Ukraine and the Devaluing of Human Life – Jonathan Brentner -
Many have written about the possible prophetic significance of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but what strikes me the most is the devaluing of human life that’s evident on both sides of this conflict. I realize that such disregard for life has been a part of wars throughout history; it’s full of genocidal accounts committed by evil people yielded to the devil. Who else could inspire such atrocities? What we see today is worse than anything before because the devaluing of human life is more widespread than ever before. In America, we murder 1.1 million babies each year, 63.6 million preborn children since 1973. According to the World Health Organization, the number of abortions worldwide each year stands at about 73,000,000. This worldwide genocide is barbaric and demonic. The Lord will severely judge this shedding of innocent blood (Psalm 75:8). What should we expect from world leaders and governments that have a long history of advocating the killing of preborn babies? Why are we surprised at their tendency to disregard human life in many other areas? Concerning the war in Ukraine, it’s clear that human life matters very little to Vladimir Putin; his tactics are brutal and demonstrate a total disregard for the welfare of the Ukrainian people, to say the least. As for the west, I see a similar contempt. Now that Putin is exacting a heavy toll of death and causing a humanitarian crisis not seen since WWII, America and the rest of Europe seem content to let the war continue amid great human suffering; they have yet to take seriously Putin’s demands for peace or intervene in a meaningful way to stop the killing and suffering. On March 16, 2022, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the president of Ukraine, pleaded with the U.S. Congress and President Joe Biden to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine. Putin has said that such an action would widen the scope of the war and lead to a nuclear confrontation with the west. Why is Zelenskyy asking the U.S. take such action and risk a nuclear war that would lead to the deaths of millions of people? Does any of this make sense? A CLASH OF GLOBALISTS The battle in Ukraine is shaping up as a clash of globalists seeking to acquire power in the coming New World Order. Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a graduate of Klaus Schwab’s school for global leaders as are many other government leaders in Europe. A member of the Ukraine legislature stated on Fox News that her country was also “fighting for the New World Order,” which aligns with the World Economic Forum (WEF ) training that Zelenskyy received under Klaus Schwab. They are fighting for more than just the survival of their nation. An insightful article appeared in the Canada Free press written by Ray DiLorenzo who is presently affiliated with the Stand Up America Foundation founded by Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely (Ret). Zelenskyy is not the hero. Like Biden, Zelenskyy is a puppet of the New World Order, taking orders from the globalist elites in Davos, not allowed to make peace with Russia, lest Russia’s sanctions are removed. Russia has been negotiating with Ukraine to get civilians out of cities under siege to little or no avail. The Ukraine government, while sabotaging talks, will not allow any Ukrainians to escape to Russia or Belarus, threatening to shoot them if they try.[i] Those in control of the U.S. government are likewise devoted to the ideals of the WEF, which strives to enslave the world under a tyrannical Marxist world order that currently flies under the banner of benign-sounding terms such as the “Great Reset” and “Build Back Better.” On the other side we have Russia, China, and perhaps Iran. I believe Russia/China alliance is fighting for their version of a new world order or perhaps a greater role in the coming “Great Reset.” Vladimir Putin is also a graduate of Klaus Schwab’s school for young global leaders. However, Putin vigorously opposes the LBGT agenda and has no tolerance for the BLM or ANTIFA, which is probably another reason why the left hates him. I’m not defending him or his demonic killing of people in Ukraine, only pointing out differences in the visions for the future of the world. Putin has long wanted to annex Ukraine, but he also believes he is fighting a regime infiltrated with Nazis. Ray DiLorenzo had this to say about the strange behavior of the West in regard to the war in Ukraine: The West seems to want conflict with Russia while Ukraine is doing their best to make it happen. . . .The New World Order (NWO) globalists want Putin to rot in Moscow while elites like Soros arrange regime change.[ii] I agree with the above observation. The globalists need a destabilized word in order to bring about the Great Reset. They cannot “build back better” until the current order of our world lies in ashes and they offer their solution. THE PERIL FACING US Regardless of where the conflict in Ukraine takes the world, the unwillingness of either side to compromise has already led to dire predictions for the remainder of 2022 and beyond. Here is what Michael Snyder recently wrote about food crises created by the war in Ukraine on his blog, The Economic Collapse: Previously, I have written about how global agricultural production is going to be down all over the globe in 2022 because fertilizer prices have started to spiral out of control. In fact, in Africa alone it is being projected that enough food to feed 100 million people will not be grown this year because of the outrageous cost of fertilizer. Well, guess what? It turns out that Russia is one of the biggest global exporters of fertilizer… Even before the war erupted, some types of fertilizer had doubled in price, some had tripled in price and some had actually quadrupled in price. A few weeks ago, I shared what one industry insider told me about fertilizer prices. He warned that many farmers all over the U.S. simply will not be able to grow corn this year because it will not be profitable due to soaring fertilizer prices. And now fertilizer prices are likely to go much higher. This