Transhumanism: Is It Already Here? – Jonathan Brentner -
The globalists have already begun implementing their plan to bring about the widespread acceptance of their transhumanism agenda to control your life, but very few people recognize it as such. In order to reach their objective, the new world order, these elite powerbrokers have deceived many people into believing they have their best interests at heart. They have done this in order to gain our acceptance of the initial steps of augmenting what it means to be a human being. They have done this through the opportunity afforded them by COVID-19. ENTER COVID-19 COVID-19 appeared at just the right time to both enhance and advance the plans of the transhumanists for what the World Economic Forum (WEF) refers to as the Great Reset. The Great Reset represents the building back of sustainable economic and environmental systems to replace those that currently exist. Klaus Schwab, the founder and chairman of the WEF, unveiled it in May of 2020 as a way for the globalists of our day to replace capitalism with Communism in the wake of the economic devastation he expected from the impact of COVID-19. Schwab said this about COVID-19 in July of 2020, “The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.”[i] Here “reimagine” equals the merging of humans with machines and “reset” refers to the Marxist government that the WEF promotes under via its Great Reset. COVID-19 was not something that caught powerbrokers such as Klaus Schwab by surprise. They already had carefully laid plans in place as to how they would seize this “window of opportunity” long before December of 2019. They had mapped out a strategy whereby people would accept their solution to the crisis. Peter Koenig, a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO) wrote the following about COVID-19: “We are indeed living in a very dystopian world, in a Twilight Zone. Once you see it – then you don’t; the disaster planned upon us. Does anyone still doubt that it is NOT a coincidence that all the 193 UN member countries were at once befallen by this mysterious virus, and that all at once had to “perform” their first lockdown? Namely mid-March 2020? ALL countries? On commando. “Doesn’t this look like there is another motive behind? “Is it a coincidence, that there is the 2010 Rockefeller Report (focusing on the Lockstep scenario) predicting ten years later as the first step in their nefarious 4-phase plan, the “Lockstep Scenario” – which is exactly what we are experiencing now; the entire western civilization is walking in lockstep, as we are told. “Then there is the infamous Event 201 of 18 October 2019 in New York City , where the Johns Hopkins Center for Medicine, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the WEF sponsored a computer simulation of a corona virus striking the world, a simulation causing 65 million deaths in 18 months and a total destruction of the world economy. Coincidentally, just a couple of months before the first corona case, SARS-CoV-2, was discovered in China. “. . . . the planned disaster that is still upon us under many different names, the pandemic, better called “plandemic”, is just the engine that drives a much heavier agenda – the elements of the Great Reset which are also the components of the so-called UN Agenda 2030.”[ii] Though not a believer in Jesus nor the Bible, Koenig recognizes what most pastors and many Christians and pastors today refuse to acknowledge. He sees the true agenda behind COVID-19 as aiding the implementation of the Great Reset. I believe the globalists planned the disaster we know as COVID-19 and it’s performing the desired function of pushing people toward their twin objectives of a new world order and transhumanism. Aided greatly by a willing media, the elite have created a climate of fear via inflated numbers of cases and deaths. As a result, many people live in a state of panic and have already given up many of their rights for the sake of health and safety. Please know that I am in no way minimizing the toll that the virus has taken on those who have suffered greatly or lost loved ones because of it. COVID-19 has caused many deaths and much suffering throughout the world. However, the virus required much planning in order for it to reach 193 nations at the same time and for the media to behave as needed, in “lockstep,” to generate the needed worldwide fright that has ensued. COVID-19 VACCINES AND TRANSHUMANISM The globalists needed a worldwide atmosphere of fear so as to mandate their experimental gene therapy injections for which people would line up to receive, believing the shots would save them from suffering and perhaps death. And that is what has happened. Please consider the following evidence linking transhumanism to these so-called COVID-19 vaccines. Consider this Forbes article from November 20, 2017 entitled, Transhumanism and The Future of Humanity: 7 Ways the World Will Change By 2030. The following quote appears under the heading of “Our bodies will be augmented.” The coming years will usher in a number of body augmentation capabilities that will enable humans to be smarter, stronger, and more capable than we are today. Wearables will be one form of body augmentation, but they will far surpass the fitness trackers of today. . . . We will also see increased use of implants ranging from brain microchips and neural lace to mind-controlled prosthesis and subdermal RFID chips that allow users to unlock doors or computer passwords with the wave of a hand. However, the most powerful body augmentation will come from biological augmentation as a result of increased insight into our genomes, advances in IVF technology that may allow us to select the most intelligent embryos, and powerful CRISPR gene-editing technology which may one day give us the ability to eliminate all heritable diseases. These body augmentation capabilities will give rise to humans that are more resilient, optimized and continually monitored.