The Most Ignored Verse in the Bible – Jonathan Brentner -
If I were to cite this verse for any Bible-believing saint, he or she would immediately affirm a belief in what it says. Yet, most Christians today not only ignore the message of this verse, but live as though it’s not true. What is the verse that’s so overlooked, so disregarded by so many in the church today? It’s 1 Corinthians 15:19, “If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied.” Many believers, particularly in America, live with a one-world focus that assumes their Gospel hope for just this life is sufficient to carry them through its ups and downs. But how long can a perspective that ignores our glorious eternal hope sustain one in the midst of tragedies and tribulations without opening the door of one’s heart to doubt and despair? Not long. Not long at all. In his daily devotional book, Restoration Year, John Eldredge wrote this for November 11, “Most Christians have no solid grip at all on their future; they are fixated completely and entirely on the present moment. But we cannot live without a future . . . . Without a glorious hope blazing in your heart, you will be crushed by the pain of the world.” Most sermons today not only discount the realities of eternity, but rather reflect a sanctified version of Joel Osteen’s book, Your Best Life Now. When we look in Scripture, however, we see a drastically different emphasis, one that highlights the truths of 1 Corinthians 15:19. JESUS LINKED BELIEF IN HIMSELF WITH ETERNAL LIFE Jesus again and again linked belief in Himself with eternal life (see John 3:15-16; 5:24, 39-40; 6:40; 10:27-28; 11:24-27; 14:1-6). One cannot miss the forever aspect of His teaching. He died so that we might inherit eternal life. He never promised us a great life before then, but warned of tribulation (John 16:33). After her brother Lazarus died, Martha expressed a belief in his future resurrection as she spoke to Jesus about his death. In response, “Jesus said, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lies and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?’” (John 11:25-26). The Lord wanted Martha’s focus to be on the future resurrection of all believers, even as she watched the Lord raise her brother from the dead. The last recorded words that Jesus spoke to His church were these, “Surely I am coming quickly” (Revelation 22:20). If His imminent appearing was so important to Jesus that it became His last words to the church, should it not also be on our lips as we navigate through the heartaches and pains of life? PAUL TAUGHT HIS NEW CONVERTS AT THESSALONICA TO EXPECT JESUS’ SOON APPEARING Journey back in time with me as the apostle Paul proclaims the Gospel in the city of Thessalonica. His success at winning many to Jesus there created much jealousy among the Jews who forced him to leave town much earlier than he planned (Acts 17:1-9). Despite Paul’s short stay in the city, which ended in a riot, consider how he instructed these babes in the Christian faith. He taught them . . .
Oh to have heard Paul teach on these things as he proclaimed the Gospel to the Thessalonians! WHAT CAUSES PEOPLE TO DISMISS THE MESSAGE OF 1 CORINTHIANS 15:19? Speaking as an American, I believe the affluence in my nation keeps many believers, and pastors, from fully absorbing the truths of 1 Corinthians 15:19. We have lived in a bubble of prosperity for so long that many of us do not recognize the many and varied threats from those who seek to destroy our county and put us under the heels of the globalists. Many remain under the illusion that Marxism cannot happen here despite the openness of many in our government who tell us that is what they want for the U.S. American Christians under the hypnotic spell of the mainstream media see only hope for their future even as the walls close in on them week by week and their freedoms slowly vanish. The many discouraging caricatures of heaven also contribute to the neglect of these things in our daily lives. How can sitting in on cloud with a harp compare with the technology of modern life? Who wants to jump into icy waters to earn one’s wings as an angel? Is not life here more exciting than a never-ending worship service? One of Satan’s biggest lies today is that heaven will be boring. Randy Alcorn, in his wonderful book, Heaven, addresses this fallacy in one of my favorite quotes from his book: Our belief that Heaven will be boring betrays a heresy—that God is boring. There’s no greater nonsense. Our desire for pleasure and the experience of joy come directly from God’s hand. He made our taste buds, adrenaline, sex drives, and the nerve endings that convey pleasure to our brains. Likewise, our imaginations and our capacity for joy and exhilaration were made by the very God we accuse of being boring. Are we so arrogant as to imagine that human beings came up with the idea of having fun?