The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Sequences - By Jeff Van Hatten -
Psalm 104:19 – “Yahweh made the moon for the seasons; the sun knows the place of its setting.” Isaiah 45:18 – “Yahweh formed the Earth and made it; he established it; he created it not a chaos . . .” 1 Corinthians 14:33-40 – “Yahweh is not the author of disorder or chaos . . . therefore all things should be done decently and in order.” I am not the only person who looks for patterns in scripture. Order, arrangement, and patterns are all part of Yahweh’s way of doing things – he is not the god of chaos. One of those patterns I’ve discovered is the pattern of Harpazo, Heralding, and Havoc; Removal, Revelation, and Ruination; or if you prefer, Departure, Direction, and Destruction, all of which describe a Pre-Tribulation rapture. Harpazo / Rapture / Departure The primary witness who represents the Bride of Yeshua is raptured out – taken from the earth – removed from the coming disaster. Heralding / Revelation / Direction Other individuals continue to minister to the people and warn of coming disaster. Havoc / Ruination / Devastation The period of destruction begins, but some are protected during the disaster period. The Sequence Representatives After every bodily rapture, departure, or harpazo, there is a period I call a period of continued warnings and teachings, of continued revelation and direction. At the end of that period comes the time of destruction. These patterns follow the rapture of the following:
Let’s take a closer look: Pattern One: Enoch Genesis 5:24 – “Enoch walked with Yahweh; and he was not, for Yahweh took him.” Enoch represents the Bride of Yeshua, who is raptured to Heaven to be with Yahweh before disaster strikes. Methuselah and Lamech represent those who continue to minister to the people before the time of disaster – the flood. The people who perish in the flood represent those who refuse to listen to Yahweh’s warnings. Noah represents the remnant Jews who are protected during the time of the disaster, during the time of the Tribulation. The Pattern: • Harpazo/Removal/Departure: Enoch, after witnessing for over 300 years, is raptured out – he is taken from the earth – removed from the coming disaster. • Heralding/Revelation/Direction: Other individuals continue to minister to the people for 670 years and warn of coming disaster. • Havoc/Ruination/Destruction: The flood begins, but Noah is protected during the disaster period. Pattern Two: Elijah 2 Kings 2:11 – “Elijah went up by a whirlwind to Heaven.” Elijah represents the Bride of Yeshua, who is raptured to Heaven to be with Yahweh before disaster strikes. Elisha represents those who continue to minister to the people before the time of disaster – the time of judgment against Israel. The people of both Northern Israel and Southern Judah who are forcibly removed represent those who refuse to listen to Yahweh’s warnings and who suffer or perish during the time of judgment. The Jews who willingly traveled to Babylon represent the remnant who are protected during the time of the Tribulation. The Pattern: • Harpazo/Removal/Departure: Elijah witnesses for years, then is raptured out – taken from the earth – removed from the coming disaster. • Heralding/Revelation/Direction: Elisha and others continue to minister to the people and warn of coming disaster. • Havoc/Ruination/Destruction: The destruction of both Northern Israel and Southern Judah begins, but many Jews are protected during the disaster period by traveling to Babylon. Pattern Three: Yeshua Mark 16:19 – “So then, after Yeshua had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and sat at the right hand of Yahweh.” Luke 24:51 – “As Yeshua was blessing them, he withdrew from them and was carried up into heaven.” Acts 1:9 – “And when Yeshua had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight.” Yeshua is raptured, the disciples continue to minister to the people for around 40 years and warn of coming disaster, then the Temple is destroyed, but many believers are protected during the disaster period by traveling to other lands and nations. The Pattern: • Harpazo/Removal/Departure: Yeshua and the Holy Ones who came out of the graves witness for forty days after his resurrection, then Yeshua is raptured out – taken from the earth – removed from the coming disaster. • Heralding/Revelation/Direction: Peter, the Apostles, and others continue to minister to the people and warn of coming disaster. • Havoc/Ruination/Destruction: The destruction of the Temple takes place in 70AD, and the Jews are scattered to all nations of the earth, but many believers are protected during the disaster period by traveling to other lands and nations before the Temple falls. Pattern Four: The Bride of Yeshua 2 Thessalonians 2:3 – “Let no one deceive you in any way. For it will not be, unless the departure comes first.” The removal of the Bride of Yeshua takes place first, then the lawless one, or man of lawlessness, is revealed. The 144,000 witnesses, angels in the sky, and the Two Witnesses continue to minister, and