The Stage is Set for the End Times - Britt Gillette -
As a student of bible prophecy for almost 30 years, and specifically end times bible prophecy, no other time has seemed as close to the end times as right now. Why do I say this? Because, particularly in the past year, the geopolitical and economic stage has been set for the fulfillment of several end times prophecies. We now have several potential crises on the horizon. And those potential crises are the same ones the Bible says we'll experience either in the Tribulation or the days immediately preceding the Tribulation. Below are just a few: The Gog of Magog War The Bible points to a future attack on Israel known as the Gog of Magog War (Ezekiel 38-39). It says a military alliance that includes Russia, Iran, Turkey, and a number of Muslim nations will attack Israel "in the latter days" (Ezekiel 38:8) when God brings His people home from among the enemy nations (Ezekiel 39:27). Today, we see those nations forming an alliance for the first time - an alliance that has never existed in world history. Russia, Iran, and Turkey all have an active military presence in Syria, meaning they're right on Israel's northern border at this moment. Why is this important? Because Ezekiel specifically says this alliance will attack Israel from the north (Ezekiel 38:15; Ezekiel 39:2). In addition, the ancient territory of Magog covers a number of modern day nations, one of which is Afghanistan. Up until recently, it was difficult to imagine U.S. occupied Afghanistan joining the Gog of Magog invasion. But now? With the Taliban back in control, it would be odd if they didn't join this invading alliance. The way nations are aligned today, the Gog of Magog invasion could take place tomorrow. All the pieces are in place. Even just a few years ago, that wasn't the case. Global War Prospects While "rumors of war" have been common since the end of World War II, the current situation is different. The world is in the midst of an energy crisis. Europe has seen natural gas prices surge in the past month. China and India are experiencing rolling blackouts of electrical service. Not only will this create problems in an already broken global supply chain, but these are the conditions which often give rise to war. And energy resource issues could provide the spark that ignites the next world war. For example, China threatens to invade Taiwan on an almost daily basis. If China does invade, the United States claims it will defend Taiwan. If it occurs, such a conflict will devastate the world. Both China and the U.S. are nuclear powers, and both likely have high-tech space weapons, cyberwarfare capabilities, and innovative weapons never before seen on a battlefield. Such a conflict could easily erupt into World War III. Even if it doesn't, the global economy would collapse and the global supply chain would be irreparably broken if the two largest economic powers went to war. The same is true in regard to Israel and Iran. Both nations have been engaged in a type of "cold war" for years, and with each passing month, the prospect of all-out war only increases. A conflict between the two could pull the Middle East and the entire world into a cataclysmic war. Throw in India's border disputes with China and Pakistan as well as North Korea's belligerence toward its neighbors and the United States, and the prospects of global war are probably the highest they've been in the post-Cold War era. At any moment, a flare up in any one of several hotspots could cascade into a global war. Yet, contrary to popular belief, the world will survive World War III. The death toll will be enormous, but the human race won't be annihilated (Revelation 6:4). The Bible says a global war will kick off the Tribulation and precede the global rule of the Antichrist. Right now, the odds of a devastating global war appear high. Global Inflation Prospects Shutdowns, travel regulations, and other COVID restrictions have wreaked havoc on the global supply chain since early 2020, and it's only getting worse. Lack of shipping containers, global port congestion, and a lack of workers to produce, transport, and stock goods have led to shortages in everything from toilet paper and microprocessors to chicken wings and tractor tires. Meanwhile, central bank and government policies creating low interest rates and instituting rent/mortgage moratoriums, student loan moratoriums, stimulus checks, and tax credits have only added to demand. Basic economics says if you lower supply and increase demand, you get higher prices. We're seeing that right now, especially at the grocery store. Don't expect it to get better. The Bible says the world will experience an unprecedented hyperinflation during the Tribulation. Following the global war outlined in Revelation 6:4, the world experiences a time when an entire day's wages will barely buy enough food to survive (Revelation 6:5-6). Given the inflation and shortages we're already seeing, how bad will it get if a major war breaks out anywhere in the world, much less an all-out global war like the one foretold in Revelation 6? The Rising Mark of the Beast System Throughout the world, governments are pushing COVID vaccines. Those who refuse the jab face a long list