[i] Nothing dulls Paul’s Romans 8:18 perspective of eternal glory than the lie that the Lord will not bless us physically in heaven or that our experience there will be joyless. That’s why we refer to heaven as paradise. For us, the millennium, and especially eternal state, will be the utopia that people can only dream about today. It will be . . . paradise! Why would Jesus refer to it in that way if it’s not what we imagine when we hear the word “paradise” (Luke 23:43)? A third reason is perhaps the lack of sound biblical teaching in most churches today on future things, which has led to many getting their beliefs on such things from dubious sources on social media that prioritize human wisdom above the words of Scripture. Please know that it’s not the preaching of biblical truths regarding these things that causes divisions among the saints, it’s the scoffers who reject what the Bible says about the Rapture and the millennium. Please pay close attention in this regard to these words from Jude 17-19 “But you must remember, beloved, the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. They said to you, ‘In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.’ It is these who cause divisions, worldly people, devoid of the Spirit.” The preaching of the cross certainly results in division among people. However, it’s the scoffers who cause strife in the church when pastors proclaim biblical truths regarding Jesus’ imminent appearing and His thousand-year reign on the throne of David. OUR HOPE OF PARADISE ENABLES US TO MAKE SENSE OF THIS LIFE Without the hope of eternity, it’s totally impossible to make sense out of what we experience in this life. Paul David Tripp wrote this in his excellent daily devotional book, New Morning Mercies, “Without eternity at the center of our thinking, our picture of life is like a jigsaw puzzle missing a central piece.” Tripp added this about a biblical worldview, “For God’s children, eternity promises that sin will die, suffering will end, our trials will be no more, and we will live with God in perfect peace forever . . . . You just can’t make proper sense of life without viewing it from the perspective of eternity.” Perhaps you’re reading this in midst of a great loss, a sickness, or much suffering. Of course, you can rely on Jesus’ continuing strength and comfort in the moment, but do not discount the eternal hope you possess in Christ that encourages and comforts us during such times (1 Thessalonians 4:18). If you are like me, you feel greatly overwhelmed at times as you watch the wicked carry out their evil schemes. Those motivated by greed and power seem to be winning the day as they inflect pain, grief, and even death on a great many people. Their reign of terror, however, will quickly come to an end during the Tribulation period. If you’re groaning because of what you see (Romans 8:23-25), take heart; that’s a good sign because it means you have given up on this life to fulfill all your dreams and look for the joy of Jesus’ appearing with excited anticipation. The best comfort for the afflictions of this life is to keep the message of 1 Corinthians 15:19 in mind at all times, “If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied.” Whatever happened to eternal life? It’s alive and well in God’s Word, but needs to make its reappearance in Bible-believing churches today. Note: Last year I wrote an article related to this one, The Tragic Divorce of Our “Blessed Hope” from the Gospel. Note: Please consider signing up for my newsletter on the home page of my website at . It will greatly help me in reaching more people. Thanks! [i] Randy Alcorn, Heaven, p. 410. Israel Stands Alone - US Fails to Support in UN Vote – Sean Savage - The United States voted last week to abstain on a resolution concerning the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), the U.N.'s agency that handles Palestinian refugees--part of several resolutions put forth in the U.N. General Assembly concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that largely targeted Israel for its treatment of Palestinians. The text, called "Assistance to Palestinian Refugees," demands "compensation" for descendants of Palestinian refugees who lost property when they fled their homes, as well as an unlimited "right of return" for Palestinian refugees to a sovereign Israel. Israel was the sole country that opposed the text, which passed the General Assembly on Nov. 9 with a vote of 160-1, including nine abstentions from the United States, Canada, Cameroon, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Papa New Guinea and Uruguay. Nevertheless, the decision by the Biden administration to switch to abstention on the UNRWA vote marked a shift from the Trump administration, which had uniformly voted against such anti-Israel votes at the United Nations. "This is basically a regression going back to the Obama administration's policies," Asaf Romirowsky, executive director for Scholars for Peace in the Middle East and UNRWA expert, told JNS. "UNRWA hasn't changed any of their policies or behaviors; in fact, since the Gaza conflict in May, their terrorist activity and incitement to violence has increased." Romirowsky said he believes this is part of the Biden administration's goal to undo many of the previous policies of the Trump administration without any thought to the ramifications of such moves. "I believe this in tandem tied to push to reopen the consulate to the Palestinians in Jerusalem, appease the Palestinian Authority and reverse [former President Donald] Trump's policies," he said. Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley slammed the Biden administration's decision to abstain. "U.S. President Joe Biden has no opinion about the only Jewish state in the world ceasing to exist. This is not how you treat your friends," she said. "We are watching a dangerous backslide of American policy and principle at the United Nations," Jonathan Schanzer, senior vice president of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told JNS. "From rejoining and legitimizing the U.N. Human Rights Council to this latest punt on UNRWA, it would appear that the Biden administration has chosen the path of least resistance at Turtle Bay. And that path is most easily described as appeasement." 'Continuing to single out Israel' Political leaders and watchdog groups have long accused UNRWA of promoting educational material that contains anti-Semitism and incitement to violence. In July, Republican lawmakers introduced a bill to block taxpayer money from being sent to the agency unless certain requirements are met, such as verifying no employees are members of terror organizations or promoting anti-American or anti-Israel rhetoric. The Trump administration had previously cut all aid to UNRWA over these concerns. The United Kingdom recently announced that it would cut funding to UNRWA by half as well. UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini warned last month that the group is facing a "severe funding crisis" as a result of these cuts. Nevertheless, the Biden administration has pushed to restore funding and reform the organization. Speaking before a congressional committee last June, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the United States was "determined that UNRWA pursue very necessary reforms in terms of some of the abuses of the system that have taken place in the past, particularly the challenge that we've seen in disseminating in its educational products anti-Semitic or anti-Israel information." In his address to the United Nations this week, Ambassador Richard Mills, U.S. Deputy Representatives to the United Nations, explained the decision but criticized the world body for "continuing to single out Israel" through a series of resolutions targeting the Jewish state. "For this reason, the United States strongly opposes the annual submission of a package of resolutions biased against Israel. And while we do appreciate the modest efforts that have been taken to reduce the numbers of these resolutions, if the problematic and biased language remains, this effort is, well, moot," he said. However, regarding the resolution pertaining to UNRWA, Mills explained that America is returning to the position of abstention, which had previously been done during the Obama administration. "As many members know, under President Biden, the United States announced it would restore its financial support to UNRWA, which we do believe is a vital lifeline to millions of Palestinians across the region," he said, noting that the United States has provided $318 million to UNRWA since April. "We were pleased to see language included in several of the resolutions that reflect our priorities in line with strengthening UNRWA," he said. "The United States will continue to work with UNRWA; work to strengthen the agency's accountability, its transparency and its consistency with U.N. principles." Romirowsky dismissed claims that the Biden administration can reform UNRWA. He said agency officials "haven't done anything on their end to prove trustworthiness or prove they are ready for the money. In fact, they have actually become worse, and the Gaza war in May only proves that." Nearing Midnight: Pope Pokes Armageddon Button – Terry James - Nothing currently in view in geopolitics or even in socioeconomics or religious developments more clearly points to the lateness of the prophetic hour than the pope’s recent treacherous dealings with God’s chosen nation. This pontiff has consistently and persistently poked his papal finger into the center of Israeli affairs as pertains to that nation’s dealings with its blood-vowed enemies. This isn’t particularly surprising, due to the fact that the Vatican, whomever the pope, looks at Israel as having lost any and all rights to claims of God’s prophetic promises. This so-called Vicar of Christ continues to expand the boundaries of the Catholic Church’s replacement theology. That is, he continues to perpetuate the false declaration that the Catholic Church has replaced the Jews and the nation of Israel in God’s view, because the Jews rejected and murdered Christ. In the Vatican’s view—and that regime is a government as much as any other—Israel