The Three Witnesses to Jacob’s Trouble – Daniel, Jesus, and John – Part 1 – Randy Nettles -
There have been many Old Testament prophets that wrote about the end time days before the Messiah comes in power to establish his kingdom. They mostly referred to it as the day of the Lord, day of trouble, or the day of wrath. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Zephaniah, Zechariah, and Malachi all spoke and wrote about the day of the Lord and God’s judgment upon unrepentant mankind. There were three followers of Jesus who spoke about this “day” in the New Testament: Luke (Acts 2:20), Paul, and Peter. In some instances, the day of the Lord refers to the actual day when Jesus returns to the earth, but usually, it refers to the total duration of time that is involved with this judgment, which is measured in years and not days or hours. Modern eschatologists refer to this time as the Tribulation. Jeremiah was the only prophet who called it Jacob’s trouble. Here are the verses that describe this end-time horrific period and God’s reasons for bringing it about: “Now these are the words that the Lord spoke concerning Israel and Judah. For thus says the Lord: We have heard a voice of trembling, of fear, and not of peace. Ask now, and see, whether a man is ever in labor with child? So why do I see every man with his hands on his loins Like a woman in labor, and all faces turned pale? Alas! For that day is great, so that none is like it; and it is the time of Jacob’s trouble, but he (Israel/Jacob) shall be saved out of it” (Jeremiah 30: 4-7). “For I am with you (Israel), says the Lord, ‘to save you; though I make a full end of all nations where I have scattered you, yet I will not make a complete end of you. But I will correct you in justice, and will not let you go altogether unpunished” (Jeremiah 30: 11). ”Behold, the whirlwind of the Lord Goes forth with fury, a continuing whirlwind; it will fall violently on the head of the wicked. The fierce anger of the Lord will not return until He has done it, and until He has performed the intents of His heart. In the latter days, you will consider it” (Jeremiah 30:23-24). Although many prophets spoke about the day of the Lord, there were only three who discussed it with much detail, Daniel, Jesus, and John (the apostle of Jesus). Daniel was the first Jewish prophet to receive a vision regarding these end times of the day of the Lord. Since this time of trouble is mainly concerned with Israel, we will call it Jacob’s Trouble in this article, instead of the Tribulation. The first revelation to Daniel in regards to this matter was recorded in Daniel 7 (the number for completion). The vision consisted of four world empires and kings (beasts) that would arise in power to rule the earth at different times. In hindsight, we now know that Daniel 7:7 is talking about the end times government of the 10 Kings (modern-day new world order/world government). Verse 8 refers to the beast (now known as the Antichrist) who will come upon the scene in the end times. Daniel 7:19-24 describes the A.C. and how he comes to power by killing three of the kings. “He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, shall persecute the saints of the Most High, and shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand for a time and times and half a time /3.5 years” (Daniel 7:25). I believe the A.C. will change our way of reckoning years by terminating the B.C./A.D. system based on the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. He will also abolish the law of Moses, the 10 commandments; especially the first two commandments: 1) You shall have no other gods before Me. 2) You shall not make for yourself a carved image and shall not bow down to them nor serve them. When the A.C. assumes total control of world government from the remaining 7 kings (kingdoms/regions) at the mid-point of Jacob’s Trouble, he will begin his persecution of the Jewish and Gentile saints for a period of approximately 3.5 years. Daniel 7:26-28 describes how it all ends. The beast and his government will come to an abrupt end and will be given over to the new world order of Jesus and His saints. The vision Daniel has in chapter 8 describes the 2nd and 3rd beasts that will arise after Nebuchadnezzar’s (the 1st beast) reign. This chapter describes the Medo-Persia empire as a ram and then likens the Greek empire to a goat. Alexander the Great and his successors (four of his generals) are referred to in Daniel 8:8. Antiochus IV Epiphanies, the Greek/Syrian king is mentioned in verse 9 as the little horn. Daniel 8:23-24 is still referring to Antiochus IV as he died insane in Persia in 164 BC. However, it could also be referring to the A.C of the future, who will be similar to the mad king in many ways. Daniel 9 records Daniel’s prayer to God where he is petitioning Him for the completion of Israel’s 70-year exile to Babylon according to the earlier word of the prophet Jeremiah. Daniel and other learned men of Israel had always believed that after 70 years of captivity, the Messiah would come and would then establish His kingdom on earth. In the midst of Daniel’s prayer, the angel Gabriel appeared unto him and told him this was not to be the case, and that the Messiah would not come until 483 years or sixty-nine sevens (69 x 7) had elapsed and He would then be cut off or killed. This revelation or prophecy to