Unprecedented Crises and Transition - By Daymond Duck -
Concerning shortages: Michael Snyder, editor of, recently reported:
Here are more articles along that seem relevant. One, concerning world government: on July 1, 2022, World Net Daily reported that Biden’s Chief of the National Economic Council, Brian Deese, said, “This (high gasoline prices) is about the future of the liberal world order, and we have to stand firm.” Deese added that “while we move through this transition (from more than 190 sovereign nations to a one-world government by 2030 or sooner), we also have made historic economic progress.” Pres. Biden’s economic advisor is clear: The high price of gasoline is part of a deliberate plan to transform America from a powerful superpower into a weaker nation in the liberal world order (anti-conservative, anti-national sovereignty, liberal New World Order). America’s wealth is being redistributed by sending it to other nations to buy very high-priced oil that could be produced in the U.S. at a much lower price. It is globalism first and America last. High-paying U.S. jobs have been deliberately destroyed, people in other nations are going hungry, some are starving, inflation is soaring in the U.S., food shortages may be coming to the U.S., etc. America and most of the nations on earth are in a transition period between the old normal and the New World Order. In America, the transition is from nationalism to globalism, from Christian values to non-Christian values, from fossil fuels to green energy, from freedom of speech to censorship, from freedom of religion to persecution, from capitalism to socialism or something similar, from a non-surveillance society to a surveillance society, etc. (and, according to the Bible and UN stated goals, from more than 190 sovereign nations to ten groups of nations with a leader, czar or king over each one who will ultimately surrender their militaries and power to the Antichrist.). I believe this transition began on Jan. 1, 2016, when the “Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” went into effect, and liberal politicians plan to complete the transition by 2030 or sooner. Timewise, the world is almost halfway through this transition (if it stays on schedule), and major changes will be necessary in the future. Every nation is not transitioning at the same speed, but every nation has the same deadline (2030 or sooner). I believe the Pre-Trib Rapture is the right view, and every individual on earth needs to genuinely accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. Those that don’t will be eternally sorry they didn’t. Two, concerning shortages: the high price of fuel, food, utilities, etc.: on June 27, 2022, Pres. Biden was at the G7 summit when French Pres. Macron told him OPEC’s top oil-exporting nations are at or near maximum production capacity now. Saudi Arabia can increase their production some (about 150,000 barrels per day), but not nearly as much as the world needs. If this is true, and he continues to restrain production in the U.S., it is easy to believe that he is deliberately weakening the U.S. The 1,000,000 barrels per day he is drawing from America’s strategic preserves will eventually stop, and the availability of oil and natural gas will decrease, or people will have to come up with other sources. Three, concerning high fuel prices: on June 30, 2022, Pres. Biden was asked how long Americans could expect to pay $5 a gallon for gasoline at the pump, and he replied as long as it takes to get Russia out of Ukraine. Pres. Biden intends to keep blocking America’s energy independence and blame it on the Russians. Continued high fuel prices mean continued high prices of everything (a worsening of global hunger, famine, pestilence, etc.). Biden’s policies make it easy for many prophecy teachers to believe that the stage is being set for world government and the Tribulation Period. Four, concerning inflation: at the G7 meeting, Biden said prices are up in every nation, and America has the strongest economy. Economic experts said this is wrong. They said inflation is less in Canada, France, Germany, and Japan than it is in the U.S. (England is the only G7 nation that has a higher inflation rate than the U.S.) He lied, misspoke, or doesn’t know the facts, so we can expect America’s economic problems to continue. Five, concerning weakening America: lately, there have been several reports that the U.S. military is having trouble recruiting troops, the situation has reached a crisis level, and the military has lowered its standards to meet its needs. As usual, officials blame everything but the facts. They say they are having trouble recruiting young people because it is easy for them to get a job, today’s young people have a poor attitude about service, etc. They ignore the fact that some object to being jabbed; some object to forced gender-sensitive training, some don’t want to be in the military because many officials criticize the military, some don’t respect or want to serve under a mentally challenged Commander in Chief, etc. So, the once-powerful U.S. military is becoming understaffed, less educated, less motivated, weaker, and less able to fight, and to make matters worse, the military is trying to discharge about 40,000 unjabbed National Guardsmen. Six, concerning the days of Lot: on July 2, 2022, it was reported that a study of 54 documented cases of Monkey Pox that had been treated at four different health centers in London, UK, over a 12-day period in May found that:
