Unknown Drastic Changes Coming - By Daymond Duck -
Concerning the coming New World Order (world government): on Mar. 31, 2022, Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum (WEF), said, “We do not yet know the full extent and the actual changes which will happen; however, we do know the global energy systems, food systems, and supply chains will be deeply affected.” Globalists don’t know the full impact of what they are doing, but they are planning to drastically change the world, including our energy, food, and supply chain systems. Jesus called what they are doing “the Great Tribulation” and “the tribulation of those days” (Matt. 24:21, 29). He said it will be worse than anything that has ever happened or ever will happen on earth (Matt. 24:21). Here is a link to Schwab’s statement. A reader might ask, “Why would a loving God allow unelected evil people to impose these drastic changes upon the world?” Think about what has been going on in America (and the world):
We have bathed our land in the blood of aborted babies.
We have elected people to lead us that say they are Christians, but they vote for abortion, the gay agenda, appoint godless judges, refuse to punish criminals, etc.
We have openly blasphemed God in books, movies, TV, and the media (and we have come to regard this blasphemy as ‘normal.’).
Many of our leaders are working to establish a New World Order (world government) that, according to the Bible:
We can no longer believe many in the media. Some would rather lie than tell the truth. America has been corrupted, worse corruption is coming, and people are perishing for lack of knowledge, but many won’t hear about it at church. I am sure I could think of more, but in answer to the question, “Why would a loving God allow unelected evil people to impose these drastic changes upon the world,” I would ask, “Why not when so many people are ignoring His Word and will?” Here are some stories that caught my attention in recent days. One, on Mar. 31,2022, I heard a commentator on TV talking about the war in Ukraine. He said there are bodies all over the street in some places, and the remaining people can’t get out to bury them. It reminded me that the prophet Isaiah was talking about the Tribulation Period when he said, “And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach” (Isa. 4:1). There will be so many men killed during the Tribulation Period that seven women will be willing to share one man so they can have children. It is interesting that this is the only verse about the Tribulation Period in Isaiah chapter 4, and the remaining 5 verses are about the Millennial reign of Jesus. The major unknown changes that Schwab was talking about will lead to 7 years of chaos and trouble (Zeph. 1:15), and that will be followed by 1,000 wonderful years of Jesus dwelling and reigning on earth (Isa.4:2-6). Two, on Mar. 30, 2022, it was reported that Israel is planning to evacuate a prison in Megiddo that officials believe was built over a third-century church that could be the oldest church in the world. Prison officials have found several mosaics under the prison, and one mosaic contains the words “to the God Jesus Christ” written in Greek. This is the third mosaic to be found in northern Israel that mentions Jesus. The mosaic is unique because it calls Jesus God. The place will probably be transformed into a tourist site. Three, on Mar. 30, 2022, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said:
“We are confronted with the realities of a massive humanitarian crisis that is growing by the second.” (Note: concerning Jews returning to the Promised Land at the end of the age: on Apr. 1, 2022, it was reported that almost 8,000 Ukrainian Jews have relocated to Israel in the past 5 weeks, and thousands more are expected.) Four, my article for last week stated: On Mar. 24, 2022, Pres. Biden (Dem.) said, “The world will experience food shortages as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine…. It’s going to be real.” Bloomberg analyst Alexis Maxwell called it “a slow-moving disaster.” On Mar. 29, 2022, U.S. Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Ky.) said, “There actually is going to be a famine one to two years from now. I think two years from now will be even worse.” In the space of 5 days, two high-ranking U.S. politicians: 1) the Pres. of the U.S. (a Democrat), and 2) a member of the U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee (a Republican), warned that food shortages and famine are on the way (perhaps 12-24 months in the U.S.). View this with the knowledge that: Jesus said famine is the beginning of the birth pains (sorrows; Matt. 24:8). Hyper-inflation, economic collapse, and famine are one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Tribulation Period; Rev. 6:5-6). The head of the WEF just said changes are coming that will deeply affect our food systems. Know that this writer believes the Pre-Tribulation Period Rapture is the correct view. (More: On Apr. 1, 2022, it was reported that Spain has passed legislation to allow supermarkets to begin limiting the number of items a person can buy when supermarket employees suspect that panic buying is taking place.) (More: On Apr. 3, 2022, Russia threatened to stop selling food—wheat, etc.—and agricultural products—fertilizer, etc.