Daniel is found in Daniel 9:24-27 and is known as the seventy sevens prophecy. “Seventy weeks (seven years) are determined for your people and for your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sins, to make reconciliation for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the Most Holy” (Daniel 9:24). The total length of time for this prophecy to be accomplished is 490 years: 70 x 7 = 490 “Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince, there shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublesome times” (Daniel 9:25). The total length of time for this part of the prophecy is 483 years: 69 x 7 = 483 “And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah (Jesus) shall be cut off, but not for Himself; and the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end of it shall be with a flood, and till the end of the war, desolations are determined” (Daniel 9:26). After Jesus is killed in 33 AD there is a pause in time between the 483rd year and the 490th year. This pause is continuing to this day, 1988 years later. “Then he (the future Antichrist to come) shall confirm a covenant with many for one week (7 years); but in the midst (middle) of the week (3.5 years), he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, even until the consummation, which is determined, is poured out on the desolate” (Daniel 9:27). In Daniel 9:26, the angel tells Daniel that a people (we now know to be the Romans) would come and destroy the city of Jerusalem and the sanctuary. In verse 27, Gabriel explains to Daniel that the prince that would come (the future A.C.) would confirm a covenant with the many (Israel and others) for one week (7 years). This act of confirming the peace covenant regarding Israel will result in the clock starting again to resume the last 7 years of Daniel’s 70th seven, otherwise known as Jacob’s trouble. After this prophecy, Daniel looked and saw three individuals (angels). One was on one side of the river, one was on the other side of the river, and one clothed in linen was upon the waters of the river. I believe the one walking on the water was a theophany of Jesus. After all, Jesus is known for walking on water. One of the angels asked Jesus/Jehovah how long this time of trouble for Israel would last. Jesus raised both hands unto heaven and swore to Him that lives forever (God, the Father) “that it shall be for a time, times, and half a time (3.5 years) and when the power of the holy people has been completely shattered, all these things shall be finished” (Daniel 12:7). This chapter and verse in Daniel (12 and 7) are very appropriate numbers for the completion of judgment against God’s chosen people. 7 is the number for completion and 12 oftentimes refers to Israel. Daniel told the man that he did not understand and “what shall be the end of these things.” The man clothed in linen told Daniel: “Go your way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end. Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand” (Daniel 12:9-10). The man in linen however had one parting revelation for Daniel. “And from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away, and the abomination of desolation is set up, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days” (Daniel 12:11). Many students and scholars alike have wondered about this verse. If the abomination of desolation occurs in the midst (middle) of the 7 years (2520 days according to the prophetic calendar of 360 days), why would there be 1290 days left until the end instead of 1260 days? In my previous article, In the Midst :: by Randy Nettles - Rapture Ready, I believe I have adequately explained this seeming discrepancy. The blessing that comes after the 1335th day after the abomination of desolation could be when the marriage feast of the Lord and the church will begin. It could be a double marriage feast as God and the saints of the remnant of Jacob will renew their vows. The closing words of the man to Daniel were: “Go your way until the end; for you shall rest, and will arise to your inheritance at the end of the days” (Daniel 12:13). What a great promise to Daniel, a righteous servant of God, that was. Jesus describes the end of days known as Jacobs Trouble in three of the gospel books: Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21. Matthew 24, verses 4-8 describe the pre-tribulation (birth pains as described in Jeremiah 30) times before Daniels 70th Seven-week begins. This may very well be the present time we are living in today. “Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.” These are the times of the beginning of Jacob’s trouble. Matthew 24, verses 9-26 include the entire 7 years (Daniels’ 70th week) of Jacob’s trouble from the beginning to the end. Verses 27-31 describe the 2nd Coming of Jesus. Verses 32-35 explain which generation would see the day of the Lord (that is, the ones who aren’t raptured ahead of this time). Just as Jesus answered his disciple’s questions (regarding the end of the age and the sign of His coming) out of order, so did he describe the day of the Lord, which begins with the rapture. I believe Jesus is talking about the rapture in Matthew 24:36-44. “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only” (Matthew 24:36). The rapture is the supernatural sign to the Jews that Jesus is the Messiah and He is coming again. For more detail regarding this