Globalists want to impose this lifestyle upon the world, and it is a sign of the end of the age. Seven, concerning the covenant of peace with many that will begin the Tribulation Period: Pres. Biden recently said, “I’m going to Israel (on July 14, 2022) to meet with the Israelis to confirm the unbreakable bond Israel and the United States have. Part of the purpose of this trip to the Middle East (on July 13-16) is to deepen Israel’s integration in the region, which I think I am going to be able to do, which is good for peace and good for Israeli security.” Peace and security means peace and safety. Paul said, “When they [unbelievers] shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them [the unbelievers] as travail upon a woman with child, and they [the unbelievers] shall not escape” (I Thess. 5:3). I don’t think this trip will produce a covenant of peace and safety, but it is a dangerous step in that direction, especially with the political situation that exists in Israel today (a very liberal Prime Minister that supports the Two-State solution). Eight, concerning how Christians should respond to current events: on July 1, 2022, it was reported that Roman Catholic Archbishop Vigano urged families to resist the “Build Back Better” agenda and to “rebuild what has been destroyed”:
Nine, concerning the return of Jews to the Promised Land: it was recently reported that as of the end of May 2022, more than 20,000 Ukrainian refugees have arrived in Israel, 36,000 others want to relocate to Israel, and this is in addition to Jews returning from other parts of the world (Jer. 31:8-10). Ten, it is common knowledge that Elon Musk, head of SpaceX, wants to put about 40,000 satellites in low orbit to provide internet service to every square inch of planet Earth. This will help make it possible to track all buying and selling, for everyone on earth to see the bodies of the Two Witnesses lying in the street in Jerusalem, and for every eye to see the return of Jesus. In the Book of Revelation, we read that rebuilt Babylon will be destroyed by fire in one hour, and all the shipmasters, everyone on ships, and sailors will see the smoke from far off (Rev. 18:17-19). On June 30, 2022, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) granted SpaceX permission to provide satellite high-speed internet service to in-motion vehicles, ships, and aircraft including cruise ships, commercial jets, RV’s, semi-trucks, etc. (everything that moves in the air, on the water, and on the earth). Eleven, concerning a possible energy shortage this fall or winter: on June 8, 2022, a stuck safety valve allowed too much pressure to build up in an 18-inch liquefied natural gas (LNG) pipeline in Houston, TX. The pipe busted, it released some gas, started a fire, and the fire damaged the second-largest LNG export plant in the U.S. (a plant that produced 15 million tons of LNG per year). Plant officials want to make the repairs and restart the plant, but Biden administration officials under Pete Buttigieg ordered the company to get an outside investigator to study the incident before they make the repairs. After the study, they can make the repairs, but they must get government approval of the repairs (who knows how long that will take) before they can restart the plant (a process that could lead to a partial startup in about six months and full production in about a year). There is concern about an energy shortage in Texas, and the Biden administration seems to be deliberately slowing the restart of this badly needed facility. Twelve, concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog (the invasion of Israel by Russia and her allies): there has been growing tension between Russia and Israel for several months because Israel has opposed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Putin is now criticizing Israel for bombing Iranian sites, weapons, and troops in Syria; Putin now says he does not recognize Israel’s annexation of the Golan Heights, he does not recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel, etc. For several years, the Jewish Agency in Russia has facilitated the immigration of Jews from Russia to Israel. On July 5, 2022, it was reported that Russia has ordered the Jewish Agency to cease its activity in Russia. God is drawing the Jews back to the Promised Land, and Putin is saying he will no longer let them go (sounds a little like the Ten Plagues on Egypt). The Israeli government is preparing a response. Finally, are you Rapture Ready? If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this. [email protected] Nuclear War–To Be or