The Night (or Day) of the Living Dead – Randy Nettles -
Do you remember the classic horror flick that came out in 1968 called “The Night of the Living Dead?” It was not the first zombie movie ever, but it’s the one that initiated the idea of zombies in the popular imagination and set the template for everything else to follow, such as: Dawn of the Dead, 28 Days Later, Day of the Dead, and of course the popular movie show, The Walking Dead. It was one of the most successful independent movies ever made. Made for $114,000 (equivalent to approximately $855,000 in 2022), it grossed approximately $30 million (equivalent to approximately 240 million in 2022)- over 263 times its budget. Even if you didn’t see the movie, you could probably predict the plot. Here is how one critic describes it: “Many years ago in the quiet Pennsylvania countryside, the dead began to walk. Fueled by an insatiable hunger for human flesh, the ghouls' ghastly quest inadvertently brought together six strangers whose inability to unite would ultimately lead to their tragic downfall.” Even though this movie (and all the others) is fantastically fictitious, there is coming a day when the dead will live again; and I’m not talking about in heaven, but on the earth. The cause of it will not be by human means, such as radiation or a lab-created virus, but by the hand (or word) of God. In Hollywood’s imagination, the dead can only come back to life for the purpose of evil, but with God, it will be for the purpose of good. Of course, I am talking about the Rapture of the Church, where the dead in Christ will be raised from the grave. Although life on earth for those left behind after the Rapture will be horrific, life for those who are raised up will be blissful, beyond imagination. Here is how Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles, described this supernatural event. “For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep (dead). For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17). There have been multiple instances of people being raised from the dead in the past, even in the Old Testament. Lazarus was one of three people that Jesus raised from the dead. After Jesus died, there were many ‘saints’ who came out of their graves and appeared to many. “Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep (died) were raised; and coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many” (Matthew 27:51-53). It is believed that all of the righteous “living dead” who were raised before Jesus ascended back to heaven all died again and went to “Paradise” or “Abraham’s bosom” in Sheol (Luke 16:22). There they waited until Jesus could die for their sins and sprinkle His blood on the altar in heaven, opening its gates for all believers. Jesus and one of the thieves on the cross went to Paradise after His resurrection and then He took all of the occupants that were there to Heaven with Him. Jesus is the only one who has died and received their heavenly, spiritual body thus far. “But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep (died). For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead” (1 Corinthians 15:20). Our citizenship is in heaven and to live there we must have a body like Jesus’. “For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself” (Philippians 3:20-21). This is quite a contrast to Hollywood’s version of rotten corpses walking around without any brain function other than the hunger for human flesh. At the Rapture, not only will the dead be brought back to life with a new heavenly body, but all true Christians still living during this moment will be changed as well. “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: Death is swallowed up in victory” (1 Thessalonians 15:52-54). I have always thought that during the rapture/resurrection God would re-make us using our own DNA, albeit no matter how small of a residue was left of our remains in the earth or sea. To my surprise upon reading some of the Christian classic articles on the Rapture Ready website, I learned the great evangelist and theologian John Wesley agreed with me ( or rather I agreed with him). John Wesley was an 18th-century Anglican clergyman, evangelist, and was the co-founder of Methodism. Wesley was one of the main figures in the First Great Awakening in England and the American colonies. John Wesley began his itinerant (open-air) preaching in 1739. It is estimated that in his lifetime, Wesley rode 250,000 miles on horseback, preached 40,000 sermons, and published, edited, or abridged nearly 400 publications. Basically, a postmillennial, John Wesley believed the Great Awakening would continue indefinitely until Christ’s return to set up His Kingdom, so he really didn’t believe in the pre-Tribulation Rapture per se. One of the many articles that John Wesley wrote was in regards to the resurrection of the dead. The one I will relay to you is entitled The Resurrection of the Dead: 1 Corinthians 15:35. It is a ‘classic,’ much more so than the movie, “The Night of the Living Dead.” Although not mentioned in Wesley’s article, the translation that occurs at the Rapture will be for the living (Christians) as well as the dead (in Christ). As we get closer to the Rapture, this article is more relevant than ever before. And as the world grows darker under the evil Spirit of Antichrist, Wesley’s words inspired by the word of God and the Holy Spirit sheds light on the truth and give us hope to endure. I cannot write as eloquently as the great John Wesley wrote, so I will not attempt to emulate his work. I will just let him talk to you in his own words. To get the most out of this message, I would suggest you take your time and meditate on his words and don’t just scan through it (sorry for the length). Here is an excerpt from this article: THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD: 1 CORINTHIANS 15:35 “But some man will say, how are the dead raised up? and with what body do they come?” (1 Cor. 15:35). The apostle (Paul) having, in the beginning of this chapter, firmly settled the truth of our Savior’s resurrection, adds, “Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some among you, that there is no resurrection of the dead?” It cannot now any longer seem impossible to you that God should raise the dead; since you have so plain an example of it in our Lord, who was dead and is alive; and the same power which raised Christ must also be able to quicken our mortal bodies. But some man will say, “How are the dead raised up? And with what body do they come? How can these things be?” How is it possible that these bodies should be raised again, and joined to their several souls, which many thousands of years ago were either buried in the earth, swallowed up in the sea, or devoured by fire? — which have moldered into the finest dust, –that dust scattered over the face of the earth, dispersed as far as the heavens are wide; — nay, which has undergone ten thousand changes, has fattened the earth, become the food of other