We Can See It Coming - By Daymond Duck -
I am an optimist because: · I believe Christians will soon see Jesus, see many of those that wrote the Bible, see multitudes of angels, etc. · I believe Christians’ saved loved ones will soon be raised from the dead, and we will see them (I will soon see my deceased wife, and she will have a new body that will never get sick or die). · I believe there is a good possibility that many Christians could go to heaven without getting sick, dying, having to be buried, etc. · I believe the gates of Hell will not prevail against the Church, Christians will not go through one minute of the Tribulation Period, Christians will not be on earth when the persecution gets unbearable, Christians will not have to deal with the Mark of the Beast, etc. · I believe the gospel will soon go all over the world, multitudes will soon be saved, all Israel will soon be saved, etc. · I believe Jesus redeemed this Creation at the same time He redeemed a people on the cross, and the mess this world is in is temporary because Jesus will take this Creation back during the Tribulation Period. · I believe there will soon be 1,000 years of peace, justice, and righteousness on earth, Jesus will be worshipped all over the globe, many Christians will have a crown of righteousness for loving His appearing, and Christians will come back to live and reign with Jesus here on this earth for 1,000 years. · I refuse to ignore or be in denial about the signs, and I refuse to be pessimistic about the condition of the world because this world is not the Christian’s home, and we win. · Finally, I am optimistic because I believe God’s promises, know that He said we can see the day approaching, know that many great prophecy teachers agree that we see the day approaching, and I know that we have much to rejoice about. Here are some reasons why I believe we see the Second Coming approaching: One, concerning potential corruption in the White House and at the U.S. Dept. of Justice (DOJ): on Feb. 2, 2021, it was reported that Pres. Biden’s pick to run the DOJ’s Criminal Division and one of Hunter Biden’s new Criminal Defense Attorneys are from the same law firm. Two, concerning a peace treaty in the Middle East: on Feb. 4, 2021, it was reported that UN Sec. Gen. Guterres wants to restart the Middle East Peace Process in the UN Quartet (US, EU, Russia, and UN) meetings. Guterres thinks the meetings could succeed in producing a peace treaty because Biden “supports a two-state solution between Israel and the PA and will overturn several decisions made under his predecessor, Donald Trump.” Guterres thinks Trump’s decisions need to be overturned because the Palestinians want a capital in East Jerusalem, plus they want Gaza and all the territory that Israel captured from Jordan in 1967. Based on Scripture, this writer believes these people are just begging for the judgment of God to fall on this world, and they will come to regret what they are doing. Three, concerning Jerusalem: on Feb. 4, 2021, the U.S. Senate added a resolution to the Covid stimulus bill that affirmed America’s intention to permanently keep the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem. Biden’s administration said it does not intend to move the U.S. embassy, but they support a capital for the Palestinians in East Jerusalem. Jerusalem is a cup of trembling and burdensome stone for the whole world. Four, also concerning Jerusalem: on Feb. 1, 2021, Kosovo established diplomatic ties with Israel. Kosovo recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and Israel recognized Kosovo’s independence from Serbia. The next day, the Arab Parliament condemned the decision and urged Kosovo to reverse it, but that is not likely to happen. Five, concerning Covid vaccinations: on Feb. 5, 2021, reported that U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data shows that between Dec. 14, 2020, and Jan. 29, 2021: · 35 million people have received one or both shots. · There have been 501 reported deaths (453 in the U.S.). · There have been 10,748 reported adverse events (sent to doctor; admitted to hospital; permanently disabled, etc.). · The average age of those that died was 77, and the youngest person to die was 23. · In addition to the above, 139 cases of facial distortion and 13 miscarriages have been reported. In addition to the above, know that on Feb. 8, 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) said the current vaccines may not work on new strains of Covid that already exist. People may need a different kind of vaccine. Six, concerning pestilence in Israel: on Feb. 5, 2021, Joel Rosenberg, Editor-in-Chief of All Israel News, correctly pointed out that II Chron. 7:12-14 is God’s promise to heal and forgive Israel in the days of drought, famine, plague, etc., in response to the Israelis humbling themselves, praying and seeking Him. Rosenberg noted that Israel’s Covid lockdown has not saved Israel, but God can. Rosenberg asked Israeli Prime Min. Netanyahu, Pres. Rivlin, and the entire Israeli Knesset to publicly call for a National Day of Prayer based upon God’s promise in II Chron. 7:14. Based on Scripture (Jer. 18:8), Rosenberg concluded that it is not wrong for other nations to follow God’s instructions in II Chron. 7:12-14. At the time of this writing, this writer has not seen a response from Israel’s officials. Seven, also on Feb. 5, 2021, researchers at an Israeli hospital said they have possibly developed a drug that may cure serious cases of Covid. 