We Were Never Really Here – Pete Garcia -
By 1783, the American Revolution was over and the greatest experiment in human liberty was about to begin. Unbeknownst to the founders, this new nation, which declared our liberty was not granted by government, but by God, would go on to change the course of events for the next two and a half centuries. However, while the musket smoke was still clearing the air in places like Brooklyn and Princeton, a revolution of another kind was brewing in the hearts and minds of the French on the other side of the Atlantic. By 1789, the French government under King Louis the XVI was in financial ruin and his treasuries empty. After a series of political and economic missteps by the King and his nobles, the Third Estate (the common class) formed mobs and took to the streets. They stormed the Bastille and soon enough, took control of the government. In the fervor of Liberté, égalité, fraternité, they created the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, whose declaration was founded upon secular philosophy. They then formed an Assembly by which they (the disenfranchised) used as a legal means to begin exacting their revenge on the nobles, aristocrats, royals, and anyone else they thought deserved it. Their government eventually fell under the control of men like Robespierre and his Jacobins, but that "reign of terror" came to an abrupt end after only a year. By 1795, another 10,000 Frenchmen and women would lose their heads to the guillotine's blade and a military general named Napolean was on the ascendancy. The French Revolution This undeniable event in our history put the end to a monarchy with divine rights. From this point on, France no longer saw itself as the “Eldest Daughter of the Church”. France established itself as a benchmark country for Human Rights and the concept of secularism progressively became one of its protective frameworks. On 12 July 1790, the Civil Constitution of the Clergy introduced an initial severance following the nationalisation of the Church's properties. Secularism crossed a threshold with the Concordat of 1801, which placed the church under the guardianship of state power, creating civil marriage and the civil state in particular. (Source) While the government in France has since changed its form and function almost as routinely as one changes their clothes, the American experiment has proven to be quite resilient, perhaps even more so than the founders could have ever dreamed. Nevertheless, the twin spoils of war, luxury, and leisure have wrought more damage to the American dream than anything the Civil War, the Third Reich, or the Japanese could have ever done. In our hard-won victories, America grew both proud and weak; assured that the sacrifice of the previous generation would be enough to carry us through another century of status quo. “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” Pres. Ronald Reagan Although the ways and means of the two revolutions couldn't be further apart in terms of end-results, both nations have now arrived at the same end-times destination all the worse for wear. The United States of 2021, bears more likeness to the administration of King Louis XVI of 1789 than it does the United States of 1945. The resemblance has taken the shape of overwhelming financial troubles, an overly corrupt government, and the democrat-progressive led establishment of a two-class system consisting of the haves (bourgeoisie), and the have-nots (proletariat). A perfect example of this growing wealth-divide is California, and the eradication of its middle class. Nevertheless, this detached and yet powerful bourgeoisie represented by the career academics and politicians, Hollywood and media elite, tech and corporate oligarchs, and a growing unelected deep state apparatus, issue their conscriptive fiats via tweets and interviews from the comfort of their urban fiefdoms. They hold the keys to the bully pulpit, and have increasingly decided they are no longer interested in the "conversation" they championed for so long. Besides, its much easier to simply stifle the dissent via censorship rather than have to debate the merits of an idea. And since the 2020 election, the now unified bourgeoisie-class has decided to boil their new party platform down to four words (in ref to the rest of us)--"let them eat cake." Meanwhile, in flyover country, the proletariat (i.e., the poor, the working class, the Trump voters, and the average Joes) attempt to eke out an existence largely living hand to mouth and paycheck to paycheck. They watch helplessly as rising inflation (due to out-of-control national debt and the overprinting of currency) eats away at their hard-earned American dream. Disruptions in our supply pipeline seem to come with increasing regularity, and come and go like rolling blackouts. Shortages in fuel, lumber, power, food products, microchips, toilet paper and so on, appear to be part of this new normal globalists keep going on and on about. Adding insult to injury, the proletariat just bore witness to the their one and only presidential champion getting sidelined by one of the most outlandish and frighteningly bizarre coup d'états in modern political history. There is a storm on the horizon of apocalyptic magnitude. One could make the argument that the French are better suited for weathering the coming global upheaval than we Americans. Given their history of war-mongering neighbors and a continuous parade of unreliable governments, the French have had to endure much worse, for much longer, than we over these same past two and a half centuries. At least they have had the practice. The United States, on the other hand, has grown soft and effete. We are in such a weakened state that we are practically letting China (a near-peer), dictate the terms of our economic surrender. What this means is no American with the means to make a difference, will risk upsetting the Chinese and/or corporate applecart. The applecart representing the massive influx of cheap manufactured goods coming straight from the Chinese plantations to a Target or Walmart near you. Not only this, but nations around the world are sensing our growing vulnerability and are even