—to the U.S. and EU if they keep putting sanctions on Russia.) (More: On Apr. 4, 2022, it was reported that some food prices (meat and butter) in Germany spiked 20-50% in one day.) (More: On Apr. 6, 2022, it was reported that two Federal Reserve economists in Dallas, TX warned that a global economic downturn will be unavoidable if access to oil, natural gas, fertilizer, grain, and other products from Russia is denied for the remainder of 2022. According to these economists, problems will appear in Latin America and Southeast Asia first, where people earn less money, but shortages will eventually spread to the U.S. There is a lot riding on how long the U.S. sanctions on Russia last and, if not lifted soon, the U.S. will be impacted.) Five, concerning inflation and famine: on Mar. 29, 2022, the Pres. of BlackRock, the largest asset management company in the world, said, “For the first time, this generation (of Americans) will go into a store and not be able to acquire what they want.” On the same day, Bloomberg said the same products and services will cost the average American $5,200 more in 2022 than in 2021 (the same food will cost the average American about $2,200 more). (Note: Even though inflation is the highest it has been in about 40 years, around the middle of last month, Pres. Biden said his economic strategy is working.) Six, concerning the New World Order (world government; NWO): on Mar. 30, 2022, Russia’s Foreign Minister Lavrov and Chinese Foreign Minister Yi met and declared that the two nations are working together to achieve “a multipolar, fair and democratic world order.” Russia and China are willing to support a world government dominated by them, but not a dictatorial world government dominated by the EU and U.S. (Note: The phrase “multipolar, fair and democratic world order” could be defined as the distribution of power among leaders from several groups of nations, as in Ten Kings. It means Russia and China believe too much of the New World Order’s power is in the hands of the EU and U.S. Russia and China want to redistribute the power of the New World Order.) Seven, concerning the New World Order: on Mar. 29-30, 2022, the annual World Government Summit was held in Dubai, and the first topic to be discussed this year was “Are We Ready for A New World Order.” Dr. Pippa Malgrem, economist and advisor to former Pres. George W. Bush, was talking about a digital currency when she said, “It means having an almost perfect record of every single transaction that happens in the economy, which will give us far greater clarity over what’s going on.” Here is a link (1 min and 43 sec): Later that day, Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF), delivered the keynote speech and said, “The time has come for world governments to unite as one and tackle global problems such as climate change, trade, and economic disruption without hindrance or delay.” (FYI: “The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and shall break it in pieces;” Dan. 7:23. Daniel’s vision of the evil, destructive government that globalists are bringing in made him sick; Dan. 7:28. According to John the Revelator, they will embrace an antichrist, Satan worshipper as their Messiah; Rev. 13:4-7.) Eight, concerning the New World Order: on Mar. 31, 2022, former candidate for Pres, Ron Paul, said the U.S. should get out of the UN and promote freedom instead of undermining it. Nine, concerning the New World Order: on prophecy teacher John Haller’s “Prophecy Update” for Apr. 3, 2022, Haller played a video of Klaus Schwab (WEF) speaking at The Chicago Council of Global Affairs in 2019. Schwab defined the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Great Reset) as “the fusion of our physical, digital and biological identities.” I am not an authority on this, but it sounds to me like a plan to connect our physical, digital, and biological identities to a computer with one file on us so a world government can accurately verify and track everything about us. A reader friend recently said, “No jab, no job; no Mark, no head.” Here is a link to Haller’s “Prophecy Update,” and Schwab can be found saying this at the 1 hour and 16-minute mark (it only takes one minute). (Observation: Notice all the references to the New World Order in just one week. It is on the horizon, out in the open, and no longer a “conspiracy theory.”) Ten, concerning the coming godless world religion: on Mar. 24, 2022, Ukrainian Pres. Zelensky was practically demanding that Hungarian Prime Min. Orban do two things:
According to the report, Orban refused Zelensky’s requests for 2 reasons:
Eleven, concerning the days of Lot: on Mar. 31, 2022, the Biden administration publicly endorsed child sex changes and the funding of many procedures, including surgery. It is another clear rejection of what the Bible teaches and an affirmation of something that is an abomination to God. (More: On the same day, the U.S. State Dept. announced that citizens can choose to identify as “gender-neutral” by putting “X” on their passport instead of “male” or “female.”) Twelve, concerning the tracking of all buying and selling in the U.S.: on Mar. 31, 2022, U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren said it is time for the U.S. to create a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). Finally, are you Rapture Ready? If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this. [email protected] Prophesied Power-Bloc Players Appear – Terry James - Such a great many end times stage-setting issues and events are inundating our hourly news that it is as if they are wearing camouflage, blinding the prophecy observer to things actually transpiring. In some cases, we don’t see developments in their actual, dynamic context; they’ve become so prolific that we’re desensitized to their importance. This has, to this point, definitely been the case of