eschatological view, see Jacob’s trouble (Daniel’s 70th week) begins with the opening of the seals, specifically when the 1st rider, the Antichrist of the apocalypse, emerges on his white horse as a conqueror. It is thought by many scholars that this is also the man described in Daniel 9:27. At this point, the A.C. has enough power and authority with the 10 kings world government to confirm the covenant with Israel and the many. There is probably some period of time (possibly years) between the rapture and this event, as it will take the A.C. time to militarily consolidate his power. Randy Nettles - [email protected] Globalists Will Need Another Crisis in America As Their Reset Agenda Fails – Brandon Smith - It might sound like "US exceptionalism" to point this out, but even if the globalist Reset is successful in every other nation on Earth, the globalists are still failures if they can't secure and subjugate the American people. As I've noted many times in the past, most of the world has been sufficiently disarmed, and even though we are seeing resistance in multiple European nations against forced vaccination legislation and medical tyranny, it is unlikely that they will have the ability to actually repel a full on march into totalitarianism. Most of Asia, India and Australia are already well under control. Africa is almost an afterthought , considering Africa is where many suspect vaccines are tested. America represents the only significant obstacle to the agenda. Conservative Americans in particular have been a thorn in the side of the globalists for generations, and it really comes down to a simple matter of mutual exclusion: You cannot have an openly globalist society and conservative ideals at the same time in the same place. It is impossible. Conservatives believe in limited government, true free markets, individual liberty, the value of life, freedom of speech, private property rights, the right to self defense, the right to self determination, freedom of religion, and the non-aggression principle (we won't harm you unless you try to harm us). None of these ideals can exist in a globalist world because globalism is at it's core is the pursuit of a fully centralized tyranny. There are people on this planet that are not satisfied to merely live their lives, take care of their families and make their mark peacefully. They crave power over all else. They desperately want control over you, over me, over everything, and they will use any means at their disposal to get it. I would compare it to a kind of drug addiction; globalists are like crack addicts, they can never get enough power, there is always something more to take. They tell themselves and others that they are "philanthropists", that "they know what is best" for the rest of us. They believe themselves superior and therefore it is their "destiny" to dictate and micro-manage society for the "greater good" of us all. But really, when we witness their methods it becomes clear that they have no noble aspirations. They have no empathy or honor. They don't care about the average human being, or the environment, or the economy or society in general. They only care about themselves and their delusions of grandeur. These people are a cancer on the rest of civilization. They seem to be particularly obsessed with deconstructing and sabotaging America in the pursuit of their global Reset. Real philanthropists would not have a problem if someone didn't want to accept their "charity", but psychopaths cannot abide a group of people rejecting them and their ideology. You are not allowed to walk away from them. You are not allowed to do things your own way. You must be forced to comply. The agenda only works if EVERYONE submits. Unfortunately for the globalists, the Reset is not working out for them everywhere. In the US, the agenda is failing miserably compared to Asia and parts of Europe. As the head of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, is so fond of reminding us, the Covid pandemic is the "perfect opportunity" to push forward the globalist plans for a total Reset of human economy and society. To the globalists, the crisis is a panacea, a doorway to their version of a better world. They love the pandemic, they are not distressed by it. The problem is, it's not doing enough damage or terrifying enough people. Consider the Event 201 coronavirus pandemic simulation - It was held by the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation only two months before the real thing "coincidentally" happened in early 2020. The pandemic war game was less about saving lives and more about how the elites planned to keep the public under control. The suppression of alternative media and censorship in social media was discussed at great length. Dissenting voices need to be silenced if the Reset is going to prevail. One factor within the Event 201 simulation that never played out, though, was the WEF projections on deaths. The war game suggested at least 65 million initial deaths due to the pandemic. Early projections on the death rate suggested 2% to 3% of the population or more. The same projections were repeated by the UN's World Health Organization when the real pandemic was first revealed to the public, yet we have seen a far less death rate of around 0.26% outside of nursing homes. Instead of backing off of the Reset scheme, the globalists are