What Do the Events in Afghanistan Reveal About Our World? – Jonathan Brentner -
The Biden administration’s gift of Afghanistan to the Taliban reveals many things about our world as we journey through these biblical times leading up to the time of Jesus’ appearing. I believe that those in control of America’s government want us to conclude that the tragic events in Afghanistan happened as the result of Biden’s incompetence and the failure of the Afghan army. I do not profess to know all that’s going on behind the scenes, but I’m convinced those truly in power of the U.S. planned the Taliban takeover of the nation with the full knowledge that all we see today would take place. On the Canada Free Press website, columnist Kelly O’Connell wrote: “Afghanistan—Not by Accident: The disaster that is Afghanistan is so defective in so many profound and different ways that it has to be a purposeful decision to try and destroy America’s standing in the world. Nobody could make so many mistakes at that level and have it all be by accident. We know the leftist Biden Administration has already done everything they can to sabotage America. And by creating such a gigantic avoidable disaster we are communicating to the world that we can’t be trusted.” The U.S. military did not merely withdraw from Afghanistan; it rapidly exited from the nation in the middle of night without any advance notification to the Afghans or to any of our allies. In doing so, they left behind a wide array of armaments and sophisticated weaponry worth, according to some reports, as much as $85 billion. It’s now available for use by one of the world’s most ruthless and murderous terrorist organization. In spite of all this, I remain absolutely convinced of God’s sovereignty over history and that the events of the past couple weeks are all in step with the rapidly approaching seven-year Tribulation. I say this for the following reasons: EVIL CONTINUES TO GROW EXPONENTIALLY IN OUR WORLD The recent events in Afghanistan confirm the rapidly growing presence of evil in our world. The Taliban are ruthless, demonic killers that seek to impose an oppressive tyranny on the Afghan citizens of which they are well aware. Why else would mothers hand their babies to soldiers at the Kabul Airport? They would rather see that their infants have a chance at freedom than raise their dear precious children under a viciously cruel regime that kills without any hint of remorse. The Taliban are torturing and murdering Afghans who cooperated in any way with the Americans during the past twenty years. They also require that all households with a young woman twelve years of age or older mark their homes with an “X.” If the soldiers find a home not marked in such a way with such a daughter, they execute the entire family. According to one report, “Husbands and fathers have given their wives and daughters guns and told them that when the Taliban come, they can choose to kill them or kill themselves—it is their choice.” The Taliban represent demonic evil at its worst and it greatly saddens me so see my country standing back and allowing these atrocities to continue. The U.S. army had the ability to stop the rapid takeover of Afghanistan and now possesses the power to stop these current murderous activities, but still does nothing. Regardless of his mental state, President Joe Biden bears much of the responsibility for the suffering and bloodshed in Afghanistan. He cannot hide behind his dementia or the decisions of a previous administration. As Commander and Chief, Biden had control of the American military at the time of the exit; he executed his plan for its rapid departure. He was not bound by any other previous plans. He put his plan into operation and what we see happening in Kabul is the result of it. AMERICA IS NO LONGER A FORCE FOR GOOD IN THE WORLD The recent events in Afghanistan reveal that the United States is no longer a force for good in the world. During WW II, the U.S. played a crucial role in stopping the Axis powers. We stopped the Nazi’s from taking over Europe and ended the slaughtering of the Jewish people in Hitler’s concentration camps. Now, however, we have not only allowed a force equally evil, if not more so than the Nazi’s to take over a nation, but we have supplied them with weapons beyond their wildest dreams. If the U.S. does not stop the Taliban now, the death toll of innocent lives that these barbaric terrorists may very well be astronomical apart from the Lord’s intervention. Keep praying! At the moment, Biden seems to be cowardly bowing to wishes of the Taliban while overlooking their ongoing atrocities. He seems content to leave thousands of Americans behind to suffer at the hands of these vicious, ruthless, and murderous terrorists. Why would he do that? The inept response of the U.S. in Afghanistan has emboldened China to advance its plans for attacking and taking control of Taiwan. The leaders of Israel talk openly about the fact that they can no longer depend upon the United States if attacked. Could this be an open door for the future invasion of Israel? AFGHANISTAN COULD HAVE A ROLE IN THE GOG/MAGOG WAR An August 25, 2021, article on the Lion and Lamb Ministries website suggests that Afghanistan will take part in the invasion of Israel described in Ezekiel 38-39. Nathan Jones, in the quote below, explains why we might consider this nation as part of “Magog:” Some historians point to the former Soviet nations of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, as well as including Afghanistan, as encompassing the land of Magog. Historian Edwin Yamauchi explains that Magog was the "ancient Scythian northern nomadic tribes who inhabited the territory from Central Asia across the southern steppes of modern Russia." These nations, today consisting of a population of 60 million, are united by one commonality — Islam.