What We Can't Not Know – Pete Garcia -
Professor and author Dr. J. Budziszewski, wrote a masterful book titled, What We Can't Not Know. In it, he challenges the modern assumptions that moral truths have somehow become unknowable. He argues that since moral truths are grounded in natural law, and thus, ingrained in human nature, we can regain some confidence in them while traversing through this perplexing age of postmodernism and cultural relativism. I would argue that as believers, and moreover, as watching believers, we should have even more confidence given what we know, and can't not know, that the nearness of the Lord's return, is indeed, at hand. I know, I know, men have been attempting to predict when the Lord would return now for millennia. Every conceivable calculation, astronomical alignment, geopolitical arrangement, and technological advancement have been scrutinized and theorized against the Holy Bible to align with some future prospective date. Nevertheless, those in the past who have settled on a hard future date for the apocalypse (Christian and otherwise), have all been proven wrong. Some are gloriously wrong. For example: Failed Apocalypse/Second Coming Predictions (a sampling) 1000AD- Promoted by Roman Catholic Pope Sylvester II 1284- Promoted by Pope Innocent III 1524- Promoted by London Astrologers (world to end by giant flood) 1666- Promoted by the group the British Fifth Monarchists 1780- American colonists panicked by the sun going dark due to a massive forest fire 1806- A Leeds Witch/con artist 1844- William Miller’s “Great Disappointment” 1856- Ellen G. White’s 1856 SDA Conference 1874, 1914- Jehovah's Witness's Second Coming Prediction 1881- Mother Shipton's prediction 1936, 1943, 1972, 1975- Herbert Armstrong (Church of God) predicted dates 1988- “88 Reasons” 1993- Korean Doomsday Cult, Harold Camping 1994- Harold Camping 1999- End of the century-millennium, Y2K 2007- Pat Robertson in his book, The New Millennium 2011- Harold Camping, seven years before 2018 2012- Mayan Calendar 2014-15- Blood Moons 2016- Al Gore environmentalist apocalypse 2017- September 23 “Rev 12” Sign 2018- Seventy years from 1948 2020- Reuters prediction that “millions will die” unless climate policies change Clearly, all of the proposed dates listed above have come and gone, and despite how persuasive many of the arguments for the aforementioned dates have been, we remain. But why is that? (Coming soon: Randy and I are working on an article dealing with this specifically) This article will not be joining the above list in naming any future dates, because a) I don't know it, and b) we can't know specifically. However, instead of looking at the date, we can't know, let's look at this from a different perspective. As with any good hypothesis, the quality of the hypothesis is predicated on the quality of the question. So here is the question: What are the technology and events which exceed the scope of that which is written of in Revelation? Clearly, the book of Revelation mentions many technological realities which have confounded theologians, scholars, and laypeople for millennia. For instance, how could the whole world see the bodies of the Two Witnesses lying dead in the street of Jerusalem at the same time? How could one man control all buying and selling in the world? What confounded everyone for millennia, is easily explained in our day; satellite television and digital currency. In fact, these technologies not only exist but are so commonplace these days that we have largely become desensitized to them. But there are some things currently in the cooker for what man intends to do in the very near term, that isn't in the Bible. These events and technologies listed below exceed the reality as found in the book of Revelation as well as other books of the Bible. These are:
Let us consider each one and see why they can't either exist before the Rapture (Rev. 4:1-2) or until the Lord returns at the Second Coming (Rev. 19). 1. Interplanetary Colonization: besides the fact it's not mentioned in Revelation, how could those who are stationed on the moon or Mars, suffer any of the 21 judgments that God pours out upon the earth? Perhaps this is why Jesus makes a point of identifying those who enter into the 70th Week (the Tribulation) as being earth dwellers (Rev. 1:7, 3:10, 5:3, 6, 10, 13, 6:15, 7:1, etc.). Nevertheless, Elon Musk (and others) are attempting to colonize the moon and Mars before the end of the decade. God will not allow mankind to spread beyond the earth. 2. Singularity: According to Wikipedia, the Singularity means: "a hypothetical point in time at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unforeseeable changes to human civilization.