of penalties, including loss of employment, healthcare, freedom of movement, and liberty in general. Those pushing vaccine mandates and vaccine passports seek to coerce people into compliance. The goal is to ostracize the unvaccinated from society. If these coercive policies remain in place, they'll create a mark of the beast system indistinguishable in impact from the true mark of the beast (Revelation 13:16). In doing so, they'll pave the way for the rise of the Antichrist and the actual mark of the beast as outlined in the Book of Revelation. The Bible says those who refuse the mark of the beast will be shut out of the global economy. They'll be unable to buy or sell anything without it (Revelation 13:17). Today, we see the stage being set for the fulfillment of this prophecy. In some places, vaccine passports are required to appear anywhere in public, including grocery stores. Is it really hard to believe they'll one day be required to engage in any buy/sell transactions? The Days of Noah and Lot Jesus said when He returns, the world will be "like it was in the days of Noah" (Matthew 24:37). Jesus said, "In those days before the flood, the people were enjoying banquets and parties and weddings right up to the time Noah entered his boat. People didn't realize what was going to happen until the flood came and swept them all away. That is the way it will be when the Son of Man comes." Matthew 24:38-39 (NLT) Is this what we see in the world today? I think so. Even after 19 months of a global pandemic, a global supply chain crisis, and threats of war, people are still enjoying banquets and parties and weddings. In other words, much of life remains normal. After a series of events that should have shaken the world from its slumber, most people continue to go about their daily lives unaware of the times in which we live. The times in which we live are clear to anyone who knows the Bible. We are living in the days just before the Tribulation takes place. Jesus will soon return to take His church (1 Corinthians 15:51-53; 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18). How can I be so sure? Because Jesus says so. Jesus said when you see all the signs He and the prophets said to look for, you should look up (Luke 21:28), and we see those signs right now. The Convergence of Signs So, what are these signs? Jesus and the prophets pointed to dozens and dozens of signs. This article only cites a few, but each one is undeniable. Their convergence for the first time in history tells us the return of the Lord is close at hand. In addition to the events already mentioned, these signs include:
Stay Awake Jesus commanded us to watch for these signs (Matthew 24:42). He scolded the Pharisees and religious leaders when they failed to recognize the signs of His first coming (Matthew 16:3). Will He do any different for those who fail to recognize the signs of His second coming? Jesus warned us not to be caught sleeping when He returns (Mark 13:36). Now is the time to point out these signs to others and warn them the end is near. If you've been waiting to share the Gospel with someone, don't wait any longer. You may not have another opportunity. Jesus is coming. The signs are all around us. Israel/Iran Nuclear Issue Will Reach Critical Junction In 2022 – Yaakov Lappin - The freshly appointed head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, Mohammad Eslami, made a significant announcement on Oct. 10. Iran enriched more than 120 kilograms of uranium to the 20 percent level, he said--a major jump from the 84 kilograms that Iran had previously enriched a month earlier, according to the United Nation's nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The 120-kilogram milestone is more significant than meets the eye. While Eslami said the figure represented an objective set by the Iranian parliament that was successfully met, which it was, the number holds a far wider significance. This quantity of enriched uranium, if further enriched to 90 percent, is almost what is required to build a single nuclear bomb. The fact that Iran is also openly enriching other, albeit smaller quantities of uranium to the 60 percent level, as its previous announcements demonstrate, represents an abandonment by Iran of the civilian cover for its nuclear program. No non-nuclear states need to enrich uranium to the 60 percent level. All told, this means that Iran is at its most advanced stage ever in its nuclear program, both in the amount of uranium enriched and especially at the level that some of that uranium has been enriched to (60 percent). These developments signify a wider problem, and that is the twilight "no-man's-land" zone that the Iranian nuclear program currently is in. On the one hand, no new or old nuclear deal has been reached since the Trump administration exited the JCPOA in 2018 unilaterally. On the other hand, the "maximum pressure" campaign that the former American administration waged on Iran is not in place either. Although the Biden administration has not lifted sanctions on Iran, the level of enforcement has noticeably decreased, and so, too, has the discipline by members of the international deal. China is striking crude-oil deals with Iran that didn't strike a year ago. Absent