The Power of God - By Daymond Duck -
Before I get started, I have read several articles lately that said Microsoft Outlook’s e-mail system had been hacked. I have also received calls and e-mails from people saying they received an e-mail from me that they could not open. I answer lots of e-mails every day, but I did not send the e-mails in question, and I do not know how to stop that from happening. (I advise everyone not to open an e-mail from me unless you are reasonably sure that I sent it.) Moving on, in one of the most famous passages of Scripture, Paul said, “the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive shall be caught up [Raptured] together with them in the clouds” (I Thess. 4:16-17). Here are some Scriptures about the resurrection of the dead:
Those that do not believe in the resurrection and Rapture err because they do not know the Scriptures or the power of God (Matt. 22:29). One, on May 29, 2020, Pres. Trump withdrew the U.S. from the World Health Organization (WHO) and stopped U.S. funding. Leaked secret WHO documents show that the WHO believed China was covering up its involvement in the spread of Covid. Trump accused the WHO of cooperating with the coverup. Trump said the WHO was receiving about $450 million dollars a year from the U.S., about $40 million dollars a year from China, and the WHO was acting as a spokesperson for the Chinese government. On Mar. 3, 2021, it was reported that the Biden administration has just sent $200 million to the WHO despite the fact that neither the WHO nor China has done anything to punish those that helped spread Covid. Biden is reversing Trump’s withdrawal from the coming world government. Two, concerning the coming global economic collapse: Biden killed more than 11,000 jobs when he stopped construction on the Keystone Pipeline; the U.S. Chamber of Commerce believes he will kill about 6.5 million more jobs with his reentry into the Paris Climate Change Accords; the new Congressional Covid Relief bill will pay cities and states to keep the lockdowns going (more lost jobs); his open border with Mexico is allowing thousands of unemployed people to enter the U.S. (free healthcare, free vaccinations, free food, free travel, stimulus checks, etc.); the cost of food and gasoline for legal citizens is rising; and America’s debt is approaching the $28 trillion mark. Some financial analysts say the markets are showing signs of alarm over inflation, but Biden’s Treasury Sec. says she knows how to handle it. World government, famine and economic collapse are coming (but the Rapture comes first). Three, concerning the latter years and latter days Battle of Gog and Magog, in the last 2 weeks:
Four, concerning a departing from the faith and apostasy: in Feb. 2019, Pope Francis announced plans to build the “Abrahamic Family House” in Abu Dhabi. The “Abrahamic Family House” will have a Church, a Synagogue, and a Mosque (separate places of worship for Christians, Jews and Muslims), and it will have a fourth place for people of all religions to come together as one body. Readers should know that many prophecy teachers (including this writer) believe the Bible teaches that a godless world religion will be located at the site of the ancient city of Babylon at the end of the age (Zech. 5:1-11; Rev. 17-18)). On Mar. 6, 2021, Pope Frances was in Iraq (the only Pope to ever visit the land of Babylon, the cradle of civilization.). The purpose of his trip is to promote peace, coexistence, and brotherhood among all religions. He spoke to Christians, Muslims, and Jews at the ancient city of Ur (original home of Abraham before God called him to move to Israel). Francis prayed for peace, but there was no mention of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Worship without Jesus is worthless, and prayer in the name of other gods sounds like what is going on in the U.S. House of Representatives. We have reached the point where the U.S. government is ignoring Jesus, the Pope is ignoring Jesus, and according to the Bible, the Antichrist and False Prophet will ignore Jesus. Anyway, Francis appears to be trying to unite the world’s religions around Abraham (not Jesus). Some call this new religion Chrislam because it is an effort to merge the faiths of Christianity, Israel, and Islam. Those that support this new religion will have to abandon or change many of their beliefs (but Jesus is the only way to be saved). This could be the rise of MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH (Rev. 17:5). During the Tribulation Period, the Antichrist and False Prophet will persecute and kill those that do not go along with Babylon’s harlot religion. God will respond by calling 144,000 Jewish evangelists, Two Witnesses, and an angel to preach the gospel to everyone on earth. Realize as you are reading this that the Bible teaches that the global false religion will locate at Babylon when Israel is back in the land, Jerusalem has been rebuilt, the world government will have the ability to track all buying and selling, there will be global pandemics, etc. These conditions are appearing today. Know too that the Bible story of Abraham is about calling out one man to start a religion to bring forth the Messiah (Jesus), and it has absolutely nothing to do with uniting the religions or creating a one-world religion that replaces faith in Jesus with faith in false gods. Here is one more thing that caught my attention: While in Iraq, Pope Francis met with Iraq’s Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani (in a secure location about 35 miles from where the ancient city of Babylon was located). An Iraqi analyst said, “Both the pope and Ayatollah are renouncing violence and killing, and both would like mankind to live in peace, security (peace and safety) and faith.” The Tribulation Period will begin when world leaders declare peace and safety. Finally, if you want to go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this. Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond Duck [email protected] Magnetic Pole Reversal Comeback Expected: Was This Prophesied by Malachi? - Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - For lo! That day is at hand, burning like an oven. All the arrogant and all the doers of evil shall be straw, and the day that is coming—said the lord of Hosts—shall burn them to ashes and leave of them neither stock nor boughs. Malachi 3:19 (The Israel BibleTM) Researchers recently discovered that a magnetic pole reversal that took place 42,000 years ago coupled with massive solar flares devastated the planet. As the magnetic field begins to shift again, one Torah scholar/scientist suggested that the same phenomenon was predicted by the prophet Malachi as preceding the “Day of Hashem.” 42,000 YEARS AGO: MAGNETIC POLE SHIFT Researchers recently published a study showing that 42,000 years ago, a reversal in the Earth’s magnetic field combined with changes in the Sun’s behavior drastically changed the environment, leading to several centuries of apocalyptic conditions. And this magnetic shift is happening again at an alarming rate. The study, published in Science, noted that the magnetic north pole, an aspect of the magnetic field that surrounds the planet, is not static and “wanders” near the geographic north pole. The cause of these changes is beneath our feet. The magnetic pole is mostly the result of ferrous fluids moving around in the earth’s core. The magnetic pole naturally moves and has even been known to shift hemispheres, turning the magnetic north pole into the magnetic south pole. As the poles shift, the magnetic field weakens. In the last 30 years, the rate of distance that the magnetic north pole moves per year sped up from about 9.3 miles per year to around 34 miles per year, moving out of northern Canada, across the Arctic Ocean, and toward Siberia. Sometimes these movements can become more extreme and the magnetic poles can even reverse. The recent study focused on one such reversal of the magnetic pole that took place 42,000 years ago. Known as the Laschamps Excursion, the new study revealed that it led to the destruction of the ozone layer, electrical storms raging across the tropics, and solar winds that generated spectacular auroras. Polar vortexes blasted North America, generating ice sheets and glaciers. Intense ultraviolet light pierced the atmosphere, causing animal and plant species, and even Neanderthals, to go extinct, while early men sought shelter in caves. The research studied growth rings in ancient New Zealand kauri trees that had been preserved in peat bogs and other sediments for more than 40,000 years. The trees revealed a prolonged spike in atmospheric radiocarbon levels caused by the collapse of Earth’s magnetic field as the poles switched, providing a way of precisely linking widely geographically dispersed records. “The kauri trees are like the Rosetta Stone, helping us tie together records of environmental change in caves, ice cores, and peat bogs around the world,” said professor Alan Cooper, who co-lead this research project. The scientists concluded that tropical Pacific rain belts and the Southern Ocean westerly winds abruptly shifted at the same time, bringing arid conditions to places like Australia at the same time as a range of megafauna, including giant kangaroos and giant wombats went extinct. Further north, the vast Laurentide Ice Sheet rapidly grew across the eastern US and Canada, while in Europe the Neanderthals spiraled into extinction. More importantly, the magnetic field plummeted to less than 6% of what it is today. At the same time, the Sun experienced several “grand solar minima” throughout this period. Though the overall solar activity was generally much lower, it was also more unstable, sending out numerous massive solar flares that allowed more powerful ionizing cosmic rays to reach Earth. The cosmic rays penetrated the upper atmosphere, charging the particles in the air and causing chemical changes that drove the loss of stratospheric ozone. The scientists noted that at around the same time, approximately 42,000 years ago, there was a flourishing of cave art which they credited to men of that time taking shelter in caves from the unprecedented high UV levels. “It must have seemed like the end of days,” the researchers suggested. “DAY OF HASHEM” Saul Kullook, a scientist with many patents to his name, believes that this period of time was described by the prophet Malachi as a harbinger of the final redemption. “There is prophesy in the Hebrew Bible, on that a similar cosmic event will take place,” Kullook told Israel365 News, citing the precise verse. For lo! That day is at hand, burning like an oven. All the arrogant and all the doers of evil shall be straw, and the day that is coming—said the lord of Hosts—shall burn them to ashes and leave of them neither stock nor boughs. Malachi 3:19 Kullook cited the medieval French Biblical commentator, Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki, known by the acronym Rashi, who explained the verse in Malachi. Lo, I will send the Navi Eliyahu to you before the coming of the awesome, fearful day of Hashem. Malachi 3:23 “This ‘Day of God’ is the result of God’s taking out the Sun from its sheath,” Rashi wrote. “The prophet was describing the removal on an existing cover protecting us from the light of the Sun,” Kullook said. “Rashi was foreseeing an existing cover around the Earth, which is the magnetic field found by scientific research many centuries later.” This polar shift is described in Jewish sources. Midrash states