really is a nightmare. Six months down the road, we are likely to see food riots all over the globe. I believe he is correct, unless both sides quickly agree to a peaceful resolution, both the war and the sanctions on Russia will lead to a critical worldwide lack of food that will negatively impact all the nations of the earth. Even with a sudden end to the hostilities, it might be too late to avoid the impending food calamities predicted for later in 2022. Leo Hohmann shared this quote on Telegram: “Ukrainian farmers - who produced a record grain crop last year - say they now are short of fertilizer, as well as pesticides and herbicides. And even if they had enough of those materials, they can’t get enough fuel to power their equipment, they add. “Ukraine and Russia are major wheat exporters, together accounting for about a third of world exports- almost all of which passes through the Black Sea.” Ukraine is a world leader in growing wheat and barley; many consider the nation to be the “breadbasket of Europe.” When we turn to the third horsemen of Revelation 6:1-8, what do we see as the key shortages? Wheat and barley (v. 6). Since we will be safely with the Lord in heaven before He opens the seals of Revelation 6, how close must our homegoing be if these predictions of famine materialize? Ronald Reagan often said this while he was president, “You ain’t seen nothing yet!” to depict the good things he had planned for the U.S. As for the wars and catastrophic events currently occurring across the planet, we might say the same thing regarding what lies ahead for our world after the Rapture. The elite globalists created the supply chain crisis and now with the war, vital supplies needed to grow crops will be in even shorter supply. The resulting famine and suffering will further their purpose of bringing in the Great Reset, which is all that matters to them. The suffering and death caused by their agenda does not matter to them; it’s all about achieving the power they crave. Far too many people ignore the satanic mindset of the globalists and those that wield great power throughout our world. If they can promote the slaughter of innocent preborn children, they are also capable of causing inflicting suffering and the deaths of millions, or many more, as long as it suits their agenda. OUR HOPE: REAL AND EXCITING For all of us who know Jesus as our Savior, please know that our hope does rest on things getting better in this tattered and dark world, but solely upon Christ and His promises to us. The Lord inspired Paul to assure the Thessalonians that they would not see the Lord’s wrath during the future day of the Lord (1 Thessalonians 5:1-10); this is also His promise to us. God’s judgments on sinful humanity will overtake the entire earth after the Rapture, but we will be safely with Jesus before the Tribulation period starts. We might suffer between now and the Rapture; the forecast food shortages will likely impact us, or those we love, if the Lord does not come for us soon. Whatever happens, we can rest in the absolute assurance that Jesus is coming to take us to the place He’s preparing for us in His Father’s house (John 14:1-3). It could happen today. We have a glorious future regardless of what we experience in this broken and evil world until then. The Bible assures us of a glorious eternity as we eagerly wait for Jesus’ imminent appearing. Maranatha! Come quickly, Lord Jesus! My book, The Triumph of the Redeemed-An eternal Perspective that Calms Our Fears in Perilous Times, is now available on Amazon. It’s written to provide hope for the perilous times in which we live. Jonathan C. Brentner Website: Our Journey Home [i] Ray DiLorenzo, Putin vs. Zelenskyy - Part 2, Before We Descend Into the Abyss, March 12, 2022, on the Canada Free Press Website, [ii] Ibid. Modern-day axis of evil: Russia, Iran and China - Jonathan Tobin - President Joe Biden is primarily interested in “saving his own political skin by making deals with terrorist and dictatorial regimes because that might lower American gas prices,” said JNS editor-in-chief Jonathan Tobin. “What he’s doing now is creating an existential threat to Israel and other Iranian targets merely in order to try and keep the prices at the pump from going any higher while pretending that it will stop the bloodshed in Ukraine.” In the latest edition of “Top Story,” Tobin talks about whether or not the war against Ukraine should become the organizing principle of American foreign policy. And his answer is “no.” “The rush to help Ukraine has forced other issues to the side and allowed still other considerations that have nothing to do with Ukraine or the security of the West to be pushed to the fore by the Biden administration, ostensibly in the cause of helping Ukraine,” he argued. He said that Washington is selling out American allies in Israel and the Middle East, as well as elsewhere, to combat the record inflation that has grown on Biden’s watch, and which is likely to lead to an epic midterm congressional defeat for the Democrats. This policy, he said, will not help Ukraine. “Doing nothing but enacting even the most severe economic sanctions—and sending arms and humanitarian aid to the embattled Ukrainians—isn’t terribly satisfying,” said Tobin. At the same time, “Washington believes that bringing Iran back into the community of nations—and its considerable oil reserves back onto the market—will also help the effort to isolate Russia, whose main national asset other than its nuclear arsenal is its vast supply of oil and natural gas.” Doing business with Iran or, most recently, Venezuela “will do little or nothing to halt the slaughter in Ukraine,” according to Tobin. Rather, he said, a serious approach to stopping Russia would be rooted in the recognition that American efforts to cozy up to rogue regimes like Russia, China and Iran have to end. The second half of “Top Story” includes an interview with Newsweek’s opinion editor Josh Hammer, who argues that Ukraine has replaced COVID-19 as the “performative issue” of the day for Americans. Hammer said the idea of America becoming more actively involved in the war against Russia was a bad idea, both because it is