[2][3] According to the most popular version of the singularity hypothesis, called intelligence explosion, an upgradable intelligent agent will eventually enter a "runaway reaction" of self-improvement cycles, each new and more intelligent generation appearing more and more rapidly, causing an "explosion" in intelligence and resulting in a powerful superintelligence that qualitatively far surpasses all human intelligence." First, I believe there will be some kind of general Artificial Intelligence utilized by the Beast system to help enslave the earth dwellers into the Mark of the Beast system. What we won't have, is this all-powerful, artificial superintelligence (think Skynet) apart from the man Antichrist. Satan will not share his glory and seven-year throne with anyone, let alone a sentient computer system. Experts predict that Singularity will occur sometime between 2045 and 2075 given our current trajectory. However, we all know that technological advancements can happen much sooner. 3. Time Travel: Now, when I mention this, I think everyone immediately thinks of the movie, Back to the Future. As fascinating as time travel maybe, this is not necessarily how I think scientists view it. The traveling portion isn't necessarily to the past, but to either parallel time (i.e., pausing time for the traveler) or into the future. They may not even have a human traveler go forward, but rather, a machine/robot/synthetic human do the traveling and grab information to bring back to the past. Of course, we know if this were possible, Satan would have already exploited this to even further confuse and lie to humanity about what the distant future holds. However, we know that time is God's domain, and He alone is the only One who can traverse time as He sees fit. Nevertheless, mankind is feverishly attempting to do this by creating 'wormholes' and other ways to bend time and space. 4. Teleportation: Teleportation can be defined simply as going from one point in time and space to another, without having to actually travel there. It would be akin to taking a shortcut through a dimensional opening. As humans get closer and closer to understanding how the universe works, many feel they are closer than ever to figuring out how interdimensional gateways work. This is one of the purposes of the CERN project in the European Union. The late Chuck Missler (among many others) theorized we exist in at least 10 dimensions simultaneously (four we know about and six we don't). Others have theorized that this was the real purpose of the Tower of Babel. They (those building the tower) were attempting to reopen a gateway to the spiritual realm that had been closed as a result of the Flood. While modern people aren't necessarily attempting to reopen the interdimensional portal for those purposes, the potential for teleportation, even if it's only goods and products, would be a watershed moment for humanity. Think of logistical improvement in our modern era- instead of traveling by boat, plane, or 18-wheeler, goods could not be shipped instantly from the factory to the store. Weapons could be sent directly from the factory to the front line. The marketing and economic possibilities for them are no doubt, exhilarating. For the record, I do believe mankind will achieve this feat. Except, when they do, they aren't going to be using these dimensional gateways to ship goods and people through; rather, they will unintentionally unleash something God has kept locked away for millennia. (See here). 5. Worldwide Revival: Although I have no doubt that the period just after the Rapture and prior to the Great Delusion (2 Thess. 2:9-12) will be a time of tremendous soul harvesting, this will not occur before the Rapture. Jesus wrote seven letters to seven churches, and because of the order they are given to us, indicates a weakening and collapsing state of the church across Christendom at the time of the Rapture. Likewise, the epistles (2 Timothy, James, 2 Peter, Jude) also indicate a global culture in decline descending quickly into wholesale wickedness, not turning back to God. What we know We know in Genesis 11:6, that God makes a profound, yet often underrated statement: And the Lord said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them. Think about that for a second; Nothing will be withheld from mankind when they are united in one purpose and in one language. Given the proper amount of time, resources, and know-how, mankind could colonize Mars. Mankind could figure out interdimensional teleportation. Mankind could create a technological Singularity. However, God will not allow these things to go that far. This is why God shut the way to the Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve sinned (Gen 3:22-24). This is why God flooded the earth during Noah's day (Gen. 6:5-7). This is why God stopped the Tower of Babel before it was finished (Gen. 11:6). Not that God is afraid of tall buildings, or what they were intending to do, but that the building itself (as well as the previous situations) would have permanently and disastrously altered the course of human history going forward. Likewise, this is why God will not allow this generation to do likewise. There are some things, however, God is going to allow to play out. And it will not turn out how mankind thinks it will. 1. Temporary immortality: Revelation 9:6 states- "And in those days people will seek death and will not find it; they will long to die, and death will flee from them!" Somehow, in connection with opening the dimensional portal that unleashes the demonic hordes from the abyss, mankind makes some kind of breakthrough that prevents death. Perhaps this is tied in with the genetic upgrade the Mark of the Beast gives the bearer? However this comes about, this medical breakthrough comes at exactly the wrong time, as men are now being tortured beyond comprehension by the demonic hordes...only now wishing they could die but are unable. 