creatures, and these again the food of other men? How is it possible that all these little parts, which made up the body of Abraham, should be again ranged together, and, unmixed with the dust of other bodies, be all placed in the same order and posture that they were before, so as to make up the very self-same body which his soul at his death forsook? The plain notion of resurrection requires, that the self-same body that died should rise again. Nothing can be said to be raised again, but that very body that died. If God gives to our souls on the last day a new body, this cannot be called the resurrection of our body; because that word plainly implies the fresh production of what was before. The mention which the Scripture makes of the places where the dead shall rise, further shows, that the same body which died shall rise. Thus we read in Daniel: “Those that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake; some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.” And, we may likewise observe, that the very phrase, of sleep and awake, implies, that when we rise again from the dead, our bodies will be as much the same as they are when we awake from sleep. Thus, again, our Lord affirms, (John 5:28~29,) “The hour is coming in which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good to the resurrection of life, and they that have done evil to the resurrection of damnation.” Now, if the same body does not rise again, what need is there of opening the graves at the end of the world? The graves can give up no bodies but those which were laid in them. If we were not to rise with the very same bodies that died, then they might rest forever. To this we need only add that of St. Paul: “The Lord shall change this vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body.” Now, this vile body can be no other than that with which we are flow clothed, which must be restored to life again. God can distinguish and keep unmixed from all other bodies the particular dust into which our several bodies are dissolved, and can gather it together and join it again, how far so ever dispersed asunder. God is infinite both in knowledge and power. He knows the number of the stars, and calls them all by their names; he can tell the number of the sands on the sea-shore: And is it at all incredible, that He should distinctly know the several particles of dust into which the bodies of men are moldered, and plainly discern to whom they belong, and the various changes they have undergone? Why should it be thought strange, that He, who at the first formed us, whose eyes saw our substance yet being imperfect, from whom we were not hid when we were made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth, should know every part of our bodies, and every particle of dust whereof we were composed? The artist knows every part of the watch which he frames; and if it should fall in pieces, and the various parts of it lie in the greatest disorder and confusion, yet he can soon gather them together, and as easily distinguish one from another as if everyone had its particular mark. He knows the use of each, and can readily give it its proper place, and put them all exactly in the same figure and order they were before. And can we think that the Almighty Builder of the world, whose workmanship we are, does not know where we are made, or is not acquainted with the several parts of which this earthly tabernacle is composed? All these lay in one vast heap at the creation, till he separated them one from another, and framed them into those distinct bodies whereof this beautiful world consists. And why may not the same Power collect the ruins of our corrupted bodies, and restore them to their former condition? All the parts into which men’s bodies are dissolved, however they seem to us carelessly scattered over the face of the earth, are yet carefully laid up by God’s wise disposal till the day of the restoration of all things. They are preserved in the waters and fires, in the birds and beasts, till the last trumpet shall summon them to their former habitation. God can form this dust, so gathered together, into the same body it was before. And that it is possible, all must own who believe that God made Adam out of the dust of the earth. Therefore, the bodies of men being dust after death, it is no other than it was before; and the same power that at the first made it of dust, may as easily re-make it when it is turned into dust again. Nay, it is no more wonderful than the forming a human body in the womb, which is a thing we have daily experience of; and is doubtless as strange an instance of divine power as the resurrection of it can possibly be. And were it not so common a thing, we should be as hardly brought to think it possible that such a beautiful fabric as the body of man is, with nerves and bones, flesh and veins, blood, and the several other parts whereof it consists, should be formed as we know it is; as now we are, that hereafter it should be rebuilt when it has been crumbled into dust. Had we only heard of the wonderful production of the bodies of men, we should have been as ready to ask, “How are men made, and with what bodies are they born?” as now, when we hear of the resurrection, “How are the dead raised up, and with what bodies do they come?” When God has raised this body, he can enliven it with the same soul that inhabited it before. And we cannot pretend to say it is impossible to be done; for it has been done already. Our Saviour himself was dead, rose again, and appeared alive to his disciples and others, who had lived with him many years, and were then fully convinced that he was the same person they had seen die upon the cross. The change which shall be made in our bodies at the resurrection, according to the Scripture account, will consist chiefly of these four things: — 1. That our bodies shall be raised immortal and incorruptible. 2. That they shall be raised in glory. 3. That they shall be raised in power. 