now, prepositioning themselves for this eventuality. Once stalwart allies are putting sunshine between us. Enemies are becoming emboldened and are now readying their forces. Nations formerly under the banner of our protection, are seeking other alliances elsewhere. This has led to the world regionalizing in the reality that a once quasi-benevolent superpower who held the world in check, is now on the outs. The world is approaching the knife's edge and the only ones who seem to be in denial of this, are our leaders. Conclusion "Almost by definition, secularism cannot be a future: it's a present-tense culture that over time disconnects a society from cross-generational purpose. Which is why there are no examples of sustained atheist civilizations. "Atheistic humanism" became inhumanism in the hands of the Fascists and Communists and, in its less malign form in today's European Union, a kind of dehumanism in which a present-tense culture amuses itself to extinction." Mark Steyn As far as the history books go, a monarchy (King Louis XVIII) eventually returned to France after Napolean was deposed in 1814, albeit, in a much weaker state. The French had gotten a taste of liberty, and were determined not to let that revolution (as flawed as it was) go to waste...hence, the frequent change in governments in the many decades to follow. Meanwhile, the anti-Christian zeitgeist of human secularism lingered on long after Voltaire and other humanist philosophers passed into their eternal destinies. Secularism lingered because the Roman Catholic Church had all but squandered all of its goodwill and biblical authority in the centuries prior pretending to be "the Kingdom" vis a vis the Holy Roman Empire. Thus, in a post-revolution, secualized France, the Roman Catholic Church's claims of apostolic authority were as empty as King Louis XVI's treasure vaults. From the French Revolution, came forth the rise of atheism, agnosticism, and skepticism, which spread from France to the rest of Europe like a second, spiritualized wave of the Black Death which had plagued Europe in the 1300s. It left its victims hopeless, helpless, angry, and spiritually bankrupt. Adding insult to injury, this secularization helped popularize the disastrous philosophies of men like Charles Darwin and Karl Marx. Fromt here, human secularism began to creep into the universities and the seminaries in the forms of liberalism, progressivism, higher criticism, and many other 'ism's'. Before long, this new spiritual pandemic was finding its way into the new world and her many universities, seminaries, and other ideological ports of entry. In a practical sense, the Americans had bailed Europe out twice between World War I and II; thus, from a European leaders' perspective, the US had her uses. However, from the 1950s onward, there began to rise a growing dichotomy between the increasingly secularized European nations and the still religiously attuned United States. This problem was not so much with the American elites, but with the people themselves. The American people (i.e., the proletariats), whom both the American and European elites largely viewed as uncooth primitives (i.e., bitter clingers, Easter-worshippers, gun-toting, freedom loving, capitalist, Christians in the bible belt), were the problem. This is not a theoretical problem. This is not even an ideological problem. This is an existential problem. It's existential because there is no coexisting with a worldview that seeks to put you in the dustbin of history, and then rewrite that history as if you were never really here. (Example: Hadrian's Curse) If the European elites, who had tolerated decades of anti-semitism leading up to World War II and the Holocaust, are now willing to trash their own nations via unchecked Muslim immigration (who are largely anti semitic), do you not think they would demand the same from their American counterparts? This is part and parcel why Trump met such fierce resistance during his tenure because he intended to curb this form of weapons of mass migration with a wall. Weaponized Immigration, which is orchestrated by a nation's adversary, seeks to overwhelm the receiving nation by masses of desperate people, with no protocols for assimilation. It is the fastest way to undo a culture. So why are the elite doing this? Better question- why are the elites STILL doing this in the middle of a so-called global pandemic? It is because the elites (both American and European bourgeoisie) are being driven to do this by a much older, ancient force than even they understand. For the record, they don't understand it because they don't believe it (thanks, Human Secularism). Yet that lack of belief does not negate the reality or the agenda of these dark spiritual forces. These elite hate Christians as equally as they hate the Israel, yet, they can't comprehend the rationality behind that hatred anymore than a dog can understand why it hates a cat. The reason why its not rational, is because that hatred goes beyond the temporal, corporeal reality we presently exist in. That hatred is from the father of lies himself, the Devil. He hates the Jews because of who they are (God's covenant nation) and their rebirth as a nation in 1948 signaled to him the end of the age and his coming judgment is nigh at hand. The Devil hates the Christian because of who we identify with (Jesus Christ) and even though from an eternal perspective, we are untouchable, he wages war against us now to make us of no effect. Thus, his two primary missions: Erase Israel and stamp out Christianity. In doing these, the Devil has convinced the European elites that the only way to fix the world's problems, is to put the whole world under one, singular government, much as it was back in the days of the Roman Empire. But the Americans and their Constitution, have increasingly becoming the main obstacle to this supposed global utopia. Thus, from a first cause perspective, he must first sideline America in order to implement said global agenda. Unsurprisingly, he has successfully convinced our American elites that national suicide is our only viable option to save the planet. Hence the demand by the left for total amnesty, open borders, universal