30 patients with moderate to severe cases of Covid inhaled the medicine for a few minutes once a day for 5 days, and 29 showed definite improvement in just two days (they were released from the hospital 3 to 5 days later). More tests are planned, but the hospital believes their discovery is a game-changer. Eight, concerning world government and open borders: on Feb. 1, 2021, U.S. Border Patrol agents arrested 11 Iranian citizens (6 men and 5 women) when they illegally entered Arizona from Mexico. Three more Iranians were caught at this same location earlier this year, and others have been caught crossing at other places in the U.S. this year. Open borders increase the chance of terrorist attacks in the U.S. Nine, concerning world government and world religion: on Jan. 29, 2021, German Cardinal Gerhard Muller warned that Western capitalists, big-tech giants, and China are forming a dangerous alliance to control what people think, say, and do for the purpose of ruling the world. Cardinal Muller warned: · That the World Economic Forum (WEF) is using Covid to call for a Great Reset to change the values (sounds like a one-world religion) and subjugate (sounds like a one-world government) the lives of everyone on earth. · That this effort to control what everyone on earth thinks, says, and does is a deliberate action, not an innocent endeavor or a conspiracy theory. · That Biden is now leading a campaign to “de-Christianize” the Western world (by pushing the Great Reset, promoting abortion, the gay agenda, etc.). · He urged Christians not to participate actively or passively in this growing evil. Ten, on Feb. 5, 2021, it was reported that the U.S. Federal Reserve is working with a group of international central banks (in England, France, Japan, China, Canada, Dubai, Switzerland, etc.) to push the Green Agenda, the Great Reset, the Paris Climate Change accords, the UN 2030 Sustainable Development goals, the world’s economic systems, the world’s depopulation goals, etc. As I understand what they intend to do, any government, business or individual that wants to borrow money, apply for a grant, receive a stimulus package, etc., will have to commit to the globalist agenda, or they will not get it. Put another way, people will have to support the globalist agenda to qualify for a loan, grant, etc. (they must submit to qualify, or they will be rejected). This is not far-fetched. Tucker Carlson recently reported that Bank of America gave credit card information to the FBI on people that purchased items (T-shirts, weapons or weapons-related items, hotel rooms, etc.) in Washington D.C, Maryland, or Virginia on Jan. 5 or 6, 2021 (the day of the capitol takeover). Eleven, concerning the coming economic collapse and famine: on Feb. 4, 2021, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. wrote an article for Technocracy News & Trends that said global lockdowns have: · Bankrupted 100,000 businesses in the U.S. · Impoverished one billion people worldwide. · Threatened the food supply of one billion people worldwide. Twelve, concerning persecution: on Feb. 3, 2021, it was reported that a proposed law in Denmark will require all sermons not preached in Danish to be translated into the Danish language and submitted to the government in writing. Religious groups are protesting this law and expressing concern that approval in Denmark could trigger similar laws in other nations. The bill is not clear, but religious groups also fear that they will have to submit their sermons to the government for approval before the sermons can be preached. Thirteen, concerning gun control and world government: on Feb. 1, 2021, it was reported that a bill called H.R. 127 has been introduced in Congress (on Jan. 4, 2021) to track the make, model, and serial number of all firearms, who owns the firearm, the date each firearm was acquired, and where the firearm is being stored; it applies retroactively, and it covers firearms that a person has owned for a long time. Those that already own firearms will be required to take a psychological evaluation, be subjected to a criminal background check, and their spouse and at least two family members or associates must be interviewed by a licensed psychologist. Congress has not yet voted on the bill, but it is important to understand that Biden has promised gun control legislation, and many politicians want to disarm America before they surrender the sovereignty of the U.S. to the UN. Gun sales have broken all records since this bill was introduced. Finally, if you want to go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this. Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc. Daymond Duck [email protected] Israel Watch: A Remarkable Story – Jim Fletcher - Isaiah 11:11-12 is an astonishing passage, because in it, God lays out in some detail what He will do for the Jewish people at a pivot moment in history. In that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second time to reclaim the surviving remnant of his people from Assyria, from Lower Egypt, from Upper Egypt, from Cush, from Elam, from Babylonia, from Hamath and from the islands of the Mediterranean. He will raise a banner for the nations and gather the exiles of Israel; he will assemble the scattered people of Judah from the four quarters of the earth. A second time. I once debated a preterist on this and other points, regarding the relevance of modern Jews to their ancient history and their future history. So many people want to miss the significance of Jews in history. I am convinced—and have been for some time—that many modern American professing Christians despise the Jews and Israel. Some are indifferent, which is almost worse. They have been taught from the seminaries and pulpits that the Exodus was Hebrew legend. Or that Abraham was a mythical figure. Or that the promises God made to the Jews in the Old Testament have in fact been transferred to Christian gentiles, due to the Jews’ collective rejection of Jesus as the Messiah. But nowhere in Scripture do you find any such transfer of promises. You do find it in the hearts of professing Christians that loathe Jews. I’ve seen it countless times, perceived it from conversations, read about it. I’ve had many, many conversations with people that say they have theological problems with “Christian Zionism.” In fact, I believe in every instance that they simply do not like Jews or the Jewish state. It’s pretty clear from Scripture that the return of the Babylonian exiles in the sixth century B.C. was not the great end times regathering that soaks through every page of the Old Testament. That was the first return, and a very partial one at that. Not even all the Jewish captives returned after 70 years in Babylon. It was only in the last half century that most of Iraq’s Jews were expelled. What do we make of Jeremiah 31:8? See, I will bring them from the land of the north and gather them from the ends of the earth. What we make of it is the same thing we make of Isaiah 11. God fully intended and intends to gather His Chosen in a great, dramatic last days return to the land of their forefathers. He does this for many reasons, not the least of which is found in Ezekiel 39:6-- I will send fire on Magog and on those who live in safety in the coastlands, and they will know that I am the Lord. The reason is to magnify His own precious name. To show the world that yes, the Creator God exists and still acts in the affairs of men. Perhaps Deuteronomy 30:1-3 is the most epic statement of all: When all these blessings and curses I have set before you come on you and you take them to heart wherever the Lord your God disperses you among the nations, and when you and your children return to the Lord your God and obey him with all your heart and with all your soul according to everything I command you today, then the Lord your God will restore your fortunes and have compassion on you and gather you again from all the nations where he scattered you. This is extraordinary! Here God is telling the Jewish people under the leadership of Moses what will happen to them far into the future! He is calling something out far ahead of its due date. A modern story I love involves the great “shootout” football game of 1969 between unbeaten Arkansas and Texas. The winner would be named national champion. Near the end, with Arkansas up 14-8 on their own field, Texas faced a fourth down, in their own side of the field. Primarily a running (wishbone) team, Texas rarely threw the ball. Everyone in the stadium expected All-American fullback Steve Worster to get the ball right up the middle. So head coach Darrell Royal called a deep pass to his tight end! Quarterback James Street faked to Worster, then dropped back to throw. He hit Randy Peschel far downfield and Texas scored two plays later to win. In the chaotic locker room later, someone asked Royal who called the dramatic fourth-down play. “I called it, and I called it long,” Royal said. I love it. The wily old coach wanted everyone to know he had done something literally no one would have expected, on the biggest stage. Even Street, on his way back to the huddle after a timeout to confer about the epic call, stopped halfway and turned to Royal: “Are you sure, coach?” Royal waved him on. On an infinitely bigger stage, God has done the same thing. He has literally called prophecy “long,” because some of the fulfillment was intended for thousands of years into the future. After “many days” as Ezekiel recorded. The remarkable story of the ingathering of Jewish exiles in our day signals that we are in the last days, and I would say this is the primary reason I believe we are in that time. All other things aside. You live in the time that the Jews have re-entered history! This should give you great confidence and peace, especially in our time. Rest in this marvelous truth. [email protected] Economic Tyranny Soon? Digital Footprint To Determine Credit Worthiness – Robert Wheeler - For years, researchers have warned of a system in which the government controls every aspect of its citizens' lives. Every citizen would have to rely entirely on the government to survive in this system. This system has been openly discussed for many years by the "ruling class." Aka: those who have been allotted social credit (or not) and power based upon their views and opinions. The system has already begun in China and is now spreading globally In a recent post, "What is Really New In Fintech," on the IMF blog (International Monetary Fund), authors Arnoud Boot, Peter Hoffmann, Luc Laeven, and Lev Ratnovski suggest "rapid technological change" in the financial industry. Many social media and other online platforms are now creating and