll on Asia’s longest river, which flows about 3,900 miles (6,300 kilometers) through China and feeds farms that provide much of the country’s food and massive hydroelectric stations, including the Three Gorges Dam — the world’s biggest power plant. A year ago, water lapped almost as high as the riverbank where Wan swims. Now, the level is at the lowest for this time of year since records began in 1865, exposing swathes of sand, rock and oozing brown mud that reeks of rotting fish. It is being reported that rainfall along the Yangtze River is 45 percent below normal levels, and that is extremely alarming. Meanwhile, an absolutely monstrous heatwave has been scorching China for the past two months… People in large parts of China have been experiencing two months of extreme heat. Hundreds of places have reported temperatures of more than 40°C (104°F), and many records have been broken. Subway stations have set up rest areas where people can recover from the heat. On 18 August, the temperature in Chongqing in Sichuan province reached 45°C (113°F), the highest ever recorded in China outside the desert-dominated region of Xinjiang. On 20 August, the temperature in the city didn’t fall below 34.9°C (94.8°F), the highest minimum temperature ever recorded in China in August. The maximum temperature was 43.7°C (110.7°F). That is hot! In fact, scientists are telling us that what China is currently experiencing is “the most severe heatwave” in recorded history… It is the longest and hottest heatwave in China since national records began in 1961. According to weather historian Maximiliano Herrera, who monitors extreme temperatures around the world, it is the most severe heatwave recorded anywhere. “This combines the most extreme intensity with the most extreme length with an incredibly huge area all at the same time,” he says. “There is nothing in world climatic history which is even minimally comparable to what is happening in China.” In recent days, factories have been shut down in some areas of China as mandatory power restrictions have been implemented. Hopefully relief will come soon, because the Chinese desperately need it. Meanwhile, Europe is enduring the worst drought that it has experienced “in at least 500 years”… Europe is facing its worst drought in at least 500 years, with two-thirds of the continent in a state of alert or warning, reducing inland shipping, electricity production and the yields of certain crops, a European Union agency said on Tuesday. Earlier this month, I wrote an article about the crippling crop losses that Europe is now facing as a result of this drought. And today we got even more bad news. According to Zero Hedge, corn production for the entire EU could be reduced by about one-fifth this year due to a lack of moisture… Besides the news of record high electricity prices, a troubling new crop failure report about Europe’s upcoming harvest was published Monday. The bloc’s Monitoring Agricultural Resources forecasted corn yields could drop by nearly a fifth due to a devastating drought, according to Bloomberg. Before we dive into the crop report, Europe’s centuries-old ‘hunger stones’ were recently revealed in the Elbe River, which runs from the mountains of Czechia through Germany to the North Sea. The stones date back to a drought in 1616 and read: “Wenn du mich siehst, dann weine.” That translates to “if you see me, then weep.” Sadly, conditions are even worse in eastern Africa. Over the past year, endless drought has resulted in the deaths of at least seven million animals… Seven million livestock in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia have died since last September due to severe drought conditions, according to a recent report by the US Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Famine Early Warning Systems Network. “The Washington Post” reported last year that the carcasses of giraffes, goats, camels and droves of cattle were found in villages after starving to death in northern Kenya. Such losses can be ruinous for families, who face food insecurity as a result. But have you seen any images of these dead animals on the nightly news? Of course not. They aren’t telling you what is really going on out there. Before I end this article, I want to give you an update on what is going on in the United States. The worst megadrought in 1,200 years has an iron grip on the western half of the country, and it is having an enormous impact on agricultural production. In fact, it is being reported that in some areas the corn is under such stress that the plants are not even producing ears of grain… It’s been so dry in parts of Nebraska and South Dakota that corn plants are doing something truly strange: they’re not producing ears of grain. The stalks, which should be about 8 feet (2.4 meters) tall by this time of year, are withered, browning and short — some are only standing at about 5 feet. Crop scouts set out this week to analyze yields, and in some isolated patches, they actually had trouble finding enough corn ears to measure. While it’s not a widespread problem, the shocking development is an indicator of just how harsh the hot and dry weather has been. Everything that I have shared in this article is not normal. That is because we are entering times that are going to be exceedingly abnormal. Every year, there are always a few parts of the globe that struggle with food