mail in ballots, abortion on demand, vaccine passports, social credit scores, defunding of law enforcement, deconstructing US history, green new deal, and the dechristianizing of the public market place of ideas. Adding copious amounts of salt to said national wound is the draconian governmental enforcement of an ever-increasing laundry list of politically correct dos and donts, to accommodate an ever-increasing and diverse list of victim classes who are usually located within the LGBTQ+A?, Islamist, indigenous, and progressive socialist groups. This is the same lunacy for which our literary forefathers had unwittingly forewarned us about many decades ago. G.K. Chesterton's 1914 novel, The Flying Inn (here) and George Orwell's 1984 (here) eerily foreshadow what we are actually living through now. Other notables include: Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged, Philip K. Dick's Minority Report, and even often Rod Sterling's Twilight Zone. Since their day (Chesterton, Orwell), modern western civilization has proven, if anything, is that she will fight to the death every single time a tyrannical tinpot despot in a funny uniform rises up. Paradoxically, western civilization will also bend the knee every single time a weaker and considerably more psychotic progressive proposes some new form of legislative lunacy. The latter intellectual is often far more dangerous than the former. Multiculturalism is a good reminder that when standards are relative, there are no standards at all. Victor Davis Hanson Consequently, the United States has repeatedly flattered itself into believing the endless procession of Trojan Horses lined up at the gates are gifts from relationship-minded old-world suitors offering cheap labor and even cheaper capitalism in exchange for our liberality. However, we fool ourselves into believing that our supposed philosophical, political, and economic superiority, echoes familiarly in the hearts of people everywhere, not realizing, our experiment in human liberty is the exception, not the norm. This realization is why multiculturalism and cultural relativism are so destructive to our nation in particular. Nevertheless, we are no more immune to the poisonous ideologies that have been destroying the world since the 1800s than we are to some exotic virus that is but a plane ride away from becoming a global pandemic. Conclusion Human Secularism, as the biblical Jude once noted (regarding false teachers), crept in unnoticed. It was the gradual infection of humanism (in all its forms) which began the rot of incrementalism and gradualism which took this nation unaware. From the 1920s insertion of the Frankfurt Institute into American academia, to the cultural indoctrination of Critical Race Theory and Social Justice Gospel of today, the political and religious Left ALWAYS go after the youth. The youth of a nation is always the subversives target audience, primarily as they seek to nullify Reagan’s aforementioned maxim of being ‘one generation away’ from losing freedom. But it is not all in roses in the world of progressive socialism. Many of those in charge now were once the 1960s radicals of the previous generation. They are increasingly incapable of controlling the monsters of their own creation (i.e., violent political activists) they have let out of the bag. One only has to note the current conditions of violence and degradation in cities like Portland, Chicago, New York City, San Francisco, and Seattle to see how little control the Left really has. But this unrest is not only happening in the West. Riots, protests, looting, and the general breakdown of societies are happening round the world. While some are protesting for freedom (e.g., Hong Kong, Iran, and Venezuela), others are carrying out the mandates of critical race theory in places like South Africa and Washington D.C (courtesy BLM). Still other places are protesting the draconian COVID-19 lockdowns in places like the UK and France. But a little political unrest from the hovelled masses is not enough to persuade the global elites to give up their dreams of a global utopia hence their reply...Let them eat cake! They are literally hell-bent on bringing their agenda to the world, not realizing that they are slavishly doing the will of their father, the Devil, who will in the end, destroy them all the same. There is no live and let live with Satan and his dark forces. They are at enmity with the human race, and will use one group to pick off the other, and then destroy those remaining useful idiots in an attempt to change their fated-destiny in the lake of fire. Satan and his ilk, KNOW what is coming, and they KNOW how terrible it is, and that is why they will do whatever they can to avoid it at all costs. Of course, as bible believing and watching Christians, we know how this all ends. We know the world will chase after false messiahs and prophets. We know wars and rumors of war will fill the age. We know various calamities, like birth pangs, will increase in severity and frequency. Due to these problems, the world will race toward a global government. We know that two men will rise to the top of this global government and take control. We know they will bring about the worst period of time in all of human history. We know that at the end of that seven years, Christ will victoriously return, splitting the sky in two and with the armies of heaven in tow. We know the Antichrist and the False Prophet will be cast alive into the lake of fire. We know Satan (the Devil) will be bound in chains and tossed into the abyss for a thousand years. Finally, we know Christ will set up His earthly, millennial kingdom on the earth as He rules and reigns from David's throne in Jerusalem. Most importantly, we know that before all these things, Christ will return at the Rapture and remove His Church from the earth. Our disapearance will be so sudden and so final, it will be as if we were never really here. The atheists, the secularists, the Christ-rejecters, and the elitest bourgouisie will rejoice and congratulate themselves on getting the world they think they deserve. A world without Christ. A world without the restraining influence of a Holy Spirit filled church. In our absence, in that vacuum...hell will fill the void. Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near. Luke 21:28 (emphasis mine) Even So, Maranatha! Post Scriptum: The moment we are caught up and are translated from mortality into immortality, and from the temporal to the eternal, our lives here will seem like a distant memory. And it matters not if you were 9 years old, or 90, the span of our life compared to the backdrop of eternity, will be so insignificant, that we will hardly remember, or want to remember, what it was like before we came home. It will be as if we were never really here, because here is not our home. Here is not our be-all end-all. Here is not where the story ends, but the story begins. Those who invest only in this life and in this world, is like a man who saves all his money by throwing all of it out of his car window while racing down the road towards a washed-out bridge. Who we are now, and what we do then, is only made possible by Christ's obedience unto death. His sacrifice will be of so much more importance that in 100,000,000,000,000+ years from now, we will still marvel at the grace and mercifulness of God's plan, the sacrifice of His Son, and our redemption by the shed blood of Christ. But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:4-7 The Stage Is Being Set For A War Between Israel And Iran To Potentially Begin Before The End Of 2021 - by Michael Snyder - The clock has been ticking for a long time, and now Israel is telling us that Iran is “only around 10 weeks away from acquiring weapons-grade materials necessary for a nuclear weapon”. The Israelis have always been very clear about the fact that they will never, ever allow the Iranians to get to that point, and so that would appear to leave only 10 weeks remaining to avert a major war in the Middle East. And let us certainly hope that war can be averted, because a major war in the Middle East could easily spark a full-blown global war. U.S. relations with both Russia and China continue to deteriorate very rapidly, and the Biden administration is being very aggressive with both of them. Most Americans don’t pay much attention to foreign policy these days, and that is because they don’t think that it will ever affect them personally. But the truth is that what is going on in the Middle East is of the utmost importance. A major war in the Middle East would deeply affect everyone, and right now the stage is being set for one to potentially begin before the end of 2021. Of course I am not setting any dates and I am not making any predictions. I do not know if the war between Israel and Iran will start this year, next year or some time thereafter. But at some point there will be war. You can take that to the bank. The Iranians are not going to give up their nuclear program, and the Israelis will never allow them to get to a point where they can produce their own nuclear weapons. On Thursday, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz was asked a direction question about this, and he responded by saying that “Israel is ready to attack Iran”… “Israel is ready to attack Iran, yes,” Gantz told Ynet on Thursday. “We are at a point where we need to take military action against Iran. The world needs to take action against Iran now,” he added according to a translation of his comments tweeted by Ynet journalist Attila Somfalvi. In case there was any confusion about this, Gantz gave us even more to chew on during remarks that he made to diplomats from UNSC members… “Iran has violated all of the guidelines set in the JCPOA and is only around 10 weeks away from acquiring weapons-grade materials necessary for a nuclear weapon,” Gantz told ambassadors from countries on the United Nations Security Council during a briefing at the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem. “Now is the time for deeds – words are not enough,” he added. “It is time for diplomatic, economic and even military deeds, otherwise the attacks will continue.” 10 weeks from now would put us in the second half of October. Let us hope that something changes between now and then. It is always possible that Gantz is simply attempting to intimidate Iran and that an actual attack is not actively being considered. Because otherwise what Gantz is doing does not make any sense at all. If I was in his shoes, there is no way in the world that I would telegraph a potential attack. If you are going to launch a major assault on another nation, you don’t tell them in advance that it is coming. Of course the Iranians certainly appear to be doing their part to raise tensions in the region. There have been two more “mysterious tanker attacks” within the past seven days, and both of them are being blamed on Iran… Two tanker attack incidents within the span of less than a week are now being blamed by the US, UK, and Israel on Iran. First there was last Thursday’s Mercer Street tanker drone attack which left two British and Romanian crew members dead, and then on Tuesday there was the hijacking on the Panama-flagged Asphalt Princess – boarded by a half dozen armed Iranian militants. Since the Israeli-managed Mercer came under assault, Israeli leaders have been openly proposing military action to allies, saying it may be needed to stop the Iranian attacks. Israel says it has provided allies like the United States with “hard evidence” that Tehran was indeed behind the drone attack in the Arabian Sea. In the aftermath of the most recent attack, the Israelis have even gone so far as to name the specific Iranian military leaders that were involved… Defense Minister Benny Gantz and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid named on Wednesday the Iranian commanders they said were behind last week’s attack on an oil tanker off the coast of Oman. “Amir Ali Hajizadeh, commander of the IRGC’s Air Force, is behind dozens of terror attacks in the region employing UAVs and missiles,” Gantz told envoys from countries on the United Nations Security Council during a briefing at the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem. “For the first time ever, I will also expose the man who is directly responsible for the launch of suicide UAVs — his name