2. Becoming post-human: While I believe this is already becoming a reality, depending on what criteria we use to determine what it means to be human, the general consensus is that changing our DNA by more than 1% makes us 'post-human, or transhuman.' Now, many people today have bionic hearts, neural implants, cochlear implants, prosthetic limbs, digitally aided vision devices, and other modifications that help them live. This is not saying they are somehow no longer human. That's not what I'm saying. What I am saying is that we now have the technology to augment the human condition. We also have the ability to rewrite our genetic code with technologies like CRISPR and mRNA "medicines/vaccines." We have nanotechnology, which is being used inside the human body to do all manner of things. It's this nanotechnology, married with changes to our DNA that I believe will be the fundamental characterization of the Mark of the Beast technology will bring. I imagine the mark itself (on either the hand or forehead) will be the visible representation of the genetic changes. It will be like permanently coding the Antichrist's name (or its numerical equivalent) into each bearer's human genome. This act will fundamentally change what it means to be human. It could also, as a friend of mine suggested, assign a demon to each person as well. And thus, like the Nephilim of old (i.e. human/angel hybrids) they cannot receive salvation, because salvation is reserved only for the sons of Adam. WATCH VIDEO HERE As usual, Billy Crone is about 10 years ahead of everyone else in terms of thinking through the technological realities of what is coming! Full Circle Just as the Lord prematurely stopped the builders at Babel before the construction was finished, what is our modern-day equivalence to the Tower of Babel? All things considered, I'd say the single most significant invention has been the creation of the World Wide Web. Now, it's not that the Internet could exist without the other foundational things, like the harnessing of electricity or the creation of computers, but the Internet opened the door to the Age of Information as nothing else could. This is what is uniting mankind as nothing else has in the last hundred years. Because of the Internet, we have global communication. We have E-Commerce and digital financial systems. We have the mass acceleration and proliferation of information and information processing in every field of human intelligence; everything from Quantum physics to medicine. Artificial Intelligence. Information processing. So what is the end-state for the Internet? Most conclude it will be Singularity. The moment when Artificial Intelligence becomes self-aware. Some are trying to counter that threat by putting the same level of technology into the human brain. We know after the Rapture of the Church, the Lord Jesus Christ will open the Seals and unleash the judgments which will come upon the world. We know there will be a great harvest of souls after the Rapture when the seeds we planted now, will finally begin to bear their fruit. What I suspect (a theory really) is part of the cause of the great martyrdom which will come by the fifth Seal judgment, are those newly converted, who are speaking out against anyone taking the new Mark of the Beast system which should just be starting to make its debut around that same time. These Tribulation Saints will be slaughtered because they are warning people not to take it. They will be martyred because they are "halting progress." And just like the Christians in the days of the Roman Empire, they will be the ones who are considered an apostate, while the new Babylonian Church, the Mother of Harlots, becomes the preeminent religious force on the planet. Conclusion Since trying to guess when the Lord will return exactly is an exercise in futility, we are not completely left in the dark on the timing. Three passages come to mind when thinking about the time surrounding the Lord's return for His Church. Just remember, Matthew 24:36 was not Jesus' final words on the subject of His return.