maximum pressure and absent a deal, Iran is enjoying all of the benefits as it enriches a growing quantity of uranium. The longer the status quo goes on, the worse the situation will become for global, regional and Israeli security. In the meantime, Iran has increasingly limited the IAEA's supervision capabilities. Iran is delaying its return to the nuclear talks; the last round of negotiations occurred in Vienna in June. In several months, if no change occurs, the threshold for Israeli military action might be triggered. All told, Iran is approximately a year-and-a-half away from having a nuclear program. While it is making major progress on developing fissile material, it has not surged on other components of the program, such as preparing an underground nuclear test, due to the fact that this would make it obvious to the entire world that a military nuclear program is breaking through to the bomb. This would likely create a strong backlash--a development that the Iranian regime is keen to avoid. Instead, Iran retains all of the technological knowledge and personnel needed to break through, and "puts them on ice," waiting for different timing. Economic, diplomatic and military deterrence Looking ahead, there appear to be three potential plans in the work to deal with this situation. The first, "Plan A," is the intention by the Biden administration to return to the 2015 nuclear deal--the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). While Washington appears intent on this plan, it is almost pointless in terms of meaningfully stopping Iran's program in light of all of the nuclear progress that Iran has made in the past 18 months. "Plan B" would involve applying real international pressure to bring Iran back to negotiations in an authentic manner in order to strike a longer, stronger nuclear agreement. This would involve employing diplomacy, mixed with a credible military threat by both the United States and Israel. It seems reasonable to assume that Israeli officials visiting Washington have been promoting such an approach. A better, stronger agreement would keep Iran away from nuclear weapons for decades--not just several years as the current JCPOA and its short-term sunset clauses would. A better deal would also see Iran not only giving up its fissile material but disassembling its nuclear infrastructure, and the IAEA receiving stronger supervision abilities able to respond to suspicious activity as revealed in the Iranian archive, which the Mossad retrieved from Tehran in 2018 in a daring operation. The international community has already proven its ability to unite and press Iran to the negotiations table in 2015, and it could in theory repeat this. A combination of economic, diplomatic and military deterrence and pressure would be needed to achieve this. A strike could trigger a wider war In the event that the two plans fail, the question of military action becomes relevant. The Israel Defense Forces has been working to build updated military options to prevent Iran from breaking through to nuclear weapons. If diplomacy continues to stall, Iran will need reminders that military options also exist. From Israel's perspective, a nuclear Iran would form an intolerable, existential threat--and not only because of direct nuclear threats. Iran's regional activity and network of proxies would receive a nuclear umbrella, meaning that Iran's risky, destabilizing activity in the region would be placed on steroids. This would trigger a nuclear arms race with Sunni states like Saudi Arabia launching their own bids to arm themselves with atomic bombs in the coming decades. Such a regional future represents an unacceptably dangerous and unstable scenario to be avoided at all costs. Despite its bravado, Iran has no interest in entering into direct state-on-state wars. It has demonstrated this repeatedly in the past 20 years. In 2003, with the U.S. Military in Afghanistan and Iraq around it, the Islamic Republic froze its military nuclear program, dubbed "Amad." More recently, Iran has invested plenty of efforts and resources in protecting its nuclear infrastructure by placing parts of it underground and surrounding its sites with air defense systems--showing just how seriously Tehran takes the threat of military action. Should diplomacy fail, "Plan C" would be the last resort. It is a scenario that the Israeli defense establishment must prepare intensively for. A strike on Iran's nuclear program would likely trigger a regional wider war, though not necessarily. Multiple scenarios, including the activation of Hezbollah in Lebanon, which is 20 times more powerful than it was during the 2006 Second Lebanon War, coupled with Iran's proxies in Syria and Iraq, must be factored into the planning. This will contribute to the credibility of Israel's military deterrence. Currently, it appears as if Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, does not assess that there is an imminent military threat to his country, and he is acting on the basis of that assessment. Should he be convinced otherwise, particularly with the assistance of the United States, Khamenei is likely to change course for he fears what a direct war could do to his Islamic revolution. Israel began developing