4. That they shall be raised spiritual bodies. The body that we shall have at the resurrection shall be immortal and incorruptible: “For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.” Now, these words, immortal and incorruptible, not only signify that ~we shall die no more, (for in that sense the damned are immortal and incorruptible,)” but that we shall be perfectly free from all the bodily evils which sin brought into the world; that our bodies shall not be subject to sickness, or pain, or any other inconveniences we are daily exposed to. This the Scripture calls “the redemption of our bodies,” — the freeing them from all their maladies. Were we to receive them again, subject to all the frailties and miseries which we are forced to wrestle with, I much doubt whether a wise man, were he left to his choice, would willingly take his again; — whether he would not choose to let his still lie rotting in the grave, rather than to be again chained to such a cumbersome clod of earth. Such a resurrection would be, as a wise Heathen calls it, “a resurrection to another sheep.” It would look more like a redemption to death again, than a resurrection to life. The best thing we can say of this house of earth, is, that it is a ruinous building, and will not be long before it tumbles into dust; that it is not our home, — we look for another “house, eternal in the heavens;” that we shall not always be confined here, but that in a little time we shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption, from this burden of the flesh, into the glorious liberty of the sons of God. What frail things these bodies of ours are! How soon are they disordered! To what a troop of diseases, pains, and other infirmities are they constantly subject! And how does the least distemper disturb our minds, and make life itself a burden! Of how many parts do our bodies consist! and if one of these is disordered, the whole man suffers. If but one of these slender threads, whereof our flesh is made up be stretched beyond its due proportion, or fretted by any sharp humor, or broken, what torment does it create! Nay, when our bodies are at the best, what pains do we take to answer their necessities, to provide for their sustenance, to preserve them in health, and to keep them tenantable, in some tolerable fitness for our souls’ use! And what time we can spare from our labor is taken up in rest, refreshing our jaded bodies, and fitting them for work again. How are we forced, even naturally, into the confines of death; even to cease to be; — at least to pass so many hours without any useful or reasonable thoughts, merely to keep them in repair! But our hope and comfort are, that we shall shortly be delivered from this burden of flesh: When “God shall wipe away all tears from our eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away.” O when shall we arrive at that happy hand where no complaints were ever heard, where we shall all enjoy uninterrupted health both of body and mind, and never more be exposed to any of those inconveniences that disturb our present pilgrimage. When we shall have once passed from death unto life, we shall be eased of all the troublesome care of our bodies, which now takes up so much of our time and thoughts. We shall be set, now undergo to support our lives. Yon robes of light, with which we shall be clothed at the resurrection of the ~just~ will not stand in need of those careful provisions which it is so troublesome to us here either to procure or to be without. But then, as our Lord tells us, those who shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world “neither marry nor are given in marriage, neither can they die any more, but they are equal to the angels.” Their bodies are neither subject to disease, nor want that daily sustenance which these mortal bodies cannot be without. “Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats; but God will destroy both it and them.” This is that perfect happiness which all good men shall enjoy in the other world, — a mind free from all trouble and guilt, in a body free from all pains and diseases. Thus our mortal bodies shall be raised immortal. They shall not only be always preserved from death, (for so these might be if God pleased,) but the nature of them shall be wholly changed so that they shall not retain the same seeds of mortality; — they cannot die anymore. Our bodies shall be raised in glory. “Then shall the righteous shine as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.” A resemblance of this we have in the luster of Moses’s face when he had conversed with God on the mount. His face shone so brightly, that the children of Israel were afraid to come near him, till he threw a veil over it. And that extraordinary majesty of Stephen’s face seemed to be an earnest of his glory. “All that sat in the council, looking steadfastly on him, saw his face as it had been the face of an angel.” How then, if it shone so gloriously even on earth, will it shine in the other world, when his, and the bodies of all the saints, are made like unto Christ’s glorious body! How glorious the body of Christ is, we may guess from his transfiguration. St. Peter, when he saw this when our Lord’s face shone as the sun, and his raiment became shining and white as snow, was so transported with joy and admiration, that he knew not what he said. When our Savior discovered but a little of that glory which he now possesses, and which in due time he will impart to his followers, yet that little of it made the place seem a paradise; and the disciples thought that they could wish for nothing better than always to live in such pure light, and enjoy so beautiful a sight. “It is good for us to be here: Let us make three tabernacles;” — here let us fix our abode forever. And if they thought it so happy only to be present with such heavenly bodies, and to behold them with their eyes, how much happier must it be to dwell in such glorious mansions, and to be themselves clothed with so much brightness! This excellency of our heavenly bodies will probably arise, in great measure, from the happiness of our souls. The unspeakable joy that we then shall feel will break through our bodies, and shine forth in our countenances; as the joy of the soul, even in this life, has some influence upon the countenance, by rendering it more open and cheerful: So Solomon tells us, “A man’s wisdom makes his face to shine.” Virtue, as it refines a man’s heart, so it makes his very looks more cheerful and lively. Our bodies shall be raised in power. This expresses the sprightliness of our heavenly bodies, the nimbleness of their motion, by which they shall be obedient and able instruments of the soul. In this state, our bodies are no better than clogs and fetters, which confine and restrain the freedom of the soul. The corruptible body presses down on the soul, and the earthly tabernacle weighs down the mind. Our dull, sluggish, inactive bodies are often unable, or backward, to obey the commands of the soul. But in the other life, “they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint: Or, as another expresses it, “they shall run to and fro like sparks among the stubble.” The speed of their motion shall be like that of devouring fire in stubble; and the height of it, above the towering of an eagle; for they shall meet the Lord in the air when he comes to judgment, and mount up with him into the highest heaven. This earthly body is slow and heavy in all its motions, listless and soon tired with action. But our heavenly bodies shall be as fire; as active and as nimble as our thoughts are. Our bodies shall be raised spiritual bodies. Our spirits are now forced to serve our bodies, and to attend their leisure, and do greatly depend upon them for most of their actions. But our bodies shall then wholly serve our spirits, and minister to them, and depend upon them. So that, as by “a natural body” we understand one fitted for this lower, sensible world for this earthly state; so “a spiritual body” is one that