[i] If so, this tells us that the Taliban’s reign of terror will be short-lived. The Lord will destroy them along with all the other nations that come against Israel. It would make God’s intervention all the more spectacular given the weapons these terrorists now possess. Most teachers of biblical prophecy believe the Gog/Magog war will occur between the Rapture and the start of Tribulation. If the seizing of Afghanistan by the Taliban signifies another step in the leadup to this war, then it’s also another indication of the nearness of the Tribulation. THE WORLD ORDER IS FORMING BEFORE OUR EYES The U.S. appearance of weakness removes a key obstacle in the plans of the globalists for world domination. The America of a year ago retained its place as a force for good in the world and hence a hinderance to the plans of the elite at the UN and the World Economic Forum (WEF), but such is no longer the case. President Biden took his campaign slogan directly from the WEF and remains totally committed to their communist agenda, which necessitates a weakened America that’s unable to resist the plans of the globalists to setup a Marxist world government such as will be in place during the Tribulation period. Although the Taliban leadership do not yet realize this, they are pawns in the globalists’ agenda to create a new world order (the Great Reset of the WEF and the UN’s Agenda 2030). I do not know the purposes of these powerbrokers for allowing the rise to power of these ruthless terrorists. I am certain, however, that a demonic agenda lies behind what we see happening in this faraway land, which the elite hope to exploit in their quest for worldwide domination. SATAN HATES BORN-AGAIN CHRISTIANS Perhaps the place where it hits the closest to home for us is this: the events in Afghanistan clearly reveal Satan’s murderous hatred for all those in Christ. I have read many reports to the effect that if the Taliban soldiers find anyone with the Bible on his or her smartphone, they instantly kill that person. Credible reports exist to the effect that the Taliban are going door-to-door and executing all Christians that they find. One missionary, who has been in contact with twenty-two Afghan pastors, reports that most of them do not expect to survive this murderous purging. Though many attempt to label these reports as fake news, confirmation exists in firsthand accounts leaking out of Afghanistan. In Ephesians 6:11-12, Paul wrote regarding the role of Satan behind all the opposition we face as New Testament saints, ”Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” The reluctance of President Biden to condemn or stop the bloodshed of Christians by the Taliban does not bode well for the future of the true church in America. If the Lord does not come for us in the near future, we may feel the venomous rage of our adversary to a much greater degree. Please know that as the shadow of the coming Tribulation period grows darker by the day, the Bible assures us that everything remains under God’s control and that we have many reasons for hope in the midst of the darkness that is quickly overshadowing the world. We cannot know the day nor the hour, but make no mistake, we live in the season of Jesus’ appearing to take us home to the place He’s preparing for us. The “blessed hope” of the gospel (Titus 2:11-14) signifies our soon departure from this world to be with Jesus. He will come for us at just the right time. We live in biblical times. Through the Apostle Paul, the Lord promises us deliverance from the time of wrath that is about to overtake the world. In 1 Thessalonians 5:9, we read this about the timing of the rapture that must happen before the Tribulation: “For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Note: Please consider signing up for my newsletter on the home page of my website at . It will greatly help me in reaching more people. Thanks! [i] Nathan Jones, Is Afghanistan Found in Bible Prophecy, August 25, 2021 on the Lion and Lamb Ministries website at: This Is A Moment In U.S. History That Will Forever Live In Infamy - by Michael Snyder - There are certain moments that just make you want to cry. The bombings in Kabul that killed 13 U.S. troops and at least 90 Afghans didn’t have to happen. If we didn’t have completely and utterly incompetent political leaders and completely and utterly incompetent military leaders, things could have turned out very differently. The end of a 20 year war is being capped off in humiliating fashion, and nobody is going to be afraid of the United States after this. And that is actually a really bad thing, because fear of U.S. retribution has kept China, Russia, North Korea, Iran and a whole host of terror groups largely in check for the past several decades. Now that the U.S. is seemingly unable to play the “restrainer” role any longer, the stage is set for tremendous global instability. For years, our generals were telling