developing geopolitical power blocs foretold by the prophetic Scriptures for the rollout of the end of human history. While the Second Advent approaches, the alignments of nations should become increasingly observable. We’ve gone over a number of times the developing one-world order. We’ve examined, in general terms, the European Union and its likelihood for being the nucleus out of which the Antichrist kingdom will form. We’ve explored the fact that three major players that will make up the Gog-Magog coalition force of Ezekiel 38–39 have formed north of Israel. We have looked—again, in general terms—at China and it becoming the king of the “kings of the east” found in the prophecies of Revelation chapters 9 and 16. However, there’s now appeared a definite formulation of end-times geopolitical entities that insinuate at least a degree of demarcation, so far as final arrangements for the abrupt end of this Age of Grace and the beginning of the Tribulation era are concerned. I believe three distinct power blocs that are important to the playing-out of prophetic fulfillment have just emerged with the recent coming together of two primary nation-spheres. And by “spheres,“ I mean to imply those two nations and the vast regions that now or will soon come under their hegemony. Before we look at those, I want to mention the nations of the Western alliance, as it is generally configured. The United States, for the most part, is still at the helm of this bloc. Europe is a growing influence, with guys like Emmanuel Macron of France and others making a lot of noise in attempts to shape how Western culture and geopolitics will control the masses from here forward. This group almost certainly is destined to shape things to come. So, I believe we are looking at the Antichrist empire in its gestation period. These, in addition to some Arab states in the Middle East, will likely comprise the group of countries that will send the note of protest when the Gog-Magog attack occurs. It is more than merely conceivable that Antichrist will anticipate that carnage, and will march in to claim his place in prophetic history despite that the Lord God of Israel clearly will have won the day. Now to the most recent development that has piqued my interest. The lead-in to the following news more or less depicts the matter. I’ll let it speak to the developing situation. Lavrov: Russia, China Moving Towards Multipolar “Fair World Order” Lavrov and Yi were seen on Chinese state TV in face masks bumping elbows in front of their national flags shortly before the meetings – which Lavrov will attend – to discuss ways to help Afghanistan…. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov affirmed Thursday his country’s keenness on the steady and continuous development of relations with China, noting that the two countries intend to move forward towards “a multipolar, fair, and democratic world order.” Lavrov has arrived in the Chinese city of Tunxi to participate in the third Meeting of Foreign Ministers of Afghanistan’s Neighboring Countries. At a meeting with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi, the Russian minister expressed that Moscow is “interested in our relations with China developing steadily and consistently, our leaders – President [of Russia Vladimir] Putin and President [of China] Xi Jinping agreed upon this.” He indicated that “Today, as you have said, we will consider concrete steps to ensure that all those agreements are consistently implemented.” For his part, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Russian-Chinese relations “have withstood new tests by changes in the international situation, maintained the right direction, and demonstrated a solid development trend.” Wang pointed out that “The desire of the two sides to develop bilateral relations has become even stronger, so did the confidence to promote cooperation in various directions.” In a joint statement issued following the meeting, the two ministers “stated that in light of the challenging international situation, Russia and China continue to strengthen their strategic partnership and speak with a unified voice in global affairs.” “It was agreed to further bolster foreign policy coordination, enhance cooperation on the bilateral track as well as in various multilateral formats,” the statement read. (“Lavrov: Russia, China intend to move towards ‘multipolar’ world order,” By Al Mayadeen, Net Source: Agencies, March 13, 2022) As I view it, with this declaration by Russia and China to claim their part of the multipolar world order, the three major power blocs of final prophetic fulfillment are now brightly lighting up God’s radar scope. The Antichrist system, with all of the so-called Deep-State intrigues and COVID-type manipulations; the Russian system that will influence a confluence of nations to attack Israel, as given by Ezekiel; and China, the growing power of the regions east of the Euphrates set to dominate all within their sphere…all is in readiness. Can the Rapture of the Church be far off? For when you see all these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your head, for your redemption draws near. (Luke 21: 28) World Government at the Door - By Hal Lindsey - On March 29th and 30th of 2022, global elites gathered for the World Government Summit in Dubai. They talked about working with individual governments in a variety of areas. But make no mistake. Their goal is in their name. They want world government. The Bible speaks of Antichrist and the False Prophet taking control of the planet by seizing the financial system. This