finally, The Wrath of Yahweh is fully poured out upon the unbelieving during the time of Great Tribulation. The Pattern: • Harpazo/Removal/Departure: The Bride of Yeshua is raptured. • Heralding/Revelation/Direction: The Bride herself may be given forty days to witness just as Yeshua and the Holy Ones did before the lawless one, or man of lawlessness, is revealed. The Two Witnesses of Revelation, the 144,000 Jewish evangelists, and the angels in mid-heaven all continue to minister to the people and warn of coming disaster. • Havoc/Ruination/Destruction: The Great and Terrible day begins, but the remnant Jews who escape to the mountains are protected during the remainder of the disaster period. Pattern Five: The Moedim Numbers 10:1-ff – “Blow the trumpets, gather together, and be saved from your enemies.” (Synopsis) The moed of Yom Teruah represents the day of the resurrection of the righteous dead and the taking up of the living righteous, the day of hiding and concealment (The Rapture) before the time of the Tribulation. Many will perish or suffer in the tribulation period and represent those who refused to listen to Yahweh’s warnings before the rapture took place. Yom Kippurim represents the Tribulation period and time of protection for those who are willing to accept it. The people who escape to the mountains when the abomination of desolation is revealed represent the remnant who are protected during the remaining time of the Tribulation. The Pattern: • Harpazo/Removal/Departure: Yom Teruah (the Feast of Trumpets) is the first moedim that is yet to be fulfilled. The dead are raised, and the Bride of Yeshua is raptured (1 Corinthians 15:52, 1 & 2 Thessalonians) – removed from the coming disaster – the Day of Yahweh, Daniel’s Seventieth Week, the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, the seven years of tribulation. • Heralding/Revelation/Direction: The Two Witnesses (Revelation 11:3), the 144,000 Jewish evangelists (Revelation 7:4), and the angels in mid-heaven (Revelation 8:13 and Revelation 14:6) all continue to minister to the people and warn of coming disaster. • Havoc/Ruination/Destruction: Yom Kippurim is the second moedim that is yet to be fulfilled. The Great and Terrible day begins, but a remnant is protected during the remainder of the disaster period. Conclusions All that Yahweh has made and ordained has a pattern. The sun, moon, and stars follow the courses he has established. The Earth orbits the sun. The seed is planted, grows, and produces more seed. The patterns of rapture before tribulation – in other words, a pre-tribulation rapture – is another pattern that can be clearly seen throughout scripture. Order, arrangement, and patterns are all part of Yahweh’s way of doing things. Yahweh is consistent, orderly, unchanging, and the scriptures display a consistent pattern of rapture before tribulation. The pattern is Harpazo, Heralding, and Havoc; Removal, Revelation, and Ruination; or if you prefer, Departure, Direction, and Destruction. This pattern is consistent for Enoch, Elijah, Yeshua, the Bride of Yeshua, and the Moedim. The rapture happens first, a time of continued warning ensues, then the disaster strikes. Website: Email: [email protected] Turkey: Drifting Further into Russian Orbit - by Burak Bekdil - Turkey has been a NATO ally since 1952. On October 6, NATO's childishly naïve secretary-general, Jens Stoltenberg, praised Turkey as "an important ally [that] played an important role in defeating Daesh." Both of his suggestions are grossly incorrect: Turkey is becoming an important Russian ally, not a NATO ally, whose irregular militia allies in Syria are the jihadist remnants of Daesh (Islamic State). Like a spurned lover, deeply offended by President Joe Biden's refusal to meet him on the sidelines of September's UN General Assembly meeting in New York, Turkey's Islamist President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan rushed to the Black Sea town of Sochi, Russia, on September 29 for a tête-a-tête with Russian President Vladimir Putin. On his way back from New York, Erdoğan told reporters, "the signs are not good in Turkey's relations with the United States." In an interview with CBS's "Face the Nation," Erdoğan said that the U.S. refusal to deliver F-35 fighter jets that Turkey agreed to purchase and Patriot missiles it wished to acquire gave Turkey no choice but to turn to Russia for its S-400 anti-aircraft missile system. This dispute has been a point of contention between Turkey and the NATO alliance during both the Trump and Biden administrations. "In the future, nobody will be able to interfere in terms of what kind of defense systems we acquire, from which country at what level. Nobody can interfere with that. We are the only ones to make such decisions," Erdoğan said. Turkey is planning to buy a second batch of S-400 systems from Russia, and would also demand the U.S. to pay $1.4 billion for the F-35s Turkey did not receive after it was expelled from the U.S.