is suited to a spiritual state, to an invisible world, to the life of angels. And, indeed, this is the principal difference between a mortal and a glorified body. This flesh is the most dangerous enemy we have: We, therefore, deny and renounce it in our baptism. It constantly tempts us to evil. Every sense is a snare to us. All its lusts and appetites are inordinate. It is ungovernable, and often rebels against reason. The law in our members' wars against the law of our mind. When the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak; so that the best of men are forced to keep it under, and use it hardly, lest it should betray them into folly and misery. And how does it hinder us in all our devotions! How soon does it jade our minds when employed on holy things! How easily, by its enchanting pleasures, does it divert them from those noble exercises! But when we have obtained the resurrection unto life, our bodies will be spiritualized, purified, and refined from their earthly grossness; then they will be fit instruments for the soul in all its divine and heavenly employment; we shall not be weary of singing praises to God through infinite ages. Thus, after what little we have been able to conceive of it, it sufficiently appears, that a glorified body is infinitely more excellent and desirable than this vile body. The only thing that remains is to draw some inferences from the whole. And, First, from what has been said, we may learn the best way of preparing ourselves to live in those heavenly bodies; which is, by cleansing ourselves more and more from all earthly affections, and weaning ourselves from this body, and all the pleasures that are peculiar to it. We should begin in this life to loosen the knot between our souls and this mortal flesh; to refine our affections, and raise them from things below to things above; to take ‘off our thoughts, and disengage them from present and sensible things, and accustom ourselves to think of, and converse with, things future and invisible; that so our souls, when they leave this earthly body, may be prepared for a spiritual one, as having beforehand tasted spiritual delights, and being in some degree acquainted with the things which we then shall meet with. A soul wholly taken up with this earthly body is not fit for the glorious mansions above. A sensual mind is so wedded to bodily pleasures, that it cannot enjoy itself without them; and it is not able to relish any other, though infinitely to be preferred before them. Nay, such as follow the inclinations of their fleshly appetites, are so far unfit for heavenly joys, that they would esteem it the greatest unhappiness to be clothed with a spiritual body. It would be like clothing a beggar in the robes of a king. Such glorious bodies would be uneasy to them, they would not know what to do in them, and they would be glad to retire and put on their rags again. But when we are washed from the guilt of our sins, and cleansed from all filthiness of flesh and spirit, by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, then we shall long to be dissolved, and to be with our exalted Savior; we shall be always ready to take wing for the other world, where we shall, at last, have a body suited to our spiritual appetites. From hence we may see how to account for the different degrees of glory in the heavenly world. For although all the children of God shall have glorious bodies, yet the glory of them all shall not be equal. “As one star differs from another star in glory, so also is the resurrection of the dead.” They shall all shine as stars; but those who, by a constant diligence in well-doing, have attained to a higher measure of purity than others, shall shine more bright than others. They shall appear as more glorious stars. It is certain that the most heavenly bodies will be given to the most heavenly souls; so this is no little encouragement to us to make the greatest progress we possibly can in the knowledge and love of God since the more we are weaned from the things of the earth now, the more glorious will our bodies be at the resurrection. Let this consideration engage us patiently to bear whatever troubles we may be exercised within the present life. The time of our eternal redemption draws nigh. Let us hold out a little longer, and all tears shall be wiped from our eyes, and we shall never sigh nor sorrow anymore. And how soon shall we forget all we endured in this earthly tabernacle, when once we are clothed with that house which is from above! We are now but on our journey towards home, and so must expect to struggle with many difficulties; but it will not be long till we come to our journey’s end, and that will make amends for all. We shall then be in a quiet and safe harbor, out of the reach of all storms and dangers. We shall then be at home in our Father’s house, no longer exposed to the inconveniences which, so long as we abide abroad in these tents, we are subject to. And let us not forfeit all this happiness, for want of a little more patience. Only let us hold out to the end, and we shall receive an abundant recompense for all the trouble arid uneasiness of our passage which shall be endless rest and peace. Let this especially, fortify us against the fear of death: It is now disarmed, and can do us no hurt. It divides us, indeed, from this body awhile; but it is only that we may receive it again more glorious. As God, therefore, said once to Jacob, “Fear not to go down into Egypt, for I will go down with thee, and will surely bring thee up again;” so may I say to all who are born of God, “Fear not to go down into the grave; lay down your heads in the dust; for God will certainly bring you up again, and that in a much more glorious manner.” Only “be ye steadfast and unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord;” and then let death prevail over, and pull down, this house of clay; since God hath undertaken to rear it up again, infinitely more beautiful, strong, and useful. CONCLUSION Hollywood would have you believe the ‘dead’ have no future life other than a demonic one. The world might think there is nothingness after life; we just return to the dust. But if you believe the Word of God, there is a glorious eternal life awaiting for those who believe in the one He sent, Jesus Christ. John Wesley did a good job in his article with imagining life after death, but as the apostle and prophet, Paul said: “But as it is written (Isaiah 64:4): Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Corinthians 2:9). Amen, even so, Come Lord Jesus! Randy Nettles [email protected] Chinese Challenge and Prophetic Progression – Terry James - China, to my way of analysis, is shaping to become the entity prophetically designated the king of the kings of the east. The leadership of the CCP hasn’t been asleep while the Biden Administration has bumbled along in some instances and planned badly in others. Or, perhaps as some might put it, it is all a disguised blueprint which the so-called new world order