[iii] (Emphasis mine) A couple things jump out at me from this quote. First, the author of this article envisions that the merging of humans with machines will happen by 2030, which is the same year the UN plans to have their one-world government in place via the goals of their Agenda 2030. It’s not a coincidence that that the objective of the transhumanists aligns with that of the UN’s goals for a world government. Second, the “CRISPR gene-editing technology” that they say will augment our bodies is exactly what we see in the mRNA injections in response to COVID-19. What the Forbes article predicted back in 2017 would lead to the augmenting of humans has become a reality in 2020-21 with the emergence of “CRISPR” gene therapy injections as a way to prevent the China virus. As further evidence of the long-term planning behind what we see today, ponder this quote from Aldous Huxley at the California Medical School in 1961: There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.[iv] What Huxley talked about in 1961 is fast becoming a reality. Transhumanism has become the euphemism for “brainwashing” the masses in order to make people accept the Marxist government that the globalists have long had in mind for the world. “Pharmacological methods” have become the weapon of choice for the transhumanists to change humanity so as to control people and cause them to accept the future tyrannical and Marxist world order. I believe the COVID-19 “vaccine” was ready, or at least far along in its development, well before December of 2019, when the virus first appeared. The concept of an mRNA “vaccine” to deliver a “spike protein” to every cell in the human body did not materialize and become a reality in less than a year after the virus first appeared. The previous quote from Forbes tells us that the research into gene-editing mRNA injections as a way to treat disease was well under way in 2017. From its start in 2010, Moderna grew to employ hundreds of scientists and engineers working on their mRNA injections.[v] Where did they get the massive funding for this? How did they know they would eventually make billions of dollars from their injections for an “unknown” and still future virus that would require their spike protein technology as a remedy? Moderna is now “anticipated to make $13.2 billion in COVID-19 vaccine revenue in 2021.” The Moderna CEO, Stéphane Bancel, is a new billionaire with a net worth of $4 billion.[vi] Not a bad payoff for the company’s first medication ever to hit the market. Note: I have since learned that the U.S. government also gave $6 billion to Moderna for its development of their gene-therapy injection. THE CURRENT COVID-19 VACCINES HAVE OPENED THE DOOR Please know that I am not in any way equating the current COVID-19 vaccines to the “Mark of the Beast” of Revelation 13. The antichrist, who will receive worship along with the mark, cannot appear on the world scene until after the rapture (see 2 Thess. 2:3-8). The church will not be on the earth when the “lawless one” begins his reign of terror and enforces his mark under the penalty of death. Having said that, I believe the initial COVID-19 injections have opened the door to an outside governing body monitoring and later controlling the behavior of people. This is quite difficult for me to write about because I have many dear friends and family members who have already received the so-called COVID-19 vaccines. But I must say this: If you have already received these injections; please, please do not accept future COVID-19 experimental injections. Dr. Fauci is now saying that booster shots will be necessary as early as the Fall of 2021. According to CDC VAERs reports as of May 25, 2021, 4,863 people have died in the U.S. as a result of the COVID-19 injections. See my previous post on the dangers of these shots. The European Medicines Agency (EMA), an agency of the European Union (EU), reports that from January 1 through May 22, 2021, they have recorded 12,184 deaths and 604,704 serious injuries following injections from the four experimental COVID-19 shots available in the EU. THE MODERNA OPERATING SYSTEM The fact that Moderna compares their mRNA injection to an “operating system” further substantiates the detailed advance planning involved for both the virus and their response to it. The company regards their first vaccine as the initial step that will pave the way for future injections. If you do a search on this, you will run across many “fact-checkers” that will tell you that my claim is false. However, I took what follows directly from Moderna’s website: Our Operating System Recognizing the broad potential of mRNA science, we set out to create an mRNA technology platform that functions very much like an operating system on a computer. It is designed so that it can plug and play interchangeably with different programs. In our case, the "program” or “app” is our mRNA drug - the unique mRNA sequence that codes for a protein. We have a dedicated team of several hundred scientists and engineers solely focused on advancing Moderna's platform technology. They are organized around key disciplines and work in an integrated fashion to advance knowledge surrounding mRNA science and solve for challenges that are unique to mRNA drug development. Some of these disciplines include mRNA biology, chemistry, formulation & delivery, bioinformatics and protein engineering.