-led multinational consortium that builds the aircraft. The stakes are now higher. Erdoğan is gambling by using the Russia card to avoid further U.S. sanctions in his S-400 bid. Meanwhile, the office of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Chair Robert Menendez has said that sanctions are mandated by law for "any entity that does significant business with the Russian military or intelligence sectors." The U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee wrote on Twitter: "Any new purchases by Turkey must mean new sanctions," referring to a December 2020 U.S. decision to impose CAATSA (Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act) on Turkey for its acquisition of the S-400s. In Sochi, Erdoğan met with Putin only in the presence of interpreters (without an official delegation) defying diplomatic jurisprudence. Both leaders described the meeting as "useful" while smiling to cameras. He said that Turkey and Russia agreed to cooperate on critical defense technologies, including aircraft, engines, submarines and space. In addition, Ankara and Moscow would discuss Russian know-how and construction of two more nuclear power plants for Turkey, in addition to a $10 billion nuclear reactor already being built on Turkey's Mediterranean coast. All that strategic planning will further increase NATO ally Turkey's dependence on Russia, also Turkey's biggest supplier of natural gas. "Turkey's turn from the West at large continues uninterrupted," Eugene Kogan, a defense and security analyst based in Tbilisi, Georgia, told Gatestone Institute. "Putin and his administration are well aware of Turkey's weaknesses: a) economy goes from bad to worse; b) the Pandemic is not under control; c) gas prices on increase but Russia is ready to offer a friendly discount to Turkey; d) military acquisitions facing a hostile U.S. Senate." Aykan Erdemir, a former member of Turkey's parliament and now based in Washington, D.C., wrote in an email to the author, that Erdoğan's stance serves as a wake-up call to Biden administration officials. Erdemir wrote: "Erdoğan's statements about purchasing a second batch of the S-400 air defense system from Russia should be a wakeup call for Biden administration officials, who have referred to Turkey as an 'invaluable partner' and an 'important NATO ally' in the last month. "Erdoğan's insistence on a second S-400 batch reflects the impunity the Turkish president has been feeling since he offered in June to assist the Biden administration during and after the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. "Erdoğan's impunity also stems from the delay with which Trump imposed CAATSA sanctions against Ankara during the last month of his presidency only after bipartisan congressional pressure and his preference for relatively lighter sanctions that have failed to provide any meaningful deterrence. "The Turkish president will continue to play a spoiler role within NATO and provide Putin further opportunities to undermine the transatlantic alliance and its values. "Given the Biden administration's dependence on the Erdoğan government in Afghanistan severely restricts Washington's ability push back against Ankara's transgressions, a bipartisan congressional action is necessary to rebuild U.S. and NATO deterrence against the challenges posed by the Turkish and Russian presidents." Erdoğan is trying to make Turkey a unique example of political oxymoron: An "invaluable" NATO ally also in a deep strategic and military alliance with Russia. He will not step back from his horse trading with the West, the Russia card in his hand, unless he sees that his love affair with Russia will come with a punishing cost. Nearing Midnight: Are We Facing a New Energy Crisis? – Todd Strandberg - Last week, President Biden went to England to recommit America to the Paris Climate Accords agreement. This treaty has goals that cannot be achieved, particularly in the area of energy. The International Energy Agency is operating under the guidance of the Paris Agreement emission targets. According to the IEA, natural gas demand must peak between 2025 and 2030 and start declining from 2030 onwards if the world is to achieve net-zero emission status by 2050. The Biden administration pledged that the U.S. will cut its carbon emissions by 50% by 2030. It then announced that it seeks to ensure that half of all new passenger vehicles sold in the United States by 2030 are powered by electricity. It would take a huge miracle to reach these goals. We simply do not have the basic materials to create this green new world. The supply of copper, cobalt, platinum, and various other vital metals is running out. The head of one of Tesla’s divisions is only hoping for 10 million electric cars by 2030. The Biden administration produced a goal that one would expect from a Soviet central planning board. It is easy to set targets, but the difficult part is to reach them. All-new rules for energy usage can have dire consequences that either come out of nowhere or result from bad planning. These energy problems are not like a bad haircut that you just let grow out to fix it. We could be facing an energy crisis that requires a