accepting payments. This revolutionary change in the banking world could change the face of finance forever. As a result of this rapid change, the authors bring up the following questions: What are the transformative aspects of recent financial innovation that can uproot finance as we know it? Which new policy challenges will the transformation of finance bring? To answer these questions, the authors wrote: Recent IMF and ECB staff research distinguishes two areas of financial innovation. One is information: new tools to collect and analyse data on customers, for example for determining creditworthiness. Another is communication: new approaches to customer relationships and the distribution of financial products. We argue that each dimension contains some transformative components. The authors mention the importance and functionality of "determining creditworthiness." The method they want to use to do so can be found in the section labeled "New Types Of Information," where they write: The most transformative information innovation is the increase in use of new types of data coming from the digital footprint of customers' various online activities--mainly for creditworthiness analysis. Credit scoring using so-called hard information (income, employment time, assets, and debts) is nothing new. Typically, the more data is available, the more accurate is the assessment. But this method has two problems. First, hard information tends to be "procyclical": it boosts credit expansion in good times but exacerbates contraction during downturns. The second and most complex problem is that certain kinds of people, like new entrepreneurs, innovators, and many informal workers, might not have enough hard data available. Even a well-paid expatriate moving to the United States can be caught in the conundrum of not getting a credit card for lack of credit record, and not having a credit record for lack of credit cards. Fintech resolves the dilemma by tapping various nonfinancial data: the type of browser and hardware used to access the internet, the history of online searches, and purchases. Recent research documents that, once powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning, these alternative data sources are often superior than traditional credit assessment methods, and can advance financial inclusion, by, for example, enabling more credit to informal workers and households, and firms in rural areas. The type of browser used could potentially indicate a different ranking for browsers that heavily track users, like Chrome, vs. browsers that emphasize privacy, like Brave. So what does this all mean for our financial future? It means the IMF authors suggest the global banking network begin using a history of online searches and purchases to determine "creditworthiness." In other words, do you read CNN and purchase sports memorabilia? You're approved! Do you read Prophecy News Watch and buy Christian prophecy related material? We're sorry, you can not be approved at this time based on your credit score. In Brandon Turbeville's 2019 article Social Media, Universal Basic Income, and Cashless Society: How China's Social Credit System Is Coming To America he wrote: Unbeknownst to most people, there appears to be a real attempt to create a system in which all citizens are rationed their "wages" digitally each month in place of a paycheck or ability to gain or lose money. This system would see any form of dissent resulting in the cut off of those credits and the ability to work, eat, or even exist in society. It would not only be the end of dissent but of any semblance of real individuality. Turbeville outlines a plan to create a Universal Basic Income (UBI). The scheme, tied to a social credit system, will essentially cut off the financial lifeline to anyone who does not entirely toe the establishment line. I encourage you to take a look at the article and see for yourself how this scheme is coming together. With Biden's new administration that is openly more "global" in its outlook, the IMF has already stated that it will seek to reset its relationship with the United States and that Biden's "commitment to multilateral institutions and his pledge to re-enter the Paris climate agreement should help the IMF advance its own targets." And you thought it was challenging to gain approval before... The pairing of online history with credit scores is bad enough. Doing so has prevented many otherwise creditworthy citizens from accessing what they need to start businesses, buy homes, rent apartments, or buy cars. Some states have suggested laws that use your search history and social media when being assessed for your worthiness to purchase a firearm, and the Bank of America has made it incredibly clear just this past week that your purchases and financial records are by no means private. However, pairing both of those with the Universal Basic Income is even worse. We are fast approaching a time where even the slightest difference of opinion from the norm (i.e., the ruling class) can result in a complete freeze-out of the "offender" from the entire society. The Economic Crisis Caused By This Pandemic Has Dramatically Altered How Americans Are Living Their Lives – Michael Snyder - This seemingly endless COVID pandemic is causing immense stress for millions of ordinary Americans. In past articles, I have discussed the fact that surveys have shown