While we can't know exactly when the Lord will return, we can know roughly when He should. It will be, as the passages above indicate, near the end of the church age. The geopolitical, cultural, and economic conditions (global wickedness and the normalization of perversion) should line up with the times of Noah and Lot. Time-wise, it should mirror that of previous ages where roughly every two-thousand years some significant event happens in human history (as we are coming up on the two-thousandth anniversary of the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ). Lastly, it will not exceed the technologies that were forecasted in the book of Revelation. Seeing how all of these descriptors match our day, and not another (either earlier or later), I would say we are most assuredly in the closing moments of this dispensation. Therefore, Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near. Hebrews 10:23-25 (NLT) Even so, Maranatha! Prince of the Power of the Air Preparation - by Terry James - Just about the time I’m over being surprised and amazed by an astounding development that points to the lateness of the prophetic hour, another emerges from the fog of the future. There are now so many such surprises that I should be ashamed to be so surprised and amazed. I’m supposed to be watching for just such things to be happening. All of us should be watching, according to our Lord’s own words. And what I say unto one, I say unto all. Watch. (Mark 13: 37) We now have going at the same time “wars and rumors of war.” Think on the assault on Ukraine and the threats and fears of nuclear conflict and World War III. I just, while writing this, heard on a news program that a UK pundit said Putin could start World War III within just days. We are seeing the prolific rise of godlessness, with “evil men and seducers growing worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.” Think on the deception of the American presidential election and the now-proven stealing of votes. Think on the so-called pandemic, with many lies now being revealed–the deception that continues today. Think on the satanic attack on children, with attempted inculcation from the tender age of five years up about the most disgusting side of human sexual debauchery. Think on the apostasy with even pastors claiming to be Christians “refusing to endure sound doctrine, but having itching ears, that embrace, every wind of strange doctrine.” Think of the current pope preaching that there are many ways to God, that all religions lead to God, and even atheists will one day be in Heaven. We are indeed seeing the Tribulation storm thundering across the prophetic horizon. My next book, TRAJECTORY: Tracking the Approaching Tribulation Storm, will point in great detail at the things we see coming at this generation in waves no previous generation has faced. This is how it must be at the end of the dispensation of Grace. God’ Word foretells these things that will culminate in the Great Tribulation and the glorious, triumphant return of Christ (Revelation 19: 11). But preceding the Tribulation itself will be the Rapture of all true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. Again, that profound moment the Apostle Paul called “the twinkling of an eye”—the Rapture of the Church—will take place before World War III, before the Tribulation, the last seven years of horror leading to Christ’s Second Advent. Thinking on all this, the latest of the preparation for Antichrist’s reign during those—or at least a part of those—years of horror, the Tribulation, made my watcher/discernment meter light up. The Biden administration’s skullduggery, in this latest development, is nothing less than blatant. The occupant of the White House has, through executive order, created an agency that would do the old Soviet KGB proud. The DGB (Disinformation Governance Board) was created and blatantly placed in order to make sure all information is administered by the US government. This was done only a day or two after Elon Musk purchased Twitter. This purchase by Musk, who believes in the First Amendment and free speech, took away–or will greatly lessen—the leftist control of everything Twitter governing board members do that deny free expression. And it will end leftist controllers having say over who is banned from the platform. Satan was declared by God’s Word to be the prince of the power of the air. He controls the airwaves of broadcast for the most part at this moment, and that control will become hyper-ratcheted up in the coming interval leading to the Rapture. It will be total control in the Tribulation itself. The following excerpt further frames the matters. In his classic novel “1984,” George Orwell warned the world of the dangers of government addicted to power. One where the narrative was controlled by the state and the people were forced to bend a knee. Truth-telling became the cardinal sin of Orwell’s dystopian state, where a power hungry state reigned in on shutting down free speech and was all guided by what Orwell termed the Ministry of Truth. A propaganda branch of the state, in his book, whose priority was to control all forms of public information where industries like journalism, entertainment and art were all controlled by Big Brother, and the state told you what the truth was actually in their mind, which was the truth accepted. Now, the people had no say in any of it. They were forced to listen and they were forced to follow. Now, Orwell’s book was meant as a warning to the world that this kind of society could