[vii] According to the words on the Moderna website, their “mRNA drug,” which can only refer to their vaccine, acts like an “operating system” on a computer to which they can “plug and play” future programs into the human body. What will be the purpose of the future programs to which the scientists at Moderna intend to plug into the human body? What do they intend to deliver through future injections? By itself, the wording on the Moderna website might not cause great alarm. However, the mRNA injections come at a time when the most powerful people in the world are pushing for the merging of humans with machines along with implementation of a Marxist world government. The Forbes’ article from 2017 tells us that the transhumanists/globalists planned years ago to augment the human body through CRISPR gene-editing technology, which are the current mRNA injections. In addition, the warning of President Biden concerning those who refuse the COVID-19 vaccines should send chills down our spines. Why is this ardent supporter of the Great Reset telling us that we must take an experimental and highly dangerous “gene-editing” medication or we will end up “paying the price?”[viii] CONNECTING THE DOTS Building on what we learned from both posts so far, hopefully the following points will connect many of the dots for you: The transhumanists planned years ago to augment humans into something quite different than what God created. This process included changing the human DNA via pharmaceuticals and implanting a device inside people that will connect them to the digital world. COVID-19 provided the powerbrokers of our world with what Klaus Schwab said was a “rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.”[ix] Here “reimagine” equals the merging of humans with machines and “reset” refers to the communist government that the WEF promotes via its Great Reset. Two years before COVID-19 struck, an article appeared on the Forbes website detailing the plans for the merging of humans with machines by 2030. In it, the author stated that the “augmentation” of the human body would include “powerful CRISPR gene-editing technology,” which emerged in 2020 in the form of mRNA injections. The COVID-19 mRNA treatments have thus enabled the globalists to begin their quest of merging people with machines because they provide a path for further modification of the human DNA, or what Moderna calls an “operating system.” The very people who have a vested interest in making the Great Reset happen are the very ones not only promoting transhumanism, but also demanding that everyone receive the still experimental COVID-19 injections for a virus with a 99.5% survivability rate for the majority of people. Why is that? What is the dire urgency that compels them to force a highly dangerous injections on us, which the FDA approved for “emergency use” only? I have watched several videos where highly acclaimed doctors, many leaders in their various fields, connect the dots between transhumanism and COVID-19 injections with much greater detail than I have done in this post. A few of these videos left me speechless and numb for several minutes after watching them before an awareness came over me that the Lord’s return for His church must be breathtakingly close if what I heard was true. Next, we will connect more dots between the transhumanists and their plans to enslave everyone on the planet. Please remember as you read that this cannot happen until after the rapture. If you remain skeptical of what I have written so far, I invite you to keep reading. In the next post, I will show how three current initiatives are in sync with what Revelation 13:16-18 says about the Mark of the Beast. In my next post, I will show how the key parts are already in place for the antichrist to use in controlling the world’s commerce. Note: Please consider signing up for my newsletter on the home page of my website at It will greatly help me in reaching more people. Thanks! [i] Quote from the WEF website: [ii] Peter Koenig, The Twilight Zone: Covid, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and Eugenics, February 19, 2021, @ [iii] Sarwant Singh, Transhumanism And The Future Of Humanity: 7 Ways The World Will Change By 2030, Nov. 20, 2017, Forbes website at: [iv] Taken from the Alliance For Human Research Protection website: I also found this quote on several other websites with varying agendas; it is valid [v] [vi] Veronika Kyrylenko, COVID-19 Vaccine Manufacturers Make a Fortune, Produce Nine New Billionaires, May 22, 2021 on the New American website at: [vii] [viii] Washington Examiner website: [ix] Quote from the WEF website: Top US general warns of Iran, China and Russia in Middle East – Seth J. Frantzman - During a special briefing with US General Kenneth McKenzie, head of the US Central Command, the general warned about Iran’s destabilizing activities and the role of Russia and China in the region. The briefing took place on Monday, when he discussed a visit to Iraq and Syria and US withdrawal from Afghanistan. “Another priority is deterring Iran’s destabilizing activities, which remains the biggest threat to stability in the Middle