us that the Taliban had been defeated. Obviously, that wasn’t even close to the truth. And ISIS had supposedly been bombed into oblivion, but apparently that wasn’t true either. Everyone knew that having so many evacuees crammed into such a small area would be a really tempting target, and our leaders were depending on the Taliban (the guys we have been shooting at for 20 years) to protect us. Needless to say, that was a recipe for disaster, and that is precisely what we got. In the aftermath of the bombings, Joe Biden promised to hunt down those that had attacked us… Speaking to the American people in the wake of a devastating terror attack at the Kabul airport that left scores dead on Thursday — including numerous U.S. troops — President Biden promised the U.S. would strike back against those responsible. “To those who carried out this attack, as well as anyone who wishes America harm, know this — we will not forgive, we will not forget, we will hunt you down and make you pay,” the president said in a somber White House address. Yes, I am sure that they are shaking in their boots. At this point, nobody is afraid of our “woke military” and the snowflake generals that are leading them. The head of U.S. Central Command was asked if the Taliban allowed the ISIS terrorists to get close to the Marines, and “there’s a failure somewhere” was the best that he could come up with in response… The commander of U.S. Central Command said Thursday he did not know if the Taliban — whose members the U.S. was relying on to screen individuals getting to the airport — let Islamic State suicide bombers get through and conduct at least two bombings that have so far killed 12 Marines and injured 15 more. “Clearly if they were able to get up to the Marines…at the entry point of the base, there’s a failure somewhere,” said Marine Gen. Kenneth McKenzie at a press briefing on Thursday. We know that more ISIS terrorists are lurking in the vicinity right now. So will there be additional attacks in the days ahead? One source told Fox News that it is “likely” that there will be more… A source briefed on the situation in Kabul told Fox News that some Americans stranded in Afghanistan will likely be left behind after Thursday’s bombings. The source told Fox News that “hundreds” of ISIS-K fighters remain in the vicinity of the Kabul airport and that the attacks are “likely to continue.” Hearing that “some Americans stranded in Afghanistan will likely be left behind” should make your blood boil. What in the world is wrong with our leaders? Trump was impeached over a phone call. How much more does Biden deserve to get impeached if he leaves Americans behind in the hands of the Taliban? And what makes things even worse is the fact that the Biden administration has actually given the Taliban a list of Americans and others that needed to be evacuated… U.S. officials in Kabul gave the Taliban a list of names of American citizens, green card holders and Afghan allies to grant entry into the militant-controlled outer perimeter of the city’s airport, a choice that’s prompted outrage behind the scenes from lawmakers and military officials. The move, detailed to POLITICO by three U.S. and congressional officials, was designed to expedite the evacuation of tens of thousands of people from Afghanistan as chaos erupted in Afghanistan’s capital city last week after the Taliban seized control of the country. It also came as the Biden administration has been relying on the Taliban for security outside the airport. Some are calling this a “kill list”, and that is exactly how the Taliban could choose to view it once all U.S. military forces are gone for good. And thanks to our recklessness, Taliban fighters are going to be armed to the teeth as they begin their new reign… A government watchdog group says the U.S. military is leaving behind 75,000 vehicles, 600,000 weapons and 208 aircraft in Afghanistan as forces evacuate the country after a 20-year war. We’ve made the Taliban into a major U.S. arms dealer for the next decade,” said Adam Andrzejewski, CEO of Open the Books. “They now control 75,000 military vehicles. This is about 50,000 tactical vehicles, 20,000 Humvees they control about 1,000 mine-resistant vehicles, and even about 150 armored personnel carriers.” To make matters worse, you and I paid for all of that equipment. How can any of the brass at the Pentagon keep their jobs after such a debacle? I just keep looking at those numbers and I keep wondering how our military leaders could possibly be so grossly incompetent. And the rest of the world is watching. If a ragged group of opium dealers and goat herders can absolutely humiliate the once mighty U.S. military, why should anyone else ever be afraid of us ever again? What the Taliban has pulled off is going to greatly inspire terror organizations all over the globe, and it is going to embolden America’s most prominent enemies. I think that the Biden administration was hoping that withdrawing from Afghanistan would be a move toward peace, but instead their incompetence has set the stage for more war. As America is humiliated in Afghanistan, there have been lots of news stories about how China has been practicing for an invasion of Taiwan… China’s long-standing threats to invade Taiwan would require the biggest amphibious invasion in human history — and analysts say recent military activities, including