Not to Be – Terry James - There are growing worries among politicians and pundits about the likelihood of nuclear war on the brink. That is, the fear that the Russian/Ukrainian conflict will soon break out in all-out nuclear exchanges. The Biden administration sending troops to areas such as in Poland to demonstrate to Vladimir Putin America’s determination to thwart Russia’s aggression is at the center of the concern. NATO’s bellicose threats, and particularly rhetoric by European governments, add to the angst. At the same time, reports coming out of Russia tell that Russian TV broadcasts are announcing that American cities are in Russia’s targeting plans if nuclear war is unleashed. One pundit, who is an author promoting his book, and who is, to my way of thinking, one who believes Americans should prep for nuclear war, says that Russia’s understanding is that the first nation to launch all-out nuclear war has the best chance of surviving as a nation. Here is some of that cogitating by a book author who simply calls himself “Michael.” There will be nuclear war if we stay on this path. Almost every day, we get more news about how both sides are escalating the conflict in Ukraine. If the American people truly understood what was at stake, there would be giant protests in the streets of every major U.S. city right now. But they don’t. Most of us are entirely convinced that our leaders can do whatever they want in Ukraine without sparking a nuclear war. But the Russians see things very differently. On Russian television there are endless discussions about how the war in Ukraine is really a proxy war between the United States and Russia, and pundits openly discuss the possibility that eventually nuclear weapons will be used. In fact, the destruction of specific U.S. cities has even been discussed on Russian television, but most Americans never hear anything about this… Unfortunately, our leaders seem to have no interest in ending the conflict in Ukraine. Instead, they just keep doing things to raise tensions even higher. (“If We Keep Escalating This Conflict, the End Result Will Be a Nuclear Cataclysm,” Michael, End Of The American Dream 2022, Rapture Ready News, July 2, 2022) President Biden said he will be sending thousands of American troops to Eastern Europe, particularly to the area of Poland. Additionally, he plans to send many ships and planes, as well as tremendous battle-support equipment of various kinds. He announced that the US will reinforce troop deployments in Romania, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. NATO will enhance its battle groups in the eastern part of the alliance up to brigade levels, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg announced Monday. The writer of the article concludes that all of this looks to Vladimir Putin to be an invasion of Russian-overseen territory. The Russian leader, himself, is ratcheting up military action by placing nuclear-capable ballistic missiles in Belarus, a NATO-neighboring Russian ally that housed the forces that invaded Ukraine and attacked Kiev. There is talk of Russia looking at Cuba as an area near America to place Russian missiles. The writer says that should set off alarm bells to those who might remember the year 1962. And, speaking as one who does well remember that year and the Cuban Missile Crisis, it will indeed set off alarm bells if it eventuates. So, like the question by William Shakespeare’s character, Prince Hamlet, in his soliloquy in a scene in the play by the same name, “To be, or not to be, that is the question,” we ask. “Nuclear war: To be, or not to be?” I believe the answer is both “no” and “yes.” The writer of the article gives statistics informing, according to supposed experts, just how total would be a nuclear war between, primarily, the United States and Russia. While the outlook is bleak, there would be many survivors. As a matter of fact, he reported only about 20 percent of people in America would be killed initially by the horrific weapons used. But there would be many more who would starve to death due to weather-related crop failures because of nuclear radioactive fallout and health-related radiation factors. Like always, we look to God’s Word for answers. And it is there we find both answers above, I’m of the opinion. “No,” there will not be nuclear war as described by all the people who, rightfully, castigate the military-industrial complex for war-mongering. This is because Jesus, Himself, tells us that people will be buying, selling, planting, building, marrying, etc.