has concocted. I.e., the globalists are pulling strings of this president like those strings many generations ago saw in watching Howdy Doody go through his antics. Only we can’t see the strings. But the antics are certainly manifesting while this administration dances to the globalists’ tune. Again, the Chinese CCP schemers haven’t been oblivious to the Biden bumbling –or whatsoever is at the heart of the apparent downward spiral. If the one-world crowd expects to outwit the CCP in their plans to dominate their part of the planet, and then expand everywhere else, they had better hurry and implement their brilliant blueprint to save the earth. The Chinese communists are, themselves, pulling the puppet strings, in consort with Vladimir Putin. Things aren’t looking so good, for example, in the matter of the globalists’ plans to continue to rule the world of finance. The communist cabal that is comprised of the old Soviet oligarchs and the more modernistic and inscrutable Chinese monetary masters seem to be outwitting those of the west who want to continue to rule the fiscal world through the petrodollar. The Chinese, long known for their patience in their movement toward conquering the world, are seeing weakness they apparently can’t resist. That is, weakness in an America under Mr. Biden, whose government is seen dancing around about like that old Howdy Doody puppet of all those years ago. The CCP has made its own self-perceived strength felt in letting it be known its intentions with regard to Taiwan. It has shown its contempt for American power or lack thereof, by issuing a direct order in the form of a threat. The following news excerpt will perhaps encapsulate that Sino contempt for apparent U.S. haplessness. BEIJING (Reuters) -China warned on Thursday it would take strong measures if U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan and said such a visit would severely impact Chinese-U.S. relations, following media reports she would go next week. China considers democratically ruled Taiwan its own territory and the subject is a constant source of friction between Beijing and Washington, especially given strong U.S. military and political support for the island. The possible visit has not been confirmed by Pelosi’s office or Taiwan’s government, but some Japanese and Taiwanese media reported it would take place after she visits Japan this weekend… Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Fijian told reporters that Beijing firmly opposed all forms of official interactions between the United States and Taiwan, and Washington should cancel the trip. “If the United States insists on having its own way, China will take strong measures in response to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity. All possible consequences that arise from this will completely be borne by the U.S. side,” he added, without giving details. China warns U.S. against House Speaker Pelosi visiting Taiwan, By Martin Quin Reuters) Since this report, Speaker Pelosi has suddenly come down with COVID, or something other, it is speculated. The trip is off, and the report is that she is ill and can’t make it. Perhaps she was at the white tie Gridiron Dinner in Washington D.C., the other day. That was apparently a COVID spreader, as many reportedly came down with COVID following the get-together. At any rate, following the Chinese directive the trip was called off. My own postulation continues to be that if China is that future king of the kings of the east (Revelation chapters 9 and 16,) they will soon launch an assault on their Taiwanese neighbor. –Thus, due to the opportunity that has arisen because of America’s weakness. If they want to launch such an assault, they wouldn’t want the complication of having a U.S. official of such status in the way of the military power that would be necessary to do the job on Taiwan like Mr. Putin is having such a time doing on Ukraine. The warning against Ms. Pelosi making the trip thus has been issued. If China is the leader of that massive force from east of the Euphrates, they will –as I have expressed before— have to bring within their hegemony all of the Far East, including Japan, Taiwan and the like which are tied to the western powers. While we watch all of the power spheres shaping for the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, believers should be alerted that the time of Christ’s Call to the Church is almost certainly near indeed. Pastors across the nation and world should be issuing such alerts. We are not to look for the kings of the east to fulfill their dastardly role. We should be looking for the King of all kings. “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.” (Titus 2: 13) Out Of Control Inflation Is Absolutely Eviscerating America’s Rapidly Shrinking Middle Class - by Michael Snyder - I tried to warn you that the U.S. was going down the exact same path that Venezuela had already traveled. Once upon a time, Venezuela actually had a thriving middle class, but then a horrific inflation spiral came along and destroyed it. Thanks to hyperinflation, just about everyone in Venezuela became millionaires, but just about everyone was also pushed into poverty because the currency was essentially worthless. In order for an economy to thrive, a stable currency is essential, and that is a lesson that our leaders have never learned. Our politicians in Washington just kept borrowing and spending trillions upon trillions of dollars that we did not have, and the “experts” at the Federal Reserve just kept pumping trillions of fresh dollars into the financial system. As a result, we now have way too much money chasing way too few goods and services, and this has caused rampant inflation and widespread shortages. You know that things are bad when even the White House is warning of “extraordinarily elevated” inflation data, and each month the overall inflation rate just continues to go higher and higher. So how high will it ultimately go? If our leaders continue to recklessly create giant mountains of money out of thin air, will we eventually start to resemble Zimbabwe or the Weimar Republic? Needless to say, the American people are becoming extremely concerned about this crisis. According to CNBC, consumer expectations for inflation are now at the highest level ever recorded, and a new CBS News poll found that 66 percent of Americans say that higher prices have been “difficult or a hardship” for their families. At this point, just about everyone is feeling the pain. One recent survey discovered that nearly two-thirds of all Americans are currently living paycheck to paycheck. So many people that I hear from are just barely scraping by from month to month, and rising inflation is certainly not helping matters. Just look at what has been happening to home prices. They are up 32.6 percent over the last two years, and it is being estimated that soaring mortgage rates have now priced 9 million homebuyers out of the market… The National Association of Realtors (NAR) estimates millions of Americans have been priced out of the housing market since January as sky-rocketing mortgage rates spark an affordability crisis. Nadia Evangelou, a senior economist and head of forecasting at NAR, said 9 million homebuyers had been priced out of the market. Out of that total, about 3 million millennials. Meanwhile, everything else is becoming a lot more expensive as well. The cost of living is rising much faster than our paychecks are, and Americans are increasingly turning to debt in order to help make ends meet. Unfortunately, the rate at which we are now taking on debt is clearly not sustainable… Consumer debt rose at the fastest pace in 20 years in February. Total consumer debt rose by $41.8 billion 11.3% in February, according to the latest data from the Federal Reserve. It was an 11.3% increase year-on-year and the highest rate of growth since November 2001. Analysts had projected a modest $15 billion gain. And credit card debt is soaring at a particularly alarming pace… Americans ran up their credit cards at a blistering pace in February. Revolving credit, primarily credit card debt, rose by a whopping 20.7%. American consumers added $18 billion to their credit card bills in February alone. US credit card debt now stands at over $1.06 trillion. In a highly inflationary environment, families have to continually find larger and larger piles of money just to maintain the same standard of living. Unfortunately, that is a game that most Americans are going to lose. Meanwhile, the shortages that we have been witnessing around the nation continue to get even worse. For example, one mother says that finding Similac has become “almost a full-time job”… After she visited three different stores in one day, Elyssa Schmier, the vice president of government relations for advocacy group MomsRising, “all of a sudden realized my formula was nowhere to be found. … It’s almost a full-time job trying to find Similac.” After experiencing the nationwide shortage firsthand, Schmier organized an Instagram Live discussion Friday with Brian Dittmeier, who is the senior director of public policy for the National WIC Association. But on the other side of the globe things are much worse. In fact, one Lebanese official just admitted to CNN that Lebanon is already dealing with an extremely severe food shortage… A shortage of Russian and Ukrainian farm products, combined with long-term economic instability and inflation, is creating a major food shortage in Lebanon, the minister for trade told CNN this weekend. “In addition to the wheat, we’re having challenges that we’re concerned about two months from today that includes sunflower oil and sugar.” As I detailed yesterday, we are still only in the very early chapters of this global food crisis. So what will conditions be like six months or a year from now? The entire global system is in the process of melting down, and Gerald Celente is warning that we are literally facing “the greatest financial, socioeconomic, and geopolitical crisis in the history of the world”… It’s not business as usual. Do you know what the office occupancy rate in the United States is? 40%. ‘You mean it’s down 60%?’ You go to New York, on the east side, west side, all around the town, for rent, for rent, for rent, for rent, for rent, for rent. So now they are coming out and central banksters are saying they are warning of an inflationary era. Guess what? This is nothing new. Everything they are doing is making a terrible situation worse. We are on the cusp of the greatest financial, socioeconomic, and geopolitical crisis in the history of the world.” Sadly, he is right on target. Things will get much worse than they are right now, and the nightmare that we are heading toward is going to be far more horrible than most people would dare to imagine. But even though our leaders can now see the consequences of the decisions that they have made, they are just going to keep injecting more money into the system. They literally can’t help themselves, and their self-destructive ways have us on a path that leads to national suicide. For Such a Time as This – Pete Garcia - I received a notice from my mortgage servicing company the other day that said someone had illegally accessed files from their server and my information (along with many others) had been compromised. Between the Russian war, supply chain issues, out-of-control national debt, skyrocketing inflation and crime rates, mandatory mRNA mandates, gender-confused Supreme Court Justices and college swimmers, and about a billion other things wrong with the world today, all I can say is, welcome to 2022. As messed up as the past few decades have been, it’s no wonder why one of the most popular genres of movies is period pieces and fantasy. Who doesn’t want to go back to the 17th century, or the Shire of Middle Earth, and forget all about 21st century cancel culture? That is until they began putting leftist ideology into your favorite movies. I mean, the left has already ruined: the NFL, college football, children’s storytime library hour, elections, churches, universities, female sports, and so on…why not ruin the movies as well. Maybe they can add in some transgendered dwarfs and social justice elf warriors to the new Amazon adaption of the Lord of the Rings. Ah well, it seems there is nothing sacred anymore to the left. Why should anything remain sacred though? I mean, the left's first target was the unborn baby way back in 1973. Since then, tens of millions of babies have been slaughtered on the altar of convenience. If they weren’t safe, then nothing else should be, right? These days, the left isn’t even stopping at killing the unborn…they’re going after the perinatal (post-birth) as well in California. It seems like the leftists in California are just begging God to go full-Sodom and Gomorrah on them. (See Genesis 19:23-25 for more insight) But California is not alone in its pursuit of the title "most wicked state," New York, Vermont, Maryland, Illinois, Rhode Island, and Virginia (under the previous governor) are also championing, or have championed, their own versions of barbaric infanticide bills. The argument used to be that since men can't have babies, men can't have any say on the issue of abortion (my body, my choice!). Ironically, since adult female leftists can no longer identify what a "woman" is anymore, then I guess men can have a say now on the issue. Well, that and the hijacking of all women's sports since gender is a variable shifting spectrum instead of a biological reality. So much for all the gains, the feminist movement has made over the decades! And the left's obsession with the normalization of sexualizing children has finally come out into the light. But we really shouldn't be surprised at all this, I mean, if gender is not real biological reality, then neither is age. As the old John Wesley quote goes, what one generation tolerates, the next will embrace. We've seen this with abortion, divorce, homosexuality, transgenderism, and