exercises using commercial ferries, appear designed to practice exactly that. If you think that global supply chains are messed up now, just wait until that happens. I know that a lot of people are cheering the fact that things are becoming more unstable geopolitically, but this new period of instability will not end well. For decades, the United States dealt with everyone else from a position of strength. But now the rest of the world can see that the emperor doesn’t have any clothes, and a power vacuum will always be filled. The Taliban Reminder - By Hal Lindsey - People in the west had almost forgotten. It has been a while since the last large, successful terror attack against the United States or Europe. And since the western media refuses to cover the atrocities going on elsewhere, especially in Africa, people here had begun to forget. But the Taliban is now reminding everyone that radical Islamic terror still lives. It thrives. And once again, it is headed our way. On Monday, August 22nd, The Wall Street Journal reported, “The US warned that Islamic State poses a threat to Americans in Afghanistan.” Jake Sullivan, President Biden’s national security adviser, said of ISIS, “The threat is real. It is acute. It is persistent. And it is something we are focused on with every tool in our arsenal.” Yes, the Islamic State — ISIS. Not long ago, they were bloodied, defeated, demoralized, and wilting away. But in today’s Afghanistan, they have been revived and they are a present threat. And then there is Al Qaeda. On August 23rd, the extremely liberal New Yorker magazine featured an article by Robin Wright. In March she asked a key question of General Kenneth McKenzie, head of the United States Central Command. “Do you really think, given the intermarriage, the interweaving of the Taliban and Al Qaeda, that the Taliban is really ever going to be able or willing to restrain Al Qaeda from doing anything against us?” She called his answer, “chillingly candid.” “I think,” he said, “it will be very hard for the Taliban to act against Al Qaeda, to actually limit their ability to attack outside the country. It’s possible, but I think it would be difficult.” That was all the back in March. His answer carries the optimistic assumption that the Taliban might want to limit Al Qaeda’s ability to other strike nations. It’s true that they do not want a repeat of George W. Bush’s invasion of their country after 911. But they have convinced themselves that they defeated the United States, and they do not believe we have the courage or moral conviction necessary to ever invade them again. So, they don’t care if Al Qaeda hits America again. In fact, they like the idea. Events in Afghanistan should remind everyone of the danger posed by radical Islam. And it is not a theoretical danger. Right now, the world is watching, and the Taliban are on their best behavior. Even so, they’re rounding up known Christians. They are looking on phones for Bible apps. Large numbers of Christians have run for the hills with hope now only in God. And that’s just the Christians. People of all kinds are being hung, shot, beheaded, raped, and beaten. And it will get worse. The US military says that it has evacuated tens of thousands of people from Afghanistan, but as of Tuesday the 24th, it refused say how many of those were Americans. On the 23rd, Yahoo News reported that they had obtained the actual government numbers. They found that less than 10% of those evacuated by the US military are in fact US citizens or legal residents. Americans are not more important than Afghans. But they make more valuable hostages and that makes them more strategic. It’s important to realize that we don’t just have a potential hostage crisis in Afghanistan. The hostage crisis already exists! Stranded Americans may not be under lock and key in Taliban prisons, but they are hostages all the same. Why don’t US forces go out, find Americans, and escort them to the airport? Because the Taliban holds Americans as hostages. They can completely cut off access to the airport. Strong military action might even provoke a wholesale slaughter of Americans. Why does President Biden refuse to extend his August 31st deadline for leaving the country? Because right now in Afghanistan, the Taliban controls the fate of Americans. That makes them hostages. After the 31st, anything might happen. The Taliban says it will not tolerate an extension of the deadline and, for now, the Biden Administration says it is sticking with the old deadline. If that remains true, then the United States will be abandoning its citizens still stranded in Afghanistan. On the other hand, if the US military goes into the country to rescue Americans still held there, it will probably mean heavy bloodshed on all sides. And it might put our military back in Afghanistan for several more years. One thing is more obvious than ever. Nothing draws violence like perceived weakness. Afghanistan Missions - Don and Dodie: Testimony of former Afghan Missionaries Visit in the night: It's the Taliban! Prelude: 2001 With what is currently happening in Afghanistan, many thoughts are coming back to mind of times and people we knew in that country back in 2001 before 9/11 and the US military response. My wife and I were serving with a Christian humanitarian group in Jalalabad, Afghanistan, whose ministry was to help the blind, deaf, lame, widows