—normal activity right up to the time He next catastrophically intervenes into the affairs of mankind. It will be just like in the days of Lot, He said (Luke 17:26–30). First, Lot and his family, living in a wicked but very prosperous city, were removed to Zoar. Then God nuked both Sodom and Gomorrah–to such an extent that they are just now finding evidence of the destruction of those totally debauched cities. So the second answer, “yes,” is found in that same story. It will be like in Lot’s day. So there will be great nuclear-level destruction. Of course, this will take place after the next event on God’s prophetic calendar: the Rapture of the Church. We see pre-proof of this coming nuclear destruction, for example, when the kings of the east kill up to one-third of all the people of earth when they cross the Euphrates into the occidental world. The ability to destroy that vast number of human beings almost certainly has to be from nuclear weaponry. I really am convinced that there will be no all-out nuclear war–no World War III–this side of the Rapture. But there is a matter even more pressing than the fear of nuclear war. If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Savior from the sin into which you and I were born, you will face much worse than nuclear devastation. You will spend eternity in everlasting torment, apart from God, who loves you and wants you to be with Him. Here is how to make certain you will go into His presence either at death or when Jesus calls believers to Himself in the Rapture. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:9–10) Who Is Behind a Series Of “Mysterious Explosions” At Natural Gas Facilities In The United States? - by Michael Snyder - Are we under attack? Previously, I have written about a series of very strange fires that have occurred at key food production facilities in the United States this year. Authorities insist that each one of those fires was an “accident”, and maybe they are correct. But now the same thing is starting to happen to the energy industry. In particular, we have seen a number of “mysterious explosions” at natural gas facilities in the United States during the past two months. Of course natural gas prices were already spiking dramatically all over the world, and so this string of disasters comes at a really bad time. On Saturday, an absolutely massive explosion at a very important natural gas facility in Medford, Oklahoma made headlines all over the nation. The following comes from CBS News… A large fire Saturday afternoon engulfed a natural gas plant in the small northern Oklahoma town of Medford. Video posted to social media showed heavy flames and smoke billowing hundreds of feet into the air. The fire occurred at a “natural gas liquids fractionation facility” operated by ONEOK, a company spokesperson confirmed in a statement to CBS News. The explosion that caused this fire was so large that it actually caused “a 1.74 magnitude earthquake”. The black smoke that came billowing from the plant could be seen for many miles all around, and the damage that was done is likely to disrupt operations at the facility for a long time to come. Just two days earlier, there was another “mysterious explosion” near Houston, Texas… Authorities say a fire is now out after an explosion along a natural gas line sent up a column of flames from a field in Fort Bend County on Thursday. According to the Fort Bend County Pct. 1 Constable’s Office, the explosion occurred before 11 a.m. in the 15400 block of JoAnn near FM 1952, west of Orchard. Nearby residents report hearing “a loud pop” when the explosion occurred… Is it normal to have two major natural gas explosions like this in just a matter of three days? No, it is not. And it is important to note that there have been other “suspicious explosions” recently. Last month, a massive explosion at a liquefied natural gas terminal in Quintana Island, Texas ended up “taking a substantial amount of the fuel off the market”… An explosion at a liquefied natural gas terminal in Texas has left nearby residents rattled and is taking a substantial amount of the fuel off the market at a time when global demand is soaring. Freeport LNG will be offline for at least three weeks, the company said Thursday, following a fire in its export facility. So who would benefit from all of this? I think that is a very important question to ask. Some are suggesting that the Russians could be behind these “accidents”. According to Washington Examiner editor Tom Rogan, the Russians actually have a cyber unit that is fully capable of pulling off such attacks… That brings us to the Russian cyber unit involved in the targeting reconnaissance against Freeport LNG. Named XENOTIME by researchers, the unit has utilized boutique TRITON/TRISIS malware developed by the Russian Ministry of Defense’s Central Scientific Research Institute of Chemistry and Mechanics. That malware is designed for the seizure of industrial control systems and the defeat of associated safety systems. In 2017, GCHQ (Britain’s NSA-equivalent signals intelligence service) outlined the need for network compartmentalization to protect safety systems against this malware better. In March 2022, the FBI warned that TRISIS malware remained a threat. XENOTIME is assessed by the U.S. and British governments as a critical infrastructure-focused, advanced persistent threat actor. The unit’s modus operandi involves targeting industrial control systems and supervisory control systems in order to effect unilateral control of a network. XENOTIME has caused specific concern