that Americans are drinking more alcohol and taking more drugs during this pandemic. Even more alarming, we have seen suicide rates spike over the past 12 months as well. Sadly, this isn’t just happening here in the United States. All over the globe, more people are ending their own lives during this pandemic. But of course most people aren’t going to go that far. Instead, most people are just going to quietly struggle along, but in the process many of them are making huge changes to their lifestyles. For example, this pandemic appears to be greatly affecting both marriage and divorce rates. Here are just a couple of examples… In Oregon, divorces in the pandemic months of March through December were down about 24% from those months in 2019; marriages were down 16%. In Florida, for the same months, divorces were down 20% and marriages were down 27%. I can understand why so many Americans are putting off marriage right now. A wedding can be extremely expensive, and many Americans may be hesitant to permanently tie the knot with so much economic uncertainty in our future. But why are divorce rates down by so much? That is a very good question. Limited access to courts during the lockdowns was certainly one factor, and many Americans are also concerned about what a divorce would mean for them financially… One reason for fewer divorces: In many states, access to courts for civil cases was severely curtailed during the pandemic’s early stages. Another reason, according to marriage counselors, is that many couples backed off from a possibly imminent divorce for fear it would only worsen pandemic-fueled financial insecurity. Meanwhile, this pandemic has also caused more Americans than ever to put off having children. In fact, birth rates are way down all over the country… According to a Bloomberg analysis, births decreased by 19 percent in California between December 2019 and December 2020. Data from Florida, Hawaii, Arizona, and Ohio show large declines in birth rates since the pandemic started compared to the previous year’s data, too. A survey conducted by Modern Fertility, a company that sells fertility tests directly to consumers, found that 30 percent of nearly 4,000 people surveyed stated they changed their fertility plans due to COVID-19. One in four of those respondents said they’ve become unsure about having children at all; the most commonly cited reason was uncertainty about the world. At the beginning of this pandemic, some had suggested that we may see a “baby boom”, but it appears that we are experiencing a “baby bust” instead. The rising cost of living is causing a tremendous amount of stress for ordinary Americans as well. Thanks to the crazy spending that Congress has been doing and the reckless money printing that the Federal Reserve has been engaged in, the money supply is skyrocketing and prices are aggressively rising all over the country. Just look at what has been happening to natural gas prices. The recent cold snap has created a dramatic spike in demand, and this has pushed natural gas prices to unprecedented levels. The following comes from Zero Hedge… … we hit the proverbial offerless market where any natgas that was available would be purchased at virtually any price, which is why midcontinent prices such as the Oneok OGT nat gas spot exploded from $3.46 one week ago, to $9 on Wednesday, $60.28 on Thursday and an insane $377.13 on Friday, up 32,000% in a few days. This is one of those places where having a limit up circuit breaker could actually be useful, even though there simply is nowhere near enough product to satisfy demand at any price hence the explosive move. Hubs across the Midcontinent led the surge in prices again Feb. 12 as weather forecasts predicted the coldest temperatures in more than a decade would hit the region over the upcoming holiday weekend. Platts reported that at locations across Kansas, Oklahoma and Eastern Arkansas, hub prices were trading at single-day record highs around $200 to $300/MMBtu. Regional hubs, which typically service only limited local demand, saw fierce competition among shippers, utilities and end-users looking to meet weekend requirements. This is a reminder of what can happen when things get crazy. If a short-term cold spell can cause this much chaos, what would happen during a long-term national emergency? That is something to think about. Other Americans don’t need to worry about heating their homes, because this pandemic has forced them to live in their vehicles… Americans are being driven into their vehicles by pandemic-fueled woes. And their ranks are likely to grow as the government safety net frays and evictions and foreclosures rise. “It’s in times of crisis that the fragility of our systems are laid bare,” said Graham Pruss, a postdoctoral scholar with the Benioff Homelessness and Housing Initiative at the UC San Francisco Center for Vulnerable Populations. Particularly on the west coast, government officials have been setting up huge parking lots where those that live in their vehicles can sleep safely at night. Many of those that are now sleeping in their vehicles were once living comfortable middle class lifestyles, but now this crisis has changed everything. Nicholas Atencio and Heather Surovik are two examples… For months, Nicholas Atencio and girlfriend Heather Surovik spent nearly every minute of their lives together in a 2000 Cadillac Escalade. After