year’s World Government Summit expressed the same idea. American economist Dr. Pippa Malmgren said, “What underpins a world order is always the financial system…. And what we’re seeing in the world today, I think, is we are on the brink of a dramatic change where we are about to—and I’ll say this boldly—we’re about to abandon the traditional system of money and accounting, and introduce a new one. And the new one, the new accounting is what we call blockchain. It means digital, it means having an almost perfect record of every single transaction that happens in the economy.” The context proves that she’s talking about a “world order.” Therefore, she must be referring to every single transaction in the world economy. “What underpins a world order,” she said, “is always the financial system.” She says “boldly” that, “We’re about to abandon the traditional system of money and accounting, and introduce a new one.” If you want to remake a civilization, remake its financial system. And that’s what they’re trying to do—not for a single civilization, but for the whole world. It will ultimately lead to the “mark of the beast,” and the totalitarian world system necessary to enforce it. She says that the new money will be based on the blockchain technology that now underpins digital currencies such as Bitcoin. She then makes an important distinction between present digital currencies and future ones. “This new money,” she says, “will be sovereign in nature. Most people think that digital money is crypto, and private. But I see our superpowers introducing digital currency. The Chinese were the first, the US is on the brink, I think, of moving in the same direction. The Europeans have committed to that as well.” According to the Atlantic Council, at least 91 countries are already developing digital currencies. At first, this new kind of money will augment cash. But globalists admit that their real goal is to supplant cash entirely. Digital currencies will not stop terrorists, tax cheats, or other criminals until such currencies completely replace cash and fully interconnect. Unlike Bitcoin, government versions of digital currencies will not be private, and their users will not be anonymous. Like all digital data, the new currencies will be made of zeroes and ones, and interpreted by machines. For that reason, “digital euros,” “digital dollars,” and the others can easily be made to work together as a single currency. With that, world elites will have achieved the goal Dr. Malmgren states so well. They will have “an almost perfect record of every single transaction that happens in the economy.” And when they implement their system globally, they will have a “record of every single transaction that happens in the economy” of the entire planet. We find this high-tech scenario in a document written over 1,900 years ago. Revelation 13:17 (NKJV) describes it like this: “No one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” A person will not be allowed to buy or sell unless he can access the global grid of digital money. And when the Antichrist reigns, only those who carry his mark will have that access. What Percentage of Americans Believe That We Are Living in The “End Times”? - by Michael Snyder - There has been so much going on in the world lately, and that has sparked a tremendous amount of chatter about the “end times”. What the Bible has to say about the days just before the return of Jesus Christ to this planet is being discussed all over the Internet, and millions upon millions of people are searching for answers regarding the crazy events that are happening all over the globe. Of course the mainstream media would have us think that only those on the outer fringes of society believe that these are the “end times”, but a brand new survey that was just released suggests otherwise. The Joshua Fund commissioned a survey that asked respondents to answer some very specific questions about current events. Surprisingly, it turns out that a substantial portion of the population actually believes that events happening in the world today are directly related to Bible prophecy. For example, this was the very first question that the survey asked… Do you agree or disagree that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – which has ignited the biggest land war in Europe since World War II – is one of the signs that Jesus spoke of in the Bible when He warned that there would be “wars and rumors of wars” in the “last days” before His return? Before I reveal the results, I would like for you to guess what percentage of Americans answered this question affirmatively. Do you think that it would be 10 percent? Maybe 20 percent? If you can believe it, nearly 40 percent of those that took the survey responded affirmatively…