is Saeed Ara Jani and he is the head of the IRGC’s UAV command.” The Iranians had become accustomed to getting away with certain things, but now Naftali Bennett is in power. Bennett is younger and more aggressive than former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. When Bennett served in Netanyahu’s cabinet, he was often frustrated by Netanyahu’s unwillingness to take more aggressive action against Israel’s enemies. Now it is Bennett’s turn to run the show, and he certainly sounds like a man that is thinking about war… “We would like the world to understand that the Iranian regime is violent and fanatical,” Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said last month. “It selected the ‘Hangman of Tehran’ as its president — a man who is willing to starve his own people for years in order to have a military nuclear program. That is a regime that one should not do business with.” Bennett added that Israel “will continue to consult with our friends, persuade, discuss, and share information and insights out of mutual respect. But at the end of the day, we will be responsible for our own fate, nobody else.” Those are ominous words. Meanwhile, the Biden administration continues to do more things to upset China. For example, the Biden administration just approved a major arms sale to Taiwan… After a series of US-backed arms sales packages to Taiwan during Trump’s last year in office, severely ratcheting tensions to where they are now, President Biden’s administration on Wednesday approved its first arms sale to the island claimed by China. Bloomberg is describing the potential $750 million deal as including 40 new M109 self-propelled howitzers, essentially a highly maneuverable tank-like military vehicle with a giant gun, and some 1,700 kits designed to convert projectiles into more precise GPS-guided munitions. Approving that arms sale is one of the rare times when the Biden administration has actually done something right, but without a doubt it will greatly enrage the Chinese. Thankfully, the U.S. and China are not currently on the verge of military conflict, but we are steadily moving in that direction. And just like with Israel and Iran, at some point the clock will run out and a day of reckoning will arrive. Digital Health Passports - Trojan Horse for A Cashless Society? – Leo Hohmann - Several new technologies that appear separate and unrelated will soon converge, creating a giant digital trap that will easily entice the uninformed masses. The digital trap has already been set and globalist elites are using COVID to speed up the process of convergence. Most people will sleep-walk right into the trap, which will ultimately reduce them to a human QR code - trackable, traceable, and 100 percent dependent on Big Tech and big government for their existence. I'm going to unpack each of these seemingly separate threads that will be gradually merged into a single overarching socio-financial control grid. The most imminent agenda item needed to jumpstart this system is a successful launch of digital health passports. France, Italy, Ireland, Germany, Greece and many other nations have started mandating these passports on their citizens, many of whom are flooding into the streets to protest. The movement toward digital health passports in the U.S. is happening more gradually but it's picking up steam. In a briefing Monday, Aug. 2, Biden's Coronavirus Response Coordinator Jeffrey Zients announced "it's time to impose some requirements" where COVID vaccines are concerned. When asked for clarification on exactly what COVID rules might be implemented, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said nothing is off the table. Remember that phrase: Nothing is off the table. An academic consortium consisting of six universities already has a contract with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to provide training for government, law enforcement, healthcare and private-sector stakeholders on how to quarantine "large portions" of rural communities. But the drive to digitize the lives of Americans will start in the cities and move outward. New York Mayor Bill de Blasio became the first politician to jump at the opportunity to demand vaccine passports. Despite what anyone tries to tell you, separating Americans by vaccine status is a historic first. It has never before been tried, not through the polio or smallpox outbreaks of the 1920s, '30s and '40s, not during the Spanish Flu. Not ever. De Blasio ordered businesses to deny service to the unvaccinated, which accounts for 30 percent of the city's population. It remains to be seen how de Blasio will enforce this edict. Will he call out the police to shut down businesses not demanding a show of papers from their customers? New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is also shooting for vaccine passport mandates statewide but knows he has to be a little more diplomatic in his approach. "Private businesses, I am asking them and suggesting to them, go to vaccine-only admission. Go to vaccine-only admission," Cuomo said in an Aug. 2 press conference. "I believe it's in your own business interest," he said, "to run a vaccine-only establishment.... We have apps, just say, 'you have to show that you were vaccinated when you walk in the door.'" In other words, "Show your papers." Think about what Cuomo is saying here. He is very forcefully "asking" business owners to eliminate 30 percent the state's population from their field of potential customers and treat them as non-persons. This is pure fascism and reminds one of the Nazi propaganda that coerced Germans to refuse to do business with Jews. If New York's business owners listened to Cuomo, they would make it impossible for non-vaxxed people to feed their children. The digital passports require people to download a scannable QR code on their cellphone that will allow businesses to know they've been vaxxed before they are allowed to enter and receive service [buy or sell]. That leads us to the second leg of the digital trap that is baking in the technological oven - a new global digital ID system that is capable of working in conjunction with the digital health passports and the new medical-vaccination