in Western security circles for its targeting of safety systems that would otherwise mitigate threats to life during a cyberattack. XENOTIME’s activity has escalated in 2022. Of course there are similar cyber units in the western world and in Asia that could be conducting such operations for their own reasons. The truth is that even if it could be proven that cyberattacks are causing these explosions we will probably never know who was ultimately behind them. This is just another reason why it is a major national security risk to have so much of our critical infrastructure connected to a global Internet. Cyberattacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and we are exceedingly vulnerable. Many on the Internet are pointing out that there was another very unusual fire at a facility in Valdez, Alaska on June 27th… A tanker truck that caught fire at a Valdez refinery Monday afternoon halted fuel-loading activities at the facility on Tuesday, state officials say. The truck was loading diesel when the explosion occurred, according to the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. In the old days, a random fire like that never would have even made a blip in the news. But with all of the other fires that are now happening, people are on alert. Over and over again, really bizarre accidents have been happening, and people want answers. I wish that I had all of the answers, but I don’t. Like many of you, I am just trying to ask the right questions. What I do know is that we live in very chaotic times, and I have a feeling that they are about to get a whole lot more chaotic. I fully expect that the second half of this year will be even crazier than the first half, and that is really saying something. How Big Is Enough? - By Hal Lindsey - Even Christians fret and worry. Joy can seem remote and fear ever-present. Peace can feel like a thing of the past. When we experience these things, we wonder why. For the most part, it happens when we take over God’s role in our lives. We make ourselves the final ruler, chief protector, and ultimate provider. Yes, God gives us decisions to make. He instructs us to protect our loved ones to the extent we can. And He implores us to work to provide for our needs and theirs. But we should never take on God’s role of Final Ruler, Chief Protector, and Ultimate Provider. Fear and worry can rule us to whatever extent that we take these jobs from God. We fret because we are inadequate to His tasks. We struggle to feel joy because when everything is up to us, we know that things can fall apart at any moment. The greatest example of people taking over a job only God can do is when people think they can be good enough to save themselves from sin. Romans 8:5 (NASB) says, “Those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.” The process of walking according to the flesh usually happens gradually. It can be subtle, and full of small, hardly noticeable steps. We still pray, read the Bible, and go to church, but over time we take onto ourselves things that belong to God. Let me give an example most of us can relate to. Your children and/or grandchildren plan a trip by air. They will fly in bad weather, and you feel concerned for their safety. What starts as a prayer for their protection can sometimes cease being a prayer at all. It can turn into pure worry. You feel helpless. You think somehow that if you were there, everything would be okay. But your presence would not keep the plane in the air. God’s presence is the key. And He is with them. Some people trust God’s ability, but not His wisdom. Experience tells them that He sometimes allows things to happen that they would not allow if they were Almighty. When things happen that they think are not best, they begin to trust their wisdom over His. Is that you? Let me ask you this. How big and how wise and how good must God be in order to earn your trust? Revelation 19:6 (KJV) calls God “omnipotent.” That’s means He’s all powerful. Romans 11:33 speaks of His unlimited wisdom. “Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways!” Psalm 34:8 speaks to His goodness. “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” How strong, how wise, and how loving does He have to be to earn your trust? He has all power, so you can trust His ability. There are no limits to His wisdom, so you can trust His decisions. And because He is good and He loves you, His choices and power will work in your best interest. In other words, He’s big enough, knowledgeable enough, and good enough for you to give Him your complete trust. 