continuing to double down. Why? Because they have no other choice. They let the cat out of the bag and individuals like Klaus Schwab told the world exactly what the plan is. If they retreat now, they might NEVER get another chance to implement a world centralization plan; a massive grift which requires medical tyranny in order to prevent rebellion. You see, if the death rate had been dramatically higher than 0.26% then maybe a larger portion of the US population would have been on board with longer term restrictions and medical passports. Maybe not. The fact remains that 40% of deaths have been in nursing homes among patients with preexisting illnesses, the death rate outside of these facilities is minimal. The fear narrative is falling apart. States across the US are opening and are refusing to implement useless mandates. In my home state of Montana, legislators and the governor are passing laws that forbid the enforcement of medical passports. Even major corporations are not allowed to demand vaccine passports from customers or employees. On top of that, 40% to 50% of the US population in polls are refusing to comply with the vaccine rollout or medical passports. Why take a vaccine for a virus that 99.7% of the population is unaffected by? The globalists are going to need another crisis if they hope to enforce further lockdowns in the US, along with medical passports and disarmament. Do not be surprised if there is more engineered chaos going into the summer months. But what will the next crisis look like? I think we are already seeing the signs... Covid Mutations The mainstream media is pushing a non-stop narrative of covid mutation hype. We hear about UK and Brazilian variants on a weekly basis, and the assertion has been that surely, these variants will be more infectious and more deadly that the original virus. This remains to be seen, but the globalists only care about planting the idea in people's heads. They only care about reigniting the fear. My feeling is that this strategy is going to fail, at least in the US. Too many Americans are aware of the con game, and a new virus threat is not going to have the same effect as Covid-19 did in the early months of the pandemic. None of us really knew what we were facing back then, and caution was a practical response. Today, we know for a fact that covid is not a concern for the vast majority of the public. Media attempts to amp up the threat will be ineffective, but they will of course still try. BLM Riots This is the next obvious tactic on the part of the establishment. Numerous state officials are openly supporting renewed riots across the country due to a recent police shooting in Minnesota. The shooting itself was accidental, with the suspect violently resisting arrest and leaping into his car. A female officer grabbed her pistol in a panic instead of her taser and fired. This event had nothing to do with racism, and nothing to do with police brutality. But, that's not stopping Marxist groups like BLM from taking advantage and making it all about "white supremacy". The real danger of unrest, however, will arrive at the closing of the Derek Chauvin trail. With the trail coming to an end, evidence has been revealed that George Floyd was involved in heavy drug use and the medical examiner indicated that this along with heart disease were contributing factors to Floyd's death. A "speed ball" containing Fentanyl was also discovered in the back of the police cruiser in which Floyd was originally restrained. So, even if Derek Chauvin's knee to the neck tactic helped kill Floyd, it is unlikely that a jury will convict him of 1st or 2nd degree murder based on the evidence. Any lesser charges will undoubtedly trigger more BLM riots. Conveniently, these powder keg events are taking place at the onset of the warm spring and summer months, which is prime time for riots. My concern is that civil unrest will be allowed to spread and fester in the US until regular citizens start taking matters into their own hands. And, of course, any community that tries to defend itself against looting and destruction will be accused of "racist aggression" - At which time the Biden Administration will then try to assert the authority to institute martial law measures in various regions. This combined with renewed attempts at covid lockdowns is a highly likely scenario. Cyber Polygon Just as the Event 201 simulation of a coronavirus pandemic preceded the real thing by only two months, there are concerns that the next World Economic Forum simulation event will also be a precursor to another crisis. Cyber Polygon is a war game being held by the WEF this July which is meant to simulate a major cyber attack on the global supply chain and the economic system. There has been endless discussion int the media the past year building up fears of cyber attacks by Russia, China, Iran and even North Korea. In terms of supply chain threats, I'm not sure exactly how a cyber attack could do much to disrupt global shipping, unless we are talking about another blockage in a major shipping route like the Suez Canal. But, a successful attack on stock exchanges in places like Wall Street could be devastating. I suggest watching this event carefully as it may be designed to precede a real cyber attack sometime this year. Global War Tensions The media and the Biden Administration are very busy trying to create