with children and to do homebuilding/re-building. Much of this was due to previous and current warring. Conditions were given to all NGO's who wished to enter to help these people: "Keep your mouth shut about your religion. If you convert someone to Christianity we will hang them and you, too." To this, we all agreed so we could enter. The assignment given to my wife and I was to manage a guesthouse. The purpose was to care for visitors that came for short stays, some to see the work and to experience the environment should they want to get involved. Life there was not for everyone. Our only communication was by radiophone that was monitored; no mail system, no email. All homes in Afghanistan, where we were, were in compounds with mud/stone walls, 12 feet high with broken glass embedded all around the top, with one gate. Little to no electricity. All of our homes had a person (Afghan) to tend the gate day and night. He slept nearby the gate. We had no church to attend. We were the church. A few of us would get together in one home or another on Saturday to worship. To sing, we would close the windows. No singing or instruments were allowed by the Taliban. All in our group were from the same international organization but from different countries. All spoke English, some with different Christian backgrounds. We never thought to talk denominations. We were all in the same foxhole; it didn't matter. At that time if an Afghan told you he was a believer it would be said in confidence. If he confided that information with you, he was putting his life in your hands. If what he told you was learned, he could be killed by a friend, family member, or relative. It had happened. That information was guarded. Most team members would not discuss those things, even amongst themselves. It was Dark in Afghanistan in those days but Light was seen filtering in. It was reflecting off of those who loved those people and were living among them trying to bring help where it was desperately needed. Many wonderful things were being done by a number of NGOs in all different aspects. Then something happened. One day in Kabul, while we were in a language training session, an alarm went out through the Christian community. Two overly zealous people from one NGO showed the Jesus video to some Afghans in their home. They were caught and arrested. As others in their group were also being arrested some in the group were able to get out of the country. The word was out. All NGOs were braced not knowing what would be coming down next. Some were preparing to leave at a moment's notice. Those out of the country were warned to stay out. Note: Living in Afghanistan then was stressful and many were advised to take a break every six weeks or so across the border in Pakistan where it was much less stressful. Returning back to Jalalabad, we just hunkered down and continued our work. Observation: Even the Taliban notice Christian love and caring even if perhaps reluctantly. Some of those we were helping in their difficult circumstances were family and friends of the Taliban. About three weeks later, in the middle of the night, I heard a tapping on the back door of our house. I got up, looking out the window I saw it was our gatekeeper. I cracked the door and he whispered to me, "The Taliban are here at the gate. They want to talk to you." After putting on my shoes, I started toward the gate and met three men coming my way. Other armed soldiers stayed behind. One man wore a white turban; he was the Taliban Chief of that area. The other man was an aide. The third was an Afghan man that was part of our NGO office staff who was compelled to take the others to us. He also served as an interpreter. The man was direct but polite. He told me that we were being put under house arrest and they wanted our communication devices. They followed me into the house and I handed him our phone. Still polite, he informed me that he was leaving two armed soldiers inside our front gate. He also told me his soldiers were ordered not to enter our house nor to bother us in any way. He then left us alone for the rest of our sleepless night. After leaving us, they went to our NGO director's house. Our director had a very good rapport with the commander. He often went to his office to inform him of any activities we might want to do and get his approval. Being informed of what they were doing, he asked them not to go to the homes of two single young women that were part of our team. He asked if he could go himself to get them and bring them to our place, as we had room to keep them. They granted his request. You might wonder what my wife was thinking all this time. She was alone in our bedroom staying out of sight, which was appropriate. She told me later she was confused and was praying to the Lord, "How do I handle this? What shall I do?" The Lord responded in her heart with, "They are your guests. Treat them that way." The next day we provided them with cold water (it was very hot) and meals. My wife provided them with homemade cookies and chai (tea). We were told that on the third day we would be taken to the border of Pakistan. We were told we could take one carry-on suitcase with clothing only; everything else had to stay. Our carry-on would be checked. The next day, the Taliban chief himself, with his driver, arrived to take us to the Pakistan border crossing; some 80 miles. That