a nuclear power and because it distracted us from far more dangerous threats from China and Iran. Hammer also discussed his visit to Hungary and said criticisms of its Prime Minister Viktor Orbán were unfair because it was rooted primarily in his opposition to “Islamic migration.” He said that American society is suffering from a “genuine crisis of meaning.” “There is a lack of spirituality; there’s ultimately kind of a lack of God and godliness, a lack of family—just a lack of meaning,” Hammer told Tobin. “And that’s why you see countries jumping from one crisis to the other … just kind of just show that we believe in something, we believe in something for the sake of believing in something because we’re missing the true anchor.” According to Hammer, America has “too much” liberty and not enough order, hierarchy and structure. He reminded that the founding fathers of the United States were religious men who believed in a society oriented towards the notion of the common good and honoring God. Today, he said, the United States is suffering from a spike in drug overdoses, a loneliness crisis, in addition to increasing levels of suicide and depression. “We need more meaning,” said Hammer. “We need more cohesion … and more of a sense of brotherhood and fraternity—what it really means to be an American.” WATCH VIDEO 10 Signs the War In Ukraine Is Part Of The Great Reset - Tyler Durden - Welcome to the second phase of the Great Reset: war. While the pandemic acclimatized the world to lockdowns, normalized the acceptance of experimental medications, precipitated the greatest transfer of wealth to corporations by decimating SMEs and adjusted the muscle memory of workforce operations in preparation for a cybernetic future, an additional vector was required to accelerate the economic collapse before nations can ‘Build Back Better.’ I present below several ways in which the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine is the next catalyst for the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset agenda, facilitated by an interconnected web of global stakeholders and a diffuse network of public-private partnerships. 1. The war between Russia and Ukraine is already causing unprecedented disruption to global supply chains, exacerbating fuel shortages and inducing chronic levels of inflation. As geopolitical tensions morph into a protracted conflict between NATO and the Sino-Russia axis, a second contraction may plunge the economy into stagflation. In the years ahead, the combination of subpar growth and runaway inflation will force a global economic underclass into micro-work contracts and low-wage jobs in an emerging gig economy. Another recession will compound global resource thirst, narrow the scope for self-sufficiency and significantly increase dependence on government subsidies. With the immiseration of a significant portion of the world’s labor force looming on the horizon, this may well be a prelude to the introduction of a Universal Basic Income, leading to a highly stratified neo-feudal order. Therefore, the World Economic Forum’s ominous prediction that we will ‘own nothing and be happy’ by 2030 seems to be unfolding with horrifying rapidity. 2. The war’s economic fallout will lead to a dramatic downsizing of the global workforce. The architects of the Great Reset have anticipated this trend for a number of years and will exploit this economic turbulence by propelling the role of disruptive technologies to meet global challenges and fundamentally alter traditional business patterns to keep pace with rapid changes in technology. Like the pandemic, disaster preparedness in the age of conflict will rest significantly on the willingness to embrace specific technological innovations in the public and private spheres so that future generations can supply the labor demands of the Great Reset. A recurring theme in Klaus Schwab’s Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is that groundbreaking technological and scientific innovations will no longer be relegated to the physical world around us but become extensions of ourselves. He emphasizes the primacy of emerging technologies in a next generation workforce and highlights the urgency to push ahead with plans to digitize several aspects of the global labor force through scalable technology based solutions. Those spearheading the Great Reset seek to manage geopolitical risk by creating new markets which revolve around digital innovations, e-strategies, telepresence labor, Artificial Intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology, the Internet of Things and the Internet of Bodies. The breakneck speed in which AI technologies are being deployed suggest that the optimization of such technologies will initially bear on traditional industries and professions which offer a safety net for hundreds of millions of workers, such as farming, retail, catering, manufacturing and the courier industries. However, automation in the form of robots, smart software and machine learning will not be limited to jobs which are routine, repetitive and predictable. AI systems are on the verge of wholesale automation of various white collar jobs, particularly in areas which involve information processing and pattern recognition such as accounting, HR and middle management positions. Although anticipating future employment trends is no easy task, it’s safe to say that the combined threat of pandemics and wars means the labour force is on the brink of an unprecedented reshuffle with technology reshaping logistics, potentially threatening hundreds of millions of blue and white collar jobs, resulting in the greatest and fastest displacement of jobs in history and foreshadowing a labor market shift which was previously inconceivable. While it has long been anticipated that the increased use of technology in the private sector would result in massive job losses, pandemic lockdowns and the coming disruption caused by a war will speed up this process, and many companies will be left with no other option but to lay off staff and replace them with creative technological solutions merely for the survival of their businesses. In other words, many of the jobs which will be lost in the years ahead were already moving towards redundancy and are unlikely to be recovered once the dust is settled. 