tensions with Russia over Ukraine. There are renewed tensions between Iran and Israel and continued destabilization by the West in Syria. And, a rising danger of confrontation with China over Taiwan. War could be the goal, or, the goal could merely be economic conflict. After all, China has already been dumping dollars and US treasuries the past year, and it would not take much to cause damage to the dollar's world reserve status if China and Russia both diversified into a basket of currencies for global trade. Beyond that, there are many advantages for globalists in creating regional wars and drawing Americans into pointless conflicts. For example, the threat of war could be used to institute a new draft. What better way to keep American men in particular busy and stop them from rebellion against the Reset than to draft them so they can die in a meaningless war overseas? There is also a narrative advantage to global tensions; when presented with a foreign threat, are Americans more likely to reject notions of rebellion against government trespasses? I have no doubt that the establishment will try to claim the liberty movement is not a movement for freedom, but an "astro-turf" movement created by the Russians to destabilize America. This has been the leftist media propaganda strategy for years now; so why would they stop? The bottom line is this: America is the primary target of the globalists because we are one of the only countries with the means and the numbers to stop them and the Reset. Until they are removed from the equation they will continue to throw crisis after crisis at us in order to wear us down and force us to accept totalitarianism. Nearing Midnight: Restrainer as Covert Operative? – Terry James - Seeing all the wickedness proliferating exponentially and knowing the subterranean evil that is unseen, we might throw up our collective hands. “What hope is there?” might be a seemingly legitimate question. It looks forever more like Satan has already reached his goals of turning everything upside down, of thwarting all efforts to stand in his wicked, lawless way. We’ve gone over all of the cultural and societal rot—all the perversion that has seemingly permeated every aspect of life. Even children—little children—are now, for example, targets of the devilish minions, both human and supernatural, that have public school officials and many courts agreeing that parents can’t intervene with their very young kids being inculcated, or even transgendered. This seems to be perhaps the last or most satanically insane accomplishment that is taking place as this generation approaches the Tribulation era. Yet there is doubtless much more to come, and there seems no opposition to what we fear will eventuate. And the avalanche of absolute evil, it appears, will arrive sooner rather than later. Like in recent commentaries, we point again to the world building toward war—war that, it is almost certain, if it comes to full fruition, will result in nuclear annihilation for most, if not all of the planet’s population. Thanks be to the Creator of all that is—to the very Word of God, we, as believers in Jesus Christ for salvation can be assured. This world is on a controlled demolition schedule—like one of those huge, ancient hotels that must be brought down so something new and beautiful can be constructed in its place. This is exactly what is happening, in prophetic terms. The world and all we see happening of a deleterious nature, as my friend Jan Markell has stated, isn’t the world falling apart. It is all falling into place. Perhaps that was a paraphrase of Jan’s comment, but you get the gist. The Lord is in charge of this demolition—or at least he is in complete control of how He long ago foretold how things would fall into place so a new, beautiful, Heaven-directed earth construction can take place. Our commentary’s title is “Restrainer as Covert Operative?” By this, I ask if God the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Godhead (Trinity), is acting as an unseen agent in keeping this satanically driven demolition of the world’s infrastructures a controlled such action. Is He keeping it from crumbling to complete rubble through His supernatural engineering? That is, is God still acting as restrainer, as promised? For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he [the Restrainer or Holy Spirit] who now lattés Restrains evil] will let [Restrain evil], until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming. (2 Thessalonians 2:7–8) We who understand Bible prophecy through the prism of the pre-Tribulation view believe this means that the Holy Spirit will hold back, or “restrain” evil until He withdraws in that restraining of evil office. This will happen when the Rapture occurs. At that electrifying, “twinkling-of-an-eye” moment, those whom He indwells, believers of the Church Age (Age of Grace), will be called by Christ into Heaven. It is then that the demolition of the earth and its evil, humanistic, systems will crash totally to rubble. God’s wrath and judgment will fall like it did on Sodom and Gomorrah in Lot’s day. So fear not, believers. God is in full control of the demolition you and I are witnessing. He is indeed acting as a covert (undercover) operative in all of this cesspool of evil that the globalists elite—the minions (powers and principalities) of Ephesians 6:12—are