production. But we have never seen it happen simultaneously to so many key areas all over the planet. Do you really think that what we are witnessing is just a “coincidence”? If you are willing to believe that, there is a giant bridge on the west coast that I would like to sell you. Daily Jot: Stupidocrisy: Allowing Ideological Subversion - Bill Wilson – As America’s children return to government schools across the country, parents and grandparents must understand ideological subversion so they can stand against it. In a 1984 interview, former Soviet KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov, who defected in 1970, said that by 1970 the Soviet Union already had infiltrated the US through brainwashing left-leaning people in the news media, entertainment, politics, business, education, and religion. He explained how ideological subversion was designed to change the perception of reality of every American so “no one is able to come to sensible conclusions” to defend themselves, their families, and their country. Sadly, this is rampant in America’s public schools. Bezmenov said there are four stages of ideological subversion. The first stage, demoralization, which takes 15-30 years according to Bezmenov, was completed before 1985. The second stage, also completed, is destabilization. This is where people destabilize the entire nation through actions that are counter to common sense and sound practices. The third stage is creating crisis. And the fourth stage is normalization. Bezmenov said that the leftists that help create these stages are the first to be executed by a communist dictatorship because once they find out they have perpetrated a lie, they become the most ardent opposition. Those who stand against communism by warning others are also executed. Bezmenov said that the Soviets used brainwashed leftists to teach Marxism-Leninism ideology to several generations of American students. He said that these teachings included feminism, sexual liberation, hedonism, anti-war sentiments, liberation theology, and globalism. He said these students are now the people who are the business, religious, political, educational, media, and entertainment leaders of American society. He said, “You are stuck with them. They are contaminated. They are programmed to think and react to certain stimuli…You cannot change their mind, even if you expose them to authentic information…the process of demoralization is complete and irreversible.” To reverse this process, Bezmenov said writing letters will not work. He said, “There must be a very strong national effort to educate people in the spirit of real patriotism, number one. Number two, to explain to them the real danger of socialist, communist, welfare state, big brother government…The moment at least part of the United States population is convinced that the danger is real, they have to force their government…to stop aiding communism.” I will add another way to reverse the process: Mark 16:15, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” And Ephesians 6:20, “…that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.” Parents must see this clearly and act decisively…anything less is, say it with me…Stupidocrisy. Daily Devotion: A Warped Concept of God - by Greg Laurie – And I was afraid and went and hid your talent in the ground. Look, there you have what is yours’ —Matthew 25:25 - Listen I think somewhere in our minds as believers, we expect serving the Lord or using what God has given us to be drudgery . . . hard . . . difficult . . . unpleasant . . . no fun. In the parable of the talents, that is what the third servant thought. He had a warped concept of his master. He said to him, “I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed. And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the ground. Look, there you have what is yours” (Matthew 25:24–25). So essentially the master said, “All right. You say that I am a hard man, harvesting crops that don’t belong to me. If that is so, then why didn’t you invest my money?” You see, this man’s concept of his master was wrong. He thought his master was something he was not. In the same way, some people have a warped concept of God. They are afraid to say to Him, “Here is my life, Lord. Here is my future. Here are my resources. Here is my time. It is now dedicated to Your glory.” They would never say that because they think God would make their lives miserable. That was the problem with this third servant. He had a false concept of his master. Many of us are afraid of God, but that fear is not a godly reverence for Him. We are afraid of what He will do to us, afraid that He will ruin our lives. It’s time for us to realize that the greatest joy in life is serving the Lord. It is not drudgery; it’s joy. It is life as it’s meant to be lived. FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY, TRULY, THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT? One of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. 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What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. 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Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13 If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to: DONATE NOW Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. 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