that God initiated the flood in the time of Noah by moving two stars. This caused a shift in the poles of the world; the north became the south, dry land became oceans, and oceans dried up. “This ‘Day of God’, perhaps the most awesome biblical time that will be taking place in the history of mankind now has a physical explanation thanks to the discovery made known to the world less than 3 weeks ago,” Kullook said. HOW SOON? This phenomenon that took place 42,000 years ago is well on its way to reappearing. Researchers estimated that the planet’s magnetic field has already lost 30 percent of its intensity in the last 3,000 years and predict it will drop to near zero in the next few centuries. This phenomenon referred to as the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) is blamed for an increasing number of electronic failures of navigation and communication satellites and may affect earth-bound power grids. The shifting polarity of the planet may also be behind outbreaks of migrating birds becoming confused and dying. Kullook noted that researchers cannot determine with any certainty when the magnetic pole will shift but he noted that we do have clear timeframes for the end of days. According to Jewish tradition, the latest possible date the Messiah can arrive is at the end of 6,000 years, that is to say, in 219 years. But Kullook has an alternate interpretation of history that places this absolute endpoint at 55 years from now. “Studies show that these events take place mainly around a certain Earth axis inclination, like in 42,000 years ago,” Kullook said. “The end of days is now very close to this inclination. Hence it is expected to take place in a short time from now.” Decolonizing America: CA School Curriculum Wants Kids To Chant To Aztec Gods – Michael Brown - How do you undo the sin of "theocide," which the colonial settlers allegedly committed when they "killed" the gods of the native American peoples, replacing those deities with the God of Christianity? It's simple: you have schoolchildren chant to the Aztec gods. At least that's what a new curriculum for California proposing. Need I add the words, I kid you not? Christopher Rufo has reported on this at length, noting that "R. Tolteka Cuauhtin, the original co-chair of the Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum, developed much of the material regarding early American history." In short, the "ultimate goal is to 'decolonize' American society and establish a new regime of 'countergenocide' and 'counterhegemony,' which will displace white Christian culture and lead to the 'regeneration of indigenous epistemic and cultural futurity.'" Specifically, "The curriculum recommends that teachers lead their students in a series of indigenous songs, chants, and affirmations, including the 'In Lak Ech Affirmation,' which appeals directly to the Aztec gods. Students first clap and chant to the god Tezkatlipoka--whom the Aztecs traditionally worshipped with human sacrifice and cannibalism--asking him for the power to be 'warriors' for 'social justice.' Next, the students chant to the gods Quetzalcoatl, Huitzilopochtli, and Xipe Totek, seeking 'healing epistemologies' and 'a revolutionary spirit.' Huitzilopochtli, in particular, is the Aztec deity of war and inspired hundreds of thousands of human sacrifices during Aztec rule. Finally, the chant comes to a climax with a request for 'liberation, transformation, [and] decolonization,' after which students shout 'Panche beh! Panche beh!' in pursuit of ultimate 'critical consciousness.'" And what, exactly, did the original worshipers do in honor of their gods? According to, "When the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés and his men arrived in the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlán in 1521, they described witnessing a grisly ceremony. Aztec priests, using razor-sharp obsidian blades, sliced open the chests of sacrificial victims and offered their still-beating hearts to the gods. They then tossed the victims' lifeless bodies down the steps of the towering Templo Mayor." The Science.mag website describes it like this: "The priest quickly sliced into the captive's torso and removed his still-beating heart. That sacrifice, one among thousands performed in the sacred city of Tenochtitlan, would feed the gods and ensure the continued existence of the world." The relevant article was titled, "Feeding the gods: Hundreds of skulls reveal massive scale of human sacrifice in Aztec capital." Now, little children might be taught to chant prayers to these bloodthirsty demons - and on your tax dollars as well, if you live in California and this curriculum passes. But God forbid you quote the Bible in a positive way in the classroom, let alone speak well of Jesus, let alone call for prayer to the one true God. Heresy! Not in our schools! Remember the separation of church and state! As for chanting to the Aztec gods, that is what we call being enlightened and progressive. But of course. How dare we replace the tolerant concept of human sacrifice - yes, slicing open living human beings and offering their still-beating hearts to these idols - with the barbarous idea that the Son of God laid down His life for us. There's no way the civilized worshipers of these Aztec idols should have been indoctrinated with such horrible, Christian myths. And I wonder if the new curriculum will include this salient detail about the treatment of "an ill-fated Spanish convoy from Cuba who entered Aztec territory in 1520 on a mission to deliver supplies to notorious Conquistador Hernan Cortes"? This was the end of their story: "Dismembered bodies of men, women and children were devoured by their cannibalistic captors after they were used as human sacrifices. The remains of more than 