Atencio, 33, lost his job as a plumber in May, he and Surovik, 36, delivered for Grubhub by day and at night curled up with their puppy on an air bed in the back of their car parked in a lot in Longmont, Colorado, dreaming of being reunited under one roof with Surovik’s teenage son who was living with his grandmother. Have you ever spent a night in a vehicle? If you have, then you already know that it isn’t pleasant. Unfortunately, once eviction moratoriums are finally lifted all over the country we are going to see the largest tsunami of evictions in American history. So that means that a lot more people are going to end up sleeping in their vehicles. These are very troubled times, and they are about to get even more troubled… Daily Jot: Presidents’ Day Conviction – Bill Wilson – Presidents’ Day was celebrated for the first time as an official holiday in 1879 to commemorate America’s first President George Washington, which was held on his birthday, February 22. The Uniform Monday Holiday Act of 1971 changed the date of the holiday to the third Monday of each February, and Abraham Lincoln, whose birthday is February 12 was added to the honor. Both those presidents are now being disparaged by the “cancel” crowd because Washington owned slaves and Lincoln for his treatment of Native Americans. What people don’t really seem to understand is that humans are flawed. We all fall short of the glory of God. History reminds us of past mistakes or successes. It is necessary to progress. It is no coincidence that the impeachment trial of President, now citizen, Donald Trump came on the eve of Presidents’ Day. The communist-style show trial ended in acquittal as did the first show trial of “trumped” up charges against Trump. The impeachment of Trump actually began just before he took office when Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton drummed up fake evidence, which was paid for by Clinton and the Democratic National Committee, to get a secret FISA Court warrant to spy on Trump’s campaign. Over four years later with constant media, entertainment industry, and Democratic Party attacks and scores of millions of taxpayer dollars spent, the political assassination moves on with yet another impeachment without conviction. The word “conviction” is pretty powerful here. While the Democrats wasted all that time and taxpayer money without a conviction, it is also indicative of their conviction of will. The single conviction of obstructing Trump and removing him from office cost America a lot. It cost America decency. It cost America goodwillI cost America in terms of dividing the nation, dividing friends, and dividing even families—daughters and sons, husbands and wives. This was a clear demonstration of the conviction of those who care more about their power, their erroneous idea that they are right no matter what, of their intolerance and bigotry—the very things of which they accuse their opponents. The cancel culture against the Presidency is no less a movement to destroy representative government. It is also an attack on Judeo-Christian values and the Creator himself. How so? Because these same people are trying to also redefine God into their own mold of sexual identity, science, creation, infanticide, climate, freedom, and so on. They wish to cancel God because his Word is not in alignment with their beliefs. As you ponder Presidents’ Day, understand that the conviction of those who received no conviction is a strong conviction against the one true God. As is written in 1 Timothy 2:5, “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” Yet there is conviction to cancel him. Daily Devotion: The Choice to Please God - by Greg Laurie – Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. —2 Timothy 3:12 - Listen Every day we face three possible motivations about whom we’re going to please: We can seek to please ourselves; we can seek to please other people; or, we can seek to please God. But we can’t do all three. If you live to please yourself, you’ll live a miserable life. In fact, the best way to be unhappy is to spend your life in the pursuit of being happy. If you live primarily for yourself, wanting to please yourself, you never will be pleased. But then if you live to please others, you may be even more miserable. If you’re a people pleaser, you’ll be really upset if you don’t get enough likes on your Instagram post or if get a little pushback on social media. You’re going to have a very difficult life if that’s the way you live. The one you should want to please is God. But I have to tell you this. If you choose to please God, not everyone will be pleased. In fact, if you live a godly life and stand for truth, then you will face opposition. The Bible says that “all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution” (2 Timothy 3:12 NKJV). So when you’re living a life that’s pleasing to the Lord, be aware that some people will be very unhappy about it Yet Jesus made this amazing statement: “And He who sent Me is with Me. The Father has not left Me alone, for I always do those things that please Him” (John 8:29 NKJV). I would like to be able to say that I usually do the things that please the Father. But Jesus actually could say, “I always do those things that please Him” (emphasis added). Let’s make it our aim to live lives that are well-pleasing to God.
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