I was floored when I saw those numbers. Even though the percentage of Americans that identify as Christians has been steadily declining for many years, 40 percent of Americans currently believe that we are in the period of “wars and rumors of wars” that is described in Matthew 24. Wow. Of course the war that we are witnessing is not just a war between Ukraine and Russia. In reality, it is a proxy war between the United States and Russia. The U.S. has been pouring billions of dollars worth of weapons and equipment into Ukraine, it has been giving the Ukrainians real-time intelligence regarding the position of Russian forces, and we have just learned that Ukrainian troops are actually being flown to the United States to be trained. I realize that last part may be hard for you to believe, but U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin just admitted that this is happening on his Twitter account… “This morning, I had the pleasure of speaking with Ukrainian troops training in the U.S. who are returning home to Ukraine today. Their bravery and skill are amazing. I made clear the U.S. will continue to provide them with the assistance they need.” I am extremely concerned about where all of this is heading, because proxy wars have a way of evolving into real wars. Getting back to the survey, this is the second question that respondents were asked… Do you agree or disagree that the COVID pandemic that has caused more than six million deaths worldwide is one of the signs that Jesus spoke of in the Bible when He warned that there would be severe “plagues” in the “last days” before His return? I would think that this question would have gotten a lower percentage of affirmative responses, but instead it was actually a little bit higher…
To answer either of the first two questions positively, one would be required to believe that we are in the “last days” before the return of Jesus Christ. So that seems to indicate that at least 40 percent of the U.S. population believes that these are the “end times”. That is a sizable chuck on the total population of this country. But of course the mainstream media will continue to treat us like we are a bunch of nuts. Meanwhile, global events continue to move in ways that we have been anticipating for a very long time. For example, a major war could erupt in the Middle East at literally any moment. Tensions continue to rise, and the Wall Street Journal is reporting that Israel has already conducted over 400 airstrikes against enemy targets since 2017… The Israeli military says it has carried out more than 400 airstrikes in Syria and other parts of the Middle East since 2017 as part of a wide-ranging campaign targeting Iran and its allies, offering its fullest picture yet of its undeclared war with Tehran. Over the past week, there has been a series of extremely violent protests inside Israel itself, and there is a tremendous amount of concern that these protests could potentially spark something larger. And on Saturday something happened that should deeply horrify all of us… Palestinian rioters vandalized Joseph’s Tomb in the West Bank city of Nablus on Saturday night amid clashes with the IDF, setting fire to the site, damaging the gravestone, a chandelier hanging above it, a water tank and an electricity closet. The vandalism came amid the second night of arrest raids made by Israeli security forces in the West Bank, following a deadly terrorist attack on Thursday night on Dizengoff Street in Tel Aviv that claimed three lives. Desecrating tombs should be off limits for everyone, and that is especially true when it comes to a major historical figure such as Joseph. I don’t even have the words to describe how vile and how far over the line this act of terror was. I really hope that Israel immediately secures that area with troops and makes sure that no more damage to the tomb is ever done again. There is so much evil in our world today, and it is getting worse with each passing day. And even though such a high percentage of Americans believe that we are living in the “end times”, another survey has found that the American people are less engaged with the Bible than ever before… Americans are less engaged with the Bible and are less likely to say the Bible influences their lifestyle than in previous years, the American Bible Society (ABS) said in its 2022 State of the Bible report. Scripture engagement is down 21% from 2021. Only 49 million Americans fit the ABS criteria of scripture engaged in 2022, down from 64 million in 2021 and 71 million in 2020. Isn’t that sad? Meanwhile, survey after survey has shown that the American people continue to become more socially liberal. Here is just one example… Nearly two-thirds of adults in the United States say they would be comfortable if their child came out as lesbian, gay or bisexual, according to a new survey, but only half would be comfortable with having a transgender or nonbinary child. The poll released Thursday by The Trevor Project, a nonprofit group focused on suicide prevention and mental health for LGBTQ and questioning youth, analyzed overall knowledge, understanding and comfort regarding sexual orientation and gender identity among U.S. adults. For almost 2,000 years, the Bible has been warning us about the times that we are now living in. And even though much of the population can see this, the country continues to push God away. That is a huge mistake, because the times ahead of us are going to be extremely challenging, and during those times we will need God more than ever. Daily Jot: It’s free as long as you agree - Bill Wilson – Among the myriad of policy dangers revealed by the former occupant of the Oval Office during and after his visit to the White House, one in particular stands out as most perilous to all—Free Speech. In an interview with Atlantic editor Jeffrey Goldberg, Barack Obama preached about how government control over the internet can defeat, what he called a “demand for crazy” that is spread through misinformation. Just like with any lie, a little bit of truth makes it stronger, and Obama is one of the best in the world at this type of propaganda. He attacked free speech in a chilling manner by lamenting how false information spreads on the internet and that the government needs to regulate this speech. While it is true that there is a lot of misinformation on the internet and there are crazy claims made by