complex. The leader in this stream of tech is the ID2020 Alliance, a collaborative of more than 35 members including Accenture, Microsoft, the Rockefeller Foundation, MasterCard, IBM, the International Chamber of Commerce, MIT SafePaths and Bill Gates' GAVI Global Vaccines Alliance. In February 2021, ID2020 launched the Good Health Pass Collaborative to encourage a seamless convergence of all the COVID-19 vaccine credentialing apps being developed by many different organizations. "Paper vaccine certificates can be easily forged," the ID2020 Alliance warns in a press release. "The purpose of health credentials is to securely prove that a person has received a vaccine or PCR test. The new alliance is particularly targeting travel to ensure credentials work cross-border, cross-industry and are frictionless." The alliance has published a white paper on the topic for those seeking more details. Yet another piece to the evolving techno-fascist puzzle is the new digital currency. The world's central banks are working on a programmable digital currency based on block chain technology. This means they will be able to track your spending and shut you off for any reason. The International Monetary Fund posted an article on its website in July lauding India as a global leader in the drive to eliminate cash. And of course COVID was mentioned as expediting the move away from paper money. The IMF noted: "COVID-19 has accelerated the use of contactless digital payments for small transactions as people try to protect themselves from the virus. These advances build on the India Stack--a comprehensive digital identity, payment, and data-management system that we write about in a new paper (Carrière-Swallow, Haksar, and Patnam 2021)." As you can see in the above statement, the goal is a comprehensive digital identity, combining one's health data and vaccine status with banking and other personally identifiable data. Klaus Schwab warned us ahead of time about the trap he and his elitist buddies were setting for us. "The Fourth Industrial Revolution will lead to a fusion of our physical, biological and digital identities," Schwab told the Chicago Council on Global Affairs in November 2020. Even before that, in his 2018 book, Shaping the Future of The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Schwab wrote: "Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies will not stop at becoming part of the physical world around us--they will become part of us. "Indeed, some of us already feel that our smartphones have become an extension of ourselves. Today's external devices--from wearable computers to virtual reality headsets--will almost certainly become implantable in our bodies and brains." When he penned these grandiose ideas in 2018, it seemed like the pie in the sky musings of an out of touch futurist and few paid attention. Post COVID, it's in our faces and ready to be implemented. The final leg of the technological program to control humanity is the Big Tech giants working together to scrub all dissident voices from the Internet. Their ultimate goal is to create a system where all users have an Internet passport, subject to periodic review of your online activity. The Big Tech giants have already said they actively share information in an effort to crack down on "white supremacists" under the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism, a body previously reserved for targeting the Taliban and al-Qaeda. PayPal announced it will be working with the notoriously Marxist Anti-Defamation League to scour the Internet, looking for "extremists" and "anti-government" voices in order to shut off their PayPal donation buttons. Under this Chinese-style social scoring system, those guilty of online infractions get publicly shamed and silenced. Information collectors are paid to snitch on their neighbors and family members. Once your social credit score dips below a certain level, you become so discredited that it gets tougher and tougher to find a job, travel by plane, train, bus or car, get loans or put your kids in the better schools. Those providing counter-narrative information will be flagged, given a warning, and eventually blocked as disseminators of "disinformation." You lose your freedom of speech, but that's not all. In today's society, being removed from the Internet means you won't be able to buy or sell online or work a job that requires an internet connection. So the health passports, currently being rolled out worldwide, will block you from in-person shopping for food and necessities while the coming Internet passport will block you from ordering your necessities online. You will essentially be left with the black market, assuming one will spring up for those deemed "unclean" and "unfit" for the modern world because of their dissident views. All of these technologies will merge at the intersection of Big Data, big banks, Big Tech and big government. Your social credit score will now be tied in not only to your Internet activity but to your bank account and your vaccine status. Welcome to the Great Reset, a/k/a New World Order. Add in advances in AI and facial recognition and millions of surveillance cameras and you are talking about a lockdown slave state that makes George Orwell's 1984 look like a picnic in the park. But don't complain. It's all "for our safety." People cannot be trusted to do the right thing, to believe the true facts, to lead the kind of life that results in a peaceful, happy society. All must conform to the new masters. Now is the time to fight this system. But in order to fight it, you must recognize its existence and stay one step ahead of the cabal's evil game plan. At some point the trap door will shut. It will be too late to opt out. You either comply or become a non-person. An enemy of the state. These separate avenues of evolving technology will eventually be merged to create a society in which everything, and every person, is digitally tracked. Not just the movement of their physical bodies, but their actions, behaviors, even their thoughts. The elites are counting on us accepting this system in its early, fragmented stages. Most people think compartmentally. They don't connect dots. They