its military capabilities for stopping Iran's nuclear program in 2004, and it hasn't stopped. As time goes by, the chances of Israel needing to deploy these capabilities appear to have risen. Now, with Tehran accelerating its nuclear program, Jerusalem is accelerating its own military strike capability in parallel. The year 2022 will prove to be a critical junction. Where Are We Headed? – Bill Perkins – By now you have to be two short of a coaster set to think the va((ine has anything to do with health. So, what is really going on? What's the purpose of making all these people leave their jobs and financial security instead of taking a clot-shot that is at best dangerous, and at worst, deadly? It's hard to get the truth in a constantly lying world. For instance, we know the FDA is purposefully down-playing va((ine deaths to skew the numbers to fit their narrative. It used to be if a new drug had 50 deaths, then the drug was removed and approval was withdrawn. Not any more. Based on their own Va((ine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) website, there have been over 16,000 deaths that the FDA admits to being caused by Covid va((ines, plus some 800,000 adverse reactions. But instead of recalling the va((ines, all we hear from the FDA about these shocking stats are crickets. Now OSHA, which thrives on employers accurately reporting EVERYTHING, says it's not requiring employers to report va((ine injuries. This is to avoid "the appearance of discouraging workers from receiving Covid-19 va((inations." Unbelievable, but true.(1) In other words, OSHA doesn't want the truth to get out about how many people are dying and/or are severely disabled by the clot-shots. So, as we continue to pray for God to give us back our government, we need to honestly assess what's actually going on. It's entirely possible we'll never again have the country we all took for granted. We certainly hope that's not the case, but since it's a real possibility, we need to look at that side of the equation. That being said, it's high-time we put on the big-boy pants and look at some hard realities. First of all, we need to admit we've been asleep-at-the-wheel while our enemies were plotting to destroy us. We now know the Globalists/Satanists have been planning this takeover for some 20 years—and it looks like they're right on schedule.(2) While we allowed ourselves to be distracted by the va((ine mandates, borders, inflation, CRT, sex changes for children and dozens of other things, the Globalists/Satanists were continuing their bold takeover of America. Today, most Americans are totally missing what's actually transpiring right in front of us. Consider these examples: In our hospitals, doctors and nurses are leaving in droves due to refusal to take the Covid va((ine. On the surface you would think "That's what they get for mandating the va((ine." But in reality that's what the Globalists/Satanists want because it gives them the excuse to replace them with FEMA doctors and nurses.(3) This is just part of the Globalists/Satanists plan—more government takeover—for our own good, of course. And it's worth noting that the replacement workers DON'T have to be va((inated! We see tens of thousands of our troops refusing the va((ine and leaving the military. Who do you think will replace them? The Globalists/Satanists can hardly wait to bring in their own blue-helmeted troops to take their place. For our own protection, of course. Those troops that DID take the va((ine in order to keep their jobs are the ones they know they can control—assuming they survive the short- and long-term effects of the clot-shot. All these airline employees are walking out because they refuse to take the va((ine. We applaud their scruples. But at the same time the Globalists are salivating at the chance to nationalize the airlines. For our own good, of course. The police and fire fighters are walking out across America rather than being va((inated, risking losing everything. This is what the Globalists/Satanists want because when anarchy happens, they'll will bring in more UN troops, maybe even from China. For our own protection, of course. The ridiculous national government spending spree that's adding trillions to the country's debt and is causing horrible inflation makes no sense whatsoever. This kind of relentless spending of borrowed money will destroy our currency. It's only a matter of time. But when the banks fail, the Globalists/Satanists will step right in and "save us" by instituting their own system of digital credits and debits. For our own good, of course. Supply problems are all over the place. Whether it's food, cars, gas, construction materials, whatever, guess who is waiting to save the day? The government. And naturally expect there to be a few strings attached to be able to receive anything the government has control over. Make good choices while you still have options. So while we're all cheering and high-fiving each other over all the brave people walking away from their livelihoods, correctly choosing to honor their Temple of the Holy Spirit (1Cor 3:17) over money (Luke 16:13), know that's what the Globalists have wanted all along—a divided populace. The old "divide and conquer." All those employees that agreed to take the shots to save their jobs are the ones they know they can control in the long run. They chose poorly. We say, "You won't control us." They say, "Oh yes we will." They THINK they have us. One day they'll understand they were badly mistaken, that we were on the side of God. We chose well. The last thing you want is to be on the receiving end of one of God's "woes." Especially if it's an eternal woe. Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Is. 5:20 JUDGMENT DAY IS COMING! Thankfully, as Believers we can watch all this knowing there IS a judgment day in the future for these evil souls. Whatever is done in the darkness will be exposed to light. They are not getting away with anything. But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light, Eph. 5:13 Every one of these depraved atheistic boneheads that are killing, and maiming people will have to stand before a righteous God and account for their actions. No excuses, no exceptions. No liberal lawyers and laws to bail them out. With no atonement for their sin, they will wail in the hot blazes of hell for eternity. ...but the sons of the kingdom will be cast out into the outer darkness; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”Matt. 8:12 Eternity is a long time. And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever; Rev. 14:11 I can't help but think of that poor guy in Hades (Luke 16:19-31) who was begging for just one drop of water. One drop! And he never got it! To this day that guy is still down there, alive in the flames, and I'm sure quite thirsty by now. And he's well aware he'll be there forever. These Globalists/Satanists have no clue what's in store for them. They have been duped by the Master Duper. By the grace of God, we were rescued. For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, Col. 1:13 Believers, who are also sinners, will be "passed over" on Judgment Day because we Believed and trusted Jesus' atonement for our sins. As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us. Psa. 103:12 Therefore, between now and that fateful day of judgment our instructions are to keep the main thing, the main thing. ... only one thing is necessary, Luke 10:42a The ONLY thing that matters in this world is who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. And Believers have the directions. Use us like a compass, Lord—to point to Christ! References: 1) 2) 3) This Winter, We Could Potentially Be Facing Simultaneous Shortages Of Oil, Natural Gas, Propane And Coal - by Michael Snyder - I realize that the headline that I have chosen for this article may sound a bit wild to many of you, but keep reading because what we are potentially facing is extremely serious. Right now, we are already in the midst of an epic global energy crisis. There have already been significant power outages all over the planet, and prices are spiking at a pace that is absolutely breathtaking. With each passing day, it seems like supplies of oil, natural gas, propane and coal just keep getting tighter, and what is really odd is that it is happening so early in the year. Summer just ended a few weeks ago, and the heart of winter in the northern hemisphere is still several months away. So if things are this bad already, what are things going to look like when we get into January and February? This morning, I was stunned when I pulled up the Drudge Report and saw that one gas station in California was now selling gasoline for $7.59 a gallon… Gas keeps getting more and more expensive, especially in California. But perhaps nowhere is it pricier than the remote central coast community of Gorda. The town’s only gas station is offering regular unleaded for $7.59. Premium is nearly $8.50. The good news is that a gallon of gasoline is not nearly that high in most of the rest of the nation. But the bad news is that prices are rising aggressively from coast to coast. As of yesterday, Fox News was reporting that the price of gasoline had risen “for 22 straight days”. The main reason why prices are skyrocketing is because supplies are starting to get really tight. In fact, it is being reported that the crude oil hub in Cushing, Oklahoma could be “effectively out of crude” in just a few weeks… In a note predicting the near-term dynamics of the oil market, JPMorgan’s commodity Natasha Kaneva writes that in a world of pervasive nat gas and coal shortages which are forcing the power sector to increasingly turn to oil (boosting demand by 750bkd during winter and drawing inventory by 2.1mmb/d in Nov and Dec), Cushing oil storage – which just dropped to 31.2mm barrels, the lowest since 2018… … may be just weeks from being “effectively out of crude.” The bank’s conclusion: “if nothing were to change in the Cushing balance over the next two months, we might expect front WTI spreads to spike to record highs—a “super backwardation” scenario.” Needless to say, we have never seen anything like this happen before. In such a scenario, how high could the price of oil potentially go? And if oil price records are being shattered in the months ahead, what will ordinary Americans have to pay when they go to fill up their vehicles? I have a feeling that we are about to enter uncharted territory. Meanwhile, one expert recently