3. The war has significantly reduced Europe’s reliance on the Russian energy sector and reinforced the centrality of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and ‘net zero‘ emissions which lies at the heart of the Great Reset. Policymakers marching lockstep with the Great Reset have capitalised on the tough sanctions against Russia by accelerating the shift towards ‘green’ energy and reiterating the importance of decarbonization as part of the ‘fight against climate change’. However, it would be very short-sighted to assume that the Great Reset is ultimately geared towards the equitable distribution of ‘green’ hydrogen and carbon-neutral synthetic fuels replacing petrol & diesel. While UN SDGs are crucial to post-pandemic recovery, more importantly, they are fundamental to the makeover of shareholder capitalism which is now being vaunted by the Davos elites as ‘stakeholder capitalism’. In economic terms, this refers to a system where governments are no longer the final arbiters of state policies as unelected private corporations become the de facto trustees of society, taking on the direct responsibility to address the world’s social, economic and environmental challenges through macroeconomic cooperation and a multi-stakeholder model of global governance. Under such an economic construct, asset holding conglomerates can redirect the flow of global capital by aligning investments with the UN’s SDGs and configuring them as Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) compliant so that new international markets can be built on the disaster and misery of potentially hundreds of millions of people reeling from the economic collapse caused by war. Therefore, the war offers a huge impetus for the governments pushing the reset to actively pursue energy independence, shape markets towards ‘green and inclusive growth’ and eventually move populations towards a cap-and-trade system, otherwise known as a carbon credit economy. This will centralize power in the hands of stakeholder capitalists under the benevolent guise of reinventing capitalism through fairer and greener means, using deceptive slogans like ‘Build Back Better’ without sacrificing the perpetual growth imperative of capitalism. 4. Food shortages created by the war will offer a major boon to the synthetic biology industry as the convergence of digital technologies with materials science and biology will radically transform the agricultural sector and encourage the adoption of plant-based and lab-grown alternatives on a global scale. Russia and Ukraine are both breadbaskets of the world and critical shortages in grains, fertilizers, vegetable oils and essential foodstuffs will catapult the importance of biotechnology to food security and sustainability and give birth to several imitation meat start-ups similar to ‘Impossible Foods’ which was co-funded by Bill Gates. One can therefore expect more government regulation to usher a dramatic overhaul to industrial food production and cultivation, ultimately benefiting agribusiness and biotech investors, since food systems will be redesigned through emerging technologies to grow ‘sustainable’ proteins and CRISPR gene-edited patented crops. 5. Russia’s exclusion from SWIFT (The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) foreshadows an economic reset which will generate precisely the kind of blowback necessary for corralling large swathes of the global population into a technocratic control grid. As several economists have opined, weaponizing SWIFT, CHIPS (The Clearing House Interbank Payments System) and the US Dollar against Russia will only spur geopolitical rivals like China to accelerate the process of de-dollarization. The main benefactor of economic sanctions against Russia appears to be China which can reshape the Eurasian market by encouraging member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and BRICS to bypass the SWIFT ecosystem and settle cross-border international payments in the Digital Yuan. While the demand for cryptocurrencies will see a massive spike, this is likely to encourage many governments to increasingly regulate the sector through public blockchains and enforce a multilateral ban on decentralized cryptocurrencies. The shift to crypto could be the dress rehearsal to eventually expedite plans for programmable money overseen by a federal regulator, leading to the greater accretion of power in the hands of a powerful global technocracy and thus sealing our enslavement to financial institutions. I believe this war will bring currencies to parity, therefore heralding a new Bretton Woods moment which promises to transform the operation of international banking and macroeconomic cooperation through the future adoption of central bank digital currencies. 6. This war marks a major inflection point in the globalist aspiration for a new international rules-based order anchored in Eurasia. As the ‘father of geopolitics’ Halford Mackinder opined over a century ago, the rise of every global hegemon in the past 500 years has been possible because of dominance over Eurasia. Similarly, their decline has been associated with losing control over that pivotal landmass. This causal connection between geography and power has not gone unnoticed by the global network of stakeholders representing the WEF, many of whom have anticipated the transition to a multipolar era and return to great power competition amid America’s receding political and economic influence and a pressing need for what technocrats call smart globalization. While America tries desperately to cling to its superpower status, China’s economic ascent and Russia’s regional ambitions threaten to upend the strategic axial points of Eurasia (Western Europe and Asia Pacific). The region in which America previously enjoyed uncontested hegemony is no longer impervious to cracks and we may be witnessing a changing of the guard which dramatically alters the calculus of global force projection. Although China’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has the potential to unify the world-island (Asia, Africa and Europe) and cause a tectonic shift in the locus of global power, the recent invasion of Ukraine will have far-reaching consequences for China-Europe rail freight. The Ukrainian President Zelensky claimed that Ukraine could function as the BRI’s gateway to Europe. Therefore, we cannot ignore China’s huge stake in the recent tensions over Ukraine, nor can we ignore NATO’s underlying ambition to check China’s rise in the region by limiting the sale of Ukrainian assets to China and doing everything in its capacity to thwart The Modern Silk Road. As sanctions push Russia towards consolidating bilateral ties with China and fully integrating with the BRI, a Pan-Eurasian trading bloc may be the realignment which forces a shared governance of the global commons and a reset to the age of US exceptionalism. 