perpetrating. How can we be sure? By understanding that the Lord neither slumbers nor sleeps. This is observable by examining how He has kept the matter of the Iranian nuclear weapons development under complete control. We’ve explored several times how Bible prophecy predicts that the mountainous area currently being used to work on Iran’s nuclear designs will be destroyed. In the Elam prophecy, it is foretold that it will become uninhabitable. This, to me at least, portends a nuclear strike, or nuclear radiation escaping as a result of an attack. This hasn’t happened despite great tensions we’ve all seen in the news. President Trump put in place many options to hold back Iran’s deadly intentions to produce weapons that would eliminate the hated Jewish state. President Biden has, tacitly, given the Ayatollahs permission to resume their development—which they say are for peaceful use only. This is an attempted deception that even Mr. Biden’s administration State Department people certainly know is a lie. This, of course, is to the great consternation of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his IDF generals. The following news excerpt frames this angst. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed that Israel will never allow Iran to develop “nuclear capability to carry out its genocidal goal of eliminating Israel” during a joint press conference with visiting U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin in Jerusalem on Monday. “My policy as prime minister of Israel is clear. I will never allow Iran the nuclear capability to carry out its genocidal goal of eliminating Israel. And Israel will continue to defend itself against Iran’s aggression and terrorism,” said Netanyahu. (“Netanyahu to Austin: Israel Will Not Allow Iran to Carry Out Goal of Nuclear Genocide,” The Jewish Press—, JNS News Service, April 12, 2021) The prime minister has stated on many occasions that the IDF will use all means necessary to keep Iran from having a nuclear weapon. Nuclear action would seem necessary, if the laboratories within the Bushehr Mountains are to be destroyed. But, I believe that God the Holy Spirit, as a covert operative, has given Israel the means to at least delay the more devastating and possibly prophesied nuclear strike option. The Restrainer is at work! Iranian media reported an electrical problem at the Natanz, the country’s main uranium enrichment facility. Natanz: new centrifuges in contravention of deal “The incident caused no casualties or contamination,” Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi said, adding that “electricity was affected at the Natanz facility.” The incident comes one day after President Hassan Rouhani inaugurated a chain of 164 advanced 164 IR-6 uranium enrichment centrifuges at the site in a televised event commemorating Iran’s National Day of Nuclear Technology. (“Iran’s main nuclear site mysteriously suffers power outage right after advanced centrifuges go online,” by Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, Israel News Mid East, April 11, 2021) It has been determined by the experts in such things that it was without doubt a cyber attack by Israeli covert forces. So Iran’s design on eliminating Israel is again thwarted—at least delayed. It is God’s staying hand at work! Believers, be assured. God remains busy behind the scenes. Despite election cheating and all the other evil that looks to be winning in Satan’s end-times quest, the Restrainer will continue to restrain until Christ calls His own to be with Him. Farmers Warn That the Megadrought In the Western U.S. Threatens to Cause Devastating Crop Failures In 2021 - by Michael Snyder - Throughout U.S. history, there have always been droughts in the western half of the country from time to time, but what we are dealing with now is truly alarming. Scientists tell us that a multi-year “megadrought” has developed in the southwestern portion of the country, and this is the worst year of that “megadrought” so far by a wide margin. If conditions do not radically improve soon, we are going to have a major agricultural disaster on our hands. Some farmers have already decided not to plant crops at all this year, but many others have decided to plant anyway knowing that if enough rain doesn’t come their crops will certainly fail. As I have discussed previously, the epicenter of this “megadrought” is the Four Corners region in the Southwest, but this drought is so immense it is even causing immense nightmares for farmers as far away as North Dakota. In fact, the first few months of this year were the driest that North Dakota has seen in 126 years… The period of January to March 2021 was the driest in 126 years for North Dakota. Farmers are starting to make difficult decisions on planting and culling herds as the governor of the state declared a statewide drought disaster on April 8. Soil moistures across the state, particularly in western portions of North Dakota, are lacking sufficient moisture to sustain normal crop development growth. The first eight days of April 2021 offered little help as hot, summer-like temperatures, gusty winds, and low humidity across the state accelerated drying conditions. According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, well over half the state is now experiencing “severe drought”. Perhaps you don’t care about what is happening in North Dakota, but you