now, pedophilia with Disney of all companies, leading the charge. Contrastingly, the pro-evolution crowd is squirming uncomfortably in their university-tenured seats, unsure of what to do now that biological truths can simply be swept aside with the right mob of angry "wokesters." I guess the "settled science" of Darwinian evolution, climate change, big bang theory, covid-19, vaccinations, etc. isn't really settled after all. Furthermore, in all the serious discussion regarding the perils of climate change, do any of the "experts" bring that gigantic ball of fire in our sky into ANY discussion? They act as if the Sun has nothing to do with the heating and cooling of the planet. Globally speaking, our present administration is obsessed with protecting Ukraine's border, but not our own. We have a president who should be on hospice care at a nursing home, and not leading the free world. His mouth has begun cashing checks that the rest of the country is now having to pay for. Not even his own administration can walk back the nonsense he’s spewing on a minute-by-minute basis. Even if he manages to serve out a full term in office, the geopolitical damage he’s done (Afghanistan withdrawal, Ukraine) will be virtually impossible to repair. Not only that, but the rotation between the Obama-Trump-Biden presidencies has confirmed what Vladimir Putin has been saying all along to the rest of the world— the USA is agreement incapable (meaning it will constantly renege on treaties as it changes administrations). But what if that is all by design? What I mean is, what if the powers-behind-the-throne (i.e. deep state globalists) wanted a guy like Biden in office to do exactly what he’s doing...deliberately trashing the US? I mean, Joe “Corn pop Dogface pony soldier” Biden couldn’t fill a high school gym before the election, and somehow the mainstream media want us to believe he got 80 million votes? Come on man! I’m not intending to sound harsh, but our current president is visibly demonstrating 13 of the 15 signs of dementia. He has no business being president. The fact that his handlers have him out in the spotlight at all is ‘elder-abuse.’ Nope, they got him in there to do one thing—sign everything in front of him regardless of what it is. The fact they (NYT, WAPO, FBI) are bringing the Hunter Biden Laptop scandal out in the sunlight, can mean only one thing- they intend to use him until they have no more use for him. If that weren’t bad enough, we have virtually every Fortune 500 company tripping over themselves to be more politically correct than the company next to them. From mandatory DIE training (Diversity, Inclusion, Equity), to blatantly anti-white propaganda, the race is on to get woke. Airlines, government agencies, and basically everything within blue states is still rigidly enforcing mask mandates, which the CDC has now admitted to be both unscientific and ineffective. Right about now, having to face Sauron in the Shire, or Vikings in the 9th century sounds far more appealing. So why am I here? Did God mess up and put me in the wrong decade, or even century? Conclusion As appealing as it would be to not have to put up with the sheer insanity going on in the world today, our Christian forbearers would have killed (not literally) to live in our day. They would love to have seen the rebirth of Israel. They would love to have seen the coalescing of the revived Roman Empire. They would love to have seen all of the birth pangs we are witnessing today. True, it’s no fun living through it, but we are right at the tippy-point of the spear where the metal meets the fleshy body of the 70th Week of Daniel (aka…The Tribulation). And that is something they could only have imagined in their wildest dreams. Furthermore, we know the Rapture has to happen before the Tribulation begins (yes the Tribulation begins with the first Seal Judgment), and I’m betting they would love to have seen that too. We are so close to the end we can not only hear the hoofbeats of the four horsemen, we can hear their horses snorting. We’re at that point where nothing left has to happen before the Tribulation begins. Like many of you, I’m actually surprised we are still here. Consider all that has already happened.
Seriously, I’m surprised, no, shocked we are still here. But surprise or not, God intended for you and I to live in such a time as this. In fact, before the world began, He assigned you and I to live in this exact moment of time to be the ‘salt’ in an increasingly rotting world, and a ‘light’ in the day growing dark. Yes, things today suck. Yes, the wicked seem like they are always winning. Yes, the tide of evil seems like it’s not just some rogue wave, but a tsunami that just keeps flooding in. But we are to be busy about the Lord’s work because we are quickly running out of time to work. One day very soon, we are going to hear that shout and the trumpet, and we are going to be called up into immortality…and then, we will forever have to live with the work we did in this life. Will you be like that lone soldier who has but one ribbon on his chest, or will you be the one decked out like a North Korean general? (I know I know—we’ll get crowns but, you get the point!) I told one of our readers that in ten million years, who’s going to care what anyone thinks about our sharing the Gospel with them. Either they will have ignored and mocked us, and are now in eternal damnation (hopefully not!), or they will be with us in glory and eternally grateful that you did. But the more honest truth is, one second after the Rapture, you’re not going to care what anyone thought about you sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with them. You’re going to be transformed from mortality to immortality. From corruptible to incorruptible. And then, you will become fully recognized citizens of the eternal kingdom. For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself. Philippians 3:20-21 Now, that is not to say it won’t matter in the Bema Judgment, because it will, but what I’m speaking about is not the results of our efforts, but the faithfulness of our efforts. You see, we aren’t judged for the results, just the effort. We can’t make anyone come to Christ- that is solely on God the Holy Spirit to draw men unto Christ. We can only plant and water. If we are fortunate to bring some souls with us, all the better. But we can’t change hearts- that is a God thing. If God knows the plight of the sparrows or knows every star by name, then He chose Esther to live when she did. That also means He chose Daniel and the rest of the Old Testament prophets to live when they did. He chose the Apostles to live when they did. If that is true, then if you are alive and reading this today, you were chosen by our Creator to live in such a time as this. If you are fortunate enough to be a student of Bible prophecy, then you are even more blessed, because you are not only living to see the days so many longed to see, but are also that wise servant