decade to fix. Coal is the dirtiest of all fuels because it creates the most amount of carbon dioxide. The switching of many power plants to natural gas drove down the price of coal and put many coal mines out of business. Now that the pandemic, hurricanes, and other factors are driving the price of natural gas to the moon, there is a huge demand for coal again. In just this year, U.S. power generation derived from coal increased from 15% to 25%. Power plants are expected to burn 19% more coal this year. The latest Bloomberg data shows U.S. coal supplies are at two-decade lows ahead of the winter. If we have a very cold winter, we could see things that made the Texas power problems in February look like a minor event. Peabody Energy Corp., the top American supplier, has contracts for more than 90% of its coal from the Powder River Basin region next year and all of the power-plant fuel from its other U.S. mines. And Arch Resources Inc., the No. 2 producer, has lined up deals with utilities for all of its 2022 output from the basin at an average price that’s 20% higher than current spot prices. “It’s pretty much sold out,” Peabody Chief Executive Officer Jim Grech said Thursday during a conference call. “We only have a small portion left to be sold for 2022 and 2023.” China is so short on coal it has had to shut down factories to save power. The power crisis in the world’s top consumer of coal comes as strong demand from manufacturers, industry, and households has pushed prices to record highs and triggered widespread curbs. China partly got itself in trouble by boycotting Australian coal over some political dispute. An estimated one million tonnes of Australian coal have stayed in bonded warehouses along China’s coast for months, uncleared by customs after Beijing’s ban last October. Beijing has suddenly decided it loves Australian coal and has released the coal from bonded storage. China has had bad luck with boycotts. It told the Trump Administration that it would not buy any soybeans from America. When the Chinese crop was wiped by floods and South America had no spare soybeans because of drought, the Chinese made record purchases of American soybeans. Rebounding U.S. oil demand, a slow recovery of domestic production, and extreme weather-related events have drawn many barrels this year out of the key U.S. crude hub at Cushing, Oklahoma. Crude oil stocks at Cushing—the delivery hub for the WTI Crude futures contract—have more than halved since April 2020, when the market was fretting about high inventories as the pandemic forced governments to announce widespread lockdowns. Even with oil at $80 per barrel, Cushing is at a historic low end of its capacity. Our energy infrastructure is failing with greater frequency because of mismanagement. Politicians are so fixated on green energy that they are leaving people to face power outages, soaring heating bills, and gas stations that are out of fuel. In so many areas, we have less margin to handle a mishap. If we have an extremely cold winter, there could be places that could run out of a vital form of energy. I think demonic forces are largely to blame for why leaders are making so many bonehead plans. The devil knows that chaos is what allows him to gain greater control of this world. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:12). Is Joe Biden Just Incompetent, Or Is He Killing the U.S. Economy on Purpose? - by Michael Snyder - Joe Biden keeps telling us that he wants a strong economy, but he keeps doing things that he knows will hurt the economy. How can we explain this? One possibility is that he is simply extremely incompetent. Perhaps he really does want to improve the economy, but all of the economic decisions that he makes turn out badly because he lacks competence. Considering how much he has declined physically and mentally, and considering the lack of quality in the team that he has surrounded himself with, that is not a completely implausible theory. But others would suggest that nobody could do this much damage to the U.S. economy unless it was being done on purpose. Biden just keeps making more moves that have people scratching their heads, because it almost seems as if he doesn’t even care about the political consequences of his actions. Let me give you a few examples. On Monday, it was confirmed that the Biden administration is actively considering completely shutting down the Line 5 pipeline… White House deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre confirmed the administration is considering shutting down a Michigan oil pipeline, as President Biden finds himself caught between an environmental promise and looming gas price hikes. The administration is exploring the possibility of terminating the Line 5 pipeline – which links Superior, Wisconsin, with Sarnia, Ontario – and gathering data to determine if shutting down the line will cause a surge in fuel pricing. Needless to say, this wouldn’t make any economic sense at all. We are in the midst of the worst global energy crisis since the 1970s, gas prices are rising rapidly, and the federal government is projecting that heating costs are going to absolutely explode this winter. So this is the perfect time to shut down one of our most important energy pipelines? I don’t think so. Ohio Representative Bob Latta and 12 other members of Congress are warning that such a move would have catastrophic consequences for our economy… In a letter dated Thursday, 13 Congress members – led by Ohio Rep. Bob Latta – urged the president to keep the oil line in operation, saying: ‘Line 5 is essential to the lifeblood of the Midwest.’ ‘Should this pipeline be shut down, tens of thousands of jobs would be lost across Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, and the region; billions of dollars in economic activity would be in jeopardy; and the environment would be at greater risk due to additional trucks operating on roadways and railroads carrying hazardous materials,’ the legislators wrote. No rational president would shut down that pipeline at such a time as this, but I think that Biden is going to do it anyway. Meanwhile, the various mandates that the Biden administration has already issued are causing all sorts of chaos. Countless numbers of highly qualified Americans have already been forced out of their jobs, and it is being reported that we could soon see “the termination of over half of the border patrol agents”… According to a document from a source within Customs and Border Protection (CBP), nearly half of border patrol agents have not registered their COVID-19 vaccination status, and ten percent of those who have registered have yet to receive a jab. In a worst-case scenario, the federal vaccine mandate may result in the termination of over half of the border patrol agents, amid an already devastating border crisis. Needless to say, losing that many border agents would be absolutely devastating for the security of our borders. But maybe that was Biden’s intention all along. And now the biggest mandate of all is coming. The Fifth Circuit temporarily suspended enforcement of the OSHA mandate as litigation proceeds, and other courts will be issuing rulings in other suits as well. Ultimately, I expect that the Supreme Court will eventually be forced to rule on whether the OSHA mandate is legal or not, and at this point I have very, very little faith in the Supreme Court. As all of this legal wrangling goes on, many companies are choosing to comply with the mandate anyway in anticipation that at some point the courts will rule in favor of the Biden administration. The OSHA mandate would cover more than 80 million American workers, and right now approximately 25 million of those workers are not in compliance… The White House says the rule will cover around 84 million workers, while the CDC reports that the current percentage of fully vaccinated U.S. adults is 69.8%. That could mean that over 25 million Americans aren’t in current compliance, but the math is very fuzzy. We are already in the midst of the most epic worker shortage in all of U.S. history. Can you imagine what our economy would look like if millions more Americans were suddenly forced out of their jobs? At this moment, companies all over the country are absolutely desperate to find anyone that is willing to work. When one analyst recently stopped to examine a help wanted sign at Home Depot, he was immediately “accosted” by a manager that was desperate to hire him… Scott Mushkin, of R5 Capital, told the newspaper: “I was looking at a sign listing open positions at the store when I was basically accosted by a manager asking if I was interested in applying.” Mushkin was struck by the manager’s desperation and expressed surprise at the number of open positions, The Times reported. “Basically every job in that store is open,” he said. “So who is doing those jobs now? Who is picking up the slack?” So Biden actually wants to kick millions of Americans out of their jobs in this sort of an environment? That would appear to be insane. But it would actually make perfect sense if he actually wanted to kill the economy. There are so many more examples that I could discuss. For instance, Biden knows that borrowing and spending trillions more dollars will cause even more inflation, but he keeps pushing Congress to borrow and spend trillions more dollars anyway. In fact, Biden’s 1.75 trillion dollar “infrastructure bill” just cleared a major hurdle in Congress. Inflation is already starting to spin wildly out of control, and more mountains of new money will inevitably make things even worse. Plus, our national debt just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger, but very few of our leaders in Washington seem to give much thought to fiscal responsibility these days. On almost every front, we are literally committing national suicide, and Joe Biden is leading the charge. The optimists would have us believe that we can turn things around by voting out Biden in 2024. But meanwhile Biden has more than three years left to keep wrecking our country. And if for some reason he is not able to serve out his term, we would get Kamala Harris instead and