today is no more than another government. And in many ways, the Catholic Church—like Israel’s surrounding enemy nations and, in fact, much of the world—looks at the Jewish state as an illegitimate “occupier” of land belonging to the so-called Palestinians. This is the prevailing, hostile attitude of almost all of the national entities making up the United Nations. Votes in that body consistently go against Israel when given the opportunities. There have been times that, if not for the United States having a total veto on votes taken in the UN, Israel, if Heaven were not involved, would have long ago likely not survived as a national entity. Of course, we know that is an impossibility. God has said the following. And I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your descendants after you. And I will give to you and to your descendants after you, the land of your sojourning, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their God. (Genesis 17:7–8) But, not unlike our own state department as of late, this pope has no qualms about treating Israel like the proverbial red-headed stepchild. Without invitation by anyone in charge of Israeli affairs—as far as has been divulged—Pope Francis is perpetrating perhaps the one evil against God’s chosen nation that could prompt the Almighty to bring about His wrath on a cataclysmic scale. The story of that unwelcomed papal intrusion is seen through the following news item. Pope Francis met with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday. At the meeting, the Pope emphasized the importance of the “Two-State Solution” which would create an unprecedented Arab state inside of Israel’s borders, ethnically cleansed of Jews, with its capital in the section of Jerusalem containing Judaism’s holiest site.… The talk “stressed that it is absolutely necessary to reactivate direct dialogue in order to achieve a two-state solution, also with the help of more vigorous effort on the part of the international community.”… The term “Abrahamic religions” took on a specific meaning when the Pope led a “Prayer of the sons and daughters of Abraham” at the Great Ziggurat of Ur in Iraq which is purported by some to be the birthplace of Biblical Abraham. Despite the title of the event implying that all of Abraham’s offspring would be represented, the event brought together Muslims, Catholics, and Christians but no Jews were present. The Pope presented Abbas with a copy of the Document on Human Fraternity, which he signed with the Grand Imam of Al Azhar in Abu Dhabi in 2019. The document has been widely criticized as advocating for a one-world-religion, combining Catholicism and Islam. (“Pope meets Abbas, wants to divide Israel and give Temple Mount to Arabs, Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, Israel365news, 11/5/21) The pope’s actions, again, point to the lateness of the prophetic hour. We consistently examine all the issues and events and developments in every aspect of things going on today as the Tribulation era looms heavily on history’s horizon. No sign is more indicative of just how close that time of God’s holy judgment and wrath is than this attempt to divide god’s beloved land of promise. For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land. (Joel 3:1–2) For the Christian, this is not a reason to fear punishment that will lead to Armageddon. That time of wrath is reserved for those who want to divide Israel. This action by the pope and other globalist elites, in fact, means that Christ’s call to the true Church—all born-again believers in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ for salvation—must be right at the door. He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. (Revelation 22:20) Are Gasoline Prices Being Pushed Higher on Purpose? - by Michael Snyder - Is it just a “coincidence” that gasoline prices have absolutely exploded since Joe Biden took office? The hatred that many on the left have for traditional forms of energy is well known. Many of them are entirely convinced that the changes that are happening to our climate can be reversed if we can just transition away from traditional forms of energy. So on the left there is a lot of interest in finding ways to create incentives for people to use “cleaner” forms of energy instead of “dirtier” forms of energy. For example, the left would love to see all of us driving around in electric vehicles, and one way to accelerate that transition would be to dramatically raise the price of gasoline. Interestingly, that is precisely what is happening right now. In fact, the average price of a gallon of gasoline just hit another all-time high in California… Gas prices in California reached an all-time high Monday as the average price of a regular gallon soared to $4.682, according to the American Automobile Assn. It was the state’s second record-breaking day in a row. Monday’s price for regular unleaded was six-tenths of a cent higher than the Sunday average reported by AAA, which broke the previous state record of $4.671 set in October 