who is watching and waiting for their Master to return. We are not just discerners of the skies, but discerners of the signs of the times. So be thankful to God that you live now, instead of the 13th century. Be thankful that you live now, instead of the early 20th century. God has chosen us to live in such a time as this, to be His heralds of the age to come. Now, get busy. We are running out of time. Blessed are those servants whom the master, when he comes, will find watching. Assuredly, I say to you that he will gird himself and have them sit down to eat, and will come and serve them. - Luke 12:37 Daily Jot: Of dissent, fruits and truth - Bill Wilson – The American ideal of democracy, a Constitutional Republic, is undergirded by moral people and freedom to dissent. When it comes to government control of healthcare, the people are strongly discouraged to dissent for fear of retribution for life sustaining treatment. The result of socialist healthcare is exemplified by the COVID crisis where government dictated the protocols, the treatment, the lockdowns, the mandates, patient rights, the rights of healthy people, and the campaign against scientific and experiential dissent. As a result, there is no doubt that the death toll is far higher than it would have been if doctors and healthcare workers were allowed to follow their training to combat COVID. A recent example is telltale. The Biden Administration has banned the use of monoclonal antibodies such as sotrovimab for treatment of COVID variants. The narrative is that these treatments are not successful or effective. The official recommendation—or quite frankly, the mandated treatment—is remdesivir and ventilators. The New England Medical Journal reports that remdesivir was discontinued for treating Ebola because over 50% of the patients died. A National Library of Medicine report on 69 studies of 57,000 patients documented a 45-84% age-related mortality rate for ventilator treatment. This “science” is ignored by the CDC. Someday remdesivir and ventilators may be regarded similar as bleeding with leeches. Government bureaucrats like Dr. Anthony Fauci have no business dictating treatments over the good judgment of doctors on the frontlines. Yet, if hospitals, and in turn, doctors, want to get paid, they have to tow the government line. Whenever government is involved beyond national defense, the outcome is likely political policy conflicting with real life. Another example is the LGBTQ+ sexual grooming of children under the guise of bullying and how schools are coerced to allow this blatant child abuse and pedophilia in order to keep their federal funding. Freedom and independence is best served with the least amount of government interference. This is what the brilliant Founding Fathers understood. These days, we have been conditioned to accept administrative enforcement over common sense freedom. When the Constitutional right of peaceful dissent is met with hostility, it could well be considered an act of war against the dissenters. When one considers the level of vitriol, censorship, strong-armed banning of life saving medical treatment, lack of border security, policy-induced food and fuel inflation, financial blackmail over objections to school policies, what are fair-minded people to discern about their government? When government and its powerful corporate and media lapdogs go to great lengths to quell dissent of their agendas, what are fair-minded, law-abiding people to do? Suspend your disbelief and recognize the truth of the matter. As Christ said in Matthew 7:16, “You shall know them by their fruits.” The next step is to act, armed with the truth. Daily Devotion: Disappointment Is His Appointment - by Greg Laurie - Didn’t our hearts burn within us as he talked with us on the road and explained the Scriptures to us? —Luke 24:32 - Listen In the gospel of Luke there’s a story about two disciples who were leaving Jerusalem. They were devastated because Jesus had been crucified, and in their minds that was the end of the story. Then suddenly the resurrected Jesus joined them on the road to Emmaus, but they didn’t know it was Jesus. He basically turned to them and said, “Hey, guys, why the long faces? What’s going on?” One of them replied, “You must be the only person in Jerusalem who hasn’t heard about all the things that have happened there the last few days” (Luke 24:18 NLT). Jesus asked them to tell Him about it, so they began telling Jesus about Jesus. Then as they were walking along, Jesus rebuked them and said, “You foolish people! You find it so hard to believe all that the prophets wrote in the Scriptures. Wasn’t it clearly predicted that the Messiah would have to suffer all these things before entering his glory?” (verses 25–26 NLT). So Jesus told them about all the Old Testament passages that pointed to His death. I would love to have been around for that conversation. As they reached the end of their journey, Jesus acted as though He would keep going, so the two disciples invited Him to stay. It was only when they sat down to eat and Jesus blessed the bread, broke it, and gave it to them that they realized it was Him. And then He disappeared. Afterward they said, “Didn’t our hearts burn within us as he talked with us on the road and explained the Scriptures to us?” (verse 32 NLT). Maybe today you’re disappointed with God. You feel as though He has let you down, that He has failed you. But disappointment is His appointment. God wants to restore your faith today, and He can use His Word to bring you back to spiritual life again. FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY, TRULY, THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT? One of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed, and if that information inspires you, and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers, and open the eyes of non-believers, and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy, then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides, and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks! Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13 If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to: DONATE NOW Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516 We are very pleased to offer all our readers this FREE download on Bible Prophecy from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia - Just download and enjoy and be blessed! Feel free to share it with all your friends and family members. Click below to download! "AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING" If You Died Today, Would You Go To Heaven? Find out, visit: How to know God DID YOU KNOW? You can submit an article, leave a comment or praise report at email: [email protected] Maranatha! (Lord Come Quickly) "On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other ground is sinking sand." "Let Us make the short time we have left count for all eternity!" YBIC-Randy
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