that would be even worse. We are in the midst of a long national nightmare, and it will not be ending any time soon. Daily Jot: In the name of public special interest - Bill Wilson – The new talking point shared by the woke leftist crowd is public interest. There’s a whole lot of public interest comments being made. It is in the public interest, for example, that the Biden Administration is backdooring a mandate through OSHA to force all Americans take a COVID shot. It’s in the public interest that the Biden Administration stop pipelines across the country to prevent phantom climate change while putting the burden of higher fuel prices on every American. It is in the public interest of Biden’s government to let corporations skirt Buy American laws, costing US jobs. Some public interest when the action only harms the public both financially and by violating Constitutional rights. At the apex of these public interest dogmas, is the Build Back Better legislation proffered by the Biden Administration as the linchpin to American prosperity. Television commercials, paid for by us taxpayers, didn’t even meet the straight face test saying that the trillions-plus law will not cost anything—that unless you made more than $450,000, you were in the clear. What a propaganda bonanza! Everything in that bill will cost all of us. In escalating energy prices alone, gasoline, heating fuel, transportation costs, will gouge your bankroll. But the worst of it will come from the taxes on corporations and the so-called “rich.” Those tax hikes will be passed on to consumers in droves for businesses to maintain profitability. It’s in the public interest that some $550 billion be spent on climate change projects. Sure, the Democrats sugar-coat this in their media campaign to let everyone know they want to promote “clean energy” in the transportation, manufacturing, and electric power industries. This includes “investments” (meaning your tax money going to Democratic Party supporters) in transmission (to connect more communities to clean power across long distances) and battery storage (when there is no sun or wind). There’s also over $100 billion to make communities more resilient to climate disasters and reduce pollution in homes. I guess it’s in the public interest to have a federal inspector show up and demand you rewire your house and replace all the windows—out of your own pocket. The $100 billion is just for hiring the inspectors. Isn’t that how it works? There’s also about $400 billion for early childhood education and child care. With the recent examples in Loudoun County, Va that means more LGBTQ grooming (gender identity as a protected class) of young impressionable kids and more Critical Race Theory being taught (but denied). Sadly, Republicans had the votes to stop this Marxist attack on your values and money. Some 13 House and 19 Senate Republicans sided with the Democrats against you. The further away from God this country races, the deeper its problems. Ecclesiastes 3:13 says that “Every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labor. It is the gift of God.” Pretty hard to do when the government sees special interests as the public interest. Give Caesar his due, right? But Caesar was a dictator. In this country we have responsibility of choice. Time to exercise it. Daily Devotion: Mouth Control - by Greg Laurie – Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. —James 1:19 - Listen The Epistle of James is the Proverbs of the New Testament. It’s filled with nuggets of great truth like this one: “Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry” (1:19 NLT). Now that’s good advice. It’s a statement we should put someplace where we can see it every day, because most of us are swift to speak, slow to listen, and quick to anger. At least I am. How many times have you said something, and the very moment the words left your lips, you regretted it? You thought, “I never should have said that.” How easily we can say things we shouldn’t say. And how quickly we can pass judgment on a situation we know nothing about. Peter did this on more than one occasion, which gives hope to ordinary people like you and me. For example, when he saw Jesus being transfigured with Moses and Elijah, Peter exclaimed, “Rabbi, it’s wonderful for us to be here! Let’s make three shelters as memorials—one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah” (Mark 9:5 NKJV). The next verse adds, “He said this because he didn’t really know what else to say, for they were all terrified” (verse 6 NKJV). I think most of us can relate to that. Have you ever been in a tense situation where you wanted to make a good impression, but you ended up saying the dumbest thing ever? A major part of self-control is mouth control. It’s a lot easier to save face if you keep the lower half of it shut. Be quick to listen. Be slow to speak. And be slow to get angry. How different our lives would be if we would heed the admonition of these simple words. FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! 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