East,” he said. “I believe that our posture in the region has had a deterrent effect on Iran and made it more difficult for them to deny attribution for their malign activities.” He said deterrence involves the US deploying ships, airpower and missile defense capabilities. Discussing the role of Russia and China, he noted they are seeking greater influence in the region and stronger ties with various countries. Since 2015, Russia has increasingly intervened in Syria. Russia is also selling its S-400 to Turkey and has been welcomed by other US allies in the region, from Egypt to Saudi Arabia in recent years. Russia also has contractors in Libya and a footprint in Africa. Mckenzie noted that Russia and China sense a decline in US “engagement” in the region. “China engaged with nearly every country in the region in 2020, using exploitative debt traps, the Belt and Road Initiative, and medical diplomacy with their vaccine, which has dubious efficacy, to try to expand its influence,” he said. “Russia is equally disruptive in the region, and their engagements are largely opportunistic and transactional. Russia seeks ways to position itself as an alternative to the West by offering to mediate regional conflicts, selling arms, offering military expertise, and participating in regional and multilateral organizations to advance their interests.” Discussing Syria, where the US has a close partnership with the Syrian Democratic Forces, which includes many Kurds, Christians, Arabs and other groups, McKenzie noted that the US was still in the fight in the war against ISIS. There are concerns among observers that the US may cut funding to the SDF, and there have been clashes in Manbij and Turkish threats to security. McKenzie said that in the long term, “we’d like to transition this to local security organizations that are going to be able to provide this kind of security without a significant investment and international support. That’s still in the future, but that is ultimately the direction that we would like to move.” The US is also continuing to support the Lebanese Armed Forces. Recent posts on social media have included messages of US support. Many wonder how the US can work closely with the Lebanese army when Hezbollah has a massive control of Lebanon. The CENTCOM said that “we remain committed to supporting the Lebanese armed forces. They’re one of the elements of the Government of Lebanon that actually functions very well, and we believe they should continue to be the sole expression of military power of the state in Lebanon. I had a good visit there a couple of months ago where I met with the chief of defense.” He also stressed the importance of training for the Lebanese. The American general also addressed the US Fifth Fleet seizing a ship destined for Yemen that was alleged to be carrying weapons from Iran. It is at least the fourth ship seized in 18 months. Iran arms the Houthi rebels in Yemen with drones, missiles and other technology. Asked about the ship, the general said, “Yes, we seized a ship. It had a lot – seized the ship and a large number of weapons on it in very suspicious circumstances. We are still finalizing attribution for this because we want to be very careful before we go public with who we believe is associated with it.” He said that the US military continues to work closely with Saudi Arabia on improvement of their integrated air and missile defense. “That’s a very high priority for us, as it is with Saudi Arabia, because they are subjected to really an unceasing bombardment from the Houthis in Yemen through ballistic missiles, small drones, and land-attack cruise missiles. And these attacks are not helpful; they’re certainly not helpful to try to find an end to the conflict in Yemen. And so we work very hard with the Saudis to enable them to defend themselves, so that work is going on and I’m pleased with the results that we’ve made.” The US has been criticized by some for supporting the Saudi-led war in Yemen. Saudi Arabia says it is supporting the government of Yemen against the Iran-backed Houthis. But the war has dragged on for years. The new US administration wants to shift to only helping Saudi defensive capabilities. “I am personally convinced the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia seeks a responsible political end to the conflict. I am convinced they’re willing to take significant steps to make that happen. Unfortunately, I do not believe the Houthis are ready to seize the moment, and they have an opportunity here to enter good-faith negotiations with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to bring an end to this conflict,” he said. Nearing Midnight: Is the Final Hatred of the Jews Upon Us? – Todd Strandberg - I find it extremely frustrating at the outcome of the latest conflict between Hamas and Israel. Here we have a zone controlled by terrorists firing rockets at Israel population areas. There was no provocation on the part of Israel for the firing of 3,000 rockets at their territory. The Israeli military went to extreme lengths to avoid civilian casualties when bombing various buildings. They would call people in the targeted structure, telling them to get out. A giant firecracker device would be dropped on the roof. After people were given enough time to flee, the building would be imploded. Despite Israel’s efforts to minimize the death of civilians, Israel was still portrayed as the aggressor by the left and the liberal media. Even as Hamas rockets were raining