7. With speculation mounting over the war’s long term impact on bilateral trade flows between China and Europe, the Russia-Ukraine conflict will catapult Israel – a leading advocate of the Great Reset – to even greater international prominence. Israel is a highly attractive BRI market for China and the CCP is acutely aware of Israel’s importance as a strategic outpost connecting the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea through the Gulf of Suez. Furthermore, the Chinese government has for many years acknowledged the primacy of Israel as a global technology hub and capitalized on Israel’s innovation capabilities to help meet its own strategic challenges. Therefore, Naftali Bennet’s mediation between Moscow and Kiev is likely to factor the instrumental role of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in expanding both China and Israel’s regional and global strategic footprint. Israel’s status as among the leading tech hubs of the future and gateway connecting Europe and the Middle East is inextricably tied to the web of physical infrastructures, such as roads, railways, ports and energy pipelines which China has been building over the past decade. Already a powerhouse in auto-technologies, robotics and cybersecurity, Israel aspires to be the central nation in the millennial Kingdom and the country’s tech startups are predicted to play a key role in the fourth industrial revolution. Strengthening its evolving relationship with China amid the Russia-Ukraine crisis could help propel Israel into a regional hegemon par excellence with a large share of centralized economic and technological power converging in Jerusalem. As Israel embarks on efforts to diversify its export markets and investments away from the United States, it begs an important question. Is Israel in the formative stages of outsourcing its security interests away from the US and hedging its bets on the Sino-Russia axis? 8. It is now common knowledge that Digital IDs are a central plank in the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset agenda and are to be streamlined across industries, supply chains and markets as a way of advancing the UN 2030 SDGs and delivering individualized and integrated services in future smart cities. Many have cottoned on to how such a platform can be used to usher in a global system of technocratic population control and compliance by incorporating humanity into a new corporate value chain where citizens are mined as data commodities for ESG investors and human capital bond markets and assigned a social and climate score based on how well they measure up against the UN SDGs. This seamless verification of people and connected devices in smart environments can only take place once our biometrics, health records, finances, education transcripts, consumer habits, carbon footprint and the entire sum of human experiences is stored on an interoperable database to determine our conformity with the UN SDGs, thus forcing a monumental change to our social contract. Vaccine passports were initially touted by public-private partnerships as an entry point for Digital IDs. Now that such a logic has run its course, how might the present geopolitical tensions contribute to scaling what is the key node in a new digital ecosystem? Ukraine has traditionally been called Europe’s breadbasket and alongside Russia, both nations are major global suppliers of staple grains. Therefore, the war has all the makings of a black swan for commodities and inflation. With an economy teetering on the brink of collapse due to a global supply crunch, I believe the resulting economic tremors will trigger wartime emergencies across the world and the public will be told to brace themselves for rationing. Once this takes place, the multilateral adoption of Digital IDs which interface with Central Bank Digital Currencies can be touted as the solution to efficiently manage and distribute household rations under an unprecedented state of emergency and exception. The Bank of England has already floated the prospect of programmable cash which can only be spent on essentials or goods which an employer or government deem sensible. Once the issuer is granted control over how it is spent by the recipient, it will become nigh impossible to function adequately without a Digital ID, which will be required to receive food parcels and obtain a basic means of subsistence. Think UBI (Universal Basic Income). If food inflation continues on an upward trajectory with no signs of abating, governments may institute price controls in the form of rationing and ration entries could be logged on blockchain ledgers on the Digital ID to track our carbon footprint and consumptive habits during a national emergency. 