all sides of the political spectrum, Obama signaled the “crazy” he wants to eliminate. As reported by Breitbart News: “Roughly 40 percent of the country appears convinced that the current president was elected fraudulently and that the election was rigged” he claimed, with about 30-35 percent rejecting vaccines for coronavirus which he called a “medical miracle” that had been clinically tested by a billion people.” The clinical tests that Obama is referring to must be the use of an experimental drug on millions of people, who were told that the COVID shot was “safe and effective.” Over 400 scientific studies have been conducted indicating that the shot was neither, and the mounting side effects on vaccinated people also are clear evidence. About the election…Perhaps the choice of the word “rigged” is not the appropriate word, but there may not be a word in the English language to specifically define what happened with illegal mail in ballots, ballot drop box voting, and just plain election chicanery that has been proven, especially in states that ultimately determined the election. Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Arizona have all found illegal election activities and systemic issues with election integrity. People are being charged on a regular basis now for violating election laws. Bottom line is: if the election wasn’t rigged and it wasn’t stolen, then there were certain events that call into question America’s election integrity, and that’s not misinformation, it’s a huge problem that needs to be addressed. It won’t be addressed if free speech about it is censored. Obama’s attack on free speech as meeting a “demand for crazy,” underscoring the need for government regulation of “misinformation,” is extreme and dangerous. Especially when his definition of crazy includes those fighting for election integrity and bodily autonomy. Obama is saying that free speech should be free so long as it agrees with a certain political viewpoint and narrative. A former president attacking the very underpinning of the Constitution should set off alarm bells for every American given Obama’s ongoing influence over the Democratic Party and the current White House. Proverbs 31:9 says, “Open your mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.” Ephesians 6 exhorts us to speak boldly the gospel. Folks, we must exercise our free speech otherwise it will suffer atrophy to political tyranny. Daily Devotion: The Battle of Unbelief - by Greg Laurie – Then He said to Thomas, ‘Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing’ —John 20:27 - Listen Some people have a hard time believing there’s a God in Heaven who loves them. It’s difficult for them to wrap their minds around the fact that God could have a plan for their lives. Everyone struggles with doubt every now and then. Mark’s gospel tells us that after the Resurrection, Jesus appeared to the eleven disciples as they were eating, and “He rebuked their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they did not believe those who had seen Him after He had risen” (16:14 NKJV). Oswald Chambers, the author of the well-known Christian devotional My Utmost for His Highest, said, “Doubt is not always a sign that a man is wrong; it may be a sign that he is thinking.” Another disciple whom we call “doubting Thomas” was very skeptical. When the other disciples told him they had seen the risen Jesus, he replied, “Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe” (John 20:25 NKJV). But the next time they met, Thomas was there. And sure enough, Jesus appeared again. Then He said to Thomas, “Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing” (verse 27 NKJV). Thomas simply said, “My Lord and my God!” (verse 28 NKJV). He didn’t want to know anything more than what the others knew. He just needed to know for himself. Maybe you’re struggling with doubt right now. You can come to Jesus with your skepticism. You can come to Jesus with your doubt. You might be saying to God, “Show me, and I’ll believe.” But God is effectively saying, “Believe, and I’ll show you.” You can turn your skepticism into faith, and you can turn your doubt into belief. FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY, TRULY, THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT? One of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed, and if that information inspires you, and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers, and open the eyes of non-believers, and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy, then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides, and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks! Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13 If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to: DONATE NOW Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516 We are very pleased to offer all our readers this FREE download on Bible Prophecy from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia - Just download and enjoy and be blessed! Feel free to share it with all your friends and family members. Click below to download! "AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING" If You Died Today, Would You Go To Heaven? Find out, visit: How to know God DID YOU KNOW? You can submit an article, leave a comment or praise report at email: [email protected] Maranatha! (Lord Come Quickly) "On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other ground is sinking sand." "Let Us make the short time we have left count for all eternity!" YBIC-Randy
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