down on Israeli cities, the Biden Administration was asking Israel to stop responding to the attacks. If terrorists operating out of Mexico were shelling our southernmost cities, the US would carpet bomb Mexico. No other nation on planet Earth is held to such a strange standard regarding warfare. When 911 terrorists were found to be operating out of Afghanistan, we invaded the whole nation. As soon as the fighting stopped, Israel allowed supplies to flood in the Gaza strip. Many nations have offered large sums of money to rebuild the areas destroyed by the fighting. I don’t see the point of saying, “Here is another $10 billion to rebuild,” and handing over the cash. We know from their past track record that the funds will be used to build more rockets and tunnels for attacking Israel. Antisemitism in the United States is more pervasive than it appears, said Malcolm Hoenlein, vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. “It’s worse because the majority of incidents are not reported,” Hoenlein told The Times of Israel at a meeting with staff in Jerusalem alongside the Conference’s chair Dianne Lob and CEO William Daroff. “We get reports all the time of it. I see it not only in my own community but from rabbis who call me and others. And often, the police will not classify it as a hate crime because then the FBI has to come in, and the FBI doesn’t necessarily want to because it’s a lot of paperwork, et cetera… But they’re encountering more hostility, and the vast majority of incidents don’t go reported even though the number of reports is increasing sharply.” It is quickly becoming politically dangerous to stand with Israel against Islamic terrorists. New York City mayoral candidate Andrew Yang recently tweeted in support of Israel and condemned Hamas. Under pressure from local pro-Palestinian activists and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Yang issued a retraction, saying that “My tweet was overly simplistic in my treatment of a conflict that has a long and complex history full of tragedies.” He added that he “failed to acknowledge the pain and suffering of both sides.” The May 28 New York Times front page featured photographs of the children killed in Gaza and Israel during the recent fighting under the title “They Were Just Children.” The newspaper does not typically put images of children killed by US forces on its front page. The New York Times is owned by a Jewish family, but it has always sided with Israel’s enemies. It covered up the Holocaust during World War II. CNN is under fire for having hired a writer who posted several times on social media that he believes the world needs another “Hitler.” “The only reason I am supporting Germany in the finals – Hitler was a German, and he did good with those Jews!” Raja wrote during the 2014 FIFA World Cup. CNN has fired Adeel Raja, but only because people on the right made a stink about his comments. The world is going to get a new Hitler in the coming days. He won’t be a foe of God’s chosen people. He will be the man that comes to ‘save the world.’ I think the growing hatred of Jews will be the driving force that forces Israel to make a peace pact with the devil. The Antichrist will betray Israel, but God comes to save His people from total destruction. “Oh that the salvation of Israel were come out of Zion! when the LORD bringeth back the captivity of his people, Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall be glad” (Psalm 14:7). Outsourcing The Production Of Virtually Everything Has Brought Us To The Brink Of A Nightmare Scenario For The U.S. Economy - by Michael Snyder - Many of the imbalances that are contributing to the nightmarish shortages that we are currently witnessing are not going to be solved any time soon. Ever since I started The Economic Collapse Blog, I have been warning that outsourcing the production of just about everything and running massive trade deficits year after year would eventually have very serious consequences down the road. Well, now we are officially “down the road”, and our incredibly foolish trade policies have put us in a very precarious position. During the “good times”, being extremely dependent on the rest of the world to make stuff for us wasn’t a problem, but now it is rapidly becoming a national security issue. For example, without a steady flow of computer chips, our society as it is formulated today simply could not function. We need computer chips for our vehicles, for the trucks that transport all of our goods, for the farm equipment that produces our food, for the extremely sophisticated equipment in our hospitals and for the millions upon millions of electronic devices that connect to the Internet. The global chip shortage has been a very painful reminder of how exceedingly dependent we have become on technology, and it has also shown us how unwise it was to outsource production of most of our chips to Asia. Back in 1990, the United States produced 37 percent of all computer chips in the world. Today, that number has fallen to just 12 percent. Business leaders are now pledging to start ramping up production here in the U.S., but that will take an extended period of time, and Intel’s CEO is openly admitting that the current shortage of chips could take “several years” to be resolved… Intel Corp’s (INTC.O) CEO said on Monday it could take several years for a global shortage of semiconductors to be resolved, a problem that has shuttered some auto production lines and is also being felt in other areas, including consumer electronics. Sadly, there are many other industries where our outsourcing makes us extremely vulnerable. Did you know that 60 percent of all apple juice that is sold in this country now comes from China?