450 people found at the ancient Zultepec-Tecoaque site in what is now modern day Mexico City have been examined by experts. The victims were held for around six months and were well-fed before being used in sacrificial enactment scenes from Aztec mythology, according to archaeologists." So, it wasn't just the Spanish conquerors who committed atrocities. It looks like the sword cut both ways, in this case, ending not just in a grisly death but in cannibalism. The victims were literally fattened for slaughter, then sacrificed. Perhaps that should be discussed in the classrooms too? Or maybe they should just end the lesson with a feast in emulation of the cannibalistic killers? All sarcasm aside, we're quite aware today of the sins of the Spanish conquistadors. And we're also aware that not all the early Puritan settlers were saintly Christians. But to the extent that we demonize American history, we forget the powerful, Judeo-Christian roots that helped make our nation thrive. And while we do not want to establish a theocracy in which Christian leaders force the nation to attend church services and live by the Bible or else, we absolutely believe that, to the extent we willfully embrace the wisdom of the Word, to that extent we will be blessed. Back in 1647, the colony of Massachusetts passed the Old Deluder Act, referring to Satan. In the past, this act declared, Satan kept people from reading the Scriptures by keeping the Bible in an unknown tongue (Latin). Now, he is keeping people from reading the Scriptures by way of ignorance of the English language. It was ordered, therefore, "that every township in this jurisdiction, after the Lord hath increased them to fifty households shall forthwith appoint one within their town to teach all such children as shall resort to him to write and read." This way, as the children learned to read English, they would be able to read the Bible. Similar sentiments were expressed in the New Haven Code of 1655, which stated that the purpose of education was to equip children to be "able duly to read the Scriptures ... and in some competent measure to understand the main grounds and principles of Christian Religion necessary to salvation." And, as I noted in Saving a Sick America, "In 1690, the first New England Primer we published. The alphabet was taught using Bible verses for each letter, and the primer contained questions on the moral teachings of the Scriptures, children's prayers, the Lord's Prayer, the Ten Commandments, the Shorter Catechism and questions on the Bible by Mr. Cotton. The New England Primer continued to be in wide use in American schools of all types, public, private, home or parochial, for the next 200 years." Yes, America had its blemishes back then, but it was through the teachings of the Bible and the liberating message of the cross that those blemishes were addressed and, in many cases, removed. Today, we are going in the reverse direction, and at high speed at that. Having thrown the Bible out of the classroom decades ago, the void is now being filled, not just with radical leftist ideologies but with pagan, demonic worship. May the God of life and truth rise up again in our culture, beginning with each of us individually, and the may the names of other gods be forgotten once and for all - for America's sake and, above all, for the sake of our children. Going on Offense - By Hal Lindsey - In Satan Is Alive and Well on Planet Earth, I wrote, “The sword of the Spirit and prayer are the Christian’s offensive weapons.” Today, many followers of Jesus feel banged up and beaten down. American Christians see an unprecedented assault on their religious liberty. And it’s worse in other parts of the world. Authorities in some European countries arrest people for publicly reading certain parts of the Bible. China regularly jails Christian pastors for preaching the Gospel. In some African and Middle Eastern nations, Christians are subjected to unspeakable evil and cruelty. But in all this, we are not without hope or power. We serve the Living God. 1 Timothy 6:15 calls Him “the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords.” 1 Chronicles 29:11 makes clear that His sovereignty extends over the whole cosmos. “Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, The power and the glory, The victory and the majesty; For all that is in heaven and in earth is Yours; Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, And You are exalted as head over all.” In Christ, He grants us access to His authority. In Matthew 6:9-13, Jesus taught His disciples what we often call “the Lord’s prayer.” But that’s not all He had to say about prayer. Just before His crucifixion, He gave them prayer’s key ingredient. In John 16:24, Jesus said, “Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.” In the Lord’s farewell discourse in John 14 through 17, He spoke repeatedly of asking in His name. That means prayer in His authority. In John 14:13, He said, “Whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” Notice the purpose — “that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” Prayer in the name of Jesus is not a magic formula for driving a Rolls-Royce or living in the biggest house in town. 1 John 5:14 says, “And this is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.” The person with the power of attorney must use that power “according to the will” of the person he represents. God grants us His power so that we will project His will. That is not limiting. It is freeing. By limiting His power to His will, He keeps us safe from the lust of the flesh and the pride of life that might easily take hold if He based such power on our will. But know this. Because of God’s great love for us, His will is in our favor. He wants what’s best for us. That will