become reality under the wrong people if the wrong people were in charge. But, it looks like the Biden administration is taking Orwell’s work not as a warning, but as their own manual. Now, yesterday, the White House announced a brand new department called the Disinformation Governance Board. I’m not kidding. A board aimed toward tackling disinformation ahead of the 2022 midterm elections. (“Kilmeade: George Orwell’s dystopian society becoming a reality with Biden’s latest action,” Brian Kilmead, Fox News staff, April 28, 2022) So we see yet another proof of what’s coming. The Antichrist’s control over every aspect of life on this judgment-bound planet will look much like George Orwell’s fictional dictatorship. It will no doubt be even more deadly, with people losing their heads for not denying Christ when they become believers during that horrendous time. We can say with some degree of assurance: With Mr. Biden’s DGB, we have our own Ministry of Truth. The slogans of Orwell’s 1984 novel are already coming in view upon the prophetic horizon with the implementation of the Biden executive order, combined with all the “wokeness” we’ve had stifling free speech. War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery, and Ignorance Is Strength The present American government leadership, from the directive bipartisan governance of the party with the primary power, has determined to block any freedom of speech Elon Musk might have planned in reversing Twitter’s dictatorial, information dominance. It is easy to see how the globalist control is on the rise. That means Antichrist is about to step upon the stage for his inglorious reign during planet earth’s last few years before Christ’s return. You don’t want to be here during that time that will far exceed the terror of Orwell’s vision of evil. Here is how you can avoid the coming regime of death and destruction. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:9–10) The Currency Reset Is Coming - 90% Of Nations Planning Digital Currency – Kit Knightly - A new report from the Bank for International Settlements estimates that up to 90% of national central banks are at least in the planning stages for launching a central bank digital currency (CBDC): Nine out of 10 central banks are exploring central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), and more than half are now developing them or running concrete experiments. In particular, work on retail CBDCs has moved to more advanced stages This echoes a March report from the IMF, which claimed over one hundred nations are at least in the planning stages of releasing their own CBDC. You can read the entire IMF report here, or a summary published by Bloomberg here. It seems programs of government-issued digital money have been gaining momentum all around the world since at least 2020, and apparently, now they exist in over half the countries on the planet. The newest of these – Brazil and Namibia – announced their plans only last month. As with all globalist agendas, the push for CBDCs is always part of 'the current thing'. First, it was a response to Covid. Then they could help us halt climate change. Then they’re a response to the war in Ukraine. Using that method they have moved from a barely-discussed fringe idea to regular mainstream coverage and 90% of the world trying them out, all within the space of a couple of years. Interestingly, while CBDCs are being talked about more and more, there is one specific feature of them which is being talked about less and less: Programmability. Programmability is a major feature of digital currency which would allow the issuer to set limits and controls over its use. Essentially, any CBDC would give either the state, the central bank or the corporation issuing the money as wages the power to control how and where the money is spent. The end of economic freedom is coming and it's coming soon on a global scale. Now We Are Being Warned That Shortages Of Diesel Fuel And Electricity Are Coming In The Months Ahead - by Michael Snyder - On top of everything else that is going wrong, shall we add a diesel fuel shortage and a nationwide electricity shortage to the equation? I never imagined that I would be writing about such things in the middle of 2022, but here we are. I will discuss the potential electricity shortage in a moment, but first I want people to understand how serious a widespread diesel shortage would be. Without diesel, our trains and trucks don’t run, and if they don’t run America’s supply chains completely and utterly collapse. So even a moderate shortage would be absolutely paralyzing for the U.S. economy. Unfortunately, supplies are rapidly dwindling and we are being warned that a “global diesel shortage that will shock people” could begin as soon as next month… We are looking at a nightmare in terms of global diesel shortage that will shock people starting June. Diesel inventory on the east coast is 18 million (About 3 days demand) as of today, we will run down to sub 10 million. Let us hope that a way can be found to keep all of our trains and