will be deceived. The elites are not going to tell you upfront what all is involved in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. They're just going to tell you the parts that sound good - convenience, inclusion, safety, security. Once this trap door is shut, it will be very difficult to get out of its clutches. Nearing Midnight: Right To Repair – Todd Strandberg - The Right to Repair has become an important issue in America. Companies have become so powerful that they are destroying our system of capitalism. When you buy many products today, you are basically renting them. When something you 100% own breaks, you have to upgrade or turn to the company for expensive repairs. A few weeks ago I read that President Joe Biden had signed an executive order that supported people’s Right to Repair. The executive order targeted anti-competitive practices in tech, healthcare, banking, and other key parts of the economy. The order has 72 actions that would lower prices for families, increase wages for workers, promote innovation, and foster economic growth. New regulations that agencies may write to translate his policy into rules could trigger epic legal battles, however. I thought that was strange for the president to be implementing a rule that should go through Congress. It turns out there is already a law that guarantees the people’s Right to Repair, but companies have decided to ignore the law. Apple and John Deere are two notorious firms for violating the Right to Repair law. Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak spoke out on the issue during a recent appearance on Cameo, a website. In a post to Louis Rossmann, a YouTube personality and a right-to-repair advocate, Wozniak said that he was “totally supportive” of the cause — which gives consumers the right and information to fix their own devices — and somewhat “emotionally” affected by it. “I do a lot of Cameos, but this one has really gotten to me,” he said in the nine-minute video. “We wouldn’t have had an Apple had I not grown up in a very open technology world. Wozniak, who co-founded Apple 45 years ago with Steve Jobs, said that enabling others to retool their devices also has commercial value. He pointed to the success of the Apple II computer, which he said was “modifiable and extendable to the maximum” and the “only source” of profit for Apple during its first years. Apple has long faced criticism over policies that restrict where its customers can get their iPhones and other electronics fixed without jeopardizing their warranties. The firm is worth $2.5 trillion, and it is trying to squeeze this last dollar out of each customer. The iPhone once cost $600, and the same smartphone is now $1,200. Apple will sign contracts with chip firms that bar them from selling replacement chips. It will also block other chips from working in their smartphone, even though it has the same functions. I had a Samsung Note 2 for seven years that worked fine the whole time I owned it. In late 2019 I realized I needed to upgrade because Samsung had quit supporting my Note 2. What allowed me to have the smartphone for seven years is that I was able to replace the battery two times. Now the battery is tied to the internal parts of the smartphone, which makes it very hard to fix it once the battery dies. To have John Deere playing this same game shows how bad things have gotten. Farmers need their equipment to work at crucial times during the planting and harvesting seasons. If their tractor is down and a corn crop needs to be harvested, they need to be able to get it fixed fast. John Deere is trying to require that their specialist needs to be on hand for a growing number of issues. Farmers cannot do simple repairs because they are locked out of their equipment and need special software to unlock it. To get around this, some farmers had begun hacking their tractors with cracked software from Ukraine. The FTC is moving toward writing new rules targeting the restrictions. A couple of weeks ago, the five FTC commissioners unanimously adopted a policy statement supporting the “Right to Repair” that pledges beefed-up enforcement efforts and could open the way to new regulations. “These types of (repair) restrictions can significantly raise costs for consumers, stifle innovation, close off business opportunity for independent repair shops, create unnecessary electronic waste, delay timely repairs and undermine resiliency,” FTC Chair Lina Khan said. “The FTC has a range of tools it can use to root out unlawful repair restrictions, and today’s policy statement would commit us to move forward on this issue with new vigor.” Manufacturers, on the other hand, maintain that repair restrictions are needed to safeguard intellectual property, protect consumers from injuries that could result from fixing a product or using one that was improperly repaired, and guard against cybersecurity risks. Manufacturers say they could face liability or harm to their reputation if independent repair shops make faulty equipment repairs. I don’t have any faith in the Biden administration’s ability to fix the Right to Repair problem. Big tech companies have lobbyists who help write the laws that regulate their business. They will push for rules that allow them to continue restricting the rights of product owners. If our nation had a greater moral foundation, we would not have such a problem with the Right to Repair. Because we have largely become a godless nation, I don’t have much hope for consumer’s rights. “And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” (Genesis 6:5, KJV). Daily Jot: The Farm Chronicles: The mystery of the missing horses - Bill Wilson – Our family farm in Ohio has been in our family for over 200 years. I grew up on it. My friend Sonny and I explored every inch of it. And when he and I were not together, I was adventuring through the 100 acres and making up my own stories from Daniel Boone to Roy Rogers to Paul Revere to Wyatt Earp to Sergeant York and everyone in between. I knew that farm like the back of my hand as they say. In the summer time, I often hunted down the horses to pick one to ride. They had their favorite places where they would pair up and stand head to