rarely be the biggest house in town, but it will be more than enough. Prayer in His name is something like driving an Abrams tank into a battle with warriors armed with spears and arrows. Just remember that people are not our enemies. Ephesians 6:12 explains: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Satan and the powers of darkness are our enemies. The sin that so easily besets us is our enemy. Don’t see people as your enemy. See them as God sees them — with love. But we can and must be on offense. Prayer, along with the sword of the Spirit, are the Christian’s offensive weapons. Pray in the name of Jesus… and see your world change. Daily Jot: The Cuomo Shell Game – Bill Wilson – Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) is an example of how the Democratic Party deals with people they know are a liability. Cuomo led the Democratic governors in handling COVID-19 with directives to send infected people to nursing homes, giving the death sentence to over 16,000 people in New York alone—a figure his aides tried to remove from a report written by state health officials. The New York Times reports Cuomo’s top aide Melissa DeRosa and others, began changing the report to protect the governor’s image. Rather than have investigations of many governors about COVID death policies, sex becomes the issue of focus in the news media and among Democratic Party leaders. According to the Washington Examiner, “Governors from Michigan, California, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, all Democrats, enacted similar policies last year as fears grew that hospitals would be overwhelmed with new patients and too few healthcare providers.” The Democratic Party has a real problem on its hands. Democratic governors in key states sending thousands of COVID patients to nursing homes to their deaths. These stories were coming out in the beginning of March. But then there was another story that started coming out that diverted public attention—how Cuomo made improper comments to and advances toward women, which immediately overshadowed the nursing home death camp stories. The first of the so-far seven ladies who have come forward, Lindsey Boylan, wrote an op-ed for detailing how Cuomo made unwanted advances toward her on several occasions, including trapping her in his office. Boylan claimed Cuomo “created a culture within his administration where sexual harassment and bulling is so pervasive that it is not only condoned, but expected.” Boylan said, “It was all so normalized—particularly by Melissa DeRosa and other top women around him—that only now do I realize how insidious his abuse was.” In May 2020, DeRosa, Secretary to the Governor and Chair of the New York State Council on Women and Girls, spearheaded a hastily assembled task force that tried to inoculate the Governor against sexual assault by “reimagining” services to domestic violence and sexual assault victims. On June 11, 2020, Cuomo said in the news release announcing “acceptance” of the task force’s recommendations, “The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a drastic increase in the number of reported domestic violence cases in the state, leaving many survivors trapped at home with their abusers without access to help or resources.” He might now add, “and trapped in my office” as more women come forward. These are all horrible charges. And it seems that whenever a politician becomes a liability, sexual accusations are the downfall, not necessarily the original egregious act—in this case making citizens carry death to nursing homes. As Christ said in Luke 12:2, “For there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed.” In this case, it’s a shell game of hidden atrocities and in the eyes of politicians, it’s better Cuomo resign for sex issues than death issues. Daily Devotion: How to Be Spiritually Strong - by Greg Laurie – I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. —Psalm 119:11 - Listen Years ago my wife, Cathe, and I were on a flight home when the pilot made an announcement about 45 minutes from the airport. He said that we would have to make an emergency landing, and the flight attendants would be going over the safety procedures with us once again. Now, when the flight attendants went through those procedures the first time, I was reading a magazine and didn’t pay that much attention. But things had changed. And you’d better believe that I listened to the flight attendants the second time. What made the difference? My life depended on it. (And by the way, we landed safely.) When we hear the Word of God, we need to listen as though our lives depend on it because they do—our spiritual lives do. Think of it this way. We’re in a spiritual battle, and we fight a spiritual battle with spiritual weapons. Ephesians 6:17 tells us, “Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (NLT). Memorize and use the Word of God. Soon after the famous evangelist Billy Sunday became a Christian, he went to an older minister and asked him for some advice on how to grow spiritually. The man replied, “If you will spend fifteen minutes a day letting God talk to you through the Bible, and fifteen minutes talking to God in prayer, and fifteen minutes talking to someone about God, they will never write ‘backslider’ after your name.” How does God speak to us? He speaks to us primarily through the Word of God, the Bible. A successful Christian will be a Bible-studying Christian, and a failing Christian will be someone who doesn’t open the Word of God. You determine what kind of Christian you will be. FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! 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We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks! 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