all of our trucks running. But even if an unprecedented supply crunch can be averted, everyone agrees that the price of diesel is going to be going way up… Diesel prices are surging, contributing to inflationary headwinds due to the fuel’s vital role in the American and global economy. Tankers, trains and trucks all run on diesel. The fuel is also used across industries including farming, manufacturing, metals and mining. “Diesel is the fuel that powers the economy,” said Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy. Higher prices are “certainly going to translate into more expensive goods,” he said, since these higher fuel costs will be passed along to consumers. “Especially at the grocery store, the hardware store, anywhere you shop.” Meanwhile, we are also being warned of “potential electricity shortages” in the United States in the months ahead… The Midcontinent Independent System Operator, or MISO, operating in 15 states across the US Central region, said last month that capacity shortages this summer due to soaring summer demand might result in outages. Last Friday, California Independent System Operator, or California ISO, outlined energy shortfalls this summer because of heat and wildfires. Texas over the weekend saw triple-digit temperatures in some portions of the state, though grid stability was maintained despite several power plants being offline for maintenance. WSJ explains grid instability and increased risk of power shortages this summer comes as fossil fuel power plants are “being retired more quickly than they can be replaced by renewable energy and battery storage.” Power grids are racing to retire conventional power plants fueled by natural gas, coal, and diesel to green forms of energy, such as solar power and wind. There’s also the retirement of aging nuclear power plants. Why are we “racing” to retire conventional power facilities in the midst of a growing global energy crisis? That doesn’t make any sense at all. It seems that we have a long, hot summer ahead of us, and major blackouts could apparently happen at any moment. And of course this all comes at a time when tensions are rising all over the country and anger is starting to boil over because of the potential overturn of Roe v. Wade. I warned that we would see violence, and it has already started to erupt. On Tuesday, a Catholic facility in Colorado was “vandalized with pro-abortion graffiti”… The Sacred Heart of Mary Catholic Church in Boulder, Colorado was vandalized with pro-abortion graffiti again Tuesday, the second time in less than a year. Abortion activists targeted the church after news broke of a leaked draft opinion from the U.S. Supreme Court that overturns Roe v. Wade. Pro-life pregnancy centers and pro-life advocates also have been the targets of vandalism, violence and harassment this week. Spraying graffiti everywhere is certainly not nice, but it won’t kill or injure anyone. However, firebombing the headquarters of a pro-life group could definitely injure or kill people, and that just happened in Madison, Wisconsin… Radical abortion activists have firebombed a pro-life group’s office in Madison, Wisconsin. A leftist radical threw Molotov cocktails into Wisconsin Family Action’s office in the capital city and a picture of the destruction shows the office heavily damaged from the bomb. Apparently at least one Molotov cocktail was used in the attack, and whoever did this left a very chilling message… Arriving at the office at 2801 International Lane at the same time as a reporter, Appling and group event coordinator Diane Westphall found shattered glass from a broken window covering a corner office riddled with burned books. The smell of smoke persisted for hours after the fire, which damaged the corner office carpet and the wall beneath the window. The outside of the building also was sprayed with graffiti depicting an anarchy symbol, a coded anti-police slogan and the phrase, “If abortions aren’t safe then you aren’t either.” Then on Sunday, another firebombing was reported at the offices of Oregon Right to Life… This second attack has occurred in Salem, Oregon as radical leftists targeted Oregon Right to Life, a longtime pro-life organization. In the late evening on Sunday, May 8, the offices of Oregon Right to Life were attacked. An individual used incendiary devices, one of which exploded and caught the building on fire. The office was vacant at the time, and no one was harmed. Fire and police departments responded quickly, minimizing damage to the building. The agencies are actively investigating the incident. So why didn’t the big corporate news networks devote endless coverage to these attacks? I think that we all know why. Of course if pro-abortion facilities had been attacked, it would have been top news for days. Before I end this article, there is one more very disturbing incident that I wanted to mention… A Texas-based pro-life activist organization received a new bomb threat against one of its offices, allegedly due to its support for the state’s controversial heartbeat abortion ban restricting