told Bloomberg that we could soon be facing “propane-market armageddon”… In the report by Bloomberg, Ang says prices for the first quarter of 2022 are already far above later supplies, saying, “it may indicate players are preparing for propane-market armageddon.” He added that some areas could see outright shortages before winter ends. To add to the stress, Poynter says some weather forecasts are already calling for a colder than normal winter, thanks to the La Nina effect. Experts call for an 87% chance of the system bringing an early and harsh winter season. The use of the term “outright shortages” definitely alarms me, because there are millions of Americans that use propane to heat their homes. If the propane runs out in the middle of the winter, what are those people supposed to do? On the other side of the globe, a tightening of natural gas supplies has become an enormous problem. According to Global News, natural gas prices in Europe and Asia “have more than tripled” in 2021… Regional natural gas markets in the United States are seeing prices for this winter surge along with global record highs — suggesting that the energy bills causing headaches in Europe and Asia will hit the world’s top gas producer before long. Gas prices in Europe and Asia have more than tripled this year, causing manufacturers to curtail activity from Spain to Britain and sparking power crises in China. In addition to a lack of natural gas, a severe coal shortage has also contributed to the economic chaos that we are witnessing in China at the moment. Just recently, CNN reported that energy shortages had already spread to 20 different provinces… Power shortages have spread to 20 provinces in recent weeks, forcing the government to ration electricity during peak hours and some factories to suspend production. These disruptions resulted in a sharp drop in industrial output last month and weighed on the outlook for China’s economy. India is being hit really hard by the global coal shortage as well. In fact, we are being told that most of India’s coal plants “have critically low levels of coal inventory”… Most of India’s coal-fired power plants have critically low levels of coal inventory at a time when the economy is picking up and fueling electricity demand. Coal accounts for around 70% of India’s electricity generation. So the truth is that my headline for this article is not over the top at all. The shortages aren’t something that we have to wait for. They are already here, and they are going to get a lot worse. Of course this new energy crisis is going to make our global supply chain headaches even more frustrating. In our economic system, it takes energy to literally do just about anything, and as energy becomes more expensive virtually every form of economic activity will also become more expensive. That means that all of the stuff that is made for us in Asia and shipped halfway around the planet is going to start costing a lot more. As toy shortages intensify heading into the holiday season, we are already seeing some resellers pricing toys at nearly 400 percent of their normal levels… American Girl’s sold-out blonde winter princess doll, which retailed for $250, is now going for up to $999 on platforms such as Mercari and eBay. The cat-themed Gabby’s Dollhouse, which is all the rage for this year’s preschoolers, has nearly quadrupled on some sites from its original $55 price tag. This is the “new normal”, and so you might as well get used to it. I am shocked that things have deteriorated so rapidly, and this new global energy crisis is definitely setting the stage for so many things that I have been warning about. As global energy supplies get tighter and tighter, all of us will feel the pain. And the experts are telling us that things are not going to turn around any time soon. So I hope you have a plan for this winter and beyond, because things are really starting to get crazy out there. Daily Jot: The Farm Chronicles: That old Chrysler - Bill Wilson – It’s kind of funny how those early memories pop into your mind. Mom and Dad had this 1957 Chrysler four door when I was about six years old. I think the original paint on it was two-tone white and beige. They had it repainted for whatever reason to a turquoise and white. It looked pretty flashy and seemed to have some new life to it. But it was the same old car. Mom always had problems getting it started. Of course, Dad was usually out working one of his three jobs—farmer, fuel delivery, custom combining—so there was no one who could help get that car started. But, you know, when Dad came home, he would patiently listen to Mom’s complaints about the car, go out and sit in the front seat and turn the key. It would automatically start right up. He seemed to have the “touch.” We could never figure out how. Mom wasn’t the best at mechanics. So if the car wouldn’t start up right away, she would just keep turning the ignition until the battery ran down. Then, we would get the pick-up truck or if that wasn’t available, call Grandpa Wilson, and he would come with his car, hook up the jumper cables, and try to get it to start. Sometimes it would start and we would be off on our errands. Other times, that old Chrysler would just grind away and never