Worthy to Escape – Pete Garcia - We defeated the enemy in Afghanistan. We killed or captured the terrorists who planned, plotted, or aided in the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. We killed the ringleader, Usama bin Laden. We disrupted the terrorists’ camps where they plotted and trained. We dislodged the Taliban government that aided and abetted bin Laden. We just don’t know how to appreciate a good thing. A big part of our foreign policy failures is not knowing when and how to declare victory. So, why not a parade? Bring the troops home and declare the victory that should have been declared years ago. The only reason victory is elusive in Afghanistan is that presidents continue to have an impossible definition of victory. If victory is creating a nation where no real nation has ever existed, then no victory will ever occur. Sen. Rand Paul (Op-Ed 2018) Having served in Afghanistan on two different deployments for a total of sixteen months, and another year in Iraq, I have mixed emotions about watching the utterly humiliating collapse of the military/diplomatic/ humanitarian mission there, and our Saigon-2.0 exit from the embassy and airport. Even on my first tour of duty back in 2008, I personally believed we never should have gone there. Why? My main reason was exactly what the good senator from Kentucky echoed above. We had never defined what victory should look like. We didn’t do the things necessary to actually win the war, therefore, the war was never designed to be won. IF we had been serious about winning the war, we would have: 1) Give a 24-hour notice to evacuate the cities, then begin a non-stop air campaign dropping nothing but GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB) bombs all over Afghanistan until we got an unconditional surrender from the Taliban 2) Next, (simultaneous to #1) we should have destroyed the Jihadist's safe havens in the Waziristan Region (north and south) inside Pakistan by the same air campaign (see point#1) 3) Then we should have ensured that all of the poppy fields in Afghanistan were destroyed (i.e., the Taliban’s main source of income) 4) Reconstruction efforts would be contingent upon unconditional surrender, and would thus require a multi-national recovery, but would require the Afghanis to a) rebuild their own country with only limited engineering and architectural oversight from the US b) create new farming and agricultural efforts c) create a government that was representative of all the country's minority ethnic tribes Alas, we never did any of those things. If we had done those things then, we would never have gone into Afghanistan. What we did instead, was create an unwinnable forever war. Although I don’t pin all of this on The Dementia Kid (TDK) Joe Biden; Obama, and GW Bush also share in the blame for perpetuating the sunk-cost fallacy and the mishandling of operations there and elsewhere. In hindsight, I suppose most of the blame should lay on the globalist G.W. Bush for this debacle. Shortly after 9/11, we had enough global support and justification to turn most of Afghanistan, and North and South Waziristan, and other key enemy locations into parking lots. Again, we squandered that in favor of two ill-planned land wars in the Middle East. I leave out President Trump primarily because he understood a long time ago what a waste of time and resources our mission in Afghanistan was. You can google quotes by him going back to at least 2011, and he had always been against this ‘forever war’ the military-industrial complex and the war hawk neocons had been propagating in perpetuity. Perhaps now you understand why the senior pentagon brass and the deep state despised Trump. He was about to take away their personal war slush fund. However, Trump understood from a very pragmatic perspective, how futile it was to attempt to change the culture in Afghanistan without actually changing the things that make that culture the way it is. Had he stayed in office, we would have still seen an American withdrawal from the Afghan theater, however, I’m willing to bet my life savings it would have looked a whole lot different than what we are seeing now. He’s also the only president to walk away with a realistic and comprehensive normalization peace deal (Abraham Accords) involving Israel and numerous Muslim Arab nations. Key Facts (courtesy Associated Press)
As many prophecy teachers have already alluded to, Afghanistan does have a role to play in last days events. We read in Ezekiel 38-39 of a coalition led by Gog, from the land of Magog. This coalition is made up of both Sunni and Shia fighters and involves a multitude of nations not connected (geographically) to the land of Israel. The nations include Russia, Turkey, Iran, Libya (Put), Sudan (Cush), and “many peoples with you” (vs. 38:6). It should be noted that the nations of Afghanistan and the other “Stan” countries are also part of this “many peoples.” This includes the former Soviet-bloc satellite nations (who are Muslim-majority) like Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Kyrgyzstan. These will also come with Gog to descend upon tiny Israel. Their supernatural defeat by God almighty will signal the end of Islam, as well as the end of the anti-globalist sentiment. Assessment Watching the heartbreaking video clips of desperate Afghanis storming the tarmac at the Kabul International Airport, and of them clinging to the sides of the US Air Force C17 “Globe Master” cargo planes attempting to take off, reminds me of another coming crisis. They stormed the airport and clung to the sides of the planes because they know what kind of government the Taliban will bring. They desperately want to escape from the homicidal government that is about to come. Would the world be cognizant of the final global government that is to come? Well, the world is quickly heading toward a governmental system that will make the Taliban look like Carter Administration by comparison. Revelation 13 outlines a new global system that will initially begin as either 10 regions or 10 nations, and from them, one arises who takes over the whole thing. This man is the Antichrist, and he, along with his religious henchman, the False Prophet, will quickly take control of the entire world. They will do this through the use of supernatural power, advanced technology, powerful delusions, and some new form of digital currency. There will be no more Islam or Hinduism. There will be no Roman Catholicism or Buddhism. This new government will demand 100% allegiance to them on the pain of death. They will either erect or take control of giant images around the world and make everyone bow down and worship them. Furthermore, you must take this mark of allegiance to this new system, or you either starve to death or be beheaded. And the only escape from this coming world government will be to leave the earth before it comes to power. Although many people know this time as “the Tribulation,” its actual title is the 70th Week of Daniel (Dan. 9:24-27) and it is the final remaining week of years that must come to pass. Jesus said that this period was so dreadful that if He didn’t come back and personally intervene, no flesh would survive. In fact, He said it was the worst period of time that has ever, or will ever be (Matt. 24:21-22). This is what is coming upon the earth. And we are, even now, starting to get glimpses of it foreshadowing into our day with the draco |