border is always somewhat chaotic with hundreds of people trying to cross one way or the other and was tightly controlled. This man ordered the gates to be opened to drive us safely through. After putting us out of the van, he left us and returned. Some Taliban stories are not so very rosy as ours. They can be brutal and cruel but at this time, they were firmly in control. Even though we were admittedly Christian, they let us in to help people hurting as long as we played by their rules in their country. Our team found transport at the border crossing and arrived at our home office in Peshawar, Pakistan. One week later we watched live on TV the World Trade Center being attacked. It was 9/11. One week after that, the US Consulate in Peshawar visited us and told us it would be best for us to leave the country. He did not think it was safe for us to stay. So we all agreed to go back to our home country to wait and keep in touch. We did not know at that time what we would do next. What of those people in jail? It did not take the US long to respond. The attack on Afghanistan began. The Taliban were overwhelmed and eventually fled. Fortunately, the Taliban did not kill the 8 ex-pats. They had held them for three months. But before they left the country, they shut them all in a shipping container. Some Afghan civilians saw this and later went to release them. They were able to contact the Red Cross and through them reached the US Forces in the Bagram area. A special forces helicopter was sent to find them and fly them out to Peshawar, all in good condition. With the attack underway by US forces, Afghans were streaming out of their country, many into Pakistan and mostly into refugee camps. We, who had gone back to our homes, decided to return to Pakistan to do what we could to help those in the camps. No sooner had we gotten back and settled in, the Taliban were gone and borders into Afghanistan were open to returning. Our team packed up to move back to Kabul. When we had packed the truck with all our equipment and start the trip back, we found ourselves in long lines of trucks full of Afghanis heading back home. Things were soon very different back at home for Afghans. It was happier with fewer restrictions. Men were cutting their beards, music was played in town, boys were flying kites, and young girls could be seen walking together down the street with their little white head scarfs going to school for the first time. All this was forbidden just months ago. My wife and I stayed the one remaining year of our commitment. All other NGOs were back doing many great works. Afghans greatly appreciated what we were doing and expressed that to us in many ways. In my last year there, I had the privilege to help bring a destroyed mountain village back to life. We helped restore a thousand homes before leaving. People were so appreciative. The Afghan people were still Muslim by faith and we had to respect that and did. But the love of Christ was obvious through what we did. Afghans wondered at that: we wanted to be there and we weren't being paid for it. "Sometimes the Lord doesn't need our mouths so much as our hands and feet and the skills He has given us." Don August 25, 2021 - - - - - "Each of you use whatever gift you have to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." I Peter 4:10 (NIV) Earth’s Craziness Crisis - By Terry James - America’s total and swift abandonment of its U.S. Air Force base near Kabul, Afghanistan, has even mainstream news media anchors confused. They found it almost impossible to find the words to cover for the president’s inability to form a cogent thought in answer to questions. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mike Milley, said on Wednesday, August 18, at a press conference, “there was nothing that I or anybody else saw that indicated a collapse of this army and this government in 11 days.” President Joe Biden stood before microphones the same day and ranted about how COVID vaccines would be mandated, with only secondary mention of the thousands of civilian workers Americans left stranded in Afghanistan while the vicious Taliban horde moved to take over Kabul and everything else. Biden seemed oblivious to pointed questions even from his mainstream news sycophants. While Afghan women and girls as young as five years of age were being taken as sex slaves and the families of Afghanistan were being slaughtered, Biden seemed to have no idea about how to deal with what the American or Afghanistan military should do to handle the cut-and-run strategy his administration—either by omission or commission—chose to employ. Afghan women were seen literally tossing their little children across barbed-wire fences to American military personnel to get them out of the country on C-17 and other aircraft that the U.S. Air force were trying to fly out of the Kabul airport in the panic to evacuate as many as possible. Some of those flights saw men hanging from anything they could grasp while the planes lifted off. Some fell hundreds and even thousands of feet to their deaths. One aircraft had to make an emergency landing because the landing gear would not fully retract. That was because some men, trying desperately to flee the Taliban, had tried to hide in the massive landing-gear area to fly to safety. They were crushed to death, of course. This abandonment of the people of Afghanistan and even of