2012. And things are even worse in the San Francisco area. For those living there, the average price of a gallon of gasoline has almost reached five dollars… Drivers in the San Francisco Bay Area are paying more at the pump than anywhere else in the country – with a gallon of gas hitting a near record level of $4.84 as the nation remains in the grip of an inflation crisis. On November 30th of last year, the average price of a gallon of gasoline in the United States was just $2.21. So what changed? I think that it is pretty obvious. Last year we had a Republican in the White House and now we have a Democrat. The Biden regime has been publicly expressing concern about gas prices, but at the same time the administration just keeps making moves that they know will make the energy crisis even worse. When Breitbart News recently interviewed Senator Tom Cotton, he actually accused the administration of pumping up gasoline prices on purpose… Cotton, who campaigned last week for Republicans in Iowa ahead of the 2022 midterm elections, told Breitbart News in a phone interview between events that he believes the high gas prices are on purpose. “Most notably, more and more people tell me that they’re not even able to fill their pickup truck tank up for the entire week,” Cotton said. “They’ve got to fill up half a tank and hope that the price comes down by the end of the week. That, in particular, is the intended effect of Joe Biden’s energy policy. It’s not unintended or some accident. They want gas to cost $4 a gallon because they want all of us to get out of pickup trucks and SUVs and get into small electric compacts or bicycles or scooters or whatever else Pete Buttigieg takes to work.” So is Senator Cotton correct about this? If he is, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit. Meanwhile, we just learned that over the past year home prices have been rising much, much faster than paychecks have been… For Americans seeking to buy a home, this year has likely brought much frustration. A nexus of several natural and man-made factors culminated in the tightest residential real estate markets in recent memory. While median wages increased by 4.3 percent October-to-October this year vs last, typical mortgage payment (30-year fixed rate with 10 percent down payment) increased nearly 17 percent, according to the National Association of Realtors (pdf). That means an average American worker earning about $4,300 a month would need to spend nearly $1,400 a month on a typical mortgage payment. And that’s before income taxes, social security taxes, Medicare taxes, property taxes, home insurance, and utility bills. Our standard of living is being absolutely eviscerated, and the middle class is shrinking a little bit more with each passing day. But the Democrats keep coming up with new ways to gum up the economy. For example, they are now pushing the Biden regime to implement a new mandate which will make business travel by air a complete and utter nightmare… Democratic lawmakers are urging President Joe Biden to require that all airline passengers either show proof of full vaccination against the coronavirus or a negative COVID-19 test before boarding a domestic flight. The request was made in a letter, signed by more than 30 Democrats that was sent to Biden November 11. If such a mandate is put into place, it may be many years before it is finally removed. You would think that the Democrats would have figured out that the American people absolutely hate mandates by now. Their poll numbers just keep sinking, and if the midterm elections were held right now they would clearly lose control of Congress… As things stand, if the midterm elections were today, 51% of registered voters say they’d support the Republican candidate in their congressional district, 41% say the Democrat. That’s the biggest lead for Republicans in the 110 ABC/Post polls that have asked this question since November 1981. Indeed, it’s only the second time the GOP has held a statistically significant advantage (the other was +7 points in January 2002) and the ninth time it’s held any numerical edge at all. But I don’t expect the Democrats to back down. It’s not in their nature. I have said it before, and I will say it again. I think that the Democrats are creating the sort of political environment that could result in a new major third party rising before we get to the 2024 elections. But for now, the Democrats are in control in Washington, and they have put us on a path that leads to national ruin. All over the western world, there is a major push to discourage traditional forms of energy, and this is creating an unprecedented supply squeeze. We desperately need to do a whole lot more drilling, but that isn’t going to happen. So this new energy crisis is going to continue to escalate, and gasoline prices will eventually reach levels that were once completely unimaginable. Daily Jot: Don’t be gaslit by Biden’s false mandate - Bill Wilson – The Biden White House is purposely telling companies to defy