9. Europe is directly in the line of fire once a hybrid war between NATO and the Sino-Russia axis is underway. It would be remiss to ignore the clear and present danger posed by a cyber attack on banks and critical infrastructure or even a tentative and tactical nuclear exchange with intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). I can’t see how any warring party will not be limited by the doctrine of mutually assured destruction so a thermonuclear fallout is unlikely. However, the use of remote access technologies to erase system memory from the SWIFT banking apparatus or Cross-Border Interbank Payment System can potentially render much of the international economy non-operational and send the dollar into a tailspin. If an event of such cataclysmic proportions was to occur, it will undoubtedly lead to increasing demands to overhaul cyber security. The fallout from such an event could very well establish a new global security protocol according to which citizens must possess a Digital ID as a necessary national security measure. One can imagine how accessing the internet or public services in the aftermath of a nationwide cyberattack may require citizens to use a Digital ID to authenticate that their online activities and transactions are from a legitimate and non-malicious source. There are few coincidences in politics. 10. The economic implications of this war will be so disastrous that governments and the public sector will require a significant injection of private capital to address the financing shortfall. This will effectively render the traditional separation of powers between central banking institutions and governments obsolete, as the former will be positioned to disproportionately influence the fiscal trajectory of nation states, whose sovereignty will be hollowed out by the wholesale capture of governments by the central banks and hedge funds. Therefore, the nation-state model is gradually being upended by a global technocracy, consisting of an unelected consortium of leaders of industry, central banking oligarchs and private financial institutions, most of which are predominantly non-state corporate actors attempting to restructure global governance and enlist themselves in the global decision-making process. Therefore, the future of international relations and the social, economic and political transformation which the world is presently undergoing in light of the pandemic and Russia-Ukraine conflict will not be decided through multilateralism and elected representatives of sovereign states. Rather, it will be decided through a network of multi-stakeholder partnerships which are motivated by the politics of expediency and not accountable to any electorate or beholden to any state and for whom concepts like sovereignty and international law are meaningless. Purim: Don’t Mess with the God of Israel! – Olivier Melnick - Wednesday, March 16, 2022, marked the celebration of Purim, also known as the feast of Esther. At this joyous feast, Jewish people gather to recall God’s protection in days of old. special foods are consumed, people dress up and read the Megillat Ester or scroll of Esther in the synagogue, where a lot of noise is made at the calling of the names of the three main protagonists: Mordechai, Esther and Haman. Additionally, gifts are exchanged, as well as donations made to charity. • PURIM IN THE BIBLE: The only time we read about Purim, is at the end of the book of Esther–a book about God’s miraculous preservation of the Jewish people–even though this is the only book of the Bible where God is never mentioned by name. This didn’t prevent God from orchestrating an incredible story of survival, redemption and blessing, albeit behind the scenes. The story of Purim is also a very strong post-Genesis example of God’s promise to Abraham to bless those who bless him and curse him who curses Abraham (Genesis 12:3). Haman, the archenemy of the Jews built gallows to hang Mordechai, and at the end, he and all of his sons were hanging on these very gallows…A curse for a curse! People ought to take the promise made by God to Abraham in Genesis 12:3 very seriously. In a sense, it is God’s foreign policy when it comes to Israel, and it has proven true all throughout history (biblical and post-biblical). Haman’s approach to the “Jewish problem” is worth looking at from the perspective of Satan, the ultimate enemy of the Jews. Early in the scriptures, in Genesis 3, Satan came up with a master plan: Use people – even Eve – to destroy the Jews on a global scale – and antisemitism was born! The reason? Satan is very familiar with the message of the Bible and with God’s master plan for the world in general and for Israel and the Jewish people in particular. Satan knows that the day that the Jewish people recognize Yeshua as their long-awaited Messiah as told in Zechariah 12:10, will usher in His return, but that will also mark the beginning of the end of Satan’s career of hatred and destruction. In an attempt at postponing it all–since he cannot prevent it, Satan is the mastermind behind the longest hatred. He is the creator of antisemitism and he continually subcontracts his hatred against the Jews to various groups through the ages, making the most irrational thoughts, words and deeds appear very rational to those who listen to him. The book of Esther tells us the story of how Satan used Haman to go after the Jews. He could have succeeded, but he did not, because God is greater, even behind-the-scenes. In Esther chapter 3, Haman puts his curse against the Jews in motion, and because of one Jew, namely Mordecai, Haman seeks to destroy all of them. We start seeing the irrational behaviors promoted by an antisemitic heart. Haman seeks to destroy ALL THE JEWS of the Persian Empire where many of them lived at the time. In a sense, Haman tried to make antisemitism a government-sanctioned policy, something that will be picked up again much later in history by Nazi Germany. We read in Esther 3:1-2, 5-6 “After these events, King Ahasuerus promoted Haman, the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, and advanced him and established his authority over all the princes who were with him. And all the king’s servants who were at the king’s gate bowed down and paid homage to Haman; for so the king had commanded concerning him. But Mordecai neither bowed down nor paid homage…. When Haman saw that Mordecai neither bowed down nor paid homage to him, Haman was filled with rage. But he disdained to lay hands on Mordecai alone, for they had told him who the people of Mordecai were; therefore, Haman sought to destroy all the Jews, the people of Mordecai, who were throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus. Furthermore, in verse 8, Haman proceeds to give the reason why the Jews are