abortion as early as six weeks into pregnancy. Texas Right to Life released a statement Monday explaining that its legislative office in Austin had received a bomb threat that morning. Sadly, this is just the beginning. If Roe v. Wade is actually formally overturned, the violence will get a lot worse. The stage is being set for the sort of “internal revolution” that radical leftists have been talking about for years. As I have been warning about for a very long time, great civil unrest is coming to this nation. So let us pray for peace, but let us also be aware that there are lots of very angry and very violent people out there right now. Daily Jot: Assault on Christianity - Bill Wilson – Many people are having a difficult time understanding how the Biden Administration, the mainstream news media and corporations assault on “misinformation” and “disinformation” relates to Christian persecution. There is a reason why the Founding Fathers placed freedom of speech, religion, the press, and peaceful assembly together as enumerated rights in the First Amendment. Without free speech there can be no peaceable assembly. The absence of free speech begets religious persecution. A free press is supposed to hold accountability to overreaching government. This new era of government, media and corporate collusion to censor free speech is now taking an extreme turn toward religious freedom. Case in point is the extreme radical reaction to the leaked Supreme Court decision to end federally-legalized abortion and kick it back to the states to decide. Those who are pro-life are targeted by the pro-death crowd. Crisis Pregnancy Centers that offer alternatives to abortion and are often operated by Christians have been vandalized and protested. Churches across America, Catholic churches in particular, have been targeted with vandalism and protests because of their pro-life convictions. Joe Biden, a” Catholic, is largely silent on the attacks, but his Press Secretary Jen Psaki danced around the violence and vandalism: We don’t support that…We understand the passion. We understand the concern. But what the President’s position is is that that should be peaceful–the protests.” This is a far cry from violence will be met with force. The President and leaders of the Democratic Party have encouraged protests, knowing full well that they will include, incite or intend vandalism and violence. They also know that the pro-life side of the abortion issue is majority Christian. And this is where free speech and religious persecution intersect. The pro-death crowd is using their aggressive form of weaponized free speech to persecute Christians who do not believe as they do. And because the hypocritical Democratic Party leadership, many of whom are Catholic, disagree with both the Catholic Church’s pro-life stance and individuals who are pro-life, they turn a blind eye toward protecting the religious and free speech rights of pro-life Christians, encouraging “protests” yet “understanding the passion.” Talk about a dog whistle. And the angry dogs are descending on the homes of Supreme Court justices. Breitbart reported that about 100 abortion activists marched on the homes of Justice Brett Kavanaugh and Chief Justice John Roberts. Activists said none of the justices homes were out of bounds. Lacie Wooten-Holway told The Washington Post, referring to Kavanaugh, “We’re about to get doomsday, so I’m not going to be civil to that man at all.” MSNBC, a leftist media outlet, held a panel discussing the leaked SCOTUS decision. The outcome was summed up on a Twitter post: “MSNBC panel’s Amy Hagstrom Miller: “Christian extremism” drives the “terrorist” pro-life movement.” On one hand, free speech is being weaponized against Christians at the encouragement of government, while on the other hand, free speech is being censored or drowned out from the pro-life movement. This is the short step toward violent persecution when free speech is allowed to be one sided. Whether it is abortion or COVID or other issues, your free speech is being censored by collusion of government, media and corporations. It always leads to religious persecution—think WWII Germany, current China, Soviet Russia. The First Amendment stands in the breech, and even that is weaponized when it is one sided. Learn Ephesians 6. Memorize verse 19: “And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel.” If you do not, there may come a time when you can’t. Daily Devotion: Start Here - by Greg Laurie – You must not have any other god but me. —Exodus 20:3 - Listen It’s interesting to me how God chose to begin the Ten Commandments. He started with two commands that deal with everything: “You must not have any other god but me. You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind or an image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea. You must not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for any other gods” (Exodus 20:3–5 NLT). That covers it all. If you get this down, then you will have the Ten Commandments working in your life. Jesus said, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment” (Matthew 22:37–38 NLT). If we love God with all our hearts, souls, and minds, then we’re not going to have another God before Him. We’re not going to bow down before a false image of God. We’re not going to take his name in vain, and we’ll set a day aside to worship Him. If we love our neighbors as ourselves, we’re not going to steal from them. We’re not going to lie to them. We’re not going to murder them. The reality of it is that if we love God, we will do the right thing. We will want to honor Him in the right way. However, it all starts with how we prioritize God in our lives because we will serve what we worship. If God is number one in our lives, then everything else will find its proper balance. On the other hand, if God is not number one in our lives, then everything else will be in chaos. FROM THE HEART Let Us Make the Short Time We have Left, Count for ALL of Eternity! IF YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED THROUGH THIS MINISTRY, THEN WE ASK THAT YOU WOULD PLEASE REMEMBER PROPHECY UPDATE IN YOUR GIVING - WE ARE TRULY, TRULY, THANKFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT? One of the most reliable ways to determine if a ministry is worthy of your financial support is to examine its fruits. If Prophecy Update is keeping you informed, and if that information inspires you, and causes you to draw closer to the Lord, if Prophecy Update equips you with valuable information and knowledge to share with and encourage other believers, and open the eyes of non-believers, and if Prophecy Update keeps you connected to current events relating to Bible Prophecy, then you are partaking of the fruit produced through this ministry. None of this would be possible without the Lords blessings and your support. I believe where the Lord guides, the Lord provides, and most of the time He provides through the willing and generous hearts of believers just like you and me. Humbly Seek Your Support Prophecy Update has no corporate sponsors. This ministry is paid for and prayed for by readers and supporters. Without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update, Please pray about becoming a monthly supporter - thanks! If ever there was a time to invest in God's Kingdom, it's now! What on earth are you doing for Heaven's Sake? "Share in the Blessings and Rewards that will last Forever!" "Folks, it's all beginning to unravel. America is in more danger of falling than at any time in its history. But I believe Bible prophecy predicts this very decline. From this point on, we believers have to get serious. We are going to face discouragement, disillusionment and, most certainly, persecution in the time between now and the Rapture. But don't be discouraged or disillusioned. The coming turmoil will provide us unrivaled opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel. So be ready to share your faith and your hope with those who need Christ. We still have time to reap a great harvest of souls for God's kingdom!" - Hal Lindsey 1) We need your prayers!- We proclaim the Truth of the Word of God and we are under constant spiritual and sometimes even physical attack. 2) We need your encouragement!- We need to hear from you, let us know how the Lord is blessing you through this ministry so that we can share it with others. 3) We need your input! - If you have a prophetic article or story or if there is a news related item we missed, let us know. 4) We need your financial support!- To put it quite simply, without your support, there would be no Prophecy Update. I ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us to get the Word out and keep the world informed. Remember, your gift, no matter how small, does make a difference! You will be helping to touch lives, around the world, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, thanks to the internet your generosity carries a global impact! - Thanks! Our Prayer for You- "Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God. This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else." 2 Corinthians 9:10-13 If you have been blessed by Prophecy Update and would like to help support this ministry financially. You can make a secure donation online by going to: DONATE NOW Or write us at: Prophecy Update P.O. Box 40516 Bakersfield, CA 93384-0516 We are very pleased to offer all our readers this FREE download on Bible Prophecy from the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia - Just download and enjoy and be blessed! Feel free to share it with all your friends and family members. Click below to download! "AS YOU SEE THE DAY APPROACHING" If You Died Today, Would You Go To Heaven? Find out, visit: How to know God DID YOU KNOW? You can submit an article, leave a comment or praise report at email: [email protected] Maranatha! (Lord Come Quickly) "On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand, All other ground is sinking sand." "Let Us make the short time we have left count for all eternity!" YBIC-Randy
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