American citizens, leaving them to face their fate at the hands of some of the bloodiest terrorists on earth, is indicative of abandonment of another sort. The abandonment of God. The sheer chaos and confusion, the biblical argument can be made, is the result of the loss of ability to think clearly. The diminution of thought processes comes from anti-God wickedness. I listened to many retired former top admirals and generals—none of which was necessarily political as to favoring one party or the other. Almost each person was dumbfounded at the way in which the Afghanistan pull-out proceeded. Some said that the president should resign, or at the very least, that the Joint Chiefs of Staff should resign in order to cover the president’s obvious ineptitude. To me, this debacle—if one is so generous as to see it as mere debacle—is the coming to fruition of the madness we’ve witnessed in recent times. The decision to pull out in a catastrophic manner from America’s obligations in Afghanistan comes on the heels of the political power responsible for the insane decision. The Democrat Party is the ideological bastion that long ago made it a point to kick God out of the party—i.e., to eliminate all mention of God as part of the party platform. Since that decision, and even before, we have watched the so-called radical left take over the party in every respect. They are the party, of course, who long ago championed abortion. At the same time, they championed causes of wildlife preservation, making certain animal mothers and their offspring are protected. The party is the one that allowed the radicals to bring Critical Race Theory into the educational system, in effect instituting racism in reverse. They are the party that champions the evil Black Life Matters (BLM) rioters and looters. They use the killing of black men by police, which are far fewer in number than Caucasians killed by police, to give excuse to perpetrate their wickedness. At the same time, the ideology that supports BLM completely embraces abortion, which murders black babies by the hundreds of thousands every year. This anti-God insanity declares that a person can be whatever gender they wish to be. Their birth certificate and sex at birth have no meaning in the transgender push in American culture. They champion same-sex marriage and even every form of perversion between adults and children. This generation of anti-God adherents has come to the point that rational thinking is no longer possible, it seems. Again, here is what God’s Word says happens and is happening in our nation and world today. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” (Romans 1:28–32) Having witnessed all the things just in the political arena as dissected above, can there be much doubt that God has turned a large portion of those who embrace such anti-God comportment over to upside-down thinking—to reprobate minds? That wicked, reprobate thinking has, I’m convinced, been complicit in bringing fraudulent governance to this nation. Those anti-God forces have brought to the entire world leadership that is upside-down in thought and action. That is reprobate in every sense. It is an anti-God sort of thinking that is swiftly moving the nation and the world into an Antichrist global order. We see the supreme, sardonic irony (God’s laughing the evil global principalities in high places to derision) in the fact that the office considered to be the leader of the free world is now occupied by a person who many, including renowned psychiatrists, believe to have progressing dementia; that’s another way of saying “having a reprobate mind.” The craziness crisis through which we are living is a direct result of more and more people turning their backs on the One who created them. The dementia will get worse, and it will bring humanity near to the end of all flesh. But first, Jesus Christ, our blessed hope, will call all of God’s children to Himself in the Rapture of the Church. Then God’s judgment and wrath will fall upon a world of rebels. The only way to be rescued before this world must pay for its wickedness is, again, found in the following words of the Apostle Paul: That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:9–10) Daily Jot: The Farm Chronicles: County Fair Royalty - Bill Wilson – This time each year was the Randolph Fair. This is the culmination of the 4-H year—where everyone brings their 4-H projects for display and judging. It is a menagerie of sheep, goats, rabbits, horses, cows, food, vegetables, sewing—whatever is farm related—mixed in with many events, rides and games. It is the celebration of farming before harvest. Each year, I would take my horse to the fair. I looked forward to camping there and all the activities. In horse 4-H, Portage County had over 300 horses at the time. 4-H Horse Clubs were judged on how clean and tidy they kept their stables, the individual projects, and it all culminated in a grand horse show on the last day of the fair. 1973 was my 10th year. Sue Baer, a friend and 4-H advisor, had spent a good deal of the winter trying to convince me to stay in 4-H one more year, but to join her club. She wanted to elevate her club with someone who was well known and could mentor some of the younger kids. She also felt she could guide me as I prepared for my future. I was getting ready for college and really just wanted to be done with 4-H and move on. But