not wanted in Ahasuerus’ kingdom, and that is simply because THEY ARE DIFFERENT. “Then Haman said to King Ahasuerus, “There is a certain people scattered and dispersed among the peoples in all the provinces of your kingdom; their laws are different from those of all other people, and they do not observe the king’s laws, so it is not in the king’s interest to let them remain. Because of his hatred for one man who happened to be Jewish, Haman sought to destroy all the Jews of the kingdom. This was a very extreme decision, driven by an irrational desire to hold all people of the same ethnic group responsible because of one of theirs who actually wasn’t guilty of anything but faithfulness to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Haman was on a mission to destroy all the Jews. However, he also realized that his endeavor would require some logistical finesse, so in Esther 3:9-13, we read that he asked the king to issue a decree for the destruction of the Jewish people, knowing that a royal decree cannot be canceled or ignored. Not only did he ask for the decree, but he also committed to financing the whole project out of his own wealth. “If it is pleasing to the king, let it be decreed that they be destroyed, and I will pay ten thousand talents of silver into the hands of those who carry on the king’s business,…And letters were sent by couriers to all the king’s provinces to destroy, to kill, and to annihilate all the Jews, both young and old, women and children, in one day, the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which is the month Adar, and to seize their possessions as plunder. While it might not be obvious at first glance, the process by which Haman sought to annihilate all the Jews within his reach and the one used by Hitler and the Nazi regime have many similarities. There is nothing new under the sun. Consider the parallels between Haman and Hitler in these five points: • One Man’s jealousy led to uncontrolled hatred (3:5) • Targeted hatred became global hatred (3:6, 13) • Hatred was apparently caused because of non-conformity (3:8) • Attempted annihilation of the Jews was structured and organized (3:9-13) • Funds were spent and financial wealth was provided for the perpetrators (3:9, 4:7) Fast forward to the 1930s and 1940s, and we see how Hitler developed his well-organized “factory of death” against the Jewish people. • PURIM in the 1940s: Soon after coming to power, Hitler quickly banned the celebration of Jewish festivals including Purim. In a speech delivered the day after Kristallnacht, in November 1938, Julius Streicher (1885-1946), Hitler’s “Director of the Central Committee for the Defense against Jewish Atrocity and Boycott Propaganda” declared that since the Jews killed 75,000 Persians in the days of Esther, the same fate could befall the German people and so the Jews had to be stopped. Streicher was also the publisher of the virulently antisemitic newspaper Der Stürmer. After the war, he was never accused of any actions or orders against the Jews but for thoughts and words published in his newspaper and as a result, he was convicted of “crimes against humanity” and sentenced to death. The Nuremberg military tribunal declared, “Streicher’s incitement of murder and extermination at the time when Jews in the East were being killed under the most horrible conditions clearly constitutes persecution on political and racial grounds in connection with war crimes as defined by the Charter, and constitutes a crime against humanity.” Again, the “curse-for-a-curse” biblical principle was applied to Streicher, who, on October 16, 1946, was executed on the gallows at the end of the Nuremberg Trials. Streicher’s final words before he was let down into the gallows trap door was “Purim Fest 1946”, as his final claim that the Jews were out to get him. It would have required a certain knowledge of the Jewish lifestyle and festivals for Streicher to even make that parallel. • PURIM IN 2022: Satan knows that he cannot succeed, but he tries without ceasing. He has indoctrinated much of the world against the Jewish people, creating antisemitism and making it the oldest and most enduring form of hatred against an ethnic group. While he keeps sub-contracting his hatred to different groups of people, the danger remains the same and the Jewish people continue to be the “scapegoats of humanity”. The same approach used in biblical days and during Hitler’s reign is used today by historical revisionists, BDS promoters, Christian Palestinianism proponents and all other enemies of Israel and the Jewish people. Unfortunately, Satan has even been able to infiltrate and indoctrinate the church. If all these groups had their way, Israel would be erased from the map and the Jewish people completely eradicated from existence and from history. But in a very “Purimesque” ending, the Jewish people will continue to flourish as promised by God Himself in Jeremiah 31:35-37 and Israel will prevail because of God. Jeremiah 31:35-37 35 Thus says the Lord, who gives the sun for light by day and the fixed order of the moon and the stars for light by night, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar the Lord of hosts is his name: 36 “If this fixed order departs from before me, declares the Lord, then shall the offspring of Israel cease from being a nation before me forever.” 