… Taken together, these laws explain why the apple orchards near my hometown disappeared. Nearly 60 percent of the apple juice sold in the United States comes from China, even though most of America has a climate conducive to apple production. The problem is so bad that salmon caught in the United States is shipped to China for processing and then shipped back to the United States for consumption. There is no reason why we can’t make our own apples. In fact, weather conditions are ideal for apple growing in much of the nation. And how hard can it be to gather apples and squeeze the juice out of them? We should be able to do that here. But during the “good times”, big corporations discovered that they could make a little bit more profit by outsourcing to China, and so that is what they did. Over the decades, big corporations have come to dominate food production in America, and this has pushed small family farmers to the brink of extinction… The design of this framework benefits only the largest farmers who have the resources to produce these commodities at scale. For family farmers, the impact has been devastating. The share of each dollar spent on food that winds up in the hands of farmers has fallen from 53 cents in 1946 to 14 cents today, the lowest level ever recorded. Diversified family farms raising a variety of crops and livestock have been replaced by large industrial operations exclusively growing commodities like corn and soy at scale. This grimness has caused countless family farms to throw in the towel. Since 1980, America has lost 50 percent of its cattle farms, 80 percent of its dairies, and 90 percent of its hog farms. As Benson and Butz threatened, farmers were forced to choose between getting big or getting out. The average size of a farm nearly doubled from 650 acres in 1987 to 1,201 acres in 2012. As long as relations with China are good, we will be able to get the apple juice, salmon and other food products that we need from them. However, if relations with China get really sour, all of a sudden there will be a whole bunch of basic things that will be in short supply and that we won’t be able to make for ourselves. Speaking of China, there is a very serious shortage of shipping containers right now. And one factor that is making it worse is that we buy far more from China than they buy from us. So empty shipping containers are stacking up on our side of the Pacific Ocean because there is not enough commercial traffic going back the other way. Sometimes empty shipping containers are shipped back to foreign ports without anything in them, but this is exceedingly wasteful… Using export data from U.S. Customs and Border Protections compiled by trader intelligence data firm Import Genius, Earther analyzed thousands of U.S. export records marked “empty container” shipped by Thor Joergensen A/S, a supplier based in Denmark whose largest customer is Maersk Logistics. We found that in 2020, 668,086 empty containers were shipped to foreign ports around the world, 12 times more than in 2019. At the height of this empty container frenzy, in November 2020, 87,000 ghost containers were exported, 87 times more than at same time in 2019. Another shortage that is weighing heavily on the U.S. economy is the worker shortage. Even though employment is still way, way below pre-pandemic levels, millions of Americans have decided that they simply do not want to go back to work because of the generous government benefits that they are now bringing in. As a result, we are now facing a serious worker shortage, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce says that it is “getting worse by the day”… “The worker shortage is real — and it’s getting worse by the day,” US Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Suzanne Clark said. Most big corporations can easily pay more to bring in new workers, but many small businesses that are barely scraping by cannot afford to shell out higher wages. Along with other factors such as widespread shortages and higher commodity prices, this is creating a “perfect storm” that threatens to force many more small businesses to shut their doors. In fact, one recent survey found that 35 percent of all small businesses in America are “at risk of closing permanently by the end of the summer”… As small businesses complain that it has never been harder for them to hire workers according to a recent NFIB survey, many are facing growing pressure to survive. As the American economy continues to reopen, some fear it might not happen soon enough to save thousands of small businesses. Data from Alignable’s June Revenue Poll shows that 35% of all small business owners are still at risk of closing permanently by the end of the summer. Among the 3,772 small business owners in the 10 days ended June 1, Alignable’s June Revenue Poll showed a myriad of factors – including the remaining closures and restrictions, growing inflationary pressures on prices, rising gas and transportation prices and labor shortages – are creating problems that affect small businesses more intensely than their corporate partners. The U.S. economy has proven to be quite resilient, but the extreme imbalances that we are witnessing now threaten to cause immense damage in the months ahead, and they won’t be solved any time