tail, swatting the deer flies off each others faces in the shade of a hot summer’s day. I knew their favorite hangouts and could find them whenever I wanted. This one particular day, my future wife Chris, was coming over to ride. I was home from college and we had been writing back and forth. She had used my champion Quarter Horse, Wimpy, in 4-H, and being a year out of high school and in college herself, she hadn’t seen Wimpy or ridden in a while. It was a chance for us to catch up as we were extremely good friends, but had not yet moved out of the so-called “friend zone.” It was my fault, I know. I was a gangly geek with an athletic bent, edgy and intense, covering my insecurities with poor puns and silly jokes. I was confident and comfortable as a cowboy. A gentleman at heart. And I didn’t want to do anything that would cause her to not like me, but in that, though I knew I loved her, we were not yet an “item.” She arrived looking as beautiful as ever in a pair of jeans and tee shirt. We hugged and I asked if she was ready to go find the horses and take a ride. I don’t really know why I didn’t have Wimpy and Bert already in the barn. They were out in the pasture. Shouldn’t be a problem, we will just go track them down and jump on bareback and ride them back to the barn and saddle up for a longer ride. Well, simple as that was, it wasn’t to be. We walked and walked. We talked and talked. We went from horse hangout to horse hangout. We held hands. We laughed. We shared dreams. We wandered all over that farm looking for those horses. We had about 20 horses and they herded together. I couldn’t find them to save my life. We wandered about two hours from one end of the farm to the other. Never found them. They disappeared. No horses in sight. Chris actually thought I was leading her around the farm and guiding her away from the horses so I could have her all to myself. We laugh about that day now. Giving up, we went back to the house where my mother had iced tea and embarrassed me with a tour of family picture albums that Chris graciously endured. Funny thing is after she went home, I went back out looking for the horses. Found them right away. In Isaiah 55:8 the Lord says, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways.” Yes, the Lord works in mysterious ways. It was quite the mystery that the horses were missing, until later they were found. But Chris and I had precious time that turned into a lifetime. Daily Devotion: Love, Acceptance, and Judgment - by Greg Laurie – An open rebuke is better than hidden love! Wounds from a sincere friend are better than many kisses from an enemy. —Proverbs 27:5–6 - Listen What verse from the Bible would you choose if you had to name your favorite one? If you asked a nonbeliever that question, it most likely would be one of these two: “Do not judge others, and you will not be judged” (Matthew 7:1 NLT), and “Let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!” (John 8:7 NLT). Usually they like to quote one or both of these verses when you’re talking to them about their need for Jesus Christ and the need to turn from their sin. For instance, they may get really indignant and say, “Well, doesn’t the Bible say, ‘Do not judge others, and you will not be judged’ and ‘Let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone’?” In other words, “Will you please go away now?” The problem is they completely misinterpret what those verses mean. Was Jesus actually saying that a Christian is never to judge anyone or anything? Was He saying that we should never make an evaluation of a situation or a person’s conduct? Should we never, in any way, use our discernment and instead accept everyone and everything? No, that is not what Jesus was saying. As Christians, we should be discerning but not condemning. When Jesus said, “Do not judge others, and you will not be judged,” He wasn’t saying that a Christian must love and accept everyone and never comment on their actions, conduct, or lifestyle. The reality is that if you really care for someone, you need to tell them the truth. And sometimes you have to confront people about the sin that is keeping them from God. The Bible even tells us to speak the truth in love (see Ephesians 4:15). So, if you have some friends who will tell you the truth, be thankful. Because they are true friends. FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY, TRULY, THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT? One of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed, and if that information inspires you, and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers, and open the eyes of non-believers, and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy, then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides, and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks! Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13 If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to: DONATE NOW Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516 We are very pleased to offer all our readers this FREE download on Bible Prophecy from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia - Just download and enjoy and be blessed! Feel free to share it with all your friends and family members. Click below to download! "AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING" If You Died Today, Would You Go To Heaven? Find out, visit: How to know God DID YOU KNOW? You can submit an article, leave a comment or praise report at email: [email protected] Maranatha! (Lord Come Quickly) "On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other ground is sinking sand." "Let Us make the short time we have left count for all eternity!" YBIC-Randy
1 Comment
8/14/2021 03:45:18 pm
Why did you change your format on your website? I used to check your website every day, now i can't make heads or tails about it. I enjoyed it when you had your title lines and I could click on the articles. Now it's confusing to this old man. My kids say i am tech.challenged,I laugh and say I have the right i am 77 yrs old. I used to be a great fan of yours,but now,not so much. Thanks for letting me have my say.
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