Sue made a compelling case that I should leave my Wandering Riders club and join her Western Raiders. I have to admit that one of my untold reasons for joining the Western Raiders was a young lady named Chris Bennett. She was the apple of my eye from the time I first saw her in the Southeast High School library. We became good friends. While generally pretty flamboyant, I was too shy with Chris to get out of the friend zone. Well, Sue had a whole lot of projects planned for me. I know now that she was interested in my overall development as a person, but I really didn’t want anything to do with the Ohio State 4-H speakers competition she signed me up for with classmate Carol Gibson (we did win). I didn’t want anything to do with some of Sue’s riding clinics (felt I was beyond that). And as sure as I was alive, I didn’t want anything to do with entering the Randolph Fair King competition. She didn’t tell me that she entered me. She sprang it on me a few hours before going on stage to be judged. Sue also nominated Chris unbeknownst to her either. So here we are stuck in this situation and threatening not to go through with it. We were so against doing anything we felt forced to do. Reluctantly, out of respect, we acquiesced shortly before showtime. We had to individually go up on the “stage,” which was a flatbed semitruck trailer they put in the horse arena, and answer beauty pageant-type questions. I remember the judges asked Chris if she would consider driving in the demolition derby. She answered, “Every day I drive is a demolition derby.” We won. As county fair royalty, we got to go on all the rides free. We were interviewed on the local radio station. We had to attend a banquet as guests of honor. All of which we were pretty irreverent, but polite. Years later, we would be queen and king of our own household. Proverbs 5:18 says, “Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice with the wife of your youth.” I guess Sue Baer knew what she was doing after all. Daily Devotion: Live Expectantly - by Greg Laurie – Eat it with your traveling clothes on, prepared for a long journey, wearing your walking shoes and carrying your walking sticks in your hands; eat it hurriedly. This observance shall be called the Lord’s Passover —Exodus 12:11 Listen Some people eat slowly, and other people eat quickly. My wife, for example, cuts every bite of food perfectly. She eats slowly and can even have a nice conversation during the meal. My bites of food, on the other hand, are too big. I’m like a shark. Have you ever watched a shark take a bite of something? That’s me. It’s why I can’t pick up food to go and actually get it home before I eat everything. I tend to eat every meal with a sense of urgency. When the Israelites observed the Passover in Egypt, they had to eat their meal with urgency as well. They had to be ready to move at a moment’s notice. The Passover was to be a new beginning for Israel, and the Lord gave Moses detailed instructions for something they would do from that day forward. They were to remember what God did for them—that He passed over them in His judgment upon Egypt because they did what He told them to do. God said, “These are your instructions for eating this meal: Be fully dressed, wear your sandals, and carry your walking stick in your hand. Eat the meal with urgency, for this is the Lord’s Passover” (Exodus 12:11 NLT). If we were to update this verse for the 21st century, it would read something like this: “Have your running shoes on, have your suitcase packed, have your cell phone charged, have your passport ready, and be ready to go out the door.” As believers, we need to live with a sense of expectancy of the return of Jesus Christ. We need to be ready to go. Are you ready to go? Are you ready for opportunities to share the gospel that might come your way? Be ready. Be alert. This is how we’re to live in light of Christ’s imminent return. FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY, TRULY, THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT? One of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed, and if that information inspires you, and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers, and open the eyes of non-believers, and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy, then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides, and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! 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You can make a secure donation online by going to: DONATE NOW Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516 We are very pleased to offer all our readers this FREE download on Bible Prophecy from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia - Just download and enjoy and be blessed! Feel free to share it with all your friends and family members. Click below to download! "AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING" If You Died Today, Would You Go To Heaven? Find out, visit: How to know God DID YOU KNOW? You can submit an article, leave a comment or praise report at email: [email protected] Maranatha! (Lord Come Quickly) "On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other ground is sinking sand." "Let Us make the short time we have left count for all eternity!" YBIC-Randy Prophecy Update | PO Box 40516, Bakersfield, CA 93384
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