soon. In fact, I believe that our economic challenges will soon escalate dramatically. Before I end this article, I want to take a moment to acknowledge the passing of Robert Wenzel. He was an important voice for liberty, and I always enjoyed his commentary on The Economic Policy Journal. So many people have been dying lately. Robert was only 63, and he will be missed. It has been said that life is like a coin. You can spend it any way that you want, but you can only spend it once. Be sure to spend your life on something that really matters. Daily Jot: Guns and noses - Bill Wilson – The Biden Administration’s Justice Department has taken it upon itself to unilaterally announce gun control measures against law-abiding citizens. Up in the Federal Register for public comment is a proposal that would allow another government agency leeway to determine on a case by case basis whether a particular gun is subject to the National Firearms Act. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives will get to say whether a gun with a “stabilizing brace” is legal. The government also published for public comment model legislation to make it easier for states to enact “red flag” laws for people to turn in friends, family, coworkers and neighbors who they think pose a risk if they had a gun. Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a statement: “The Justice Department is determined to take concrete steps to reduce the tragic toll of gun violence in our communities. Today we continue to deliver on our promise to help save lives while protecting the rights of law-abiding Americans. We welcome the opportunity to work with communities in the weeks and months ahead in our shared commitment to end gun violence.” In April Joe Biden said, “Gun violence in this country is an epidemic, it’s an international embarrassment.” Gun Owners of America in a statement compared Biden to a dictator. Dictators take guns away from people so that only supporters of the dictator have guns. That’s protecting the public (sarcasm)! Here is an interesting observation: In areas where the strongest gun laws are in force—Baltimore, Chicago, New York, St. Louis among them—the most gun violence takes place. Many of these places defunded police departments and immediately gun violence increased. They are also run by Democrats. Another interesting observation: Over Memorial Day weekend there were two mass shootings in Miami racking up four fatalities and 25 injured. We didn’t hear the normal Leftist activists and Democratic Party politicians screaming for more gun control. Interesting that both shootings appeared to be black on black crime. I guess to gun control activists some Black lives matter more than others. If this entire debate was about guns, wouldn’t it make sense to target those who use guns for illegal purposes rather than the entire population of law-abiding citizens? Kind of like if there is a disease outbreak, it makes sense to quarantine the sick, not the entire nation, 90 percent of which are well. Or instead of teaching elementary and high school kids about the 29 sexual identifications and how they work, teach character and values about caring for one another and how violence against each other is wrong. Or as Christ put it in Mark 12:31, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” But that would be actually solving problems, not perpetuating a narrative that a certain group of law-abiding people are evil. This is not about protecting public safety. It’s about government nosing into control of your life. Guns and noses. Daily Devotion: Strength to Finish the Race - by Greg Laurie – All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. —Revelation 13:8 - Listen Before there was a planet called Earth, before there was a garden called Eden, before there was a couple known as Adam and Eve, God knew that humanity would blow it. Because of the sin that Adam and Eve would commit in the Garden of Eden, God knew that it would spread throughout the human race. It didn’t come as a surprise or shock to Him. It was always God’s plan for Christ to die. Revelation 13:8 refers to Jesus as “the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (NKJV). The devil, however, was trying to stop Jesus from reaching His objective. After John baptized Jesus in the Jordan River, we read that Jesus “was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil” (Matthew 4:1 NKJV). Among those temptations, the devil showed Jesus the world’s kingdoms and their glory and said, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me” (verse 9 NKJV). Loosely paraphrased, the devil was saying, “Jesus, I know you’ve come to purchase back that which was lost in the Garden of Eden. I’ll give it to you now on a silver platter if you give me the momentary pleasure of worshiping me.” Of course, Jesus rejected that. He knew He had to go to the cross. This reminds us that the devil often hits us as Christians in the beginning of our spiritual lives, challenging us to doubt our salvation. But he also wants to trip us up at the end of our journey so he can discredit all the good things we did. That’s why the apostle Paul said he wanted to finish the race with joy (see Acts 20:24). God will be with us and give us the strength we need to finish the race of life. FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! 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We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks! 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