should, because much of the wheat that we use for pasta and flour comes from that region… Things are dry and dusty in the Upper Midwest, the Northern Plains states and the Prairie provinces of Canada. This region, spanning states such as North Dakota and provinces such as Manitoba, is the most important one for spring wheat, the higher-gluten variety that’s used for pasta or mixed with other wheat for all-purpose flour. And that crop is at significant risk, because conditions in the region are pretty dire this year. In a previous article I discussed the dramatic rise in food prices that we have been witnessing lately, and now drought fears are pushing futures prices for spring wheat quite a bit higher… The US Drought Monitor shows around 70 percent of North Dakota in “extreme drought” conditions, with most of the rest in the slightly less scary “severe drought” rating. As a result, the futures prices of both spring wheat and canola are at their highest in years, with traders expecting a lower harvest this year. Despite all of our advanced technology, farmers can’t grow crops if it doesn’t rain, and a farmer in Texas named Blake Fennell says that his farm has not had any significant rain in almost two years… The West Texas farmer says his area hasn’t seen significant rain fall in nearly two years. “We’ve still got to give that crop every chance we think we can get, but at the same time, we also can’t waste a lot of money on a crop that we don’t think we’re going to have going into it,” he says. What a nightmare. Right now, nearly the entire state of Texas is in some level of drought, and we haven’t even gotten to the summer months yet. To call this a “plague” would be a major understatement. On the border of Oregon and California, farmers just learned that water levels are so low that they will only get “a tiny fraction of the water they need” in 2021… Hundreds of farmers who rely on a massive irrigation project that spans the Oregon-California border learned Wednesday they will get a tiny fraction of the water they need amid the worst drought in decades, as federal regulators attempt to balance the needs of agriculture against federally threatened and endangered fish species that are central to the heritage of several tribes. Oregon’s governor said the prolonged drought in the region has the “full attention of our offices,” and she is working with congressional delegates, the White House and federal agencies to find relief for those affected. Do you think that you could run a successful farm under such conditions? Elsewhere in California, water allocation reductions of up to 95 percent are forcing many farmers to make some exceedingly heartbreaking decisions… Drought conditions are already forcing Valley farmers to make difficult decisions when it comes to their crops as many are facing severe water restrictions. “There’s districts throughout California that have experienced up to 95% reductions in water,” says Fresno County Farm Bureau CEO Ryan Jacobsen. U.S. food production will be down in 2021, but if sufficient rain starts falling in the western U.S. we could still see a miracle. But if enough rain does not fall, we are going to see epic crop failures. Meanwhile, it is being projected that the drought will cause the water level in Lake Mead to soon fall to the lowest level ever recorded… Wracked by drought, climate change and overuse, a key reservoir on the Colorado River could sink to historically low levels later this year, new US government projections show, potentially triggering significant water cutbacks in some states as early as next year. The projections released by the US Bureau of Reclamation show that Lake Mead — the largest reservoir in the country and a vital water supply to millions across the Southwest — could fall later this year to its lowest levels since it was filled in the 1930s. If you live anywhere in the western half of the country, you should brace yourself for severe water restrictions. And all of us need to brace ourselves for much higher prices at the grocery store. For decades, the western half of the country was blessed with unusually high levels of rainfall, but that wasn’t going to last forever. Now Dust Bowl conditions have returned, and farmers, ranchers and local authorities are starting to panic. As this megadrought continues to intensify, life is going to dramatically change in the western half of the nation, and that is going to deeply affect all of us. Daily Jot: A whole lot of hate going on - Bill Wilson – What in the world is happening to us? Everywhere we turn, there is hate. The people who say they are not haters, claim that anyone who disagrees with them are haters, and they hate them. There are movie stars, politicians, corporate executives, even pastors and priests, jumping on the hate-wagon. Here we have the White House, the president of the United States, encouraging people to get out in the street and be confrontational if they don’t like something or feel that the court system doesn’t deliver justice. Laws, like them or hate them, are what keep society civil and are designed to protect those from predators. But even the laws are hated and those keeping and administering the law, even more hated. Have we become a nation of haters? It would appear so. The Left hates the Right. The Right hates the Left. People of color hate people of no color. People of no