37 Thus says the Lord: “If the heavens above can be measured, and the foundations of the earth below can be explored, then I will cast off all the offspring of Israel for all that they have done, declares the Lord.” Be it during biblical times, during the 1930s and 1940s, or even today, through thick and thin, God has always had Israel in the palm of His hand. Even though He was absent by name in the book of Esther, and it felt more like “the eclipse of God” during the Holocaust, He never reneged on His promises. So, we can celebrate Purim with confidence and with joy because the same God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Who was behind the scenes in the days of Esther, has our back and He never changes His mind or the recipients of His promises. Chag Purim Sameach! Happy Purim! Daily Jot: The Farm Chronicles: The Johnny U Lesson - Bill Wilson – No matter where we went, Dad knew somebody or knew somebody that somebody knew. One time we were in an elevator in Kansas City and Dad struck up a quick conversation with a gentleman. Turned out they knew the same person from a different city in a different state. Then it was like old home week, a story, a good laugh and all this happened while going down about three floors. The elevator door opened and off we went. Another friend made. Another story to tell. There were times we were at horse auctions in Missouri or Kentucky and Dad would be carrying on with somebody that I had never seen before. Turned out they might have been distant relatives or friends of a friend. Dad never met a stranger. This was kind of the way it was back in the mid-to-late 1900s. People were friendly. You learned at a young age the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you–A modern version of Christ’s words in Luke 6:31, “And as you would that men should do to you, do you also to them likewise.” Treating people fairly and with kindness was the rule. But it was deeper than that. There was also a component of “mind your own business.” Dad was friendly, but there were limits. He had a good sense of timing about approaching people or just leaving them alone. This was probably something instilled in him as a youngster going through many hardships on the farm and learning proper etiquette. Along about 1967, when we were on vacation at Myrtle Beach, SC, Dad asked me if I wanted to go to lunch with him. Of course! We were strolling along the sidewalk and came upon a diner that sold beer-battered hot dogs, and Dad wanted to try one. So we each took a stool at the counter and made our order. Along came a man and asked if he could sit at the stool next to Dad. No problem. Food came. Dad and this guy were like old friends, and I began to wonder where I had seen him before. A lot of talk about horses and Ohio and Pennsylvania. The man finished his hot dog and said, “Well, it was great seeing you.” Dad replied, “Have a good one.” The man walked off and disappeared in the crowded sidewalk. After he left, I asked Dad who he was. Dad said, “You just had lunch with Johnny Unitis.” I said something like, “Wow, are you kidding. I want to get his autograph,” and I started getting up to go catch him. Dad explained to me that Unitis was there as a private citizen and that we needed to respect that he didn’t want to draw attention to himself. We had a discussion that you should treat everyone, regardless of their station in life, as you would want to be treated. It is a lesson that this meager farm boy has carried with me all my life and it has served me well as a confidant of presidents, congressmen, actors, professional athletes and CEOs of large companies. Johnny U went on to win his third NFL MVP award that year. But my Dad and his wisdom is my MVP every year, even though he is no longer with me here on earth. Daily Devotion: God Is Bigger Than Your Giant - by Greg Laurie – Who is this pagan Philistine anyway, that he is allowed to defy the armies of the living God? —1 Samuel 17:26 - Listen One of my favorite passages in the Bible is the story of David and Goliath. But it isn’t a fairytale; it really happened. David’s father, Jesse, sent him on an errand. David’s brothers had gone to war, and Jesse wanted David to take some food to them. When he arrived at the camp of the Israelites, David heard the voice of an oversized man down in the Valley of Elah, bellowing for someone to come and fight him. The man’s name was Goliath, and he was nine feet, six inches of solid muscle. Certainly, no one was willing to go and fight him—that is until David showed up. What’s interesting about the story is that Goliath wasn’t simply hanging around in the valley, shouting at the Israelites. Instead, he was coming up to their camp and taunting them there. That is how giants are. When you give them an inch, they’ll take a mile. You might be facing some kind of giant in your life, such as a giant problem, a giant challenge, or a giant addiction. And as the days go by, your giant seems to get bigger and bigger, taunting you relentlessly. For instance, it could be a giant of fear. And no wonder. It’s easy to watch or read the news and become paralyzed with fear. You might be facing a giant of personal sin, a certain area of your life where you have fallen repeatedly. You can’t seem to get victory. A giant, if you will, is anyone or anything that seeks to control you, hurt you, destroy you, or torment you in life. The good news is that God is bigger than your giant. The key is understanding and seeing God as you ought to. Then you will see your problems for what they are. God is bigger than what you’re facing. FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY, TRULY, THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT? One of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed, and if that information inspires you, and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers, and open the eyes of non-believers, and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy, then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides, and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks! Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13 If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to: DONATE NOW Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516 We are very pleased to offer all our readers this FREE download on Bible Prophecy from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia - Just download and enjoy and be blessed! Feel free to share it with all your friends and family members. Click below to download! "AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING" If You Died Today, Would You Go To Heaven? Find out, visit: How to know God DID YOU KNOW? You can submit an article, leave a comment or praise report at email: [email protected] Maranatha! (Lord Come Quickly) "On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other ground is sinking sand." "Let Us make the short time we have left count for all eternity!" YBIC-Randy
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