1 Peter 5:7 says to cast “all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you.” Daily Jot: The Biden oil debacle - Bill Wilson – There is much more to Joe Biden’s emptying of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) than what the news media and his failing administration is letting on. While everyone is focused on just the record high prices of gasoline at the pump, they are failing to report the greater dangers at hand for the American public: food availability, consumer goods, and military readiness. Pump prices are just the tip of the iceberg because the prices of most everything people consume are tied to the rise in oil costs. The Biden energy policy is weakening the ability of the US to defend itself if a greater war breaks out by exporting oil overseas, even to China. And Hunter Biden’s name is once again associated with corruption. Having said that, it is now revealed that under the guise of easing the record increases in gasoline prices at the pump “in response to Vladimir Putin’s war of choice against Ukraine,” the Department of Energy announced in April that it was selling “1 million barrels per day from the SPR for the next six months.” Reuters reports that this action “is draining the SPR, which last month fell to the lowest since 1986. U.S. crude futures are above $100 per barrel and gasoline and diesel prices above $5 a gallon in one-fifth of the nation.” Reuters also reported on July 5th that “More than 5 million barrels of oil that were part of a historic U.S. emergency reserves release to lower domestic fuel prices were exported to Europe and Asia last month, according to data and sources, even as U.S. gasoline and diesel prices hit record highs.” Not only is Biden selling US oil to Europe and Asia, he may be enriching his own family. It just so happens that in that April sale of America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve about a million barrels of oil was sold to Unipec America, the trading arm of Sinopec, owned by the Communist Chinese government. The Washington Free Beacon reports that BHR Partners, a private equity firm Hunter Biden cofounded in 2013, “bought a $1.7 billion stake in Sinopec Marketing in 2015. Biden at one point owned a 10 percent stake in BHR Partners through his wholly owned firm, Skaneateles, LLC…Chinese business records still list Biden’s firm as a BHR shareholder, and Washington, D.C., records still show Biden as the firm’s owner.” Owner or not, the selling of oil to China is detrimental to America. Biden’s policies are draining the SPR, and instead of lowering gas prices they are causing record fuel prices, food prices and damaging every aspect of personal finances. Moreover, Biden may be lining his family’s pockets with under the table deals by his son Hunter. Congressman Troy Nehis (R-TX) summed it up, saying, “While you are paying FIVE DOLLARS a gallon at the pump and struggling to pay your electricity bill, Biden just sold one million barrels of our reserved oil to China so his family can make a buck. This is impeachable.” Proverbs 29:2 says, When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked bear rule, the people mourn.” Not much rejoicing these days about the wickedness ruling over America. Sources: Daily Devotion: Resurrection Woman - by Greg Laurie – So the people came streaming from the village to see him —John 4:30 - Listen She would go to draw water in the heat of the day, when no one else was at the well. The other women went there earlier in the day and caught up on the village gossip. But they ostracized her because of the life she’d chosen to live. But one day she arrived to find someone waiting for her: Jesus Christ, the very Son of God. He went out of His way to meet with her because unbeknownst to her, she had an appointment with God. Jesus entered her world, and she heard the truth of His message. He told her how, if she drank of the water He gave her, she never would thirst again, and there would be a well of living water coming out of her life. So she believed. And when she realized she had been talking with the Messiah, she left her water jar, ran back to the village, and said, “Come and see a man who told me everything I ever did! Could he possibly be the Messiah?” (John 4:29 nlt). The next verse tells us, “So the people came streaming from the village to see him” (verse 30 nlt). We don’t know this woman’s name, but she was a resurrection woman, a woman who had been changed. She had a bad reputation, but the people in the village saw her passion and her excitement for what Christ had done for her. As a result, they came and wanted to see and hear Jesus for themselves. Interestingly, 79 percent of unchurched people agree with the following statement: “I don’t mind talking to a friend about their faith if they really value it.” They want to see if you actually believe it yourself and value it yourself. When you’re sharing your faith with others, there’s power in your personal story. You just need to be willing to share it. FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY, TRULY, THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT? One of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed, and if that information inspires you, and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers, and open the eyes of non-believers, and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy, then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides, and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. 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