fire up. Mom would leave it sit until Dad came home. He would go turn the key and, varoom, it would start right up. He would say that Mom must be doing something wrong. They would sit in the car. Dad would show her how to make sure it was in park by pushing one of the buttons on the dashboard. Turn the key, and it always started for him. She would get in the driver’s seat, make sure the park button was pushed in, turn the key and if Dad was sitting next to her, the Chrysler would start right up. So Dad concluded there was nothing wrong with the car. Until the next time and the car wouldn’t start for her. It was a crisis in the making. She was so frustrated and I’m sure she spent an hour or more on the party line raging about it with my Aunt Dory, who always had cars that worked. It was both frustrating and embarrassing to Mom. One day, the car wouldn’t start and Mom decided to have my brother and me push it down the driveway, hoping to pop it in gear and turn over the engine. Well, at six years old, I wasn’t much help. But we tried. It didn’t work. Next up, hook it to the tractor and pull it down the road as fast as the tractor would go. Yep. My brother was conscripted against his objection that this might ruin the car. They got a running start and that old Farmall M was chugging as fast as it could go. Mom pushed the “drive” button, and sure enough, the car started. The old hydraulic pump in the transmission pumped enough oil at about 30 mph to turn the engine. Mom was victorious and had made her point. I think this was like the persistent widow in Luke 18 where finally in verse 5, the judge finally gives in “lest by her continual coming she will wear me out.” It wasn’t long until we got another car. Daily Devotion: HOPE: Holding on with Patient Expectation - by Greg Laurie – When my soul fainted within me, I remembered the Lord; and my prayer went up to You, into Your holy temple. —Jonah 2:7 - Listen A lot of people in our culture today are starting to lose hope. Experts say that one of the reasons suicide rates are so high is because people have lost hope. From the inside of a very large fish, Jonah was beginning to lose hope. But then he prayed. Jonah said, “When my soul fainted within me, I remembered the Lord; and my prayer went up to You, into Your holy temple. . . . But I will sacrifice to You with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay what I have vowed. Salvation is of the Lord” (Jonah 2:7, 9 NKJV). Notice that Jonah didn’t have any promise that God would deliver him from the belly of that beast. But he gave thanks to the Lord while he was there. Maybe you’re going through a hard time right now, and you’re thinking, “I don’t feel like giving thanks to God. I’ll give thanks when I get through this problem.” Give thanks to God now. When Paul and Silas were thrown into prison for preaching the gospel, we read that “at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God” (Acts 16:25 NKJV). The Bible says, “Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! for His mercy endures forever” (1 Chronicles 16:34 NKJV). It doesn’t say, “Give thanks to the Lord when you feel good” or “give thanks to the Lord when circumstances are good.” If you’re losing hope today, don’t give up. I don’t know what kind of situation you’re in right now, but you’re going to get through it. Remember this acronym for hope: holding on with patient expectation. Don’t lose hope. God is in control. God is sovereign. And if He got Jonah out of a fish, then God can get you through whatever you’re facing today. FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY, TRULY, THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT? One of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed, and if that information inspires you, and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers, and open the eyes of non-believers, and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy, then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides, and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks! Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13 If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to: DONATE NOW Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516 We are very pleased to offer all our readers this FREE download on Bible Prophecy from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia - Just download and enjoy and be blessed! Feel free to share it with all your friends and family members. Click below to download! "AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING" If You Died Today, Would You Go To Heaven? Find out, visit: How to know God DID YOU KNOW? You can submit an article, leave a comment or praise report at email: [email protected] Maranatha! (Lord Come Quickly) "On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other ground is sinking sand." "Let Us make the short time we have left count for all eternity!" YBIC-Randy
1 Comment
james oshea
4/22/2022 08:23:53 am
I'm teaching a four session Bible study this summer on prophecy and am looking for a framework to base it on. Do you have anything like that you can share or suggest a Christian organization or person that might?
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