the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals stay of the Administration’s COVID 19 mandate. This is a calculated political move of which no business or individual should comply. Here’s how it works: The Biden Administration knows that it is unlawful for the federal government to force a national mandate. But, It is threatening fines and legal action against non-compliance instilling fear into those who would dissent. Biden knows that the courts will take a long time to decide the issue because his Administration will keep stalling the courts. By the time the issue is settled, employees will have been forced to vaccinate or lose their jobs. Biden wins. Vaccinations are irrevocable. The longer courts take to decide the Biden mandate’s legality, the more time Biden buys to bully companies and citizens into taking the vaccination. That’s why Americans, vaccinated or not, should stand against this tyrannical power grab. The 5th Circuit has laid out tremendous arguments as to why this mandate is illegal. Here are some of them taken from the three-judge panel’s decision: 1) OSHA was never intended to make sweeping pronouncements on matters of public health affecting every member of society in the profoundness of ways; 2) The mandate is both overinclusive by applying it to all employees and workplaces, and underinclusive while applying it to save employees with 99 or more coworkers from a grave danger in the workplace, while making no attempt to shield employees with 98 or fewer coworkers; 3) The underinclusive nature of the Mandate implies that the Mandate’s true purpose is not to enhance workplace safety, but instead to ramp up vaccine uptake by any means necessary. 4) underinclusiveness of this sort is often regarded as a telltale sign that the government’s interest in enacting a liberty-restraining pronouncement is not in fact “compelling.”; 5) The mandate’s stated impetus—a purported “emergency” that the entire globe has now endured for nearly two years, and which OSHA itself spent nearly two months responding to—is unavailing as well; 6) The promulgation grossly exceeds OSHA’s statutory authority; 7) the Mandate fails to consider what is perhaps the most salient fact of all: the ongoing threat of COVID-19 is more dangerous to some employees than to other employees. The court ruled that the Mandate likely exceeds the federal government’s authority because it regulates noneconomic inactivity that falls squarely within the States’ authority. The court wrote, “A person’s choice to remain unvaccinated and forgo regular testing is noneconomic inactivity…Concerns over separation of powers principles cast doubt over the Mandate’s assertion of virtually unlimited power to control individual conduct under the guise of a workplace regulation…Congress must “speak clearly if it wishes to assign to an agency decisions of vast economic and political significance.”” Christ said in Matthew 24:4, “Take heed that no man deceive you.” The Biden Administration is using malicious threats to force people to take the COVID jab. Not only don’t fall for it, stand up against it. This is about freedom. Daily Devotion: Resisting Ourselves - by Greg Laurie – Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. —James 1:14 - Listen When my son Jonathan was very young, I found him playing video games one morning when he was supposed to be doing his homework. With the controller in his hand and a guilty expression on his face, he told me, “Dad, I couldn’t resist myself.” He didn’t say that he couldn’t resist the video games or the temptation to play video games. Rather, he said that he couldn’t resist himself. And I thought that was about the most accurate description of temptation I’ve heard. After we fall into temptation, we like to say the Devil made us do it or that someone entrapped us or a certain situation just happened, and therefore we had no control over the circumstances. But God never will give us more than we can handle or allow us to be tempted above our capacity to resist. The Bible tells us, “The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure” (1 Corinthians 10:13 NLT). Scripture clearly says that temptation does not come from God. James wrote, “And remember, when you are being tempted, do not say, ‘God is tempting me.’ God is never tempted to do wrong, and he never tempts anyone else” (James 1:13 NLT). Instead, James says that “temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away” (verse 14 NLT). We play a key role in our own temptation. Now, clearly the Devil will work in concert with the flesh and this world to bring us down, but we have to cooperate. Yet when temptation comes to us as Christians, we do not fight for victory. Rather, we fight from victory. In other words, we rest in the finished work that Christ has accomplished for us on the cross. 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I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides, and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! 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