color hate people of color. People of no color even hate people of no color for their own perceived guilt over causing people of color to hate people of no color. When you have people praying to God to help them hate white people, for example, and that person is a divinity theologian, we have some very deep problems. I sometimes drive through a little village and there are signs on the houses saying “Hate doesn’t live here.” But I bet if I knocked on the door and engaged them in a Biblical conversation about abortion or homosexuality, the true resident would appear. This hate thing, this woke theology or woke religion, has gone too far, really it has. The other day, a former football quarterback expressed his personal opinion that when he watches a football game, he doesn’t want to hear a political lecture. Immediately, leftist sports writers jumped his case about how he couldn’t even say something like that without exercising his white privilege and, perhaps, unconscious bias. Here they are labeling a guy for just expressing his opinion. Couldn’t those who disagree give their counter opinion without labeling the guy and trying to make him out to be some kind of evil person? No, we don’t go there anymore. We just skip to the worst possible scenario and fight from there. In the days ahead, there is going to be a lot of hate going on. The hate doesn’t just come from those who disagree with Christians. Often Christians react to hate with more hate. The exchange with Christ in Matthew 22:36-39 informs us. A Pharisee asked Christ, “Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, You shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all they mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, You shall love thy neighbor as thyself.” As followers of Christ, we need to break this cycle of hate wherever we can–Not by the poison of the tongue, but by listening, educating and standing firm on truth. Ephesians 6 tells us to stand against the wiles of the devil, but it’s not answering with spiritual wickedness, but with the full armor of God. Daily Devotion: Fix Your Focus - by Greg Laurie – But Caleb tried to quiet the people as they stood before Moses. ‘Let’s go at once to take the land,’ he said. ‘We can certainly conquer it!’ —Numbers 13:30 - Listen The Israelites had arrived at the very brink of the Promised Land. Poised to enter in, they sent 12 spies to check things out. When the 12 spies returned, 10 gave a discouraging report. But two spies, Joshua and Caleb, gave an encouraging report. The problem with the spies who gave the majority report was that they didn’t see God for who He is. They only saw problems. God, however, had promised He would give them the land—a land flowing with milk and honey. But they ignored what He said and put their eyes on circumstances, on obstacles, on challenges, on giants, and ultimately on defeat. They had a small God, thus they had big problems. They focused their attention on the obstacles rather than on their objective. They said, “But the people living there are powerful, and their towns are large and fortified. We even saw giants there, the descendants of Anak!” (Numbers 13:28 NLT). Then there was the minority report from Joshua and Caleb. They saw the same obstacles, the same challenges. But they also saw opportunities and great victories if they went into the land. It all comes down to how you look at things. Obstacles are frightening when you take your eyes off the objective. When you fix your attention on the obstacle rather than on the objective, fear always will eclipse your faith. Instead, remember what your objective is. Take your eyes off the obstacles and put them on the opportunities. We all face problems. We all face obstacles and challenges. And we all face giants. But can we see them in the light of who God is? Don’t look at God in the light of your problem. Look at your problem in the light of God. He is bigger than what you’re facing. FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY, TRULY, THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT? One of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed, and if that information inspires you, and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers, and open the eyes of non-believers, and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy, then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides, and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks! Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13 If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to: DONATE NOW Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516 We are very pleased to offer all our readers this FREE download on Bible Prophecy from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia - Just download and enjoy and be blessed! Feel free to share it with all your friends and family members. Click below to download! "AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING" If You Died Today, Would You Go To Heaven? Find out, visit: How to know God DID YOU KNOW? You can submit an article, leave a comment or praise report at email: [email protected] Maranatha! (Lord Come Quickly) "On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other ground is sinking sand." "Let Us make the short time we have left count for all eternity!" YBIC-Randy
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